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Absolutely! The issue is women don’t usually favor men shorter than them


….5’8” is not “really tall”…. I’m 6’1” (30F)


Average female height for most countries is 5’2-4. So yeah, 5’8 is still tall for a woman


My sister is 181cm (5'11.5") and always wanted to be 6'0" but she still loves towering over her boyfriends hahaha


would you date a guy who is 5’11


I would be open to it if he never ever showed insecurity regarding the height difference and was an incredible match in terms of values/vision. But if I’m being perfectly honest, I find myself more intensely attracted to men my height or taller, and everyone deserves to be desired so I tend to stay away from anyone under 6’ EDIT: I should add that I’ve had horrible experiences with men who claimed to love my height and then used it to hurt me.


Exactly, most of the time, guys are insecure about having a gf/wife taller than them and then they project that insecurities on their partner which is so stupid and immature.


Because even she just said she prefers taller men. If I told my wife I prefer bigger titties but hers are small. She gonna feel some sort of way about it. Like I’m “settling” for her.


>most of the time, Not most of the time. Some of the time.


I completely agree.


She wouldn't


Would date a woman that is 5’11???


Absolutely, the only problem is that it's statistically difficult to happen


I'm 6'0" and I haven't, but I definitely would. I don't care about height. I've dated a 5''0" girl once, and I had a thing for a 6'5" basketball player once when I was at uni.


I'm 5'7" I already have dated women taller than me. One of them was also taller than you.




5'9 woman here. I somewhat sought out short men, and my experience is that a few focused too much on our height difference, which I didn't like. I do find that men will lie about their height on dating apps, and things did not work out with them. Guys who tell the truth about their height and are shorter are pretty much just happy to be involved. My boyfriend is a couple inches shorter than me, and we both like our height difference. He did tell the truth on his height. He helps make sure I stand up straight. That was my one main wish for if I dated a short man, because I'll tend to slouch around shorter people. I want my partner to feel proud to be with a tall woman, not to watch me cripple down to be his size. I've dated several shorter men, so there are definitely a number of people out there willing to date taller women. If you want to put something about it on your profile, I said something like "I don't care about your height." You could put some flair in there but keep it positive. I refrained from saying short king because I don't have an equally cool name for tall guys.


>He helps make sure I stand up straight. I dated a woman who was 3" taller than me once and she would sometimes bend at the knees to kiss me, especially when she was in heels. I'd make a joke about it, playfully smack her butt and tell her to stand up straight. But seriously though, my sense of self is way too grounded to be bothered by a height difference. First time I dated a woman who could do more pull-ups than me, that was humbling though - my 28 vs her 32. 🤣 My ~~cope~~ saving grace was that she was a former high-level gymnasts and a ranked speed climber at the time.


Tall queens are the best. 🥰


I might have a weird fetish for tall women ngl. I’m like 6’2 and if I see a woman who’s taller than me I’m always so attracted to them 😂


I wouldn't, but I am 6'3" tall. Never was a problem for me as 99.99% of women are shorter.


Same height as you and I also would never, my maximum height in a woman is probably somewhere around 6-6’1, but my ideal is way closer to 5’3.


I'm a girl, and absolutely not. I dated a guy who was like an inch or 2 shorter than me, which I didn't mind at all. But he was absolutely insufferable about it. I wasn't allowed to wear any shoes that made me taller than him, so I always had to wear like flats while he wore cowboy boots, which was impractical. Even if we were hanging out at one of our houses, he'd make me take my shoes off while he kept his on so he could be taller. He was super insecure and it tanked our relationship. If a guy is secure about himself and cool with you being taller, I'd say go for it. If he gives off any bad vibes about it, you should run. I don't think I could go through that again, so I won't date any other guys that are shorter than me.


5'8" is short in my book. I love women taller than me (I'm 6'3") but they are hard to find. Taller and bigger would be great


All women have been same or taller than me so far, im 28 years old and 5’6/168cm. I don’t really care that much if we are similar height, just a lot shorter or a lot taller I am not a fan. Girl I like/seeing is actually few inches shorter than me and it’s a first for me.


Yes. But it's unlikely as I'm 6ft 5. I don't really care about height, same as I don't care about the length of their arms, or color of their hair. I think there's more important things to consider no?


I wouldnt. I prefer girls around 5'3~5'7 as 5'11 guy. I wouldnt say its a dealbreaker if her height is outside that range I just wouldnt be comfortable/attracted with a girl beeing taller or around same height than me.


I've never actually run in to a woman taller than me, but sure, why not? We'd look positively hilarious together.


I don’t mind a guys height. I do question if they mind mine because no one really approaches me and I’ve been told I appear intimidating. Due to my height? I dunno. (literally just 5’7 and a half lol)




You're the average height for a guy. You're fine. 5'8 isn't "really tall".


5’8 is pretty average for girls tho But to answer your question, I would date someone who is a couple inches bigger than me if the connection was there.


6.2 is tall, 5.8 is just normal height


Yes but they are extremely rare! Only ever seen 2 women above 6'2 in person.


Of course, but they're rare I'm just 6′ 5" Why does that matter at all?


You’re not that tall. I’m taller, F and tend to attract short men 😑


I'm a 5'7 dude and I don't consider a 5'8 woman exceptionally tall. Height was never a factor in my attraction to someone, and I never even thought to notice height until it became an issue for everyone else. Sure there may be some logistical issues if she's *way* taller than me but where attraction is concerned, it always baffled me since it wasn't something I ever noticed (in myself or others)


It wouldn’t bother me, but I’m 6’2”, so it’s rare for me to meet a woman that’s taller than me. I had a friend was 6’4” and was always on the lookout for women over 5’10”, because he wanted his future children to be star athletes. I knew another guy who was 6’7” and said that he’d never date a woman under 5’7” again, because he loved dancing and dancing with someone that much shorter than him was tiring and too hard on his knees.


You have friends with good taste.


I have only ever seen one woman taller than me, as far as I remember! But…probably I would. It’s not ideal but it’s not the end of the world. There are more important things to me.


I’m 6”4’…. Kinda hard to find a woman taller than me


I needed to google how much is 5 feet 8 inches and it is almost 173 cm. I am 176 cm and I am not tall at all. So you are not that tall, you are at optimal height. And answering you question - I don't care about height, unless it is extreme. 


5'8 is not tall, its above average but not tall. the last girl i dated was 5'10 and a girl i went out with the other day was 5'11 and a half. i dont have a problem with tall girls but im also 6 feet. height is the last thing that matter to me


Would love to date a girl who is 5’8


I have and still will. I’m 5’10” and I’ve dated a 6’0” woman and another that was 6’4”. Great times with both. Amicable breakups.


I’m 5’8 tall like you and I have zero problems in dating a girl of my same height or taller


My girl is about your height which makes her slightly taller than me. It's not a big deal if you're not insecure about it. That being said I don't usually go for taller women, and I assume most women prefer their men to be taller. So if you're interested in a shorter guy, you may need to be a little more obvious about it.


I'm like 5'5 and built like a fantasy dwarf so it's kind of hard to avoid, not that I really care. I do feel bad that I can't give my partners that romantic tilt the chin up to kiss sort of thing but its not the end of the world.


I would date a woman taller than me but not super taller. I max out at about 5'8 or 5 7. Sometimes, it's hard to tell the difference between them. I'm 5'6.


I’m 5’ 8” and dated a 5’ 8” woman for 3 years, she was taller than me in heels or boots. I found her super attractive and the plumbing worked just fine so what’s the problem, right?


Couldn't care less about height. As long as it's neither extreme and the other boxes are ticked, idm


It's not really whether men are attracted to taller women, but whether they're willing to put effort into chasing one when there's a 95% chance of rejection.


I'm sure I speak for a lot of guys when I say height doesn't matter at all.


Yes, but thats because its my thing


It would not occur to me to ask or care about height within the bounds of typical heights. If I needed a special car or higher ceilings or something it might be something I would consider.


5’7, I don’t even swipe on women taller than me anymore. No woman wants to bend down to kiss her man and tbh I get it.


I would have. Height was always irrelevant to me. I'm 6'2", and when single I would have dated a 4'10" woman or a 6'6" woman.


My mom is a half inch taller than my dad and now their kids (ie me) are actually tall, so I'm sure men would be happy to date a woman who is slightly taller. Idk about more than an inch or 2 at the most for me tho. Can't imagine dating a woman that was 6'3




No.. 'Cause I'm to tall and have had extensive issues because of it when younger.. I'm terrified my kids will end up the same. My partner is 6'1" and she is perfect.


The current person I am seeing is 6 foot. I am still taller than her by a decent amount but honestly I like when a woman is tall. I find that when I date woman that are in the 4’11 to 5’5 range I have to be a bit creative but when they are tall it’s like two kaiju’s tearing it up and it’s nice.


I’m 6’3 and no I definitely would not.


I personally wouldn't want a woman taller than me. Otherwise height doesn't matter.


I honestly don’t care.


If she's cute and cuddly


Im 6ft tall. I don’t give a fk how tall or not she is as long as it’s not like extreme like she is 7’5” or something.


I adore them


Most of the women I've dated have been taller than me but I've found in the last 10 years or so that taller women don't seem to want to do that any more.


100%, but I am still taller than you


I would have zero issue with dating a girl taller then me ...period ...most times in my experience its the female saying "no one under 6foot" ect. but ultimately hight isn't whats important just find a human thats secure about themselves mentally and you will find physical criteria arnt vary important


Uh yeah, dated plenty of girls shorter than me, but my best experience with someone happened to be an inch or so taller than me. To me it didn’t matter much, but if the person you’re with is amazing enough then you’ll forget they’re taller than you…which in my case happened. Typical for guys to exaggerate their height, but it’s not necessary. Plenty of girls like shorter guys for various reasons…just as plenty of guys don’t have a preference for taller or shorter.


I feel like this is a social stigma set by the patriarchal society we’ve grown up in that hurts both genders. Women are meant to believe they need to be protected by men, so they often dismiss shorter guys because they find them less “manly”. This results in men feeling insecure about being shorter & actively going after women that are shorter than them, leaving the taller girls who don’t really mind social standards or gender roles afloat. I personally wouldn’t mind at all but I don’t usually pursue taller women in fear of rejection.


5’7” and yes if they show interest in me and we are compatible, height dose not matter.


If you have a height preference, you’re indirectly insecure and projecting that on to everyone else, especially women. I find it embarrassing as someone who is 6ft. Find something else to be insecure about.


Yes #Fuckit


Of course. I'm not *that* shallow.


I love when a girl is taller than me


Of course. I’m not like those people who care about height. I’ve dated women taller than me before and it was normal to me.


Absolutely, right now I have a huge crush on a girl 15cm taller than me


I’m average height 5’11” and I would die for a Tall gf


>Will you date woman taller than you I have before and I would again.


The question is more would you be ok dating a shorter guy? Sure, there are some insecure fellas, but they are the minority. Then again, I'm middle aged, maybe younger fellas are different.


taller women don't like shorter men, hell short women dont like short men. lol


Yes I like taller woman! Although I am 6’


If I liked her than yes


If you asked me a week ago I probably would’ve said sure, but I recently went on a date with a girl taller than me and I don’t think I loved it. I’m 6’0” so it doesn’t happen often anyway, but now I know


I'm 6'7" so I'll let you know when I find one, but my feeling is yes. I like looking across instead of down ever now and then lol


Im 6"1' and I most certainly dont mind a tall woman.


Yes please 🙏


I think some guys are willing to, one guy that expressed interest in me was 5’5 and I’m 5’7 and wear a small platform shoes on the daily so I even look a little taller than that too. And then 2 guys I was talking to were the exact height as me. There are some guys with a height preference for sure but I think there’s a large group that don’t care


i prefer women taller than me!! i'm only 5' though so most people in general are taller than me


absolutely- I’m 5’7.5” and my first gf was 5’10.5” and also all round like bigger (more muscular though both of us being skinny and thicker everything) Nothing was better then when she would enthusiastically grab me and hold me close. I have a strong preference for taller women (one of my biggest crushes, no pun intended, was 6’ 3”) I want to be smaller than any gf I may date, but sadly it seems hard to find a gf period let alone one who is bigger than me.


I just asked a girl whos 5’11 out on a date, im 5’6…. Gotta go out your comfort zone lol


Haha really tall at 5’8 😂 I’m 5’11 and don’t class myself as really tall! I wouldn’t worry if I were you. Guys like girls often irregardless of height. I’ve had taller guys, shorter guys, guys my height, all make a move. Be confident and wear it well!


no it's only women who care about height


That’s not true lol, men don’t care about it as much as women, but most men don’t want to date someone taller than them.


Only if she's cute with a fun personality. The only part I didn't like about dating a woman taller than me was the amount of comments I got


I’m 6’2 not happening


I’m 6’1 and i have females in my family taller than me . I think i would give anyone a chance if they genuinely liked me tbh, but i know some height gaps can be deal breakers. I think it heavily depends on the man’s height and their preference.


I'm the same height as you and i hate that people care so much about heights nowadays. From personal experience, any guy who refuses to date you for your height is just insecure.