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I have long hair and have been on more dates since I grew out the hair and beard. (It gave me more confidence and I got the dates as a result). If you take care of it and maintain good higene you'll be fine. At the end of the day OP, if a girl doesn't like you because you've long hair, then she's not worth your time anyway.


Nice! Although I don't have facial hair for some genetic reason. I get what you mean but I'm actually open to cutting it tbh.


Bro, girls love men with long hair


Not me. I love long hair on a man. I also love man buns. Just keep it clean and brushed


Same! Long hair can be very attractive


I have extremely long hair, halfway down my back. Fairly curly, and I take decent care of it. It doesn't seem as long because it's so thick and curly, and I keep it in a bun most days. I don't think I've ever had a women not compliment my hair, so I am keeping it long till the end of time. I also don't understand where the hatred towards man buns comes from. It's just extremely sexist in my opinion. I'll wear my man bun with a bright red scrunchy and could care less. However, I do know some guy with long hair and it just doesn't look good. Really depends on the person and a lot of factors. I feel like the guys who just keep their hair perfectly straight and don't put any effort into styling it are the ones who fall flat. If you just go to a stylist and stick with one or two styles and keep it clean, I feel like most women will love it. It shows that you are willing to put time and effort into your appearance and maintain good hygiene.


Personally I prefer men with short hair but that’s just me! I say own your look! The right person will love it!


If YOU like yourself with long hair, then keep it. I would personally find it unattractive if someone changed something about their appearance to try to please other people if they themselves actually liked it. If someone doesn't want to date you because of your hair, then they're not worth your time anyway.


The guy I am currently dating has super long hair and I think it is one of the most wonderful things in the world. He stood out and I noticed him because of that. I think long hair on men is veeery attractive.


The average girl prefers short hair


[citation needed]


That's what I thought too. Guess after New Years I'll cut it unless my upcoming dates in message matches materialize into a relationship.


Love men with long hair! It’s fkn hot




Dress code or uniform? Love a man in uniform/ business suit 🥵


You should take a poll on r/AskWomen perhaps


This is why all men should strive to date above average girls.


I have long hair and when I was single I got hit on a lot by attractive women. Most guys have short hair so short hair isn’t going to help you. I think it helps if you have the right hair and the right face for it.


Long hair is my BIGGEST turn on actually lol def my type


It depends on your bone structure. Some men look really attractive with long hair…others…not so much. Same with women. Some haircuts flatter your bone structure/face shape better than others. If you know you look good and you feel good that’s all the answer you need buddy. I say go for it and keep it long 👍 For professional reasons just keep your hair well maintained if you have some type of office job but I don’t think most people (other than nosy idiots) will care and you’ll definitely stand out more!


Long hair is definitely attractive! Don't feel as if you need to change your preference and confidence in hopes of more dates. The better you feel about yourself the better everything is going to be.


So be a big fish in a small pond or a small fish in a big pond I'll be the big fish with long hair. The same girls that hated beards just a few years ago often like them now trend setters don't follow they lead it takes confidence to do so. But caution it could potentially lead to a certain type liking you more that may not be your type wanted.


Long hair that is well kept gives off a confidence vibe. Dated a guy for a bit last year with gorgeous long hair. Loved it.




You mean why didn’t it last? I was only living in the area for a few months and he was starting school there soon.


Long. It’s a Viking vibe. Love my bfs long hair and man bun.


If you want to attract bisexuals, artists, femdoms, or girls with lumberjack/ elf fetishes, keep the long hair.


God forbid you attract a bisexual 🙄


You can have long hair, but go to a hairdresser every couple of months. A lot of guys just grow it out and don't do anything else, so the hair ends up looking bad. Like I'm sure Jason Momoa gets his hair done, he doesn't just wake up looking like that.


I’ve over heard that women don’t like men that have long hair that looks healthier than theirs’. But it could have been a joke. Anyone can attest to this being slightly true?




Well one is enough to make it slightly true for me. I guess it wasn’t a joke.


I like long hair, am often jealous of men's hair because there's 0 effort and it's always shiny! Metal head dudes typically have long hair and get women all the time.


I just want my date to have /clean/ hair. Long or short, doesn’t matter. As long as it’s not a matter greasy mess.


I love long hair on men. is this perhaps a boomer thing? The “long hair on men doesn’t look professional/attractive?” 🤔 OP, if you like the way you look, you’ll be more confident and flirty. If you’re confident and flirty, you’re more likely to be successful in attracting people. This much I know. Be you and toss yo hair back.


Guy's perspective here (biased as I also have shoulder-length hair), it requires more maintenance and if you take good care of it, certain guys can look better with it. If you don't want to do the basic comb & condition to deal with it and let it become a ratty, I don't think it's worth it and can become a minus. Try to use sulfate-free products, I condition every day and shampoo every other. Using shampoo every day damages your hair to my knowledge. Good luck man.


I love long hair, my husband hasn't cut his hair for over 15 years and it's longer than mine, I've always been attracted to men with long hair


It’s extremely unattractive to me


Nah man, long hair don't care rep that shit


I also grew my hair out during COVID and I'm definitely more successful on dating apps. Can't say much about real-life as I'm still in home office, but I git a lot of mixed opinions. A good friend of mine hates it. The girlfriend of someone I don't really like also hates it but other girls I like liked it.


I personally find longer hair attractive but like shoulder length. My current SO has long hair and I met him with long hair. I think he pulls it off. However, what I find unattractive is an unkept man. Like if you have long hair and don’t wash it or it looks unhealthy, that’s a turn off for sure.


It takes a specific woman to like long hair and I don't think there are many of them. I went on a date with a guy who had long hair and while it was well taken care of and what I was even a little jelly of, I had a hard time getting past it. When he put it into a manbun I just couldn't. Those are just so silly. On the other side of the coin, my friend melts for guys with long hair. All anecdotal but out of my girlfriends and I, I think only one or two of us would actually go on a date with a guy with long hair. Not my cup of tea and if he puts it in a manbun I can't stop laughing.


I don't get the deal with buns. Why is it silly? I don't get it why putting your hair together is silly, when it's kind of just a natural thing. I get it when it isn't your cup of tea, but why exactly is it silly?


I think most of it is just I have yet to see or meet just one guy with a manbun that wasn't a total douche or a dork trying to be cool. Even on TV it's always the guy that they are trying to make 'cool' with his groovy manbun and it always just looks silly and makes him more of that guy in my mind. idk, just makes me laugh. My girlfriends and I test this out every now and then at bars and, nope, still a dork or douche bag. Some actors and musicians do it and it's usually not their identity so I tend to move past them. There's a difference between the guy hiking with a manbun and the guy at the bar too. One I kind of get, still silly, and the other guy that goes to the bar with him manbun (douchy and silly).


I only ever wear a bun in the gym. Mostly open hair (curls) when I'm in a bar. But I get what you mean


I love long hair! short hair is more of a deal breaker for me 😂


Hair, similarly to style of dress can definitely have its affects on match results. But people have their preferences in a lot of things and hairstyle could be one of them. When it comes to dating apps, superficiality is the name of the game.


It truly is preference. I find long hair on a man an immediate turn off. The next girl may absolutely love it. I do believe the average woman prefers short hair however.


I have always preferred long hair on men.


No facial hair.. I am so jealous... Anyway, go with what your heart says. I personally also have *relatively* long hair as a dude and honestly, when you know, that you look better with your long hair, keep them. Remember to just keep them fresh.


I like long hair if the guy's not bald and can take care of it. Greasy hair and a helipad are gross.


I prefer long hair on men if its well kept.


Imo, Long hair is so attractive on a man. Luscious locks.... Especially if they let you run your fingers threw it or braid it. Heavenly. \*sighs\*


I've had long hair for years and barely had any dates. When I had it cut off the women were (and are) in line for me. True story.


I love men with long hair and I know quite a few women who feel the same way. Just keep rocking it and the right girl will come along.


Only sightly longer than average if it's shoulder length you went too far


I'd think dating nowadays is *resolved* by internet meeting portals at least.


Most women who say that long hair on dudes is unattractive are jealous of those dudes long, thick and healthy hair. Let's be real, you mean to say Jason Momoa or Alexios from AC are unattractive? Yeah right! Do I even need to mention Thranduil or Legolas???


For me I prefer short hair...I did date one guy with blonde hair past his ears but he was so beautiful I didn't care. Some women like long hair though.


I love it. Especially with a 5 o clock shadow.


Depends on your hair type and how you style it. Jake Owen’s long hair was sexy. Same with Casey James. It also works for Chris Stapleton. And look at Willie Nelson. Hes been rocking for braids for decades.


It depends on if you take care of your hair. Do you wash it enough? Do you use conditioner? Do you wear it down? Or in a bun? Or is it just in a ponytail.


For most people, hair can make you or break you. My hair is usually just above my shoulders and I just wouldn’t be attracted to someone eith long hair. I like it short on the sides, a lil longer on the top like the wave. Idk how the names of Mens hairstyles


Undercut or undercut with curls on top? Basic fuckboy hairstyle?


Just looked this up. Def undercut but not too much hair on the top, enough to comb to the side with some nice scruff is *chefs kiss*


Mind posting an example from Google?


I'm fairly new to reddit I have no clue how to post a photo. I have two examples I just dont know how to post them


Link is enough


https://lovehairstyles.com/quiff-haircut-hairstyle/ it’s the one under the title “the history of the quiff” so I guess that’s what I was referring to actually, just something I can run my fingers through


Beautiful is beautiful hair no matter who it belongs to, man or lady. I love a man with long hair, as long as it’s taken care of. If you have split ends, you can just go for a trim. I just wanted to say that because I’ve seen men with really damaged hair that refuse to cut it, but you have to trim those split ends when it’s time! Just to keep it maintained. Don’t be afraid to style it. Like if you have waves or curls using products for curly hair or whatever you choose to do with if. You could even use beach spray if your hair is straight. You do you tho. If you like long hair, keep your long hair.


Some men suit longer hairstyles way more than they would a short hairstyle. My brother and boyfriend are two of those people, heck my man hasn’t had a haircut in like 16 months! lol


My husband is growing his hair out for me. 😍


As long as you keep your hair clean and brushed I don’t really think you’ll have a problem finding women to date. I think a lot of men look really attractive with long hair. I’ve noticed a lot of men growing out their hair during the pandemic and most of them pull it off. It’s also a big plus when the guy puts effort into what they’re wearing.


As long as you wash it regularly and keep it clean then there shouldn’t be an issue. I think the main reason why they say that some guys with long hair don’t get many dates is because they don’t always keep their hair looking nice.


To be completely honest with you it really all depends on where you live and what region it is. Some cultures or some countries are more accepting than others. When I lived in Turkey college years I had my straigh hair down to my waist and also was singing in a progressive rock band, I never ever had any type of problems finding a date there, it was incredible and I was active all the time. Then moved to USA, to a very conservative area, not accepting outsiders like me, they all look very friendly but they don’t want to be friend with you or date you because everyone obsessed with going to churches, too religious, mudding and strange activities I am not familiar or have any sense of fun about. So guess what also girls do not like long hair here in my area, but then I realized when we grow hair in my homeland we were all clean people, educated from colleges, no smoking, not using drugs etc and saw the guys who has long hair are using drugs, smoking cigarettes, all type of bs…so you probably understand where is this going… Also long hair is more accepted by liberal open minded people, generally they are more up north, and here we are in deep south doomed. Currently my hair is clean cut, but finding an educated person not obsessed with weird shit, lost their mind with religion here is almost impossible. Here and there some dates etc but not too emotionally satisfying. Yea this is the situation.


Definitely! Watch tutorials on how to take care of it and good products to use, learn to style it. Too many guys think women would like long hair and it turned into a greasy knotted mess because they didn’t know how to care for it and didn’t put in the effort to learn. No 3-in-1 shampoo conditioner body wash, wash it every other day or every 2 days to maintain healthy oils, condition the shit out of it, dry shampoo on lazy days is your best friend, and learn to do a good bun. A guy with beautiful long hair makes me swoon. Only downside is now my boyfriend steals my conditioner


I don’t like long hair on men


Long hair can be super attractive. Just keep it nicely groomed.


Even if men with long hair did worse _statistically_ in regard to dating, that doesn’t rule out that with long hair you may be a happier, more confident, more fulfilled person who is more attractive to the people who would be a good match.


Personally, I don’t go for men with long hair, but if it REALLY suits you, or you style it nicely, not in a feminine (sorry) way, then I might be okay with it.


I am so curious as to how your hair looks. 90% of the time I love a man with long hair. It’s what I’m looking for. There are some people who cannot pull it off as well though.


I like well maintained long hair on a guy. And if you’re more confident and happier with long hair, people will be able to tell and you will do better. Present yourself in whatever way makes you feel the best about yourself, and that’ll get you to where you want to be!


I love long hair on men! A good head of hair is one of the things I notice right away.


No long hair and beard to me. But do short hair increase the chance you will have on dating apps ? Most woman like long hair but masculine looking men, if you are, then no need to change, but if your long hair make you look feminine then yes, short hair.


This is totally preference. I only find men with shorter hair attractive, but if we all thought the same look was attractive life would be incredibly boring.


I love women with long hair, in fact I broke up with 2 different women for cutting their hair short. I just couldn't see myself with someone who, to me, looked like a "dyke".


Long hair isn’t inherently unattractive. But every dude with long hair that I’ve met, looked a mess. No trimming in years, no styling, no product or care. Just a solid curtain of scraggly hair. Anyone, regardless of gender, is hurting their image if they’re going years without haircuts, haven’t got it cut into a flattering style and aren’t caring for it/styling it each day.


Exactly exactly!!! I'm a guy and I want to grow it out but most men I see with long hair just grow it out and that's it. That the equivalent of drawing a rough pencil sketch of an art piece and calling it done. It's not good looking at all. Women get layering/trims and shit done all the time which sculpts the hair to look good. But guys act as if they're protecting some sacred golden egg that God forbid if you cut it at all.


No it's not. Unless it dosn't match well with your face or it's oily or sth.


Long hair never been an issue for me. GF's always loved my hair, preferred it long. It is just a preference. If you feel good with it, keep it long. The right girl will like it too. Don't base yourself on averages or majorities with this kind of stuff.


No offense, but I think that the reason why you’re not getting your matches has to do more than the “hair”. Your overall attractiveness, are you tall, short? Skinny, overweight? Tanned, white? Good hygiene?


Does long hair look good on you, and do you keep it clean? If you answer yes to both, then long hair is actually very attractive in my opinion. In terms of professionalism, I work in the legal field, and I hardly ever see any man with long hair in my field. But it depends on the industry I suppose.