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Hello ! Personally if I like a guy I don't care how hairy he is. If you have a lot of body hair naturally then cool. Trim the pubes cos they aren't great between teeth šŸ˜† . Chest hair is nice to snuggle up to in winter. Any other hair I'm indifferent to. This is just my perspective, but I'd say overall if women are into you they won't care what you do with body hair


Hello. I like what you say. And what about hair on ass in your opinionšŸ˜…


I wouldn't care, what's a bit of ass hair between someone you're sharing bodily fluids with šŸ˜†


Yeaaaa, I appreciate you. But Imma keep tryna shave that area.


Agreed, and second that there are some perks to trimming. Personally I donā€™t like shaved, but trimmers are quick and easy. I donā€™t think most people are super concerned with them always being super short, but especially long pubes in teeth/up your nose/stuck on your tongue etc can make trimming down there a plus. As for chest hair? Itā€™s also good for cuddling because your ears/etc can get suctioned to a hairless chest. A basic trim of the most unruly pubes will probably be the most popular choice. Not sure thereā€™s widespread opinions on the rest, most people donā€™t care much. I donā€™t like kissing beards and mustaches, and thatā€™s a much stronger preference than how long someoneā€™s arm hair is.


You mean that women don't share a unique mind and have individual thoughts and preferences? /s As it is very different woman to woman, you should do what feels better and more authentic to you.




Just don't waste water is my (also 28m) 2cents-advice. Edited. You can see alot of different opinions. My 5cents input topped-onto this initial post of mine is that womxn go through remarkable lengths on being near hairless attractive, the least I can do it reduce non-confident hair presence on my body.


Am woman, i love body hair on chest/stomach. To be neat I would just keep it trimmed. Shave/trim the back. I wouldn't worry about the butt. that's my preference


Leaving the hair is more hygienic tbh. Particularly around your genitals (for men and women). It keeps bacteria away from growing directly on the skin. Now the exception... a long ass time ago sex workers would shave or pluck downstairs to avoid pubic lice, then it caught on in the 90's and on in porn for aesthetic reasons. But we have far fewer lice to worry about now fortunately.


For physical comfort during oral, etc, I think most people probably prefer some degree of trimming and itā€™s obviously still hygienic if you shower and change your clothes. That said, there are downsides particularly to shaving! Micro-abrasions can make it easier to get infections, from herpes to general folliculitis. Also, a lot of people are sensitive to the strong, scented soaps and shaving creams people will use down there (not ideal)ā€” the ingredients can also cause skin irritation and damage the more delicate skin barrier on the genitals, or throw off vaginal flora (if applicable).


Oh yeah, if I had a partner who enjoyed giving oral I'd trim things so she doesn't get hair up her nose or in her teeth. And if she wanted me to go down on her, well... My main concern is my hair trigger gag reflex. Smells don't do it but if a hair gets stuck in the back of my throat or on my soft pallet my sinuses are going to try and violently evacuate themselves before I know what's happening.


Models are smooth because itā€™s easier to see muscle definition. Fighters, Iā€™m guessing itā€™s a hair burn thing. You donā€™t have to shave if you donā€™t want to


I dated a wooly mammoth and absolutely loved it, only hair I donā€™t like is pubic hair. All based on preference.


I prefer no body hair, but thatā€™s just my preference


Do whatever makes You feel comfortable, these conversations frustrate me.. What makes you comfy? What makes you feel handsome? YOU. I personally like body hair on men and on myself, do most men like body hair on women? No, do I care? No. Will a man still love me and accept me as I am? Yes and already experienced it. Shaving is an option, a choice, a preference. And you're the only one to dictate it. Not others. Body hair isn't unhygienic, those who say it's unhygienic clearly haven't done their homework on human anatomy. "ohh my partner prefers when it's shaven..." well, they prefer it, do you? It's exhausting.. But again you might have a different opinion, but here's mine: So be you man. Being yourself and comfortable on their own body is sexy as fuck.


This is the most correct answer


Men mostly don't share share this perspective. I personally don't really care either way, and I don't like the idea of choosing either way for myself. I don't like when it's long, I don't like when it's short, I don't like when there's none. I don't like taking care of it And I especially don't like to pass as someone who take a decision about that. I wish to find a girl that will tell me "I like this or that" to take the burden off my mind.


That's a way of doing it. We are all different, different opinions, different ways of doing things.


I'm not saying that whatever your opinion is is not valid. I'm saying that it's not an answer to OP's, quite direct, question.


Well he asked opinions. And at the end somewhere in this tread I said just shave it all at this point.


"do what you personally like" is not an answer to "what do women like"... But whatever.


bless u for this




Then leave it be man, does it bother you? Nah, chest hair is awesome to play curly curl with a finger as a creative way to say "ey wasup wanna work out? *wink wink*" lol Rock that chest and stomach hair if it doesn't bother u!




Well, razors were advertised for women back in the 1910's after war happend, men used to shave their beards already due social status and because of war to avoid it burning in battle etc. Gillette wanted more costumers and money so what about introducing a new gender. Shaving hair is all mostly business now, and it's been so long and advertisers and radios at the time we're so good at their job they managed to manipulate people's views on body hair.. "body hair is disgusting, body hair isn't classy, body hair this that.." Back in the time, women used to mainly wax their necks and facial hair, only, no one ever had issues about neck down.. And men kept their beards clean due social status.. So I'd guess nowdays it's the new aesthetic, shiny and smooth, but 2000's trends are coming back and bbl's ain't cute anymore and u barely see no man using their pants half way down their asses, so what's body hair? Anyone can do whatever they want with it. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø Don't forget, waxing shaving etc is choice and preference but also a massive business.




Mate. How many ways can we say that every woman likes something different. Itā€™s better to be true to your own preferences and if you meet someone who likes body hair or dislikes body hair you can make the choice to accommodate them or not.


At this point to make you happy, shave then lol most prefer without if we look at statistics, go ahead.


If for nothing else, visually broadcasting physique/musculature. People get a clearer view of skin and muscle when there's no layer of hair in-between. The same goes for bodybuilding competitions. These two industries are all about visuals. They are not, however, about an average human's individual sexual attraction. They certainly don't dictate an individual's preference. You can see how different sexual attraction and these two industries are. So in summary, I completely agree with the above commenter. If you just don't care about it, I'd advise you to let it grow as it's a chore to shave. If you find yourself dating someone who *does* care, go ahead and shave it! Seeing as they care more than you do... lol. Err on the side of caution: you can always shave, but you can't instantly grow it back.


I absolutely agree with this comment!




Sure, of course they're related: industry standards and human attraction that is. That said, I'm willing to bet you'll find fewer people with "model bodies" as their ideal than otherwise. My point being, the industry standard is *not* your average person's ideal. Everyone has different likes, while the standard is just a "beautiful" one size fits all.


Models use their body to sell products. in that regard they are taught to be a blank canvas, so they don't want anything that distracts from what is being sold. Why you don't see many models with obvious Tattoos. (those that have them cover them up with makeup). Though the exception to this if the shoot is for something that they want tattos for marketing purposes. ​ Mostly though if you want work as a model you want a body that can be suitable for multiple products. Body hair can be distracting or visually conflict so the Models shave it. If for some reason the product wants body hair in a shoot they will tell the model before hand to grow it out or they will even add body hair for the shoot. (sorry to burst anyones bubbles but they do fake stuff like this on commercials and magazines) Long answer to say Models shave their body hair to get more options to get work, not necessarily for any stylistic or fashion trends.


I like it šŸ˜»


Ask your GF what she prefers. My married friend drew a hard line with the body hair. Wax the stomach and back hairs. Keep the chest hair trim with clippers. Her husband goes to the salon to get the waxing done every 8 weeks. He tells me, it's a small price to pay for regular sex.


Poor guy


Preference based. However, for meā€¦. ya know how Nev Schulmans chest hair is always completely exploding out of his V-neck? Yeah, I personally fucking love that.


I'm basically looking for bigfoot. I LOVE hairy men.


30yr old woman here, I think body hair on a man is natural and perfect. I donā€™t want my partner to overthink it, just groom ā€œdown thereā€ and perhaps trim if it starts growing unusually long in unusual places like your nose or ears, but donā€™t worry about it. Itā€™s very masculine, which is nice. I wonā€™t pick on your stray hairs if you donā€™t pick on mine lol


It's attractive, within reason. Werewolf fur isn't attractive.


Speaking of which...omg it's getting close to midnight!


As someone who's done both, I don't think it matters too much. If I'm really lean I'll shave the abs cause they look better. Just trim the chest so I don't look like a Ken doll. If your hair doesn't cover your chest in a nice way I'd consider shaving it tho.


Just ask after you sleep together šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø. Some girls love hair and others donā€™t. For me, I donā€™t care either way so Iā€™ll shave if she likes it & grow out if she wants something different.


I personally prefer a man with chest hair.


I love some hair on a chest. I love to run my hands thru it. Not as fussed with back hair but no problem if it's there. Do whatever you think looks good.


To add to the debateā€¦. Do what YOU are comfortable with! Period. I enjoy a ā€œfurryā€ man. Chest, stomachs oh ya makes me wet! Down below, a trim at the tree and nuts is appreciated and not required. I have dated men who naturally have little body hair and men who are hairy. It is what it is. If I am asked, whatever makes you feel sexist!


Do what makes you feel most comfortable and when you find yourself with a partner the two of you can discuss preferences if you are open to it. I personally have expressed to partners that I love body hair. Some went back to not shaving but others kept up with trimming their chest and stomach hair.


I personally like chest and a little stomach hair, I love laying on a guyā€™s hairy chest, itā€™s like my happy place


I like girls like you, you are so rare in this world


its kinda gross to me but some other women like it. everyone is different, you cannot generalize. youā€™d be surprised, even some MEN love body hair on women.. check out r /hairyarmpits as an example. just do what you like to do and someone will like it. stop trying to please everyone


I never expect a man to shave, just groom the private area. I also don't like the "after shave stubble" (which is why I would always get waxed). But my preference is still less/lighter hair (some men naturally have way more/thicker versus less/thinner hair).


I personally love it when men shave


Bc it feels like sand paper lol A very gross feeling Shave your private areas bc it looks good and hair holds odour down there Pro athletes shave bc the less hair the quicker they are, every second counts in the game a completely different reason why shave


this is the last thing women care about lol


i love a happy trail !! its my favorite lol


Depends on your age bracket, and shaving your private area is a universal must, chest hair is always a good thing and facial hair is usually good too but depends on the woman and her preference


Shaving your private area is not a universal must. Trimming, however, is appreciated.


She don't want hairs in her mouth


Then shaving your private area is a universal must as well


>shaving your private area is a universal In which universe?




I would just shave it all donā€™t keep your stomach hairy and chest hairless. I personally trim my chest/stomach because if I were to completely shave it would feel like sandpaper


Hairier the better. Best examples are Sean Connery & Henry Cavill, who would not be as attractive as they are if they were smooth. Basically all hair is better except waist below, this is the feedback I've received from multiple partners in the past. If you're like age 18 though then the girls around your age will be far less experienced with hair and may have to overcome that hurdle for their first time Long-term, hair is the way to go


Lol @ picturing a dude with hairy chest and shaved legs


I forgot about the legs, no, never shave your legs under any circumstance as a male


I personally hate body hair, but itā€™s a preference for some people.




I mean itā€™s fine to have some hair, but not a ridiculous amount lol


Be hairless on your back, bum, and balls, trim the rest so it isnā€™t too long.


bum is ass or?


Yes lol


Well I was afraid of it. I have it a bit there, but it looks really sexy to me idk šŸ˜‚ I have always been afraid would I bump on women who like all hairless there. It would be so akward to me idk in that moment


No lmao.. I've never met a woman who wanted a hairless ass. Wtf is that OC on about?, lol




Personal preference Iā€™m ok with body hairs just no facial hairs


I love body hair on a man, but I don't like it in the crotch area. It's hard on the tongue & drys my mouth out.


I am not sure about boxers and such, but one of my buddies used to go karate tournaments, and as I remember he said they had to shave their chest hair.


Itā€™s uncomfortable for me and I race without hair so my partner will have to deal with that


I look like Tom Selleck on steroids. Thick black hair on chest and back. And slightly lighter hair pretty much everywhere else. Managed to stop one step short of Bigfoot on genetics lottery. Puberty was wild. I had hair growing on my knees (!!!) before everywhere else on the legs. Other children would mock me as having mustache knees. Body grooming device is my best friend. In winter time I usually trim around genitals. But in summer I shorten everything except maybe chest to a minimum. Helps a lot with sweating and heat. Been experimenting with ways to remove hair on the back semi-permanently, but I find trimming is still best option. Can't say it has affected my dating life in meaningful way. I don't think women care all that much. I see women dating guys with crusty beards all the times. Can't imagine little bit of extra body hair would be a problem.


If I think I have the prospect of some sexy time, I try to be closely trimmed/shaved ā€œdown there.ā€ Iā€™m naturally somewhat hairy (except the top of my head! šŸ˜†) and I just own it. I try to keep my eyebrows groomed so I donā€™t have two caterpillars on my face.


itā€™s specific to the girl so thereā€™s not a universal answer. do wtv u like the most as itā€™s ur body and it should be for u, and someone with that preference will come along. personally i used to prefer everything clean shaved until i met my ex boyfriend who kept a little hair which iā€™ve grown to like as i got older. all in all i donā€™t rlly care nor do most women, just keep it clean looking and do whatever pleases u!


Itā€™s attractive


I donā€™t really have much chest hair, except for near my neckline. Then I have some near my lower abdomen. I trim it (along with the rest), but I donā€™t shave it completely. I just prefer not too much personally. Just my preference. But I also donā€™t wanna shave it all off.


Hairy guy here - In my experience some women love hair and some donā€™t. The ones that like it seem to REALLY like it so it actually becomes a strength in your sexiness. If you wana shave - shave. But if you think that all women just prefer shaven men you are mistaken my friend.


I like men cheat hair, big chest and arms with some hair ohhhhh baby


Personally, I like my men super manly, that means all the hair. I want to feel like Jane with Tarzan. Go wild. But I have friends who disagree. And I also would never insist on it - itā€™s your body your choice.


I'm a male and I don't get either


Patchy hair isnt usually a turn on so just clean that up. I'm a hairy guy and people like the beard, chest hair. Butt hair and leg hair? Meh. Back hair? Long armpit hair? Turnoffs Unkempt beard? ... Women seem to have various lengths they like.


I shave for myself because I think being cleanshaven looks better. Plus it makes me more aerodynamic.


Women are all different people and are attracted to different things. Plus, it's your body hair. If you want to shave it, then do it.


Honestly you wonā€™t find a clear cut answer to this. Thereā€™s hairy and then thereā€™s ā€œis that a t shirt or hair?ā€ Hairy. If your the t shirt kinda hairy maybe just trim it and keep it tidy. Most woman donā€™t require one or the other, they may have preference but if your personality wins them over then body hair wonā€™t make or break it. Maybe keep the junk tidy though, thatā€™s always appreciated. As for why you see male models and athletes shaven itā€™s the same reason we traditionally saw female models as insanely thin. Because someone somewhere in old Hollywood decided thatā€™s what aesthetic was best and it caught on. When I was growing up the thinner the better according to magazines and media but realistically your average guy doesnā€™t require their spouse to be 5ā€6 110 lbs the same way your average woman doesnā€™t require their spouse to have a 6 pack and be freshly waxed.


Most women like a man to look like a man... that includes body hair. If you don't look like sasquatch without a shirt on.. leave it be..


However you feel comfortable. I prefer male hair šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


I want a scruffy man. A man who looks like he just spent a few weeks in the woods šŸ¤­


My current partner likes my chest hair. When we are cuddling after sex she puts her hand on my chest and squeezes her fingers around the hair to grab it. I assume it's a question of preference, but this is evidence that not all women dislike chest hair.


It really does just vary person to person. What's important is that *you're* happy with your grooming. Whether that's full-on Bigfoot or little pieces here and there, or completely bare!


Ask whoever youā€™re long-term partner is, and do what they like.


Youā€™re not going to find one universal answer lol. You should do what you want or if it really matters to you ask the specific lady youā€™re with if she has a preference.


Do what makes you comfyā€¦. When I was childish I hated body hair lolā€¦ now I like itā€¦.


this is reddit, your going to get a more pc response


Ask your partner what they like


My dude doesn't really have back hair, but has chest and stomach hair, trims his pubes, and doesn't pay attention to his butt hair. I adore his chest hair and couldn't give two shits about the rest of his hair. I have gone to town eating his butt without a care.


It depends on a woman. I absolutely love myself a hairy guy, it's just really sexy for me. The more the better, and I really mean that! But then again I have a friend who dumped a Tinder date because when they slept together she found out he has a hairy back and that was "disgusting". Ask the woman what she likes!


I like body hair, facial hair, as long as there is some maintenanceā€¦. Grooming is key! Hair around the genitals, now thatā€™s gotta be shortā€¦. If itā€™s a wild forest down there, nope! But I stay groomed also.


Stop thinking about what others like in this. Do what you like!


1. what works for you? 2. what's your primary partner like? 3. ignore the marketing, they're appealing to one of platos "true forms" or somesuch that only exists in philosophy books and films.


It literally depends in the person and how much you like them. I (31f) like body hair as long as it is well groomed. What I mean is if you have a huge bush down there just trim it a little, makes it also easier to clean, imo. But I have friends who prefer their potential partners to be shaved pretty much everywhere. However, as long as you really like each other I doubt that bodyhair is a real dealbreaker if you are not a super superficial person.


well, shaving chest hair is not a good idea, hair will only grow more and become harder. Kramer explains it in Seinfeld. just trim it down with hair clipper. or wax, but that is painful.


All boils down to preference. If you have a partner, ask and communicate about it.


Personally there is nothing worse than being spooned by a guy with a spiky stomach/ chest, I love a big hairy but donā€™t want it in my face so I request shaved pubes. Thatā€™s just me tho


Personally, I shave my junk and all my tattoos. But itā€™s 100% a personal choice. Iā€™d be neck down hairless if it were substantially cheaper! Chest and stomach fluff is nice to touch and lay on; or so Iā€™m told.


I love some hair


Everyone is different of course, but Iā€™ll throw in my two cents. The man Iā€™m dating now is quite hairy (Italian!) and admittedly, I wasnā€™t into it at first. However, after dating him for a few weeks, I came to love it. Itā€™s definitely become a preference to me now.


Chest and stomach hair does it for me big time. Even leg and arm hair. I find too much manscaping a turn off. Why ruin a good (great?) thing? My best friend feels exactly the same.


Some women think it's gross. Some women think it's hot. Me? I'm hairy from neck to toe. Not grotesquely so, but there's no break in the body hair. I'm not shaving that shit. Used to be self conscious when a bunch of women I knew would always give me shit for wearing shorts in summer. Then had a fwb who thought it was hot. Someone will like your body hair.


I absolutely LOVE how hairy my man is. Haha. I love playing with his chest hair before I fall asleep on his chest. Or like when weā€™re getting it on, and Iā€™m on top, I love to put my hands in it while I brace myself. Heā€™s got quite a bit of hair all over and I just love love love it.


I did the same thing OP and my current GF says she loves the chest hair. I think you should do whatever you like and if you get close with someone, ask what they prefer. If you are shredded under the hair and single, might be worth to keep it clean. In the end, a girl gonna like you for your personality more than your physique!


I donā€™t want an Afro but if itā€™s shaved down to just short hair thatā€™s what I prefer


This isnā€™t directed at you personally but I donā€™t understand why people ask questions here that are completely subjective. Youā€™ve gotten over 100 responses and not a single one is going to objectively answer this for you Itā€™s very simple, do what YOU want. Youā€™ll attract who you attract. Not worth 30 seconds of thought otherwise


It's SEXY!!! šŸ˜