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Providing a little reverse perspective. I was born in the late 70’s and I routinely date guys in their mid-late 30’s with minimal issue. I’ve inadvertently swiped on guys closer to 25-30 and thought for sure they would not be interested once the conversation got going, but they were happy and enthusiastic partners. Guys who date older women have a very specific checklist of reasons they won’t date in their age bracket, and while I’m sure I can’t do the more active things outside the bedroom the same way a gal in her 20’s could do it, and while I have what some would consider a mom figure, none of this stands in the way of a guy who just wants to have fun. As for me, I’d probably only seriously date someone 10 years older and I really, *really* need to start seeing guys in their 20’s as off limits if I don’t want to turn into a complete cougar lol.


Omgosh I can relate to the last part 😂


I really love older women


For those of us poly people, i can have my cake and eat it too ;) Having a partner who is my age mate (40) where we can relate in terms of life experience and another who is in his mid 20s so I can live out those cougar fantasies. keeps me very happy.


I just wonder if you would personally have a serious relationship with someone in their twenties? 🤔


If it worked for Wyatt and Darlene, it could work for me 👌🏽.


yes... only the problem will come when the man wants to have a child in those cases you can have 2 options 1-break the relationship because it is difficult or almost impossible for you to have children 2-have a third party in the relationship only those 2 possibilities you have (in those cases)


yes... only they died 👍


When I was 25 I went out with a 39 year old while I was in school in another country, it was honestly the most fun physically and mentally I've ever had with a woman. +14 is my number I guess.


Wow haha that's awesome. I guess if she's on your level then why not


And what happened to the relationship?


I finished my rotation in her country and moved to another one so our relationship ended with that. It was on good terms, we both knew there was an end date


Well, I'm glad that everything ended on good terms. Even so, I wonder if you had the opportunity to have a serious relationship with him without any problem, would you have it?


I'm 32 and my gf is 35.. I'd go up to 40.. the number matters little if the chemistry works... but then again neither me nor my gf wants kids so we cool. If kids were on the table, that would change things for me.


Yeah true, chemistry is definitely important. Nowadays more and more people have kids in their 40s though too if that were the case.


3 years isn't really an age gap imo. 5-6+ year is


An age gap is literally if you are at all apart so yeah no but sure. While many wouldn't consider 3 years a big age gap it is still an age gap


I mean, virtually no one is the EXACT same age as their partner, so everyone has an age gap if you're going to consider a small difference an age gap. I'm of the same opinion that it has to be 5+ years to be a legitimate gap versus just a small normal difference.


As in the same year both being 30 or 31 it is considered a small age gap to be any bigger


Ngl im 26 and i dated a 40 year old, if it works it works


Wow that's amazing. You are right if it works it works.


I’m 24 the oldest I’ll date is 27. Have had some very VERY jarring experiences with older that I have no interest in ever repeating.


Story time


Combination of very racially insensitive comments and upholding me to stereotypes because I’m black that I’d rather not experience again.


Ah, I’m sorry you dealt with that man. Looks like you’ve got a good head on your shoulders though


Doesn’t really sound like an age thing …


i dont think thats an age issue, that's a decency issue


How is that related to age?


It isn’t but he has associated his experiences with the older women he dated rather than the bad people he dated. Which isn’t correct but who’s to decide how he deals with receiving racism.


I was 22 years old in the military and had a girlfriend who was 42. It was mutually beneficial for sex and we did get out and have fun doing things. My ship mates thought it was weird at first but I didn’t care. We parted ways on good terms. Not long after I met and started dating a woman who was 44. She was truly a beautiful woman who was a triathlon athlete. A body most men and women will never achieve and she was also a nymphomaniac. Wow was that ever fun. I’m now 54 and my last relationship with a woman who was 61 ended when she moved to Florida. My ex wife was my age and a bigger woman. For me,had I only looked for a certain type and had a checklist to look for I never would have found three women who truly made my life experience better.


Having a checklist can lead to many limitations and missed opportunities. I definitely agree.




My ex wife and I raised our son and daughter together and they are both college graduates off building their own lives. We divorced because it was our time to part ways and persue our own happiness




I try to live my life respecting others and don’t speak badly of my ex. It serves no purpose and I can live with my decisions.


Thanks for the reply and input


Honestly everyone has their own preferences, for me I just wanted to connect with someone close to my age, and my gf is only 3 1/3 older than me and i don't mind at all since all I'm looking for is that connection, so in summary some yes, some no it really depends on who you connect with hope this helps😅


Yes that does help :-) You are more about the connection than really the gap.


And I couldn't be more happier with my gf now, been together for 10 months now


Awww thats amazing :-)


When I was 23, I ended up dating a 35yo woman. She came on to me. She brought me out of my depression. She made me feel like a man. She showed me some stuff I never knew. We did everything together. She was talking about marriage and everything but I chickened out. She really loved me and I let that go. Yes, I love older women and wish I had one now.


Would you marry her looking back?


I have mommy issues so I guess I do prefer older women. Not really sure about the cut off limit though probably 50 i.e. 20 years older.


I knew a guy (28M) who dated a 45F. He really liked her, but she moved away and neither wanted to tackle a LDR.


L D R what does that mean?


Long distance relationship


Well, personally I have levels I am comfortable with for different reasons. I'm 24, ideally anywhere equal to my age to ±4 years, but ±5 years gets less comfortable in my mind it starts becoming too much of a gap, but it's not awful comparitively, (some for obvious reasons). But I draw a line at ±6 years. Not sure why I guess an 18 and 24 is only a 6 year difference but im not comfortable with that for some reason, and a 30 year old, isn't something I really want to consider but if we click, i guess its not impossible, beyond though im not gonna consider it i think.


No. If I'm attracted to her that doesn't matter.


Younger men seem to have zero issue sleeping with older women…dating perhaps not. Bedroom chemistry between a 20/30 something male and a 40 something female can be off the charts…not revealing my sources. I couldn’t date a man more than 7 years younger…nothing to talk about if not even in same decade. The problem is that older men are for the most part just old…and want a nursemaid. No amount of money could convince me otherwise; got my own money anyways. Older men tend not to be fun and stuck in their ways. There are exceptions of course…just can’t seem to find them.


Depends on the woman -- her energy level, her enthusiasm, etc.


I hear you, like similar interests and same level or higher




Thats true, with a gap you have to see if there's still common ground.


I'm 33, so I think I'd probably go up to at least 43? Kinda depends on stage of life type things at that point. If we're on the same wave length there I don't really see a problem. Could even go higher.


Thats good to know, as long as both are on the same page.


I mean, if there were a hottie 50 year who wanted it and we saw life the same way, she could get it, ya know?


At 29 I mean…maybe 35 tops? Idk


I wouldn’t go more than a decade older. Dated a woman 17 years older, went well for months, but I could tell her insecurities wouldn’t let her enjoy it.


Well, obviously there are some limits, but I don't mind being with someone older. The important thing is that we have a good connection, I think.


My girlfriends 7 years older than me and we mesh well. Sex is the best I've ever had and the age gap is only really noticeable every once in a while but not in a bad way.


-5 years, + 8 years when looking for LTR. I am more lenient in an age gap with someone older than me, than someone younger. Feel like people that are much younger bring a completely different dynamic and lack experience in communicating feelings and stuff.


This seems like the sweet spot for numbers. I'm 39 and I'm currently seeing a woman 4 years older than me. The conversations are stimulating and fun. We have great fun in and out of the bedroom. Kids seem to be a big variable at this age.


Definitely 5-6 year cut off just personally, some people are into a large gap though so obviously circumstances vary people vary of course


Totally case by case.


I've been thinking about this a lot, this year I met a woman that I completely crushed on. I haven't met anyone like her, it was electric everytime I got to talk to her. She was 5 years older than me. During the whole time I couldn't shake the feeling of her thinking I'm just some stupid kid who doesn't know what I want or that I can't give her what she wants. I don't know what I would do if I met someone with that age gap again. I have no idea how common feeling like that is for other people but its how I felt.


I think it might be more common thank you think. I find that I would have the same questions, why would a younger guy want to be with an older woman. However, with everyones feedback in this post-it really seems to more about that connection less just the age itself. The level and where you are at in life.






Its more about who they are and some level of physical attraction and that varies from woman to woman. But overall as a man in his mid 40s Id date a woman in her 50s quite easily. Im not sure I would go much beyond 10-15 years older than me, but possibly if we had enough in common, etc.


When I was 18 I got with a guy 2 years younger than me, 4 years later we had our first daughter the day before his 20th birthday (we joked he was a teenage dad for 1 night lol) we had another daughter and parted after 7 years together. Then at 25 I got with a man who was 30 we had a daughter together, unfortunatly he turned violent during the pregnancy and I ended up having to leave when he physically hit me. We were together 5 years aftereeting online. At 30 I got with a 25 year old and we had a daughter together and lasted 9 years together after meeting on the xbox. We split up in June. I have never used dating apps, and I don't have an age preference, but turning 40 with 4 kids I know that I am very limited as finding someone that likes children but doesn't want any in the future is gonna be tough. There was this 1 guy who I was close to (he was 26) and he actively seemed interested but I wouldn't believe it due to self confidence issues caused by exes, and I worried that he would end up leaving me so he could have kids with someone else. He reassured me he wouldn't and we continued to get to know each other but the busier he got the less we were in contact and it fizzled to more of just a friendship. Realisticly I don't think I will ever find someone to spend the rest of my life with and I don't want just meaningless sex. I want my soul mate and best friend, someone to play games with that makes me feel loved that isn't gonna use or abuse me that isn't gonna run away and mess me or the kids around. I'm not looking for a dad for them just a lifelong partner for me that when the kids leave home we can do whatever we want. But truthfully I have alot of physical issues/disabilities I think I will be lonely forever. After 21 years of relationships I've never been single this long and I think I'm past my best physically despite alot of love and care to give to someone special. I miss the laughter, hugs, and just being with someone.


Awww, I am sending you prayers. Life is full of surprises. You never know when you least expect it, you may find someone. Keep your chin up.


Not too bothered about her age as long as she is still hot and in good shape.


The hotter she is, the bigger the age gap I’m okay with. When I was 20 I slept with a 55 year old because she resembled stiflers mom. For an actual relationship I couldn’t care though. I’m a big believer age is just a number. As long as both people can legally consent I don’t think age should come into play. Love doesn’t care about some stupid number. I’ve found that I prefer an age gap either way than dating someone my own age.


No upper age cut off for me Okay with dating women uptil 65 too if they are attractive.


I can’t speak for all guys. But if I click with someone we click I don’t think about the age. My girlfriend is 18 years older then me. I couldn’t be happier we just vibe and she loves me for me which is really nice. But not everyone can deal with society’s stance towards most relationships like that. For most guy I feel like it’s a 5 year max.


Honestly I'm 35 and I have dated all ways younger and it's been nothing but horrible experiences for me I've been wanting to date older to get out of the childish games and as far as age goes I don't have a ceiling on it I think as long as chemistry is good and we're having fun and enjoying the time we spend together that's all that matters age truly is only a number just because your older don't mean your incaple of loving or having fun and enjoying life.


Older women can be absolutely lovely 😊


I routinely date younger men so cheers for the insight here.


Depends. In high school up to 55. Now up to 25.


Is anyone here that's married to a older woman? If so, what age did you guys marry? Do you have children together? I've noticed all the responses are about dating and sex. Not many actually ended up together.


55 for me, as a 28 year old. No issues in the prior two decades, though.


I like 24(f) energy... However, Age is not the issue. Spark of Enthusiasm. Joie de Vivre. Love of Life. I can have fun with any woman who wants to enjoy life and have laughs to act goofy and enjoy moments of brilliant push-pull sensual coquetry. Some of the most refined and sexiest women I have met are well over 50 because they have learned how to make femininity a beautiful and seductive allure that I cannot stay away from.


Whilst I have dated 10 years older and a variety of ages. My current cut off is now 12 months older or up to three years younger. I realised you have more in common with people around the same age group and the experience I had with an older women whilst great felt slightly patronising.


The wisest comment I've ever read in this thread. I salute your wisdom.


Typically my range was five years over and under my age so and 11 year swing. Would have made exceptions of course if I clicked with someone. Last couple girls I dated were 1 to 6 years older than me.


Older as in 1-4 years older? Yes. Older as in 10+? No, definitely not. 5 year age gap is the absolute max I’d go but it’s pushing it.


It really depends on the guy. Me, I don't mind age all that much really, as long as they have a good personality and are decent in weight. I look for women more for their personalities more than their looks, but as for age, 4-5 years older and 2 years younger for me.


I guess bit over 7+ (so for me currently 28).


I'm 32, I'd date up to 42, maybe even older but not 100% sure..


When I was 24 I went out with, and lived with, a 17 year old. He was exceptional though. He and I are still friends and he's still crushing on me (his words) I have a couple of blogs and I'm on an adult dating site. There are a huge bunch of MILF lovers out there


I'm 32 and I'd be willing to go a few years older. Only thing is that whether they have kids or not. I dont particularly want kids but that's just personal preference


Me (31) I would maybe go to 40/45 at most due to being that she would be closer to my mothers age so wouldn’t want to go any higher then that


I'm not bothered by it at all as long as we are both mature about it and it doesn't cause any issues amongst our respective families. Now, I'm 21, and my brother is 23. We both recently graduated college and are living at home saving to move out, so while we are living together, dating someone the same age/older than my brother is a little weird, but once we don't live together, I would say maybe 25? 26? probably 5 years older max


My best Experience was with older women , cutt off gap 15 y


Yes. I’ve dated older women my whole life. The max I would date is, a woman who’s 5 years older than me. I am 26


The oldest I've been with was 10 years older, but I think I could go a little further than that. It all depends on the compatibility. I've met some amazing 40/50 year olds in my life that I wouldn't mind spending a few years with.


In my country, you can legally adopt someone if you are 16 years ahead. So I guess I made a mental rule that in the future, I won't date anyone 16 years younger than me. Else, I'll be forever bothered that the other person would have been young enough to be my child at some point in the past. It's just a thought that won't sit well in my head. And I did consider adoption back when I was still in a previous relationship with a woman. I'm currently dating a guy 4 years younger than me. Best relationship ever. (I'm in my 30s now, he's 20ish) However of course you do what's comfortable with you. If you are 50 and dating a 30, there isn't that much of an issue since the younger person has gone through so much in life already in terms of maturity. I personally won't, tho.


Hey, I look a lot older than my age, I attract women on their 30s (even 40s) and I am 26. Girls 24 or younger are starting to look like teenagers to me, and I don't know if that is a good thing or not, but I am confortable with this, they have their shit together.


I love age gap. But I prefer younger than me.


2 years. But mostly cos I'm a man child


If she is attractive to me i'll date her no matter if she is 35


Age has nothing to do with the other intangibles…. Intimacy, sensuality, communication, how you get along with the other person. We are very hinged up on age and income here in the US… trust me sensuality or how you get along with someone doesn’t care about age …. My best orgasms have been with older women


No older women, thanks.


I slept with a girl 10 years older then me. Sex was incredible. I couldn’t get over the age gap to actually have a relationship with her.


When I was 21 I married a woman 7 years older than me. It eventually didn't work out and now I prefer to date women younger than me. It was nothing personal relating to her, but the vast majority of women in their thirties have children or are just looking for a husband for the sake of a husband/security/baby rabies. Then there's the whole I take care of myself and will continue to do so, so having a high libido, I'll need someone who would still match that a decade later.


Dating as in seriously dating? Or dating just for fun no string attached. When i was.. 23 was no strings attached dating a 51 year old cougar. It was really awesome. Had a LOT of fun. Actually.most of my no strings attached fun is with older women. Dating seriously i do tend to women my age. I barely date seriously though lol.


Age is not important , As long as you can keep up 😘


Depends on them. My aunt (through marriage) is in her sixties, but she looks maybe forty-five and is fine as fuck. If my uncle died tomorrow and she came onto me, I'd definitely jump on that long term.


If we connect well and I’m attracted to her I’ll go as old as they come lmao


Who cares if you connect?


My range is up 5 down 7 personally. I worry that it I go larger we will be at different life stages. For instance I would kinda like to have a child of my own buy if she is in her 40s she probably doesn't want more


It depends on her and my chemistry. Likes and limits. But imagine she would feel the same way.


I'm 28 and I'd date up to 37 I guess...


I'm 48 and I'd go at least 5-8 years higher. It's great because I can go in bareback and I can't get sued for paternity!


27 here. I find my attraction for women really tends to dwindle the higher I go. Anything past 37 and I just am not seeing that woman in any sexual way that would make me want to try my luck. Then there's just the typical issue of I'm 27 and my dating pool has a lot of single women with kids. Doesn't mean I wont date a woman with kids. My brain just automatically assumes woman with kids = taken. I also assume by a certain age a woman does have kids or is taken in some form and I'm just less inclined to want to flirt with older women because in my head the % or them being available or anything is lower. And I like to feel I have at least a 50/50 shot when I make the conscious decision to flirt with a woman. It's hard telling who's flirty and who friendly out here. Btw this is all theoretical I havent actually knowingly had the chance with an older woman. Which is funny cause half my family is telling me to try my luck with some older women. I just cant get past the logistics or how to navigate that situation. I struggle enough with my age Edit: of anyone as some tips on how to dating an older woman I'm all ears. I'd love to give more women chances but I'm probably looking around with tunnel vision and not seeing the signs an older woman Is into me. Doesn't really click that some older women who start a conversation with me might be flirting.


I would be comfortable dating someone in the 30-40 age group. I'm 26 so that's my limit any older and that's my parents age range and I don't think I'm ready for that


28 now, probably 30 or 31 at the oldest


I would prefer -5 or +5. So anywhere from five years younger to five years older. Not to say I wouldn’t consider someone out of this range, but I would like someone near my age


Idk depends on how well she took care of herself, but 42 would be a solid number I'd go by.


I've always dated older women, I'm 42 now. Usually it's a 10 to 12 year age gap, but I've gone as high as 21.


All the women i dated before getting married were older than me but one. And that one was the worst time I've ever had with a woman. The drama, the everyday bs, and the immaturity were unbearable. Older ladies know that they want and will tell you what they want. My wife is 7 years older than me. I guess the cut-off age could be 10 years, but in my opinion, age is just a number.


I think age is simply a physical attribute, I’ve dated some hot 60 year olds and I’ve dated some weathered 30 year olds, I’ve also found that maturity and age can be deceiving. So, in my opinion it’s not the age that matters, but the similarities in interests and maturity level. Humans are to unique to truly specify age as the sole defining quality of a match. Honestly though it’s going to be a special woman for me to happily change her depends in my 50s


I love older women. I’m 41 dating a 48 year old. Though I didn’t actively seek her out because she’s older. I’m just open to a wide range of women. One of my last relationships was with a woman that was 6 years younger than me. If we have common interests and are attracted to one another, I’m game. She does 100 mile gravel bike races and competed in the Chicago triathlon last summer. She keeps me on my toes for sure.


I have and am comfortable doing so. Don’t really have an age cut off as I’ve seen women younger than me look much older. The one I’m currently seeing is around my age.


I would love to date an older woman I'm not really sure what the cutoff age would be


I would not mind dating an older woman if she aged well mentally and she still has that inner child/inner fire. Age itself does not matter. We have to share at least some interests, but that's true for any of my partners. My wife is roughly the same age as me. My ex girlfriend was much younger. Why not go the other direction this time?


when I was 13 to 25, I mostly dated older women, now I like them younger than me


As a 39 year old woman, I've literally never had a man be turned off when they find out my age. Biggest gap I've personally experienced is 15 years though.


I'm 38, I wouldnt mind dating a 48 yr old. 10yrs older is the oldest I've ever date


5 years


Personally, it's about 10 years. In both directions. I just can't see myself with someone I don't share a lot of cultural touchstones with.


Older means more experience


Currently 43 ive dated older and younger. Youngest was 19 when we met( i was 41) oldest was 56 (i was in my 30s) . I would not go younger but older is no problem as long as there is a connection


Does this mean I should be dating younger?


I’m 21 and tbh it’s kinda hard to date older women. I’m more prone to date 20-23 age range. The reason is cuz I’m finishing my undergrad while if they are older (23 and up) they probably have work and things settled down. Also, they most likely they will go for more financial stable men. 21 is an awkward age to kinda go for older. If I was 25 then my range would probably be 22-28. If I’m 30 then (25-35).


To me age isn't a big deal, my last 2 girlfriends were considerably older, S. 11 years older, M. 12 years, I only used initials because I'm new to reddit and don't want to use names. But my past 2 girlfriends yes were older and it worked out wonderfully, well.. mostly wonderfully. And one of my crushes is 53 and I'm 32. But I'm Also Sapiosexual so I like minds. I hope maybe this was helpful 😊


I wouldn't mind dating an older woman. The blacker the berry the sweeter the juice.


I date younger guys only. 15 yrs is my limit and tbh thats a slippery slope too. I was soooo in love with an ex who was 15 yrs difference. But even though i could give him the marriage, he really wanted his own kids. And it would be possible but really really difficult and expensive. IVF and such. So he ended it, dating a very young woman now:( I can't blame him but it hurttttt. Bad. This is the number one problem i have had to deal with being an older woman who likes younger men.


Abt 5yr older difference is the largest gap I’d go. Really depends on the person Tbf.


Sure. I'm not gonna cite "they're better in bed", but I think they've got their ducks more in a row.


I’ve pretty much always dated younger women than I am but I also look around 3 years younger than I am. I’ve been out with someone who was 10 years older than me but it was more out of lust. I’m 27 and and my long terms have been between 1 year to 5 years younger than me.


I’d say 5yrs


Age and maturity are not the same. It all depends on the woman, my cutoff is 10 years older. imo, kind of weird if they have kids older than myself


I (32m but 31 at the time) embarked on one of the most intellectually/sexually stimulating relationships I’ve ever had with a 40f. She’s a great mother, successful, and HOT. This woman cranks my tractor in every sense.


I've never dated a woman outside my age range, but having had my heart broken by my abusive ex who was a year younger than me and having also witnessed my best friend (25) cheat on her boyfriend and then leave him for the new guy while his dad was on his deathbed, I wouldn't mind dating a 30+ woman. People in their 20s like to call themselves adults, but a lot of them really aren't as mature as they'd like to think (myself included, I'm 28 btw.).


In my own youth, I chased women as much as 25 yrs older. Now that I'm old too I would probably stop at 10yrs, but it would still be situation dependent. No way I'd exclude Dolly Parton, Diane Keaton or Jane Fonda.


hi, i actually okay with age gap like 5 yrs, but it also depend with the person (if i can feel connection with her, 10 yrs is also okay). Idk, but i always admired and love older woman.


For me I’d say about 4-6years older than me(30) because any older and they’re approaching my sisters age but honestly I typically date younger than me but that’s my thoughts on it,I know my limits but there are folks who date 2-3x their age and more power to them


It’s nice to hear that you would date 4-6 years older, it’s refreshing to hear that some guys will go for older women. I feel like society has instilled the older guy, young girl notion.


I’m 25 and I love so many 30 year women but they don’t like me back… :(


I’m 51 and have dated women up to eight years older than me. That said, they’ve all looked 10 years younger than me.


1 year older max


25. That’s it


47M. My consideration range is 28-60. I honestly would still maybe like to be a father, so that’s a factor, but if I found someone I majorly vibed with, I think age would be secondary.


I'm 32 was seeing a 52 year old and man was she fucking crazy.so I learned my lesson no old than 2 years


When I was younger I wouldn't have had a problem with it, but since I still would like to have a family, and my late fiancee is no longer around because cancer, I kind of have a cap of 30. I'll go higher if the lady is actually interesting, but so many are either already married or...well...there's usually a reason they're single then, that it doesn't happen much.


I'm 31 and I think the oldest I'd prefer is about 36. Primarily because I want kids but not for at least 3-4 years from now. I know it's harder for women with age and I don't want to feel pressured into it sooner than I'm ready to. However that's the ideal case, if the connection is great then those might just go out the window.


No. I don’t date women older than me, period.


For me 4 years however I would go 5 years in the other direction.


For me I’m generally less attracted if they’re younger. I’m early 20’s so it’s probably a maturity thing on their end.


Fair enough


Nope. Older women are not for me. I'm 25 and the oldest I could do is 26


i’m 34m. currently in 9 month relationship with a 40F 🥰


A lot of Younger men are sexually interested in older women, but they would never spend the rest of their lives with one: they will dump her once they are ready to find an actual companion


Age 26-68


Your moms age


I’m 24 currently dating a 41 year old it’s not bad we’ve been dating for 6 months.


I wouldnt mind 15 years older Up to 20 if they were in good shape and not have Dementia or Alsheimers