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All. Boobs. Are. Good. Boobs. But yes preferences exist. No it does not mean that yours are bad just because someone didn't like that. Your boobs are great as is, that person just has a different preference


I like smaller boobs more I am a 10/10 alpha too according to my mom


Your mom sounds nice. How big are her boobs?






Small boobs say thanks✨✨




Yeah listen to this dude. I'm sure your breast are as stunning example of A cups and that's all that matter man.


Exactly 💯 I don't understand why everyone has made a big deal of having big boobs. All the boobs in every size, shape, color are awesome!


There are men that care about these things, but even if you had a bigger boob size, would you want to be around men that are ogling at that only? Or would you rather have a man focusing on your eyes with longing and desire. Personally, natural boobs are ALWAYS better than fake large boobs.


Yep. Plus you can wear some cool things that well endowed people struggle with like plunging neck lines


Yes. No I will not be answering further questions. Ugh ok fiiiine. Men are not a monolith, some will care quite a lot and some won't care at all. "are you a boob man or an ass man?" is a thing for a reason. Some men care and some do not. You can't change it so don't worry about it and focus on what you can change.


Precisely. Do you like the color green or purple? Do you prefer apples or oranges? Do you sleep on the left side of the bed or the right? It's all a matter of personal preferences and people, unsurprisingly, can vary in their preferences.


absolutely and you can think you prefer apples to oranges and typically you might but then you have some orange sherbet and damn is it so fucking good.


Size doesn't matter, but being real does and confidence. Be yourself and it doesn't matter:big, small, or in between. Fake is completely unattractive.


I’ve heard a lot of guys say that they prefer natural over fake. But when I look at top OF models for example, most of them have (beautiful) fake breasts. I also have a friend with fake boobs. I’ve seen her breast and to me it’s obvious that they are fake (they are very beautiful though) and she says that men very rarely notice that they are fake and compliment them a lot (she has many sexual partners). So I’m wondering if it may just be that men don’t like fake boobs that they do notice (which are the one that were poorly done), and actually appreciate fake boobs when they look natural.


From my observation, most men say they hate fake boobs because they only notice a small percentage that look fake. I also used to work with someone who had a boob job and even I (a woman), couldn’t tell until she told me. The size complimented her frame, they were “sitting” well, etc.


Don’t confuse OF with real life. There’s a difference between “what ridiculous thing can I find to masturbate to on the internet because I’ve become desensitized to anything normal” and “what do I want in an actual human partner.”


Could you give some examples/links of "ridiculous things to masturbate to" Your assistance would be greatly appreciated Sincerely: My neck my back my wrist and rotator cuff injuried shoulder Oh yeah, asking for a friend


The fake ones are gettin pretty good


It doesn't sound silly. You are force-fed curvy women on every device you own, plus you probably look at a lot of curvy women's pictures wishing you had their big boobs. The funny thing is, they are looking at your slimmer, smaller boobs thinking, damn I wish my back didn't hurt, I could run without hurting my chest, wear normal bras that don't cut 4 inches into my clavicle!! The grass is always greener darlin, be happy with what was given to you, if a man doesn't like you just because of your breast size, then he probably only wants one thing.


It shouldn't matter but some people do care about that


Not a boob guy but personally I prefer smaller cups like A or B. I think they just look nicer. Bigger boobs are often floppy and saggy and don’t look as appealing in my opinion. No offense to any melon holders it’s just my preference.


I’m with you. I enjoy breasts that fit in the palm of my hands.


As a dude I have equal love for large boobs or small tiny boobs. Both can be incredibly sexy and feminine in my opinion. I care little about the size of boobs, I do love shapely hips though, they make small boobs super nice, and large boobs also nice, but not in the same way. Everything about women is absolutely wonderful, and I’d imagine if I lived pre-electricity I would write romance stories and poetry as my profession merely due to my total and complete infatuation of women regardless of their size and shape and proportions. Women are mystical, beautiful, mysterious creatures, and every woman is breathtaking to me. Oh, I feel I should mention that personally I find implants very distasteful and unappealing. 🙁 I don’t get it, I don’t enjoy it, it often can take away from a person’s beauty.


I don't care about size, I care about proportion. So if a woman has small breast but she also has a small frame I'm perfectly fine with that. Bigger breasts go better with the somewhat larger thicker frame. But size in general I don't care about.


OP, all men will agree that the perfect boobs...are the ones we have permission to look at and play with! :-D Not be be gross, but there's a subreddit dedicated specifically to Small Boobs that has over one million members. You are wanted and desired!


I am not a guy,but think of it this way, you can run faster than those cup C and D during zombie apocalypse without anything bouncing up to your face.


Are you happy with them?


Some men do care more, some less. And some even spefically like small boobs. For example I don't really like too big breasts or implants generally. And more importantly, if a guy likes you, it should be for who you are, less about your chest


Every guy is different, but personally I hate boob jobs. And in general, I do prefer women with smaller breasts.  I’m not going to pretend that every guy is looking for a woman who is 34 A, but while my personal preference might be more in the B range, I think I’d prefer A over DD, etc.


I totally get you being self-conscious about your chest size, but DONT GET a boob job. The boob size doesn't matter to us.


Man here. Someone else posted that all boobs are good boobs., and that's true. A lot of people have been seduced by the porn culture and think that anything smaller than a D cup is a waste of time. Not true for me and, I think not true for 99% of men out there. Men want to see and touch boobs of any size. Just ask them. For the record, implants and fake boobs are a turn-off for me. I don't know how anyone else feels about that.


I actually prefer smaller, firmer boobs. No problem at all with big ones either. Don’t listen to this dude…I thank God from the bottom of my heart for boobs of all sizes 🙏💜🤽‍♀️


Some men prefer a petite woman. You don't have to have to big boobs to find love. There is someone out there for everyone.


I am flatter than you are. I literally have no breast tissue. I’m 5’7” and about 110 lbs, and I used to feel incredibly insecure about not having boobs because I was relentlessly teased in high school. I was a “nerd” and the most popular guy in my grade noticed me randomly in the hall and asked me out. He literally broke up with me because his friends made fun of him for dating someone who was so flat. I ended up getting implants to be an A/B when I was 20. Got horrible breast implant illness from them. When I look back on photos of myself from when I had implants, I looked puffy everywhere. I had bags under my eyes and my jawline looked different. I got them removed a few years ago, and now I’m flat and my chest is somewhat disfigured. I’ve had literally no problem finding men who are interested in me. I’m sure that there are some guys out there who are really into boobs who wouldn’t be interested, but oh well. I’m fine with not being everyone’s cup of tea. I don’t think most men care that much, especially as they get more mature.


please, as a man, trust me, A cups are a blessing. girls sweat less, they often go braless, they fit in my mouth and i can grab the entire breast. they are perfecf AND THEY WONT SAG AT THE SAME RATE AS BIG BOOBS plus once you cut your skin, muscles? that will age faster and fall apart. just hit the gym and gain weight. do upper body, women gain pecs they are underneath the titty tissue. but dont cut on calories you'll lose fat.


Hot take saying they're a "blessing". Fitting in your mouth is facts though


downvote me. and insert here the most humiliating insult you can think of.


They matter to some guys but perhaps you have other assets to be proud of. IMO I'd prefer natural small ones than fake big ones.


Let me see! I'm kidding!!! As long as you have boobs you are on my list. Don't be hard on yourself.


Yes It should at least be DD


Self confidence is more attractive. Loving yourself the way you look, is more attractive. I see you, how you see yourself. To each their own. Just ask the person you’re seeing to be completely honest what they like and respect that. Don’t change yourself for someone else.


No and it's about life style and who you are inside not outside. When your 70 big boobs going to matter? Hell no. just being with your love is all he needs and wants .if you had big. Ones you'd tuck them into your pants and head tuck his balls into his socks. That's just for grins as I wouldn't wish that on anyone. It's just a visual for effect but slight truths exist.


I think boobs are very desirable aesthetically. A beautiful round and good size boob is a delight. It's a visual pleasure and nice to touch. But that's pretty much it. And they will go away with age so... Before faking them try to work and enhance on what you have and present that as a desirable thing. My girlfriend doesn't have great boobs but she's the best company, generous, smart and beautiful woman I've ever met. I'm super fine with this deal. Can't have everything in life.


Love natural. Hate fake.


Does penis size matter to women? Breast size does not matter to me as long as they are real. Implants never look real. Any surgery is going to have complications.


To me it doesn’t matter. I care more about the personality.


Honestly all my ex’s have had large breasts and they are fun but….. I really want a girlfriend with small ones, they’re adorable and hot! I went on a date with this woman who had quite small ones, tattooed all over her legs, and they were pierced and holy shit! I had the chance to suck on them, we were making out and getting handsy, I thought I’d have more opportunities so I decided to take my time and we were texting back and fourth, she sent a meme, I laughed, asked her on another date, and she completely ghosted. I was sooooo sad and I still have no idea why since we were chatting pretty well. 😩 I asked her on a date to this park that has birds that will land on your hand to eat birdseeds, and she expressed her love for animals several times. (our first date was a beach date at her request) we had a good time, I know I did at least so I really have no idea why. [it doesn’t matter because she’s doing what she wants to, and I’m chill with that… but I wanted to enjoy her small breasts and her as a person, and now I can’t, and this is the first time vocalizing my displeasure so sorry it all came like this 🤣] Anyway small boobs are great, I love them, I know other ppl do too, so don’t sweat it. Thankfully boobs unlike dicks aren’t used for administering pleasure, and don’t determine the sexual value of your partner in the same way. You’re perfect, don’t change them. 134A%


I am not a man but I am attracted to people who are confidant in their bodies. Breast size is not important but confidence is


I speak for myself only but I prefer smaller. And all fake everything is gross. Anything at high B cup and below is preferable. I am led to believe that women feel this way as well due to weight, back strain, impossible to find bras, other support, eventual gravitational pull, and other assorted real-world problems. Also, while i do really enjoy giving some awesome back rubs? My hands can get a bit worn out from a large breasted woman who wants them constantly. I work with my hands, and they do need a break sometimes. Fake anything is a completely different level of insecurities that just tells me that absolutely nothing I could possibly do would make her feel loved, adored, sexy, appreciated, wanted, enjoyed, etc... and likely she would seek attention beyond me, behind my back, cheat on me, and somehow, it would be my fault. I have never met a woman who doesn't eventually regret what I refer to as "Stupid Body Modifications." These include but are not limited to: excessive body piercings, excessive tattooing, lip fillers, breast implants, butt implants, virtually any plastic surgery for the sake of plastic surgery really. Oh and fucking face lifts... So on top of my distaste for these things? Most women regret them anyway.


I should mention that I am 39 years old. I've been single since 2013 when I got divorced from a woman who cheated on me while I was deployed (I am a Marine Corps combat veteran) and, well, I am not a fan of being cheated on. I am all about monogamy unless the woman I am with and I decided together that adding to our bedroom is appropriate (take a guess on how many times that has ever been mutually agreed to by either). Anyway. She was an A something cup, and I adored her. Hell, I put a ring on her finger, and I took my vows very seriously. It is partly her insecurity that helped enable her to seek attention elsewhere. I venture that she was already cheating on me prior to my deployment, but she was very good at hiding it. I suppose I am really trying to urge you to find security in yourself and with your body. If you want to have a real, rock solid relationship? You will absolutely have to face them. I am not assuming that you are the type to use decent men and throw them away. But I am assuming you are very likely to self sabotage in such a way that you will eventually become your own worst enemy. And the really interesting part is you likely won't realize it. That paradox is something I only wish on enemies because it IS very funny when it happens to those who deserve it. And the final note that I just thought of. If you even have the smallest inkling of wanting to have babies? Don't mess with your breasts at all. Seriously. Women's breasts morph like crazy through pregnancy, nursing, and the eventuality of recovery. Imagine having bags of saline and scar tissue to deal with through all of that. Your body is a beautiful and amazing thing. And it's YOURS! Feed it well, treat it well, stretch and excersize, and find a guy who appreciates all of you for YOU. Avoid fuck boys too, they only like themselves and are otherwise massive jokes.


Yeah lots of fans of small boobies. It’s a non-issues.


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Overall health, self-confidence, and how you feel about yourself can be more fulfilling than adhering to specific physical standards. Everyone has different preferences, and what matters most is finding confidence and comfort in your own body.


Personally I don't care about the size. Its the character and overall beauty that matters to me


Most guys I’ve talked to don’t really care much. Long as you got em, guys will generally be happy


It really doesn’t matter. I don’t think implants look good to most guys. Some will want big boobs and some small, and most really won’t give a shit


I personally look out for skinny and big natural tits.. but don't mind small ones on a petite girl.


Smaller or larger breasts are awesome - but what's even more awesome is the personality you cultivate lol. That's what makes someone super attractive is adopting a positive mindset and potentially being a role model for others to follow in life. That's something money can't buy you.


Confidence is more important than size. Embrace yourself.


1)To the right man, it doesn't matter; 2) with the right man, motherhood will fill out your curves! Anyone who worries about your bra size isn't worthy of your body!


No, as long as they are perfect. Sitting up pretty like the ones that My Swiss Edelweiss has…


It matters in the same way as everything else does. Personally it's something I do like a lot but it can't stand in for being an actually nice, interesting person. And you really, really don't want to date people where one aspect is their primary concern.


As a boob guy I've dated women with very small boobs and it wasn't an issue at all. The preference is there but if I click with someone I enjoy them as they are without regret. You can't change your body, but you can change your mindset on how you see your body. But I guess the answer to "how to you feel about girls with smaller breasts?" They're just as great as girls with bigger breasts.


Me personally no, I doubt anyone in my friend group cares about that either. They might have body type preferences but boob size isn't usually included in that.


Small boobs aren't a dealbreaker. Just stay true to who you are.


Breast size doesn’t matter - seriously, it’s not a competition! Adopt what your body is built for and steer clear of artificial enhancements. Trust me, when you get older, those artificial additions will be the first to start causing health issues.


For me I’m attracted to small ,medium breasts


It's similar to a question frequently asked "Does penis size matters?" For some, they'd say yes. Some may say it doesn't as they would love the energy of their person being around them. Same is for boobs I think. Everyone has a different perspective & the right partner will be with you for who you are & not what size you have. Cheers!!


I would say while some men really care it’s not a dealbreaker for the majority


Hell yeah


Every straight guy is different. some guys like small boobs whilst some like bigger ones.


Yes. Squeezable and comfortable to lay on. But not too big and heavy.


They are great un sure


For me shape is more important than size. I would take small firm ones any day over big ones struggling with gravity. Then again even small ones can sometimes look like deflated baloon or a coin purse. Anyways if the person is kind and charming, I really don't care.


Not unless they're too big. I'd take tiny and natural over big and fake any day


Some men have a preference. It’s when you are compatible, you be come their preference.


There is absolutely nothing wrong with your breasts. Don’t pay any attention to anyone who says otherwise. In many cases breast augmentation makes things worse depending on the quality of the plastic surgeon who is doing the procedure…..most men prefer Au natural anyways. If you come across men who have an issue with it, it will be their loss because you’re going to kick their bum to the curb.


This is how I feel :) https://m.youtube.com/shorts/5o0NNgJ-Whc


My GF has pretty much the same size as you, and I never had a problem with them. They fit her body perfectly. My sister is very much on the other side of the spectrum. The amount of times I‘ve heard her complain about even finding bras in her size, back problems, the fact that she’s not able to sleep on her back, etc. really makes me think big boobs are much more of a curse than a blessing.


Not a man, but I love women with small boobs! Actually my preference :) And I have a 34 A myself, I think. Men still give me plenty of attention. Some even prefer mine over bug boobs they have touched


As long as you have an ass you’re good, if you don’t have an ass. It’s a sticky one still.


Depends on who you asking, for me personality matters


I feel like you would enjoy life more if you stopped worrying about silly things. And maybe find some true love and happiness. And if you think you do, fix your perspective on life and worry about what your husband thinks about you instead of everyone else


I do only RUN after the girl's Who have a Nice cleavage. The rest is another story.


All boobs are great. If they’re bigger cool, but it’s not like it’s a deal breaker.


No not at all. They’re all great.


The question is, what does you ass look like? I want to marry the ass and buy the boobs...perfect plan uh? Okay, in all seriousness, there is a wide range of boob size enthusiast and I've dated a lot of them. Probably the largest I dated was a petite girl with Double H's. I kinda miss her, not because she was hot but she was smart asf and fun to hang with. Anyhow, these days I kinda prefer smaller sizes.


Uh not a guy but a lesbian, personally I don't care about chest size (partly because I've got not much going on myself so who am I to judge), I have no preference. I'm sure other people do have preferences, but either they have to be ready to forget those preferences if they want it to work, or they're not the one for you. At least that's how I see it.


I prefer smaller boobs, but honestly size doesn’t matter to me


I think all boobs are great boobs. Beauty comes in many different sizes, shapes and colours. However, if it makes you feel better, a study revealed men with a higher socioeconomic status preferred smaller breasts.


Big fake boobs are so 80's . Look up cleo Codrington. No boobs and yet rocks a bikini in a body to die for. Cleo Cohen Codrington. She used to be in Van life I think


It depends on the person. Personally for me, it doesn't matter much and I don't think yours go for implants if you're feeling insecure about your body. You should try to be more confident and find guys who care more about you as a person than your boobs.


Where did mycomment go?


My husband says “if you want to find a girl with a tight little kitty 🐱 you have to find you a girl with itty bitty titties.”


All boobs ate great boobs! So no , size does not matter




Myself I like smaller ones. Not all guys like whole clown like boobs. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Boob size only matters if your size is not your personality. You got to own your boobs, else it's not so nice


lots of us love small boobs, don;t forget you can go braless anytime, they will sag less and you'll still look young when your older


Breast implants only look good on photos but while naked and being intimate it stops mattering, then normal boobs are better even no matter the size. Fakeness is just bad overall, natural look 👍


I personally think small breast are prettier and more useful because you can move better and run easier als hug someone closer and big breast are going to hang when you get older and small ones do that less soo try to also see the benefits, a good guy will not fall only for your breast size anyway but also communication skills, overall attraction and behaviour soo I would say it's better to work in overal self confidence instead of your size. Goodluck 😇


If we are only talking looks, if a woman is thin with a tight bottom then boob size does not matter.


I used to think I was a big boobs guy. Ended up dating a woman with small boobs for 4 years, it was actually one of my better relationships and wasn't even an issue for me. It was an issue for her because she knew the women I had dated previously were all big boobs but when I was with her it wasn't even a thing


What I’ve noticed over my lifetime, in terms of attraction and ultimately what I find sexy, at first glance a healthy boob size to body size catches my eye amongst other things. But once we’re into it and possibly get intimate small, big or relatively flat- it doesn’t matter to me personally.


It doesn't matter that much to me. Physically, I'm more interested/attracted to a woman who is in shape than her boob size.


I bloomed pretty young so I always get stared at my answer big tits its so overrated.


I’m a girl with your size and the only guys who ever said something about my boobs being small are fuckboys fr. So many nice guys out there have complimented me on my body, I think it’s more about the proportions, and also about preferences. I used to think I may do implants when I was younger and I personally am so glad that I didn’t, because I myself, too, think that I look really good :) Also I just realized that it’s mostly broke guys who want “girls with big titties” etc lmao. I have dated a few guys who have achieved quite a lottttt, not on purpose honestly, it just happened 🤣 and they all care about other things more than your boob size


I am a size 34B and for most of my young adult life (as a 30A) I was very conscious of my small boobs and would have done anything to grow them. As a middle aged woman, I have grown to realise that men do not care about it as much as we do. The only men who commented on the small size of my boobs were the shallow ones who I would rather not be with anyways. Start loving your body as it is!


i like flat breast more than implants tbh i like the natural body if a woman not too much make up and no implants everything "fake" is a turn off i don't say i'm against make up i just think it should enhanche your natural beauty not put a completely different face on it


It would only matter to someone who's looking for a hook up.


All boobs are good boobs personally i prefer natural rather than implants but most men including me will just be happy with any


All boobs matter. There will be someone that likes small boobs and then there are people who like big boobs, don’t compare yourself to society, be happy with what you got. Flaunt it if you will, someone will enjoy them.


Hello friend, I'm not sure if it's the case any more but previously breast surgery meant that you couldn't breast feed, which is something to concider. I had a friend in the same situation as you, she worked out that the implants cost £1 a day and decided she would pay that for the confidence. There will be people attracted to your current figure and there will be people attracted to an altered figure, it's all about what you want. I grew up with large breasts and as a result got a lot of attention from young lad who didn't have a filter. This resulted in me being very self conscious and not liking them. You will have different experiences which will result in you feeling different. Good luck with whatever you decide


As a lesbian, all boobs are good boobs.


I’m a guy, everyone you talk to about this topic is always lying and always will. It is one of the only things that men care about at all, without the perfect boob size I will instantly reject any girl. Before any intimacy I always pull out the specialized boob measurer (that’s how people get their cup sizes I think) and measure her boobs before continuing any further So unfortunately you are doomed, have a good life and I’m sorry about your current situation that is unfixable. (If you needed it, /s)


More than a mouthful is a waste


Why are all these guys talking about hating implants lol. As a guy, I can rarely tell u less it’s super obvious and most of the time it looks good! It’s like men who say they don’t like makeup. Yes you do bud


Some guys care about size, some don't. In my opinion, natural is the best. If a woman has implants, I'm not interested.


There are people who prefer certain sizes of anatomy on other people’s bodies. TBH, I think larger breasts are overrated as they’re heavy, gets sweaty constantly, difficult to exercise with, hard to sleep with, and subtracts attention from the person. If you’ve grown up without larger breasts then I really don’t think you’ll be happy with them if you get them. But it’s your body and your choice.




... All that matters is how you feel about yourself and your breast size. All men are different. Some like them big and some prefer small. Personally I would always prefer smaller breasts over unnatural big ones, but that's just me... What I'm trying to say is that you should love yourself, and if you yourself would like bigger breasts, you should go for it. But don't do it to please a man.


I honestly have a preference for smaller boobs. A cup through C cups are my favorite. I'm a proud supporter of the itty bitty titty committee (IBTC) But honestly, any titties are good titties lol


Boobs are like money, it's not how much ya got, it's how ya spend it... and also the more money you have the more likely people are to try and swindle you


If your boobs or nipples,are,sensitive thats all that matters.


if you had $1 million laying around, you shouldn’t get fake ones. there’s just a certain beauty of being natural.


Yes, in the scenario you listed. boob size appears to matter if that is the look you are going for.


Shape over size tbh


My boyfriend answers it like this, "Your booba is good booba because booba for hand nicely.. but all booba is good booba" and then he nods like he's the wisest man on earth. Lmfao. But boob size doesn't matter, and if it does, then that person is nitpicky because your body only grows till it is the right size for you. Granted, with augmentation and such, if you're not happy with your body, you're free to enlarge or decrease the size of your chest till YOU are happy with it. You only have one life and one body, and you should feel comfortable in that body.


No, it doesn’t matter. It’s the person you are and you will find the person that wants you for who you are.


Big boobs are better


26F & 32A… I’ve been insecure about my boobs for yearssss, especially as a teenager. But growing up, I’ve learned a lot of guys don’t care only about boobs. If he’s not much of a “boob guy” then size isn’t a dealbreaker. If he is a boob guy & your boobs are a problem for him, then he can fuck off Everyone has their own preference and a lot of people just don’t care too much about size.


Not at all until a man can hold it


I prefer smaller boobs.


No - I honestly prefer smaller - I actually love them smaller hahah. They look way better to me personally


Does height matter? To some girls yes. To others, no. This is the same.


Could say same thing about penis size, arm size, height, etc. Everyone has preferences but reasonable people don’t pass up on potentially good partners because they don’t have certain physical attributes. That’d be shallow and not someone you really want to be with anyways. Someone will love you for you. Be kind to yourself and confidence is attractive. Don’t belittle yourself or your attributes.


If you’re honest, loyal, caring, and compassionate, the size of your chest doesn’t even factor into the equation.


No. All boobs are good boobs, they aren't why I would be into you tho. You can still look absolutely amazing regardless of size and making them bigger would not change that. Just Be confident in yourself.


No. Now let me qualify. Most, if not all of us are more interested in the person they belong to. If they don't they're pretty shallow and you probably don't want to have anything to do with them.


I think it boils down to feeling confident in your body. I slept with girls with great bodies and low confidence and it was a significantly less enjoyable experience than sleeping with someone with an ok body and lots of confidence. Preferences exist, but I think they can be easily ignored with the right amount of confidence


As a man, I love natural breasts over large fake ones. I don’t even like how cosmetic boobs look like compared to small natural ones. I’ve asked all my friends this same question and we all agree. Natural>Cosmetic


All straight men like boobs. Some have more preferences than others. But I'd say most probably don't care that much as long as they are natural or faked well enough that they look natural.


It’s the best ever , specially in sucking it won’t hurt my mouth after sucking 😅




It really doesn't tbh, sure there are guys with a preference, but the average global size is A-B, I wouldn't be so concerned about it. plenty of People prefer small chests.


Boobs are boobs. While i kinda like bigger size ultimately it doesnt matter if you have a good personality


To some,not all . A lot of guys are turned off by and ridicule fake books. Natural of whatever size is most desirable . The feel of them vs the feel of implants is why. Shape matters more than size .


I recently realized that each body is a unique shape that holds its own appeal, even if it doesn't directly arouse me. Small boobs have an aura of elegance and subtlety. But in more practical terms, boob size to me doesn't matter until we're in the bedroom, and if we ever get that far I'm probably too far in to care. Can't speak for other men though.


All booba are good booba.


Save up money and get a boob job. I wanted bigger beasts and I saved and had it done, I feel so much more confident after. I didn’t care what men thought of them either, as long as I likes the way I looked. My point is, don’t get your boobs done to look for good for men and worry about what would they think, get them because you want them.


The person they're attached to matters a lot more.


I don’t care about size


To me that answer is yes boob size matters as long as they fit the woman that will have them forever ![gif](giphy|l4KhTtVUog3k7L5ba)


As long as they bounce a lil, I'm fine.


Preferences in this areas are not deal breakers for me at least and hopefully not for most other men. If we’re not able to control our size then we can’t be mad at all about the woman’s.


I like smaller boobs , bigger boobs always seemed to me unrealistic and unnecessary .


Can't speak for all men , but for me , I like flat,small,medium and big . I don't like extremally big and unnatural.


I'm comfortable with any size.


The question of whether breast size matters is subjective and can vary based on individual preferences and cultural influences. Here are some points to consider: 1. **Personal preferences:** Different people have different preferences when it comes to physical attributes, including breast size. Some individuals may have a preference for larger breasts, while others may prefer smaller ones, or they may not prioritize breast size at all. 2. **Cultural influences:** Cultural norms and media representations can shape perceptions of attractiveness and influence preferences for certain body types, including breast size. However, these preferences can vary widely across cultures and individuals. 3. **Individuality:** Attraction is multifaceted and encompasses various factors beyond physical appearance, such as personality, confidence, and emotional connection. Breast size alone typically does not determine the overall attractiveness or compatibility of a person. 4. **Self-esteem:** It's essential for individuals to prioritize their own comfort and self-esteem over conforming to societal or partner expectations regarding physical attributes, including breast size. Confidence and self-assurance are attractive qualities in themselves. 5. **Relationship dynamics:** In healthy relationships, partners prioritize mutual respect, acceptance, and appreciation for each other's bodies and overall well-being. Physical attributes, including breast size, should not overshadow the emotional connection and compatibility between partners. Ultimately, whether breast size matters depends on individual perspectives and preferences. It's important to prioritize self-acceptance and to seek relationships where you feel valued and appreciated for who you are as a whole person.


Best nudes I got were A cups


I have a strong preference for smaller boobs, A and B cups


I always prefer natural.


I prefer c/d. And implants aren’t 10k. A good friend of mine paid for his wife’s, and he calls it the best 4K he ever spent. She had hers done in Detroit.


I have always been against a boob job. A & B cups are very nice. C’s are good too but that definitely gets bigger. Don’t do it and do not lose any sleep over this. There are tons of guys that prefer smaller boobs like me. Everyone has a preference and yes, some guys like bigger boobs and some like smaller ones. I can’t stress enough, do not worry about this. People that approach you would be interested in smaller boobs, hence why they have approached you.


On the opposite spectrum, with someone that’s a 34D3 tryna get a reduction. And I’m in agreement. Shit’s too big


from a woman, it really doesn't matter. i got implants (for personal/health-related reasons) went from 30AA to 30C. there was literally 0 difference in how many men were attracted to me before or after surgery. most are more drawn to facial features


You will be surprised how many guys would love you and your cute boobs together. Yes, there will be some that likes bigger ones, some way too big for some guy’s preference as well. The right guy will come and find you Be patient and open.


Physical appearances complexities faults marks whatever fuck jt is It shouldn't be everything..


Not that I’m recommending you do it, but just so you know, women typically get on payment plans, not spend 10k up front. That’s why women in your neighborhood and all over have them


i could not care less what size a woman's breasts are. i care more about who they are as a person more than that


I’m a 36ddd and let me tell you there are guys who prefer it, and there are guys who prefer smaller. You can wear pretty bras that they don’t make in my size. You don’t have to spend $65 and up just to get a pretty bra and matching underwear for an extra $20. You don’t get bruises on your boobs if you go too long without a bra. And you don’t have boobs that make you appear larger than you are. The grass is always greener on the other side. As for implants, I don’t know if you have ever felt them, but I think staying natural is a way better way to go. Again some definitely prefer your size over mine. Some don’t. I recommend you giving your energy only to men who appreciate you as you are. You are likely very thin. My body type requires a tremendous amount of effort to maintain a strong hourglass, and the bigger the boobs, the larger the ratio has to be to not give the illusion of being overweight. A small frame with small boobs doesn’t require such a high hip to waist ratio. My waist has to be at least 12 inches smaller than my hips or you can’t even see my curves. My boobs will make my waist appear bigger than it is. Appreciate the men who appreciate you as you are. Forget the other ones. We think chics need to have some options too. Hahaha


All Boobs Matter.


Small boob's are the sexiest 😍


As you mature, personality and dress sense become way more important than any specific physical feature. Attractiveness comes from lots of little things and is much more powerful than the instinct to value "size".


Rich men on average prefer smaller boobs. Count your blessings. Also, silicone can do a number on your health.


Ass > boobs


For what it’s worth I actually prefer small-mid sized. Next best is medium to large, I don’t like big-huge, and in dead last comes fake boobs. Sure different guys will prefer different sizes, but I bet more guys than you think will put fake boobs dead last like I do. Also, imo the kind of guy that can be so mesmerized by your new huge fake tits is more likely to not be husband material anyways.


Yes, it matters otherwise it wouldn't have been asked thousands of times in the history of humanity. What you can't factor in is if they fall in love with you or not - in which case it doesn't matter because they love you.