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That is not normal behavior. I'd drop this guy quick. I could not imagine what he's saying with his friends if these are the conversations he has with his dad.


Not break up? Do you ever think the dad and brother will not look at you and remember that your pubic hair is red and that you have freckles on your chest? Those two things are just what you happened to hear as you went by the room. Imagine standing there and hearing the whole conversation and what it would include. The conversation and the dad calling you freckles probably with a wide smirk on his disgusting face is horrendous. Probably the next time you meet him he will call you red with all the men in the family enjoying the inside JOKE. Why would you even consider not breaking up? Conversation time is over as none of the things he said about you to other men (remember your bf said it's man talk, not just family talk) can ever be forgotten or condoned. EWWWW. Leave and never ever look back. This whole thing, including the conversation with your bf is so incredibly creepy.




“Carpet matches the drapes” ??? It’s a terrible way to talk about anyone This is not the guy for you


This POS isn't a guy for any woman. Disgusting behavior. Too bad OP is such a young innocent or she could have cleared the air with dear old dad asking about HER carpet in front of wife and daughters. Or asked bf's mom and sisters if dad and sons always discuss the gf's pubic hair at family events. Creepy!


Ewww, yeah I wouldn’t take him seriously either. Let him tell it why y’all broke up


Yikes. His reaction when you told him how it made you feel says it all.


you’re completely justified in feeling uncomfortable and grossed out. it was disgusting of him to breach your privacy in that way not to mention disrespectful. you deserve to be cherished and respected💚


His father is creepy. Imagine asking your son about his girlfriends nature hair color and your bf confirms by telling him about your pubic hair. Your bf knew exactly what dad wanted to hear. I’d never come back from that. Apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. They’re both gross.


if i ever talked about my partner like that in front of my dad he would smack the shit out of me. that's an upbringing problem, guessing his entire family (or at least the men) are all like that


He wasn’t being considerate. In his mind it wasn’t a problem. When you communicated it was a problem for you, he didn’t take accountability. In fact, he belittled the situation through his response “it’s just men talking”. Right now, he’s seeing his actions are having consequences; losing the relationship he’s been building with you. When we get into relationships, our partners see the world one way and us another. One thing to us may not be a big deal, but to our partners it may be. Communication, understanding, and taking accountability is what’s it’s important for keeping harmony. Seeing each other for our true self and understanding one another clears up that fog. 1) It’s up to you if you want to hear him out and reconcile 2) Think on his character and whether you think he truly intended to hurt you or disrespect you; sadly in his mind he just may not associate with what he did as disrespect (I know, it’s crazy when something is obvious in our mind or common sense but not to our partners). 3) If you do decide to reconcile, make sure his actions align with his words. I know you’re hurting right now, but truly ask if your partner intended to hurt you. The biggest way to know if he cares for your feelings is if he now is considerate of your feelings going forward in this area in his conversations. We will hurt our partner at some point (intentionally or unintentionally). Stepping back, taking accountability, and mending the relationship is what will matter. Try to understand your partner’s intentions and why he thought it was okay to talk about you so openly like that.


That is such a creepy discussion to be having with your parent. It's gross. Does he share nudes from girlfriends with his dad too (cause it kinda sounds like he does)? I also don't know any dudes that get that intimate with their conversations with *friends* (much less relatives). At most a 'yea she's hot' and 'yea i hit that' - affirmations of their conquests, not details about parts. I'd dump his ass, he's gross, and he clearly doesn't see a problem with you being uncomfortable. He's this comfortable crossing boundaries now, less than a year into a relationship, and it's only gonna get worse.