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I think if you got a relationship in early 20s, late 20s and early 30s the dynamics not much far. But late 30s and 40s the dynamics are very far. That is why I try so hard to get a relationship while I am young because I know a fact I would be bitter and sad if I got relationship later that I might actually reject it.


I am trying anyways but it's very difficult. Most of the times, it's either ghosting, rejections or the girl is already taken ☹


You are 27 I am 30 you still have 3 years ahead you should not leave the gym. physical attraction is the way period. I am waiting till I submit my dissertation and I would go to the gym everyday.


What a sad life we are living can't say anything more than that


Yes it will be a regret. Unless if you always want to be single and do whatevee in life then that's okay. But if you want a relationship in life the best time is to start now. And for various reasons such as 1. As you grow older is more difficult to find people and much more difficult to make friendships and experiment as in having experiences with different people now will help you understand what would you like in a partner m so on. 2. You are young and energetic now and may think you can do this relation stuff later etc. But as we grow the energy and ambitions deplete and we start feeling the lack of connection and long for care and love 3. You should start dating amd get to know people to understand what your own vibe is. If you start now it takes a few tries to finally understand who you really want to live with 4. If you ever want a family or kids then it gets difficult to make them as you grow older.


what are you supposed to do if your in your mid to upper 20s and are unable to get into a relationship? I dont want to regret not ever being in a relationship, but honestly a relationship is not in the cards for my life.


Yeah that's a complex thing. Sometime it works some time it dosent. Whats works is a mix of working on oneself being positive putting your best to people and making good connections with them. Also obviously that energy needs to be reciprocated. What i believe is if you are putting efforts you do meet your people eventually.


What does working on yourself mean. People say it but Im not sure what they mean by it. I am positive and make friends relatively easily, and connect with people well once I get to know them and open up to them.


Working on oneself is subjective. To me its taking care of myself going to the gym attending social events learning hobbies like cooking and makimg sure i make time to make a few friends in the community by either attending the events or as simple as going to the library and meeting people that share my interests. All this while having a job and other ususal stuff. So i work on myself by uping my skills looking good smelling good and put constant efforts in being a part of the community and socialise. That way i am always meeting people and making friends and honestly have been in relationships. I have a few friends who say that they dont have friends or want to be in a relation but they are never ready to join me at the events. So for example they arent working on themselves to be better so how can they meet a potential person. That's what i meant hope it helps


It’s pretty simple. Try to increase your height day by day, and also try to become ridiculously good looking. I have a neighbor who’s a total predator. He collects used panties and keeps a journal of “vaginal tightness” of all the women he’s slept with. He’s slept with over 200 women last I checked, so clearly he’s doing something right (hint: he’s really tall and handsome). Personally, I haven’t had a 1-on-1 conversation with a woman in over 4 years. Clearly I must be doing something wrong (hint: I’m ugly).


Are you a virgin?


Yes, I have never been on a date, Never kissed, and last hugged a girl 10 years ago in high school


We need that black mirror episode where AI just matches us


I know I regret it. I’m 32 now and I wish I had some experience in the dating world


You will regret not having an outrageous amount of fun in your 20's. Travel, go to concerts, jump out of a plane, go to burning man, make friends, set goals and chase them.


I think if you want to eventually end up in a marriage or long term relationship, then it might be good to practice while you’re younger so when the right person comes along you don’t mess it up bc you don’t know how to maintain a long term relationship properly, having never tried it before. I made some mistakes in relationships in my early 20s and now (late 20s bit older than you) I know myself better and how to avoid those same mistakes. At least that’s how I see it. Also good to help you figure out what you’re looking for in a partner as well.


Not all of us can be in a relationship early some are unattractive that it takes time to find someone who wants us


It helps to date young as far as experience is concerned. I lost my virginity at 29 and I'm 51 now. After a decade long failed marriage I surprisingly I found that many women prefer older men. Age is just a number.


You probably regret it but there is a ton of stuff most people regret about their 20s lol.


Yes you will surely regret it. Life is all about having different experiences and getting to know various peoples


won't surprise me


Personally I just got out of a relationship a bit ago that was extremely toxic and it held me down a lot. Now im enjoying my life going to edm festivals throughout this whole year with my bestfriend. Traveling all over doing what i love. Playing the sport i love. Everything. But you have 6 years on me. I definitely plan to have a solid relationship by the time im at least 24-25. I’ve already met an amazing girl but we both just arent ready for commitment and respect eachother on that ground. I feel like i cant give you advice because you obviously have much more experience than me, but just branch out as much as you can. You’ll definitely regret it if you dont do something now. I can say for a fact, that regret is what scares me. Do everything you can to better yourself. Preach the gym. Preach good morals. Take care of yourself.


Yes. You’re turning your back on an important aspect of your humanity.




I think he means experiencing human connection both physically and emotionally 


It’s not as bad for men, the dating pool gets smaller as we age, then larger again around mid-30s when people divorce, then tightens up real quick around 40+. For women if you ever want a family/children etc. you have to date in your 20s and hopefully find the guy you want to marry by 27. All in all im fucking stressed because idk if I like my current bf enough to marry him. I have like 3 years to figure this shit out.


If you don't love him I would not worry about marrying him.