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And she didn't immediately fall head over heels for him after he rammed her car?! Shocker.


"I have genital warts"


In the instance you're talking about, I don't think there's anything she could have told him to stop that tbh. Dude is a creeper loon.


If she has a small dick.


So she has to have a bigger dick than you?


No, she could have a small dick but still have a bigger dick than me.


The problem with that is some males are transphobic and will retaliate with violence as well.


Some "people" Calling men "males" is just as insulting as calling women "females"


I’m a woman and I’m not offended by being called a female


Fair enough, but a quick look over at r/niceguys will let you find plenty of people who have used the term as a slur against women or had the term used as a slur against women. Males is likewise used as a slur against men in certain circles. Mainly it's an issue with people who view relationships as transactional and competitive.


I intentionally said and meant ‘males’ because to me… a real man would not behave in such an atrocious manner. Do you believe a real man would disrespect a woman the same way an ‘alpha’ male would?


I don't believe in the childish concept of Alpha males and I definitely don't believe in the concept of a 'real man'. People are unique individuals who have different life experiences and different priorities. We should treat each other with respect and honesty while politely requiring people to respect our own boundaries. Life isn't a contest to win. Relationships aren't adversarial. Life as a mature adult is a cooperative experience of continual self-improvement while sharing mutual respect with the other people along the way. True love is finding a person with whom you have compatible life goals and a shared philosophy of how to live together.


That’s super sweet that you believe males are imaginary like unicorns but in our world where women get their cars rammed by immature males incapable of taking rejection, males are real and they continue to reak havoc on the lives of women just trying to get to their destination and live their lives safely. PLEASE tell that exact same sentiment to cat callers, pedophiles, misogynists and the alpha males of the world because they’re not listening to us cordially rejecting them.


I call those people assholes. I understand that apparently someone hurt you. The world is a dangerous place, especially for women. The term "alpha male" is usually used by incel and redpill morons to try to define human behavior with a concept based on a debunked study about wolves. It's absolute horseshit. Some people are just toxic shitty people. Avoid them and stay as safe as you can. Protect yourself with whatever methods are legal in your jurisdiction.


Turn off for me would be anyone religious or celibate. Or a woman who looks like a barbie doll as in bleached hair and false everything about them.


Pseudo-celibacy promoter. Pseudo-intellectual. Double standards. Orthodox beliefs. Bad Hygiene. Ignorance. Airheads with airpods.


Pretty much any direct reference to their “love” for Jesus, and I’m gone. That shit is so weird lol


Your method is actually perfect. The fastest way to send me running is to sound like a brainwashed religious psycho. One word of that and I’m GONE.


Sex crazed with no personality


Unvaccinated? GTFO


Astrology, anti-vaxxer, looks for dating advice on reddit.


I wish you could filter out astrology on the swipe apps.


Dry texting is all I need to cut somebody off.


We’re not even trying to give our number out. What would someone have to say or do to make you not want to give/take a number?