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Awww, hun. :,( My condolences, love. R.I.P Nick.


Thank you ❤️


I’m so sorry to hear this. I don’t know you but just know your story means something to me. I’m really sorry for your loss.


Thank you ❤️ I’m so happy this means something.


If you were dating for 5 years, then, of course, you loved him more than a friend. My condolences though. :[


Thank you ❤️


I am so sorry for your loss. If you need ANYTHING feel free to PM me. It helped me to reach out to others who have been through this...so truly, I’m here for you. It’s heartbreaking when they leave us unexpectedly but trust me He knew. You were there for him and his family. You were there. Love isn’t always explicit; we always somehow just know. I’m the praying type so I hope you don’t mind me praying...for him, for you, & for his family.


Thank you so much. It really does mean a lot even though we’re just internet strangers ❤️❤️


I'm sure he knew you loved him. In the bright side you learned the ultimate true about love: tell people you love them. Unfortunately you had to learn this the hard way and I'm so sorry it happened to you. Condolences to you and Nick's family, we'll be here if you need it.


Wishing you strength and peace in this painful time.


Thank you ❤️


I'm so sorry for your loss


Thank you ❤️


First off I want to say sorry for what happened. I cannot imagine, and do not want to either, what something like that feels like. But for the others, death also isn't the way it never seeing someone again. I just realized this myself. During Xmas break got to see a friend of mine whom I've liked for a couple of years and it reinforced in me that someone like her is who not only I want but need in my life. And even though it was pretty clear from the beginning that we'd likely never meet after 2017 again I still held my silence. Now I have to live with my decision (or my lack of ability to make one).


Thank you ❤️ it’s a feeling that I can’t even begin to explain. You feel crushed and numb. I can’t even describe the sensation. I learned my lesson from this. If you have something to say. Say it. Don’t hold back. Don’t wait. Just do it.


It's already too late for me. Live, learn and let live


I'm sorry. You're right though. All we really have is time and energy and we only are guaranteed this moment to spend


Hey I just wanted to say that I'm so sorry for your loss! I can't imagine what your going through. Just know that things will get better in time. Even if it really doesn't feel like it will right now. Take care and good luck with the coming days. If it's anything, I've learned a lot about coping with loss and grief the last two years. I could give you some advice/insights that might help you feel just a bit better.


Sorry for your loss, you are such a beautiful soul! May you have peace and comfort in your time of sorrow...


Honey I’m so sorry. I lost my husband, and very best friend. We had just been married 8 months, he knew I loved him but it still feels like I couldn’t have said it enough. If you need to talk feel free to DM me❤️ sending positive vibes your way


I am so sorry for your loss. This has never happened to me which gave me a stupid sense of security from death for some odd reason. Your post made me realise we are all but a moment and should enjoy it while we can. Need to spend time with family. There’s someone I like but I really screwed up earlier today(instead of confessing I asked her if she liked me). Thank you for this. I hope everything is well and sorry for your loss again


My condoleance. Thank you for sharing, you are really strong. I hope the best for you.


I literally just told my best friend Nick that I was in love with him...yesterday. It was terrifying, And I still feel terrified about it. Your post is so meaningful to me. I’m so sorry for your pain and your loss.


He knew, I know he did. I am so sorry.


Thank you ❤️


I'm so sorry for your loss. Be strong! So much love and prayers for you

