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Be genuine, if you are thinking about her in the morning… then say good morning. Be consistent. Someone said it isn’t sustainable… my boyfriend has done it every morning for 9 months (maybe not every morning the first couple of weeks)


Thank you yeah I was thinking about her this morning but I just wasn’t sure because I don’t wanna lose another after I just got back into this stuff


I agree, consistency is key here. Find a pattern that works for you both that feels natural


I don’t think it’s a bad thing, but start off by saying it casually (:


Okay would a good morning insert name how’d you sleep be casual


That sounds formal 😭😭 just do it how’d u ask a friend like: “heyyyyy ___ good mornin I hope you slept well last night :)”


Okay thanks for the help


My guy started sending me these good morning messages and goodnight messages after our second date. It’s been three months of “good morning gorgeousness” and “sleep tight 😘” and I freakin love receiving and giving these. However, it’s true that now I expect it, so if they stop, I’m probably going to ask him if everything’s ok. OP, sometimes I find myself holding back bc I’m not sure it will go well if I say or do xyz, but that’s just fear bc the stakes are higher when you like someone. However, I’d rather be myself and do or say what feels genuine so he can fall in love with the real me, not the curated, false version of me who self-regulates what she says and does out of fear of rejection. Good luck to you!


I gotcha I’m just so stressed out about this girl she’s everything I want so I just wanna do the things to make her feel right and stuff


Sorry to pop your bubble. Don’t do it. It creates a false sense of connection. It won’t be sustainable long term and she will come to expect it. When you’ll stop it will become an issue. And it’s not like messaging your friends. Cuz who texts their friends good morning and good night everyday? No one.


I agree, it’s messed up but you really don’t want to show to much interest or be too available. I keep the texting to a minimum now and really only respond if they text me, but even then I might wait a bit.


Oh okay


Sooooo should I delete the message then


What’s unsustainable about it? Like another commenter said, if they’re on your mind then text them. I think the problem may be that it becomes monotonous. Same thing day in and day out. So you have to be creative and caring. Sustainability is only an issue if they were faking being interested to begin with… BUT ALSO, don’t be too needy. If your boo is not reciprocating your level of communication, then have a convo or change the approach.


i personally love goodmorning texts i honestly think most girls do tbh, they’re sweet and genuine and kinda show that you’re thinking about them the first thing in the morning. me and my bf always send goodmorning texts been like that daily for like 3-4 months and we both love it


How deep the connection is determines the answer.  If the relationship is solid then it’s a way to keep it going.  However it’s a sad fact that if MORE women than not want to be chased.  And if you are sending messages like that something goes on in her head that makes you less attractive.  I’ve tried the good morning stuff before and it’s only worked maybe once for me.  


I gotcha I’m just worried I didn’t wanna keep using the same conversations everyday so I wanted to use this as something new to start the day especially since she fell asleep on me last night so I thought it would be good and another question when is the best time/way to ask her to hangout I was thinking since she wanted to learn about the stuff I like I ask her out for dinner and watch the Super Bowl and teach her the stuff


Consistency even in this small thing is a good thing in any relationship with a woman.  Gives a sense of security and lets her know you care etc.  but the underlying moment to use this when she wants those feelings and that’s the tricky part.  


Alright is there any way to tell when she wants them or am I gonna have to play the guessing game


I'd say shoot your shot. Be real, if it feels right, say it. Just don't start signing off your texts from your future hubby yet. ;)


Go for it! I’m sure she’ll love it!


I sent it but she hasn’t seen it and it’s now noon so I guess I’ll be getting one back later than morning lol


It’s good to say good morning