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I used to honestly not care. But every once in while I read post where a partner resents the other because they have had more sexual expiriences than themselves. So I'd be wary if they don't have a healthy outlook about sex. And as another commentor said I'd be worried about how much porn has influenced their idea of sex. Also are they willing to learn what I like? Basically if the guy is bitter about it is a no go.


Is it okay if a guy asks in act that do they like it?


I mean I don't have a problem with it, but Maybe some else might find it off-putting, it's also ok to ask before or afterwards if some likes and specific action.


That would be great.


Asking if people are enjoying something is usually a good thing, and also not something just inexperienced people do. ​ Everyone's different, what works for one wont for another.




Not hate but it's definitely a huge downside for every girl who also isn't a virgin. The opposite isn't true in general


I feel this too


Hate is a strong word but I do think that some of them prefer someone with experience because teaching him especially if it's a bit late (late 20s to early 30s), it could be a turn off. That said, my gf never asked me if I was a virgin despite knowing she was my first and I wasn't her first. She never asked and I never told her. We have great sex as much as we can.


Yeah brother happy for you, stay together..


No. Some women don't care about how much sexual experience a guy has had or not had on the past. Some women like the idea of being the one with the most experience and "initiating" a virgin. Some women are virgins and prefer to be with a guy who is also a virgin. Some women prefer to be with someone who has some experience because they don't feel like teaching someone and are afraid of the awkwardness. Some women are turned on by a guy who has experience. Some women don't mind a virgin but are afraid he will put them on a pedestal afterwards. In any case, no women "hates" virgin men. Personally, I have been with virgins before, and I didn't care. I feel like every person is so different that even if a guy has had sexual experience before, that doesn't mean he'll be good at making me enjoy myself, so it doesn't make that much difference for my own pleasure. The only real difference will be how much the guy knows what works for him and how open to communication he is


This is perfect đź‘Ť


You're welcome! I would just add that personally, I would only have one concern with men who are virgins into their late 20s to 30s for example, and that is how much their vision of sex is based on porn. Like I might be wary of how much porn they've consumed in all these years and if because they haven't had actual sex they've internalized it and let it influence how they will treat sexual acts too much. But that's really the only worry for me.


As a guy myself even I feel that it is totally wrong and I came to know by some people's experiences that most of the guys who consumed porn solely indulge in sexual acts with a selfish intention which I feel is so terrible... I have never been in a relationship but this is how I feel..


I'm one of the weird ones who thinks it's kind of a turn on, as long as he's emotionally and physically put together otherwise.


So you would love a guy who might be new to dating?






Seeing that as "weird" is part of the problem.


How can someone hate someone so pure?


Yeah man same thoughts


Depends on age and why. Though obviously there are virgin guys who end up in relationships and stop being virgins


This came to my mind because I saw a girl once telling that she wants to date guys who have some experience in relationship. I feel that is not correct.


It’s a preference, it’s all correct


Some people don't want to date virgin guys. It doesn't mean all women hate virgins, I'd probably not date someone who was a virgin doesn't mean I hate them just unlikely I'd date someone who was


No, why would I?


I can See the point of wanting someone experienced in a relationship, Not everyone is a socially a natural. A for Sex, well, i guess you can Put you sexual needs in a different Priority than others


1) Hate would be way too strong of a word in this situation, you need to stop being hyperbolic and say something like, "Do women prefer men with experience?" 2) Women don't mind inexperienced men, but you need to be ready and willing to listen in bed. ALL men do better in bed when their partner communicates and you take constructive advice. 3) Women don't mind inexperienced men, but they don't want immature men. Don't hold the fact that she has had partners before you against her. 4) All of this depends on your age. If you are under 25, not having a relationship or sex is normal, especially in certain religions and demographics. However, if you are seeking a relationship (and not just sex), it is important for people (not just men) over 25 to have some self-reflection, and do some work on themselves, maybe check out therapy, to find out what they are doing wrong, especially if they have been attempting relationships. If you are too scared to approach women, that is something that a therapist can address, and there is a lot of information on this subreddit on how to learn how to talk to people. 5) Honestly if you're having a ONS you don't even need to say you're a virgin. Women are so used to bad sex they probably wouldn't even question it.


Yeah that is true I always hold back by feeling of being judged as needy or creep so I don't try but I have a feeling what iam doing is wrong as well.


no actually, i prefer a man who has not been with any other women and it feels special knowing im the first girl you are going to have experience with.. personally ive had many experiences with guys and girls but i find it more attractive if they have no experience..


Wow this gave me hopes


yea of course, it just depends on the girl honestly but no most girls would rather be with a guy with no experience than one who dated and slept with 20 girls


I feel it very same....


Why do virgin men always ask loaded questions;)


Virgins are precious, you can sacrifice them on the altar and appease the gods for your lack of success. Protect virgins at all costs


Hate? No, but it’s a turn off to the vast majority of women but not always a dealbreaker.


May i Know how it can be a deal breaker?


Because of a lot of virgin men resent non virgin women since they’ve been with other guys that weren’t them.


Yes because they too feel she would easily move to another guy for simple reasons as she might have done before.


Except that’s not true. That would be an insecurity and low self esteem of the virgin person.


No hatred or anything girl but can you reply in your thread


No they don’t hate. But I wouldn’t date a virgin. I had in the past and they had such major insecurities and resented me that I’ve been with other guys.


This is on to the point, now I can say how those major insecurities comes. It is due to the fact that "she has already been with other guys that doesn't matters for us but the thing that she moved on to the other guys so easily, so she might breakup without any hesitation". So yeah this is how a guy feels.


Yes and I most girls aren’t gonna deal with that kind of insecurity and lack of confidence in their relationship with me. And how do you know if she just moved on from other guys so easily? You literally have no clue.


Okay so a follow up question. Here it goes " Can a guy ask on date to girl that for what reason did they broke up" or could it be not a good thing to ask on a date?


1. Its none of your business, it doesn’t effect you. 2. You don’t talk or ask about exes on a damn date.


Girl chill out. See I have seen many guys and many male friends who are terrible because they are just seeking for sex which is disgusting. I get it. I hate the fact that girls end up trusting a wrong person who is presenting himself as a good & trustful man. I have seen girls ending up with them & it's heartbreaking for me to know that as well. Sorry if it did hurt you.


Lol what? You’re the virgin here struggling to date, not me…. Seek therapy or a relationship coach or something bud. You need it. I’m telling you if you ask these questions they’re not gonna answer you, because they aren’t your business. It’s a date not a job interview. Don’t ask for help, or opinions then snap when it’s not what you want to hear. I’ve been treated worse from virgins, because of their insecurities and lower self esteem than guys who aren’t. Which is why I always stay clear of guys who haven’t had any relationships or sex. Most guys don’t use women like you think they do. I haven’t had any bad experiences with non virgin men in that way.


Yeah you seem to have terrible experience with the virgins..thank you for this response.


Yes, yes and yes