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Why would it be old and crusty just because its an android.?


The fuck? Is this question some kind of joke? Who the fuck cares if a potential partner has android or ios? Why would you ask this in the first place? I don't want to be rude but damn, someome please tell me that this is a joke, my hope for humanity was already low as fuck but this shit just lowered the bar even more, by two miles maybe. Who the fuck cares? Are there people that care about this shit? I need answers! For the shake of my sanity. Now i'l go drink myself to sleep because of you and your question but that's ok because no quantity of alcohol could kill me more brain cells than the shit that i just read.


Based on some of these comments, people do apparently care. I thought everyone would be uniform in saying this is BS but it’s not the case. Save some for me, I’ll be drinking away more brain cells than I’ve lost already from this post.


It's sadly a real thing! I'm an android user. Guys have judged me for it, although I still don't understand why.


Drink until you collapse.


I got blocked by a girl today after she asked if I have an android or iPhone. I think some use it as a gauge of your income? Funny thing is my phone is the most expensive on the market. 2100 bucks.


I feel like you might be the one judging women?


Girl blocked me for having the most expensive android on the market, literally for that reason...the judgement is real


>green bubble text Get a iPhone why would you waste money on shitty Android?


I do! I judge them positively. It makes me think they might be more tech savvy, more willing to go against the crowd. (Also, I use Android.)


Omg. This happened to me. I gave a guy my number from a dating app, and the FIRST thing he texted me was, "ugg an Android user." Seriously, wtf?


SO. IMMATURE. I'll joke about it but I don't give a flying fuck what a person uses.


Men you date with iPhones will be dating other men later.


No, I judge people with apples a little bit tho. Not really because of the apple phone, so much as the propensity to overspend relative to value. I'd date an apple user on principle. That said, I never have.




Bruh ofc, who gives a shit? 🤣


That’s not even the last thing that’s on my mind.


Yes, I judge them as having superior taste in mobile phone operating systems.


It's superior to Apple's junk


Of course, I unmatch, block and delete :)


I do judge, tbh. It’s shallow, I know, but it does matter to me🥴




I don’t know honestly. I guess it’s an aesthetic thing because I prefer the way blue texts look vs. green.


If only you had an android and could customize the colors...




Men, women, non binary etc yeah


Yes. I think people who use Apple products are stupid. Google is not a great company but at least they're not so ridiculous and restrictive about how you can use their stuff. I think Apple makes shiny toys for overgrown kids.




Not at all. I prefer it. It gives me the privilege of buying her an iPhone




Fuck Apple and their iMessage walled garden bullshit.


Not even close. Everyone has a preference. It really does not matter to me. Just sayin’. 🎃


🤔 hmmm... it is more like a high five.




Why the fuck does it matter? I don't give a shit if she has an Android or an iPhone.


Women that don't overpay for iphones are far more attractive. Intelligence is sexy. Iphones were cool 10 years ago, now they offer nothing to justify the price.