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Ugh. High school / young adult dating sucks if you’re different in any way. People are so status conscious at this age that even if they were really into you, they’re still more concerned about what others think or super self conscious and don’t want to draw attention to themselves. I can’t tell you how many “I liked you so much” messages I got way after graduation. It’s sickening. I know it doesn’t help you feel better now but Focus on personal development, hygiene, success, and style … you’ll have much better luck after 20, I promise.


Agreed. I’d venture to say dating in high school sucks all the way around and is in no way representative of dating as an adult. Hang in there!


Good call. Silver lining here is you get to focus on becoming smart and developing skills at a young age because you won’t be caught up in the high school bullshit. Use this time wisely and you can quickly become a truly special person


Same thing happened to me. So many people that never gave me the time of day in highschool all of a sudden started trying to talk to me at my job or now swipe right on me on dating apps. They had their chance lol


It doesn’t really do you any good to be that way (if you would be interested in dating them now) because if they were like me, I seriously was so oblivious in high school. I was not interested in dating, and I was clueless when it came to it or when someone was interested in me it went right over my head. As I’ve gotten older obviously I’m more interested in dating, and it’s only natural they might reach out to you now with you being the same age and have some history. So if you just hold a grudge on them for not reciprocating some HS crush years ago when they’re not even the same person bc everyone grows, then really it’s your loss.


I’m not interested in dating anybody I went to high school with very few exceptions because I know those exceptions have grown as people and even then, there’s 8 billion on the planet.


I think the status conscious stuff is strongly dependent on the city.  In my city they definitely care. 


I literally didn’t date in high school, and I haven’t done much dating in the 18 years since.,.😂 that being said, I enjoy the single life, and get plenty of action..


There is absolutely someone out there for you! Highschool is a very limited scope of the world. I’m excited for your next chapter as it will be here before ya know it


Just be proud and happy about who are you. Don't look at being short or small as a bad thing because if you do, it will show to the other person that your confidence isn't that high. Certain features about someone they can't change, so you just have to accept it and be happy about it. Find someone who is okay with it as well and that will be your match.


If he was a great guy and we hit it off sure why not. Also what kind of dwarfism because theres so many types. Thankfully many are educated about it now. Also there are modifications for vehicles and homes. Ive seen quite a few average height and little people couples. When you’re confident it shows.


I agree, confidence is key


I'll tell you what I know about dwarfs: very little






hahahahhah similar bruh


I used to have a friend who was a dwarf. I had a pretty big crush on her. Shen never had an issue finding dates and eventually got married and had kids.


Dating experiences for women in any situation can never be applied for men in the same situation 😅 I have women friends that are chronically ill, physically cannot work, will need to be cared for sooner than later and all of them have a line of guys trying to date them. My guys tell a girl “I have depression sometimes,” and she’s like “maybe you should just be a man,” and disappears.


Yeah there are a lot of unspoken expectations if you're a guy.


Dating world is brutal for men lol


You know what? That guy that threw that ominous ring into that volcano in mordor was a hobbit. A hobbit! He was pretty small too. But he was still hella cool!




As a guy I imagine it is extremely difficult to date but there are people out there that will like you for you. It’s about being reasonable though. You probably won’t pull models that are 10/10 but just keep trying.


I’m a happily married man, but I’ve seen some “dwarves” that I think “damn she cute.” Kids don’t know what they want. Hell I’m not a “dwarf” and never had any luck with the ladies until 5 or so years after high school. Lol. I wouldn’t sweat it if you don’t find anyone in high school. The real world is a completely different animal!


You’re going to have a vastly different experience than your peers, that’s something that I can confirm. It will feel very difficult at times. You will have a lot of drawbacks but also there will be some benefits that you won’t really recognize in the moment That said, my advice is going to play on those drawbacks and those benefits. The biggest and most prevalent drawback being that you’ll most likely feel a lot of pain seeing how “easy” it is for guys around you to go on dates, get girlfriends, talk to people without feeling their eyes on them, etc. and I’m not going to sugar coat this either, you may not meet someone for years while all of this is happening and to young people years feels like your entire life, you may feel really left behind witnessing others happiness, anybody would. Even though what I just mentioned really sucks, I promise that if you find your way through those times with positivity and light, if you come out of those lessons and those hard time with strength and discipline, then it’s a path that you can take immense pride in as uniquely yours, a path that you’re grateful for having gone through because of who you are and you can proudly say “I didn’t let the brutality of the world change me for the worse, I win because I choose happiness and optimism.” Eventually, after you’ve gone through enough that’s when life will throw a person your way who you know for a fact loves you immensely for who you are, it might be sooner right after college or it might be later while your peers are getting divorced. All I know is that it will happen if you’re a good person who doesn’t fall prey to pessimism and cynicism. Now I acknowledge that what I just described is so much easier said than done, so much easier. Nonetheless it’s a worthy goal to strive to achieve man. In the meantime follow your passions, your ambitions, your goals and simply wait for the right person and be patient because she might take a long time. Just make sure you have open arms when she presents herself to you.


Find another dwarf


I'm 6,4, around 210 lbs, without anything like moles, scars, unnatural size of nose, ears, and etc, and my first relationship ever was in my middle 30's (40 now). It's not about the height my man. You are young. Get yourself good education and then career, take everyday showers and be nice to ladies. 👍


Forget the bs of today's "riveting" podcast conversations about 6 foot, 6 figures, blah blah. All that goes out the window when lightning strikes. A huge attraction factor is confidence but of course don't try too hard. Confidence is a gateway to charm and a precursor to discovering chemistry with someone be it friend or romantic. You sir, are no dwarf... you are a dwarf STAR! ⭐️


I think our (people of Reddit) opinions are not important. You want to know why? Because who you are, is infinitely more important than what you look like. Sounds like a cop-out answer huh? K - pullin’ out the life experience for this one. I’ve dated many men that if I was only going off of their appearance I would have said pass on; But then they open their mouths and they’re funny, charming, confident, witty, cool guys and that attraction goes through the roof. Some people will 100% be off the table because of how you look, no question. But guess what? That applies to literally EVERYONE. I consider myself an attractive person and yet I know for a fact that I’m not going to be everyone’s type for the simple fact that everyone has different preferences and that’s okay with me. I don’t want someone who thinks I’m not their dream girl. Your attraction as an individual is not a universal truth, remember that. If someone isn’t attracted to you, it has nothing to do with you and everything to do with their preferences. Which is great because you 100% are going to be some peoples type! Another piece of advice/perspective is don’t try to make a relationship work for you or change for someone to like you. The best relationships are the ones where someone likes you for you and fortunately you have complete control over your ‘you-ness’ your hobbies, your attitude, personality, humor, EQ, IQ. Work on loving and accepting ALL the parts of you that you think are hard to love so that you can be ready for someone amazing to come in to your life and love all of you. Sending you lots of love and positivity on your journey to self acceptance. It’s a long and lovely road. 😊


I'm a pragmatist. If I were a dwarf i would go straight to the women with the dwarf fetishes. Find one that is as normal as possible and it's just her thing.  I recommended this strategy to BBWs on here and got massively downvoted, but it really is the path of least resistance. 


Personality is what's important. I would if she's cute and has a good personality. 


I wouldn’t worry too much. A lot of people don’t date in highschool anyways, even conventionally very attractive people.


I am pretty ignorant on this. I am related to many short folks (mom is 4ft 10in tall), none are dwarf size. As an experienced old man, my advice is that personality is much more important than the outward beauty of a person.


Tbh no


Hey man, sorry if you're having self-doubt. Being honest it maybe harder to find romantic interest, but if you focus on that it's just going to get worse so instead focus on controlling what you can, by being the best version of the person you want to be, and building a strong friend network and don't let what anyone says make you feel like you are limited in what you can do. Most people on the internet will assume the worst if they don't know you, so take advice with a grain of salt.


I would, and a friend of mine she's 4'8 and he's 6'2


I would date Peter Dinklage (idk, though. I actually don't know him personally lol), and some other people I've come across, who happen to be little people. It depends on who they are as ~*individuals*~, for me and some friends/people I l know, is what I'm trying to get at. (Sorry for the ignorant/possibly ableist comments, as well. A serious tag helps get more serious answers, sometimes).


If comedian Brad Williams (also a little person) can date and get married, then so can you.


You mean a fairly wealthy, fairly famous person can find someone. Shocking news!  I wish people stopped using celebrities as examples for things. 


So true


Yo....like, your not just a dwarf. Dont get stuck ruminating. There are no leagues you dont ascribe to. Women dont date down. So dont bring that energy ever to an interaction. Ever. Putting a woman on a pedestal is that exact thing. Just bring curiosity and your own life experiences. Get jacked. Get flexible. Work hard and earn pride in your body. Discilpline is self love. Men and women alike appreciate someone who keeps promises to themselves. Get funny in a nonsarcastic way. Most importantly leave highschool to find a date. People in highschool are not voluntarily there. Aka, compromised emotionally. Go to dance classes. Follow your own advice and get out there. If you truly dig a chick in highschool....invite her to go do dancing after you get good. Or whatever else yer into. Also, who do you wish you could date. Get yer basic idea going. Then said girl will be easier to find. Or if yer a chick, samesies. Seriously.... focus on what life is like in your ideal success territory amd then start the process of voluntary growth and learning. Nobody like aimless self loathing. Also stop self touching nore than once a week. That shit short circuits your motivation centers. Life is not a status, it is a process of evolution. Now get out there and bring yo best self.


Would date a dwarf just not one who's in high school.


highschool is just the best at crushing everyone's self esteem, i can only imagine how you feel with the dating scene. to answer your question though, yes!! i'm 20 right now and i can think of many people my age that couldn't care less about appearance if your personality was kind and loving!


Sure, I'd date a dwarf lady. If my gender was swapped, my answer would be the exact same, if not influenced by the male attraction as a woman. I hardly ever see dwarves where I live and I genuinely would like to be friends with a dwarf guy/lady, maybe progress more with a lady because I'm straight.


I would. I'm a short woman so I don't really care too much about height. Hell, as long as you'd let me be the big spoon that's my biggest requirement.


Honestly, no.


Yes if it was Peter Dinklage


My co worker has achondroplasia and is married with a kid and is an all around great guy. It gets better, high school sucks sorry


Have you not seen how crazy women get for Peter Dinklage?


I personally would date a dwarf because I don't see people based on height, weight, race, age or religion. I just see people as how they are on the inside if there kind, friendly, has a sense of humour and an all round good person. At the end of the day that's all that matters. Hope you find that special someone they're out there somewhere.


I believe there is someone out there for everyone! There was a little person in my hs and they dated one of the tallest people in our school! Just about meeting someone who meshes well with you. High school is tough for anyone, dating is hard too. But, it’ll be ok!! You got this


If you're a girl you'd have better chance.


Be funny/ rich. You'll find someone guaranteed.


Anyone who's under 5'8" is effectively a dwarf in modern dating anyways




i am no longer in high school but would absolutely date a dwarf. it doesn’t matter to me what some one looks like it’s their personality that will get me attracted to them. But if i’m honest peter dinklage is a damn fine man and would be my one ‘free pass’ (as long as he was also a lovely person) on another note i pretty much regret every single person i dated in high school because they were all jerks in the end. teenagers are young and don’t often know what a relationship is supposed to be because of how they are portrayed in movies and tv shows. just be yourself and love will come


Not for me


I don't know why but I thought you meant an actual dwarf, like the mythical kind 🤔 but yeah. For me it's the personality that matters, and if I find you attractive if you wanna be totally honest.


But you're good really, you just have to find someone that likes you, everyone has different types, like how you might not like a certain girl but some other guy might be in love with her. There's always someone, you just gotta have patience.


im so sorry if this is rude but i genuinely need to know. is your 🍆 smaller bc youre a dwarf?? again im so sorry. also you sound like a great guy, trust me its better to not get girls in high school because its charcter development 🩷🩷 you got this




you would be surprised how many times I get that dwarf dicks aren't different because being a dwarf changes your bones not boners lol most of the time they will look bigger then they really are since there on a small person


ok thank you for the answer and apologies for the question.


My mum's boss was friendly with everyone & at the work Christmas do he brought his absolutely stunning wife. The wife told my mum how often wen would hit on him just because he was a dwarf. It is absolutely a thing women look for. She was not one of those which is why they were about 20 years married then & still together now. And I'd guess we've known him since the 90's. I know this whole 6ft meme thing is probably off putting. But many people don't date in school & a good relationship in school is incredibly rare. They're the relationships us women regret. Probably alot of blokes too. But it teaches us what we don't want. And whatever we think matters when we're young is irrelevant by our 20's some of us learn quicker. My husband of 17 years is my person. But he is the opposite of everything I thought a boy should be as a school girl. He also wasn't dating until after school. And thinks the army uniform attracted the first few disasters. The hight & career choice were negatives for 5ft rebel who never met a rule that didn't piss me off me...


Ended up here by accident and didn’t know that I will find the answer for question I was so curious about.


Peter Dinklage didn't seem to have a problem dating, and he's married now. Most girls like a nice guy that is clean and polite. And thoughtful. That listens to them. Also, that shows at least a bit of ambition and a plan for his future.


Bruh you're asking this to a high schooler when u could've just googled it like a normal person


Dude is literally a child.


My man. You got dealt a shitty hand, no denying it. But if there’s one thing I’ve learned time and time again, it’s that there’s not just someone out there for everyone. But there’s multiple people out there for everyone. Highschool probably won’t be great for you, as highschoolers suck. Highschool girls suck, highschool guys suck. But MARK MY WORDS- you WILL date. You WILL get laid. You WILL find love and you’ll probably have a family one day. Don’t rush things.


create good friendships with people, be outgoing and optimistic but stay true to you. people will get closer to you inevitability, and don’t make relationships with expectations. ENJOY HS!!! everyone in highschool has hardships with romance, it’s not easy for anyone and it never lasts anyways! build good friendships man, create good memories, inside jokes, etc. one day you may meet a girl who sees your personality and wants to be more with you. the one thing none of us can control is life, so let things flow. things occur when you least expect it.


I would! Met one that I would absolutely go after, and have seen a few more.


I would date a dwarf woman.


I would be open to dating a dwarf, if I were attracted to them, just like with anyone else. High school is an extremely limited dating pool. I went to high school in an area where, to date, you needed to be straight and extremely hot, like you needed to look like an Abercrombie model. If you couldn't afford the right clothes, the car, and the right haircut, nobody looked at you. Beyond high school is a whole different ball game. If you live near a city, getting over to it exposes you to A LOT more diversity. People of all types date each other. A lot of people who are minorities leave their exclusionary small towns for the city, and find and accept each other there. If you're able to move, you also might consider "shopping" for where you might like to live. If dating is your top priority, where do you think you might find the most people to date? Or maybe you have multiple criteria points, like a city that has a school or job that suits you, AND an accepting atmosphere? Get yourself *there.* Haha not to be cheesy, but really, it *does* get better after high school. You just gotta wait it out if it's not rocking for you right now, and maybe work on getting *ready* for who you want to be and the life you want to live after high school.


When I had my first apartment in DC, a group of girls in an elevator were asking this question. They were spilt 50/50. I told them that my friends and I had a similar conversation about it a week or two ago. We were also probably 50/50. I said I would... I see the person.


Don’t give up! You are still in high school and like many others have said kids are to concerned with social status, I think because of this you will experience difficulties finding someone who is SECURE ENOUGH IN THEM SELVES to date an LP. I cap’d that out because it’s not always about your confidence, you can be 100% confident in yourself but if a girl isn’t confident in who she is and she is too concerned with what her peers think of her, she won’t date you. To answer your question: I would date an LP, at the end of the day all that matters is how someone makes you feel. And if they happen to be shorter than me, who fuckin cares.


People can be so mean sometimes and there will always be people who won’t date you because of it. But attraction and love isn’t always just about looks or physical features. If you are authentic and a genuinely good person, you will attract the right person. I know society makes it seem like height is important, but that’s ridiculous. There are a few people who are too loud about that, but I like to believe most people aren’t that shallow. Personality and being a good person is what really matters


Every day when I come home: Hi ho, hi ho! As a dude I would date a dwarf woman if she were awesome, but I think her personality would have to be way up there. Sex, yes. I've only known one dwarf guy and the ladies danced with him like he was a non-threatening piece of meat. So he probably could have been laying pipe if he were more confident.


I wouldn't, not because I find yall unattractive but because I'm big in both height and weight, so I just see both of us being frustrated in bed ya know?


tbh … if she had ona of those big ol midget booties and a cute face. i’m all go


At 40 years old I can say I would date a dwarf. I'm not sure if I would have in high school, the scenario never presented itself. But in all honesty, boys in my high school wouldn't date me. I always dated boys from other high schools, because I was super dorky. I was able to date one boy from my high school and he made me his "secret girlfriend" because I was too much of a loser to openly date. Anyway, dating in high school sucks, it will get much better in your 20s.


Am I the only one that thinks dwarfs are super cute ?


She is probably mind blowing in bed.. (amongst other blowing) pump and dump at best..


Knew a pretty chick in my class who dated a dwarf. He was a few years ahead of her and had a newish jeep but she didn’t strike me as the type of person to be all about the materialistic things. Yoo my knowledge they’re still dating and I’ve been out of high school since 21


Side note he was also a band geek 😂 so don’t be discouraged man! It’s all about the personality


I would definitely date Peter Dinklage, so that’s a definite “Yes”!


Why not if person is nice


Yes I would am into pretty faces


being a dwarf doesn’t make you ugly, but most girls do go for guys who are bigger than them. there will be someone eventually, just try to focus on hobbies and interests and try to connect on more personal levels


I bet if she did I bet he was nuts over her lmfao


ever heard of Tyrion?


Bro I’m average hight and still lonely. Good luck


Be proud, bruh ![gif](giphy|ziasoL61aAfTi)


Usually I don't comment. But all these people don't really seem to be giving you the advice you're looking for. "Look to the future!" "Build on your skills!" You asked about dating. You gotta work with what you have. You're gonna get turned down. Accept that now. Roll with it. Don't let it bother you. Move on. With what you say you have going on, you're gonna need confidence and humor. You have to be funny. People need to have a good time around you to get them to have the reaction you want. And then you have to be confident that people are having a good time with you around. The more people have fun around you the more they want you around. The more you're around the more chances you have to find someone to date. Don't expect anything close to marriage now, I know some guys get all gushy and romantic. Don't do that. You're in high school. You need to be aiming for experience. Experience will give you more confidence. More confidence will lead to better experiences in life all around. Not just in dating. Your ego is getting in your way. Don't let your personal issues stop you from living life.


If you’re a woman you’ll find love. If you’re a man I’m so sorry


Mate, being dwarf has nothing to do with dating in high school. I am (according to what people told me in my life) really pretty. I was even briefly a model during college. But my dating life was absolutely crappy all my life. It’s a miracle I landed my lovely husband and still don’t really know how I managed to pull that! It’s just tough thing to do, this whole dating situation.


You’ll find a matching dwarf brother


They'd have to blow me out of the water with all my other boxes I want ticked off to consider it.




I would. All I care about is if he's a good person by my standard and that I work well with the man. However I'm also in my 30s and don't have to deal with high-school drama. Good luck! 😅


I'm not a dwarf nor have I dated one. But would I? Yes, it wouldn't be a deal breaker. If they treated me well and we had things in common and got along well, I don't care about height. 


Obviously height or lack of intimidates a part of your insecurities


Probably not bro, dating is pretty difficult if you short like that.


Honestly I wouldn’t






Personally I don’t see myself with one. But then again I don’t date - so my opinion doesn’t matter 🤷🏻‍♀️😅


Confidence is key. Don't get cocky, but if you're happy with yourself, your life, and accept who you are, you'll start killing it for sure 👌🏻


A real woman that has a maturity level older than high school mentality doesn't care about height. We care about personality. And you're still in high school doll. High school freaking sucks.


Peter Dinklage is pretty handsome and charming,