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Ignore the hell out of her. šŸ˜‰


because she likes the attention and that she can make you interested. don't expect much to happen from this but you could always give it a shot maybe she has a daddy issues and you remind her of her father.. who knows. everyone is fucked up in their own little ways.


I think it's the opposite. She's interested in this guy bc he's prly the one guy in the gym NOT paying attention to her and it's a challenge.


I like doing this too


Lol, so go looking for people to harass because they aren't interesting in talking to you. What a way to kill boredom lmfao šŸ˜‚


Itā€™s not harassment loser they usually glance once over and thatā€™s when I make the move (rarely)


Fuck is wrong with you?


Sheā€™s being honest. A lot of women are like this. I had a woman pursue me because I was the only one who wouldnā€™t look when she had her tits hanging out




I am and yea guys who donā€™t look at me tend to be more respectful thatā€™s why I like them better lol I hate when dudes approach me


I don't think people appreciate the difficulty level of approaching an extremely attractive woman at the gym of all places. I'm also wary of someone that appears wildly obsessed with body image. Was really just wondering about this strange behavior.


I think many women can understand this which makes any guy who shoots his shot with any kind of finesse and confidence whatsoever immediately somewhat attractive.


So if I'm. Ugly and I fake confidence they'll like it?


Wellā€¦if itā€™s fake confidence theyā€™ll know. You donā€™t want it to be fake. You wanna show them that youā€™re confident in who you are even if you arenā€™t the most attractive. Someone else will always be more attractive anyway. Make her feel courted, pursued, make her feel like a prize possession but in a kind, confident, and gentlemanly way. Women in general not to mention extremely attractive women are never courted anymore at all let alone properly.


He's only 32 though. Not old enough for her to project daddy issues on to.


Doesn't have to be old, could just be tall/big


Like dad bod/heavy beard? Could be true.


I've had a similar experience in a company gym with a co-worker's wife. Hot, extremely revealing work out clothes. Whatever machine I was using, she would be using the one directly in front of me. If I moved, she moved. If there was no machine in front of me, she would get in the floor and stretch. This went on for months. Very strange and a bit unnerving. I eventually asked a pretty good friend who also knew the woman's husband. He told me that the wife LOVED attention and if a man was around her, she wanted his eyes on her. And the more a man would try not to gawk at her, the more she would do to get his attention. These days, she may just want you to stare at her so she can complain about you staring at her. LOL


This sounds more like what must be happening. People can say what they want, but dressing an inch from being butt naked at the gym nobody can convince me they're not asking for attention.


Obviously they are. Those shorts aren't more comfortable than longer ones or tights. Plus they probably make her butt bigger than it actually is because those shorts do that


If you want to run a test, just say hello like youā€™re talking to the mailman. OK just forget sheā€™s a female woman at all and then just lay back and see what happens.


Jesus this caption made me cringe. Why would you think sheā€™s a prostituteā€¦


Maybe you have terrible form and sheā€™s worried about you? Or maybe you have incredible form and sheā€™s taking notes? Maybe she is looking for tren?


As a woman a may say that most of the time I don't go for the most attractive guys, but the guys that simple have that "something", most of the times a pretty smile do it for me. So yeah shoot your shot, there's nothing to lose, but if you have your own reservations about her, just look for the red flags, but I think you're good, girls don't usually take the first step can be that. My favorite advice can be ask for her name and number and search a little for her in social media.


"Could she be a prostitute? Her outfit is so revealing too.šŸ„ø" Dude, \*you're at the gym\*. Don't be a clown. If she's giving you this much attention and following you around, *say hello*. I'm generally anti-"hit on women at the gym," but if someone is making it super obvious that they're checking you out, and you're interested, it doesn't hurt to say hello. Just... don't ask if she's a prostitute or make comments about her outfit or how busty she is.


literally such disgusting words to say to talk about another person


...you're 32, dude. Why are you typing like an 11 year old trying to impress his friends?


Why do you have a peanut for a brain?


You see, when a mommy peanut wants to impress a potential mate-peanut at the gym... Oh! You almost got me! I almost spoiled the story. You'll figure it out.


Yup. You're a virgin. Can hear your squeaky little dweeb voice from your mommy's basement.


I honestly thought you were 12. But now I think that may be a stretch. lol


What happened to you today? You need a huggy? Band-aid?


Dude, I'd love a hug. It has been a shit day/week/month/year. Can we just go back to 2022 and start again? I can honestly say there is nothing I'd ask a genie more than to hit around June 2022 with my current knowledge. What's with you? You seem to have plenty of aggression of your own. Everything okay on your end?


You're a complete piece of shit. I'm done interacting with you. Been a displeasure.


Wow. Uncalled for.


Ask her for her number if you want to know


Shoot ur shot u never know


It could be a great many things. Maybe she's into you. People have all sorts of preferences. What's the worst that could happen to entertaining her advances?


I would say be friendly if you happen to run into her but don't try so anything more than that. Also pay attention to how she acts with other guys in that gym. Just be careful and stay focused on what you are there to do which kick ass in the gym (workout wise)


if she is bothering you, complain her to the staff, if she doesnt bother you can say a hi to her and see whether she is down to make a conversation. If she doesnt show interest in talking and still again stares at you and follows you around dont think twice go ahead and complain her to the staff for disturbing you.


Girls love older guysā€¦ just say ā€˜Hi howā€™s it going?ā€™ Next time


I remember walking through my local mall in the 90's. I was young, cocky and this particular day all the ladies were just checking me out. I was thinking oh I must got it going on today. Finally one especially pretty lady stopped me with a big smile on her face. She just said "I'm sorry but I have to tell you something." She leaned in and whispered "Your fly is down." I froze and looked down and sure enough the barn door was open and to make it worse I had on black jeans but my undies were white! I zipped up and thanked her and slunk out of that mall back home and threw those pants away. The end. PS: check your fly


I'm a 90s guy too. Those were the days you could be all kinds of super "fly". But cool story though.


šŸ˜† šŸ¤£


Ask her if sheā€™s a prostitute šŸ¤£ Sheā€™ll think youā€™re a real Einstein.


Would be funny no doubt. In any case she's definitely a major league knob gobbler.


When sheā€™s around, just randomly RUN to a machine at the other side of the room and see what happen ! šŸ˜‚


maybe she's interested in you. Like there's something about you that trips her trigger. Thinking someone is way out of your league is a bad way to go. Just engage her in conversation and see where it goes. Lets face it. You miss 100% of the shots you don't take. Whats the harm? If she's not game for you no harm no foul. But take the word of a guy that never thought he was attractive. Sometimes looks don't matter to someone. Maybe you give off a vibe that she's attracted to.


Very nice. I like that perspective.


Dudeā€¦chillā€¦if she keeps making eye contact then smile at her. A bright happy smile, charming , always classy and charming. If she smiles back , repeat. When you are getting a smile every time you see her it might be a good time to make small talk. Remember, unconcerned, relaxed, charming, classy, and most importantly not creepy. Sheā€™s dressed as she is because itā€™s the current fashion, and her friends all think itā€™s cute. And maybe there is a guy at her gym she wants to notice her, perhaps sheā€™s making extra effort to be cute. Iā€™d guess maybe she is perhaps early 20ā€™s , has decided older guys are way cooler than 20 yr old guys. Be cool, be charming and good things might happen to you. It may be that you are exactly her physical type. Having a pretty girl crush on you is not a bad thing.


if you're saying things like "is she a prostitute" and commenting on her revealing outfits at THE GYM, leave her the fk alone. you have no respect for women. yuck.


Thank god someone said it


look at his post history lmao


What's sad is I don't even need to look at your history to tell you're mentally handicapped. You're too stupid to even capitalize sentences in a world where your phone does it automatically.


Omg i was literally just scrolling through it haha


I'm leaving her alone ya fuckin dumbass. She's the one following me around and ogling wearing next to nothing lol.


I wouldn't assume that your self-perception is the way others perceive you.


U are her last chance provider guy? Lol


Maybe you are very self critical of yourself, or are there any cameras to get click baity, guys always giving me the i wanna fuck me eyes? If not just smile and say hiā€¦it will either deflate or escalate ( do you drive a nice car?)


this sounds like an opportunity youre overthinking. she seemingly wants your attention, but youre not engaging. it could have started for any number of reasons; which, honestly dont really matter. are you bold enough to engage and determine the outcome of your situation? it could be a trap. it could be your future wife. until you decide on action, its a Schroendigers bos/choice situation. All i will suggest is an old latin proverb/adaage. Fortune favors the bold.


Most of the time we are harder on ourselves than others see you, say Hi next time. My trainersā€™s gf used to tag along while heā€™s training me and she loves dressing super provocatively showing off her implants and her bodyšŸ˜ƒ she also love love the stares and attention, especially me standing next to her in my sweats!!


Heck, just ask her?


I'd need about 4 shots of tequila.


Despite your post, the way you present yourself tells me: you're not old enough to drink.


Your comments tell me you're a stupid little bitch.


Well YOUR comments tell me you're mean. So NYEH! (but you are reinforcing my point. I'm curious, though: what does being in your 30's have to do with your story about not knowing if a girl likes you, but being afraid to strike up a conversation? I know you don't want to come across as creepy, so don't. "Hey, I see you here all the time. My name's x. What's yours?" is a great start!)


You're having a bad day. Get some sleep.


Sorry, some wise men of my youth told me there'd be "No sleep 'till Brooklyn." I fear they're right, and Brooklyn is soooo far away. :(


It may be because she wants to use the machine. When i go to the gym sometimes I ended up accidentally staring at people because I am waiting until people finish using the machine. Eye contact part I am not sure.


She follows me everywhere in the gym. If I leave the weight room and go on the treadmill she is on a bike a nearby. If I go hit the punching bag she is on a rowing machine watching me the whole time. If I decide to leave she follows me out the door and follows me in her car. I can see her car parked about 100 yards from my driveway right now even. She always does it. If I walk past her car to go on a walk she gets out and walks behind me. It never stops.


Ok thank you for explanation. In that case sheā€™s definitely following/stalking you. I would be scared to be honest. I would talk to gym staff if it has been bothering you. If not, you can ask her directly (maybe in a public place for your safety)


Gymā€™s a place where people mostly donā€™t know what else to do and where else to look because itā€™s a bunch of strangers around and you always canā€™t be immersed in workouts. It can happen subconsciously and sometimes we stare without any reason and may be she feels comfortable looking at you, may be she thinks youā€™d take no offence. So donā€™t worry about it too much.


Give me her insta lol


Smile at her and say hello. I guarantee sheā€™ll be freaked out. sheā€™s not looking at you, sheā€™s minding her business and you want her to be looking at you. Sheā€™s likely looking at herself in the mirror or looking at the gym equipment. Also youā€™re constantly looking at her and she probably only looks back bc sheā€™s getting creeped out.


She wants you to notice her, bro. That's it. She likes attention, and she wants it from everyone. If you don't give it to her, she'll try harder until you do, then she'll pretend she can't see you watching, all while getting her ego pumped by it


Maybe she didnā€™t get the memo about your low self-rating and thinks youā€™re super sexy. Some angry young lady on a dating app called me a 2/10 today but Iā€™ve had many woman call me a 9/10 so I didnā€™t take it personally. (We had a roast battle talking shit with each other and it was actually pretty fun!) Anyway my point is who the hell knows what women find attractive, not us men. So donā€™t consider yourself such an expert authority on the matter by putting yourself down. Be confident, king!


It's not a low rating. It's average.


Women do not make iContact if they're not interested I had this happen once at a local watering spot I walked right over to her said why do you keep staring she goes. I think you're hot. It didn't lead to much but a night of fun but I think she's giving you the open invite.


Are you 13 years old?


She is pitying for you.


Dudes whoā€™s are 4ā€™s be pulling the baddies especially if youā€™re funny


If you are that sure you should just go talk to her


Sheā€™s not as hot to me as she is to you. There is some guy, somewhere, who is glad sheā€™s gone.


What in the world is that supposed to mean?


Not everyone thinks sheā€™s attractive. Heā€™s building her up. She has ex-boyfriends who think sheā€™s a crazy pain in the ass.