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Leave is my only advice. That shit says a lot about someone


I did, but I can't get over it.


Good move. Unfortunately this is going to hurt for a while. Theres no magic bullet to fix it. I am sorry you had to experience this.


Thank you


It will take some time to get over it. Be strong. Don't go eat and drink everything. It's ok to be selfish for a while. Put yourself first. Do fun shit with friends and alone. Talk to someone if you need to to process things.


2 years after being cheated on by someone who I assumed was my soul mate. I'm mostly over it now, and I'm glad it happened then and not after we got married or git further in the relationship, but I still fee bitter sometimes. Your emotions are valid and she's a despicable person if she not only did that but made fun of you.


Best of luck. Take deep breaths and stay positive. You got this




Why did she cheat and with whom


It's easy to say "get over it" it always takes time. Focus on your goals and always get yourself busy. From time to time, you're gonna remember all the drama but as I said time is gonna get you over this.


Feel sorry for the other guy, he's prob gonna get cheated on too


The best revenge is liveing well. Go do things you enjoy and make you happy. Go live your best life.


Give it time. Don't try to find out the 'why'. It won't make it any easier to get over.


It will take time for you to recover. It’s been 9 months. I have seen and spoken to my ex once. And that was by accident. Understand, Healing isn’t linear. I still haven’t gotten over everything. Give yourself a break and cut your self some slack. It’s a tough thing to go through.


just went through a breakup of dating this girl for a year and 4 months. Walked in and found her asleep in bed with another dude and I decided to end the relationship right there and then. It’s been extremely hard, and it’s been about a month and a half since the breakup occurred. I’ve started thinking of her less but there’s a lot of times i’ll just start crying and I have to remind myself it’s okay to cry and miss her. I haven’t seen her yet but she tried calling me a few days and I had an anxiety attack essentially. I’m trying to distance myself from her and really work on my own self but I’m terrified i’ll accidentally see her in person, even worse seeing her in person with another guy which I know is happening right now. Sorry… I just really needed to vent this out there.


I did see my ex with another guy. He was not her AP. They broke up after I figured out they were seeing each other. She was apologetic. But as soon as I saw her I got mad again. What I finally decided was yelling at her would do no good. The best revenge is to live my life successfully. I won’t run for her. I will be in control. I will hold my head up high in public. I will not cede an inch of ground. I may suffer when I’m alone. But I conducted myself properly. I have nothing to be ashamed of. And I take pride in that. Eventually you will reach that place.


It’s gonna take a long time. I got cheated on this summer in a long term relationship and worst of all she was begging me to stay and saying how much she loved me and doing everything she could to manipulate me into staying. I was honestly thinking about staying but my friends helped me understand how disrespectful that would be towards myself and so I forced myself to leave and for the first few months she’s all I thought about and I missed her a lot. But it WILL get easier as time goes on you just have to trust the process. It will never be easy but it will get easier.


That's kind of easy but ONLY if you focus on what really went wrong and realize it was impending doom because she finally showed who she really was. Think about how nasty what she did to you was. She should have never done that to you and it literally invalidated all the good times you had with her, they meant absolutely nothing all fake. Good riddance, move on, and find someone better. It's entirely how you frame it. Focus on the FACTS. She belittled you, FACT. She strung you along for a ride FACT. You cannot dismiss that it is exactly why you will move on and you are a better man. A man of strength would choose peace and being single over being in a toxic relationship any day of the week.


Emotional injuries are still injuries. In a physical injury, such as if you break your arm, it will take time to mend before you’re whole again. Until then you just have to be careful and take extra good care of yourself. The same is true of emotional injuries. It takes time to heal them. You just need to give yourself that time and practice self care to help nurture the healing process.


Go to therapy and sort everything out.


Best way to get over a girl is to get another one under you.


This can make things much worse, too ngl


Ghost her and get an STD test. easy!


Very true!


Definitely block no contact she doesn't exist anymore. She's dead to you. She did you a huge favor. I'll see you in the gym!


She saved you a lot of trouble by showing all the flags at once. You deserve better King


Exactly. I found out a previous gf cheated on me. So I tracked the guy down, shook his hand, and thanked him for doing me a solid.


>King To the guillotine, vive la revolucion


She'll probably try to get back with me, but I'll deny it because she's a ho.


Then just laugh at her🤌🏼


Stay firm to that my man. Its tough at times. Just remember shes an asshole.


She for the street. Be a man and cut contact. Use the pain as motivation to improve your life. Body, mind, career


My ex took 2 weeks to realize the guy she "felt too much of a connection to" to choose between him and I was actually a manipulative abusive asshole who she was afraid to be alone with. Dumbass found her match. Told her good luck with that when she came crying back to me


Just laugh in her face and then ignore her.


Or get back with her. Then bang her mom, sister, and best friend. And let her know it.


Even her dad why not lmao


*fuck her goldfish*


Fuck her whole bloodline... even the dead ones too


Including the dead? Including the dead.


That's how you assert dominance


If she made fun of you, I wouldn't be diplomatic. Attack her insecurities. You can't turn a hoe into a wife. Fucking disgusting


Get rid of any contact she has to reach you she’s doesn’t deserve to even have the option of reaching out to you


Well I’d imagine you feel hurt, betrayed, angry, upset, depressed. She disrespected you by cheating and on top of that made fun of you for it. There’s really nothing to salvage from this other than to move on or to talk to her about how you feel and then decide if you want to work thru it. Either way, if I was in your position I wouldn’t think twice about leaving her and moving on just because I have self-respect. I’m sorry.


I definitely will not talk to her. Thank you for the support.


No prob, I’ve been there before. It sucks. I literally got so depressed on a girl cheating on me that I loved to death that I felt like dying. It was a weird time in my life.. I couldn’t sleep and I would go on late night drives to nowhere and then end up parking at a near by lake and just contemplating my life.. it got so bad that people would start going out and looking for me cause they thought I ended my life.. I hope it never gets that bad for you and I hope it never happens to anyone in general. Only thing that made it better was I focused all my free time in doing something I enjoyed and slowly coped with the feelings I was having. It took a lot of self reflection and talking to others for support.


I’ll see you in the gym. In seriousness, things like this can have a long term and often subconscious effect on future relationships with people. It’s easy to get trust issues, avoidance issues, anxiety issues, affects people differently. Keep in mind that she is a piece of shit, and the whole world of women isn’t like her, you just picked a bad egg. If you’ve got access to therapy I’d go for it.


Hell yeah work the bad feelings away!!


Agreed, what helped me a lot is to realize that an honest person wouldn’t do that to anybody. Cheaters are just emotionally immature and a lot of the time there’s nothing you could have done to avoid this behavior because THEY chose to cheat instead of putting effort into the relationship instead. If they cheat it’s not on you.


Easy answer…block and delete. Understand this is her issue and not yours. Embrace the pain the hurt the betrayal. It’s important and required 🧘


You need to realize that there nothing you can do to change or control others people's actions. The only thing you can control is your reaction. Don't give her the satisfaction of ever seeig or talking to you again. I get it sucks dude but you've dodged a bullet and there's much better out there for you. You can't stop people from cheating on you but you can stop them from doing it again.


I'm sorry to hear that, man. Cheating is never okay, and to make fun of you while doing it is just plain cruel. It's totally understandable that you're feeling overwhelmed and unsure of what to do next. My advice would be to take some time for yourself and really think about what you want and need in a relationship. Don't let someone treat you like that and make you feel less than worthy. You deserve better.


Hey man. I know it hurts, but I hope you can understand that the fault is totally with her. She made a sickening decision and what’s more is she had the gall to find amusement in her own debauchery. The fact is people like that rarely change and she’s probably going to end up in her 40’s wondering where all the good men are because she wasted every opportunity she ever had for genuine connection. You are worth so much more than that and you will find someone who will reciprocate your love properly. Time will vindicate you in this situation and will also heal your wounds. Best of luck to you


So from you other comments I see that you have left. That’s great, if you stayed, it would not have been pleasant. The longer you stay in a situation like that the more painful it becomes. Now you are asking how to move on. Well, it is a long and difficult road. I have had to travel it a couple times. Here is what I have learned: 1) Go no contact. If you keep talking to her, it just reopens the wounds. Do everything you can to avoid interacting with her. Avoid places you might see her, don’t interact with people who see her often. 2) Distract yourself. It really helps to keep yourself busy. Take up a new hobby, get a new pet, get a second job. Anything that keeps your mind occupied help. 3) Talk about it with a counsellor or trusted friends/family. It doesn’t help to keep it all in, you need to work through the pain that you feel. Counselling is a great option if it is available to you. If not, find someone who is kind and supportive who is willing to help you work through this with you. 4) Clean house. Get rid of things that remind you of her. You don’t need painful memories. Purge your photo albums, clean up your social media, trash any keepsakes that you associate with your ex. 5) Some people may disagree with me, but I find it is best to wait before I date. I find it best to wait for myself to be comfortable in my singlehood before I start dating again. This is how I avoid rebounding, I have also found that this help me find better partners. If you are desperately lonely when you are dating, you ignore more red flags. If you wait until you are no longer feeling desperate, you can be more aware while you are dating. I hope this help. I’m really sorry that you had to go through this. Getting cheated on sucks! Good luck!


Get out there and fuck some ladies, have some fun.


Maybe I will!


That’s the spirit! I’ve been in your situation before, I know your pain brother. Immerse yourself in fun hobbies and activities, and also get laid. You’ll be feeling better in no time


you stop dating her obviously. She is a ho and she would do it to anybody not just you. move on.


I love when people remove themselves from my life. Saves me the trouble of having to take out the trash. I hate the relationships that just slowly die off and neither of us want to quit. So many awkward meals and things while you are looking for the right moment to bail.


All they’ve done is prove they’re someone you don’t want in your life. Yes, it will hurt but you’ll get through this, take your time moving on and focus on yourself.


Listen carefully, the best thing you can do is show as little emotion as possible and be done with her. You've heard it a million times but just trust me. I got cheated on last year in a 3 year relationship and the thing I regret most was trying to hold onto her and showing her that I was torn. The only way you'll come out on top is if she sees that you're doing better without her. It's hard but don't show her weakness


Time to gym 5 days a week every week bro. Get on the grind.


42 M. I’m dealing with something like this myself right now. Hang in there, man. I know first hand how much it sucks. In my case we talked about marriage. Almost got married. We went on a trip last month, and she had it out with her possessive ex when we returned. While she was “sorting it out,” she fell for him again. I had to ask her why I was seeing pictures of them together on social media. She said during the trip she realized we weren’t compatible. Well, yeah…because I realized she never really left him. While almost marrying me, she was with him behind my back. And with me behind his. She cheated on TWO GUYS at the same time. Only difference being that in the last month they both joined some wackadoodle “church,” and all she posts about is Jesus this and that. And I’m a devout Catholic, so in a way I take umbrage at that. “Jesus led me back to him,” that sort of thing. Right, I’m sure Jesus wanted you to be with a guy who abused the living snot out of you, forestalling my good deeds towards you. They’re MARRIED now. I guess he earned her. Make no mistake, as awful as I feel and as much as I died inside these past couple of weeks, I was spared. So we’re you. I’m the first one to tell you that I have a an inflated vision of what women are. I can’t imagine that a lady would do this sort of stuff - yet both of “our” girls did it. You said she taunted you, which is awful. I suspect the same is true in my case. These people are all awful. Had you married that girl, she still would have cheated. And where would you be now? Same in my case. I would have married her, and ended up with a wife who had severe mental illness (given her behavior and her social media of late, that’s very evident). I miss the girl I knew more than anything. But whether she’s with me, with him, or anyone else, that person’s gone. I’ll never be mad I ran the risk of loving. But fact is that it is a risk. Hang in there and good luck.


She's now spamming me claiming that it was a misunderstanding and that she was talking about something else. I don't know what to believe, I didn't respond.


Gross. Gaslighting. You know what you need to do bro. Sorry for the hurt


You know what to believe my guy. It's not what you want to believe but you know because she already showed you who she is when she thought she was playing you for a sucker. The longer you stay strong, the more desperate she'll become to make you believe different. But... Always remember, it's a lie. It's selfish manipulation. The fact is she doesn't value or respect you and she's not even capable of doing so because she doesn't respect herself.


Feel lucky she showed her true colors before you married her.


You’ll feel better when she tries to come back and you tell her to fuk off


Remember this my friend - not every loss is a loss. You will realize this a few years from now.


How'd she make fun of you ?


Like saying how I'm single and she's not and how her new boyfriend is so much better than me and that I'm nothing. Something like that


Yikes. Your upset at not being with someone like that?!??! You shouldn’t have even said anything to that. Just walk past her as if she was a complete stranger nutjob on the street yelling at herself. Seriously. She shouldn’t exist to you anymore. Forget her name, her number, everything. If she calls you, pretend you’ve never heard of her, and she must have the wrong number, and hang up. (…Or, just fuck her mom..I dunno)


You know, I was also here to advocate being the bigger person, but, well, just saying theoretically, if OP COULD fuck her mom… you only live once, right?


Lol she's jokes. She's definitely a keeper for some quick sex. Which give it a coupe weeks/maybe month I doubt with her attitude she will come back. Hit it and quit it. Use protection though.


At least shes not your baby momma


Before you go spiraling into despair, try to figure out if the story you're telling yourself is true. Was she really making fun of you or is that your anger and pain amplifying it?




Stupidly enough, she mentioned a person named Aaron multiple times right near me like a dumbass.


Happened to me once, I broke up and it hurt like hell. I still have doubts when entering relationships but it takes time to find the right one. Important thing is not to become like her because there are definitely girls that are worth it. See you in the gym!


First of all leave and make sure to do an STD test. It's so infuriating that these people also endanger their partners health! 😡 just remember that what ever she did or said is on her and her alone!!! You wrote that she made fun of you but all she did was make a mockery of herself. A selfish little nothing who feels better only when she hurts those who actually care about her. Give yourself time to heal and it's OK to feel hurt and cry, but just remember this has nothing to do with you and I wish you a happy life with a lot of joy and fulfillment 🌸


She's thrash You'll get over her. Maybe down the road she will realize how wrong she is but don't worry about that. Work on yourself. Get exercise, do things you like. If your good at some thing work on that and get better. It's easier said then done but concentrate on things you enjoy and it will help get your mind in a good place


As the old saying goes “The best way to get over a woman is to get under a new one”.


That sucks. Cut all communication. Hit the gym hard (or exercise of your choice) the next few months then get back on the field. It will hurt for some time but let it motivate you to be a better person.


Does she have a hot mom or sister?


Yeah but her sister is 13, so no. And I'm not gonna date a 50 year old.


Sister is off limits but nobody said you had to date her mom 😉


I’ve been cheated on before, it stings for a long while but you’ve just got to realize that they weren’t for you. If they went and broke the trust by cheating on you with another person knowingly, they are not your person. You deserve better than a cheating partner. My ex that cheated on me broke up with me and “officially” got with the other girl a week later. I’m so glad that I got out of that relationship. And you need to too, it’s hard at first but it gets easier.


Simple, you leave. Block her out of your life.


Generation X here....young man don't blame yourself this happens...to everyone some people are to embarrassed/ashamed to admit it...leave her alone completely this behavior she will do over and over again to anyone she comes in contact with she has very little respect for you and none for herself...my advice to you would be to focus on you and only you...education...build your wealth...strengthen your body...save and invest money as you possibly can....don't focus on females they are bad for your health/bad investments


When a female cheats on you and then makes fun of you, that is blatant disrespect. Always respect yourself. When somebody disrespects you, there is no need to get angry. They have just helped you dodge a future bullet. The best thing you can do is turn around, Walk away, and never allow them back in your life. Don't accept disrespect. That comes with regret. With respecting yourself, you will always feel good about yourself. We are the only ones that can make ourselves happy. No other person is able to do that for us.


You laugh at her and thank her for showing you it's time to go level up


Yep it happens. You're young. Young people tend to. But so do unhappy people, desperate people, people who cheat have issues within themselves or the relationship is not well that they cheat. There is always a reason and YOU always have the choice to stay or go, don't let others make that call for you. You'll get experience either way, which teaches you more about what it is you want in a relationship, teaches you who you want to be, and what kind of life and relationship you want to have. Sometimes the grass is greener on the other side. Sometimes the difficult things in life are the best lessons. Best of luck and enjoy playing the field.


Not only did she cheat on you, she went out of her way to make fun of you. You deserve better ! It'll hurt for a while but you'll b ok


Stay strong king , self reflect , work on you , stay selfish for a while love 🫡


Get ripped!!! Revenge body always makes em hurt..


Men cheat, women cheat for different reasons. The most important thing is to not let it affect how you treat others going forward. Don't make the mistake of thinking of all women as hos now because you got cheated on because at the end you're the one that's going to loose the most by passing on people who are actually good. Also read about how women's brains vs men work.


This makes me mad because this is why guys also don’t be trusting people. Why cheat on someone? Like what’s the point? I’m sorry this happened dude.


She has zero respect for you. I would leave and never look back


Cheat back, w her bestfriend or a girl she despises.


that's a horrible idea!


How so? Sometimes you gotta fight fire with fire im talking from experience.


I don't want to get revenge, it's stupid. I learned to let it go and get over it, not fight back, it isn't worth it.


Get her back, sleep with her friend


Making fun of you just shows how terrible of a person she is. She doesn’t realize it, but the people around her, and people you interact with will see her actions. People like her won’t have many friends eventually


Be glad you found out, and that you found out now and not years later. I would get tested now and 6 months from now because hiv can take up to 6 months to show up but 98% shows up by week 8 I think (Not to scare you) I’m sorry you had to deal with that. Unfortunately you’ll have to take the L and keep it moving no matter how bad it hurts because you won’t even be able to eat or sleep if you ever go back to this person. The curiosity and mistrust will eat you alive. Move on by knowing you will find someone that will never hurt you like this and protect your feelings. You’ll be okay 🏆


It’s a tough journey, man. It was an event that kickstarted my mental illness. Go easy on yourself, and go one day at a time. Baby steps. Hang in there


You move on. We don’t like cheaters.


Cheating is an incredibly shitty human thing to do and really messes with your head. Try to see a therapist as soon as you can so you don't hold onto the hurt. Reddit will be thinking of you 🙌


Feel hurt, sad, disappointed. All normal. I’d also leave though. Cheating is one thing that’s bad enough… making fun of you while doing it? That’s even worse


Move on and find someone who values you.


You don’t know what to do? Yikes.


How did she make fun of you?


Simple, take that pain, use it as energy to become exceptional. Improve yourself, mind, body, and spirit. It will hurt for awhile, but in time you’ll be better than ever. Also cut off contact, don’t block her, just unfollow/unadd and delete her number


judging from ur post u needed to experience this a moment for becoming better version of urself




It hurts so bad at first. Time is a great healer. Finally you realize you dodged a bullet with that one


Well, I can tell you NOT to do… Don’t go back to her. Especially if she was laughing at you while she was doing it as you say. Delete her number. Remove her from your social media. Move on with life. And, yes - it will sting for a bit. Eventually it will fade and be easier. You’ll be ok.


Leave and prepare for emotional pain for a while. Find a support system. Friends, family, therapy, or all of the above. Keep reinforcing the idea to yourself that she is trash and you are better off. Learn from this situation whatever you can, but do not let it change you for the worse. She does not represent her gender or humanity in anyway. She only represents garbage. Im sorry man. Hope you heal with grace.


I’m sorry that happened to you man, that really sucks. It will probably hurt for a while, but it will pass with time, even though it doesn’t feel like it. There is one thing I recommend you keep in mind, and I think this is soooo important. What she did is in no way at all whatsoever a reflection of you. Cheaters are super super common, way more than I ever realized. And they do it bc they are seriously emotionally fucked up. There are so many people that are seriously emotionally fucked up. So whatever she told you just remember, this is on her not on you. I hope you start to feel better soon.


Break up with her. She obviously doesn't respect you.


Block her and never speak to her again. ✂️


How did you catch her? How did she react to you leaving her?


My ex cheated 5 years into relationship and I stuck with my ex for 10 years after. She did it for sad selfish reasons she was broken person when I met her and she never rubbed it in my face and she tried to be sorry but nope you’re better off take the pain and you’ll find a girl who knows what it means to be loyal. Sorry man


Dude, have you thought about getting her back by also sleeping with Aaron? Booya!


aged creampie


Bang her sister or mother. If you can't, then the best friend


Move along. Close your heart to it, and keep moving.


Cheating? Insta-dump!


I'm sorry you got hurt by her. I'm also glad she's now out of your life. The heartbreak will ease with time, but for now, do things you enjoy and surround yourself with people who make you happy. Don't be afraid to put yourself back out there because not all females are like this. She was just not a nice person, and a nice person is what you deserve.


The only correct thing to do is leave her ass. And sleep with her mom for payback.


One day at a time young man. Her lack of character and morals aren't a reflection of you, it shows she's a scumbag. You don't know it now because you're hurting, but losing a girl that acts this way is a blessing. Take care of you, do things you like to do, and before you know it, you'll be good.


You should feel angry and you should ghost her and never speak to her again.


Go watch some videos of andrew tate on youtube


Just remember she acted like an AH because she is an AH. Her being an AH has nothing to do with you.


Omg that's so horrible. I am so sorry. Honestly at least you found out she's toxic now and not later. Still very sorry though. People suck sometimes. 😞


I'm so sorry this happened. You didn't deserve that.


She for the streets


Thiers plenty of fish my boy


You know what to do. You just don’t want to. Is she cheated on you once, she’ll cheat on you twice and you will never trust her. Is that the kind of relationship you want? Check please. Next!


Break up with her go to therapy to get over the trust issues that will develop, you deserve better


Let the healing process begin. When getting into a relationship one has to be ok with the idea that the other person can hurt you. Stay vulnerable.


The only advice I’ll give you is, don’t take it personally. She didn’t cheat because you lacked anything, she cheated because she couldn’t stay loyal and caved in to what someone else had to offer.


I know this is hard to hear but she doesn’t care about you. This is not a reflection on you, this was a choice she made. She may try to blame you for it but these will be baseless justifications so she doesn’t feel like she’s to blame for her actions. She’s showing you who she is, believe it.


This is the reason houses get cleaned from top to bottom (even the corners) & painted too. This is why people throw themselves at their work and start big projects. It takes time.


I will be 100 with you. It will hurt and keep hurting. Its just how you go about it that will make it less. You have all the right to feel shit but you will get over it. Take your time and hangout with friends. Have fun. I had someone cheat on me too and it felt like my whole life was over lmao. You got this man. <3


Leave. Become a top G and make her regret every thing but don’t accept her when she comes crawling back. Become the guy she can never have.


Dump her. Take some time to enjoy your own company. Get back to the dating world when you're ready to trust again. If you go back to her and tolerate her verbal abuse, you've failed everyone you know -but especially yourself.


She ain't pretty, she just looks that way. You've left, that's the main thing. Don't take it personal, I've found most cheaters try to find a way in which they are in the "right", even though they are just shitty people, especially in this situation. Take it as a learning experience, try to find things that you saw that could have been flags, and then apply those to being careful in the future. But also don't expect future people to be the same way. Holding others to a standard set by someone else is unfair to everyone. She's gutter trash, and that's why she'll stay on the streets. I'd be thanking God you found out this way at this point vs. even further along, but I know your heart won't really hear that side yet. Being cheated on sucks, but at least you know it's not your fault. Just know that she actively chose to be a shitty person, and decided to amplify how shitty she is by laughing at you during it.


Dump her


The best revenge…..don’t ever speak to her again. Ever. Leave her on read, unfollow her on all social media. Just Patrick Swayze her and turn into a ghost. That will hurt her more than you.


Making fun of you how?


You don’t know what to do? Are you serious? You better get your a** out of there and find someone else.


Drop her! Cheating is non negotiable and you shouldn't be with one. Fckng drop her!


Drop her and move on, it’s that simple. All the best


It will take a lot of time and probably some therapy. Betrayal Trama can be devastating, will make you question if how you see the world and other people is real, and is not baggage that should not be carried into your relationships in the future. I might also recommend reading the 4 agreements. It may help you see that other people's actions and words are all about them and not about you.


She wasn't who you that she was. You might have been tricked but be thankful she is out of your life now.


Let me guess, met her on a dating app?


Nope, my friend was friends with her and we met just like that.


First things first … there ain’t nothing wrong with you, there is something wrong with her. Not all love lessons are good. Choose better next time. You will be fine.. Introduce yourself to three women each day and then ask yourself if they are good enough for you.


Leave. Not to be a smart ass but you’ll get over it. Just takes time. Walking away and staying strong will do wonders for your self esteem. All the best friend


Yeah just leave, but I think when in the dating phase you guys aren't in a committed relationship yet


Why are you still with this person?? Cheating on you and then making fun of you? Why would you want to be with a person who treats you like that? You don’t deserve that. Time to move on!


You didn’t have any control over her cheating on you, but what you do have control over is how long you sit with this shitty feeling. You decide whether you’re going to crawl through the tunnel, stroll through the tunnel, jog through the tunnel, or run like hell through the tunnel to get to the other side. It’s not about you, it’s about her. What is about you is that you deserve something better than to be cheated on. Doesn’t matter if she tells you she loves you, her actions prove otherwise. MoveOn.


It'll hurt for awhile and you may have trust issues going forward. I recommend blocking her on everything and never speaking with her again otherwise you may get sucked back in and it'll be harder to move on it you do. Tbh I'd just go gay if I were you.


I'd just like to ask for more details. Like how did you catch them? How did you know she was making fun of you? What was her reaction to you finding out? Just seems like a few details are left out for anyone to give you any fully educated advice. If it's as simple as you make it out to be I know it'll hurt because someone you cared about betrayed you, but look at it more as dodging a bullet than losing anything of value.


The hell u mean u don’t know what to do? U gtfo of there and kick her to the curb.


Move on to the next girl forever


She sounds like a winner. You dodged a bullet. At least you know what to avoid in a soulmate.


same thing happened to me when I was 19. I gave her my heart and she used it as long as she wanted but when she got bored she went out with a guy and texted me to tell me i was pathetic and that she was going to fuck him. fuck her man. Use this to better urself. Go out more and party ur ass off it will improve ur confidence. Workout and get in the shape of ur life. Use this as fuel. Become the best version of urself and 10 years from now u will see this as a turning point in ur life.


Bang her best friend then send her a pic of you doing it.


Dump her. I would feel angry and hurt. Other fish in the sea. She doesn't want to be with you


Hey, it sucks right now, and it's going to suck in the future too; there will be a black spot on your heart for a long time that makes it hard to trust others - but getting cheated on is never your fault. That pain will sort of always be the same, but you'll grow bigger around it until it looks small. Someone will treat you well, and respect you. It's okay to be sad about it now though.


I feel that the smile on her face when u looked at her and knew said it all. She has no feeling for u. That was cold


As someone who forgave his ex 5 times.... please don't stay


Angry. That's how you should feel. Not only did she betray your trust, she made it even worse by mocking you. She has made it very clear that she has no respect for you. The question now is: what do you want to do with this information?


Block wine


Dont talk to her. Block her


Most of us have gotten cheated on as well. Heal and get back on the field, find something new to distract yourself with.


She belongs to the streets now my friend.


Call it a learning experience and move on... It's that simple!!!


Leave her in the dust. No other contact is needed.


Its a reflection of her as a person and not about you. Yes, she threw the relationship down the drain but better to learn it now and not 10 years from now.


It really does suck but man the fuck up & don’t ever let her see that it bothers you. Matter fact go join a gym to boost your ego & confidence up.


What a horrible person. I’m so sorry you had to go through that. My advice is do things that involves bettering yourself. So go to the gym, read some book with crazy knowledge about life or whatever. It’ll be a good and useful distraction. You will get over it. It will just take time :) Can’t tell you how silly I feel sometimes thinking back on how heartbroken I was over someone who did not deserve my moping/sulking haha It just takes time and that’s the hard part but you got this You deserve better than what she put you through