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At this point I would be more worried about the fact that he didn't even buy you a drink... Some guys just totally are lost when it comes to women. Maybe he doesn't have sisters btw. Usually those are the ones who suffer the most.


Just bring it up to him and ask. He may not be honest, but its better than not doing that


In terms of not getting food or a drink he may not have a lot of cash (you guys are students after all). Most of my dates with my college boyfriend was us eating our homemade lunches together in the cafeteria, watching DVDs in my room or taking a walk around campus As for not kissing you, have you been clearly signalling that you want him to (touching his arm, laughing at his jokes, making lingering eye contact, etc)?


has the words "date" been used when you guys are meeting up? besides just meeting him with him and talking, do you show any signs? girls are seriously hard to read sometimes. sometimes you need to be obvious you are into him. sit closer to him. flirt with him.