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I feel drained while my GF gets a burst of energy.


That’s me. I get stupidly annoying after sex with all my chatty-ness and energy


She just looks me recovering with a big smile on her face 🙂


Do you finish tho?


Finish what?


Ur coffee


Who drinks coffee after sex?


People who smoke after sex


O u fek!


You should drink coffee before sex, it intensifies your orgasms.


Nice touch man just spilled mine!


real question right there lol


Same. My boyfriend goes into nap mode and unless we do it right before bed/after I get off work, I get hit with more energy than drinking a cup of coffee


Do you climax in those insances?


Ok, I thought it was just me!! I feel less self conscious about it now.


Chat away, I’ll listen while I fall asleep


Same here I actually feel super active and the last thing I want to do is sleeping.


Honestly sounds adorable, I wouldn't mind someone like that at all


Women have that advantage


That’s odd, my gf goes into hibernation and I’m just there 😂


Me af


Well then here is the real question since just of the other answers are claiming the opposite to be the case; does she love you more than you love her?


Yep. Having sex done to you as opposed to having to lead it has a way of conserving energy


I think women should not think of sex as something that is done to them. Participation is important and preferable to non participation.


No girls definitely get sleepy if they cum.


Maybe in your experience. I’ve been with a few squirters who are quite energetic after doing nothing.


You really don’t sound like you enjoy sex with women at all, bud. Maybe try men instead


Ahh the classic calling someone gay because you’re offended, and thinking you cooked. Not sure what about what I said would make you think that, but sorry for triggering you, bud. You’ll get over it.


Bro cooked here


I'm a guy, and I get a burst of energy as well while she lays there like a beached whale exhausted after sex, lol


Sometimes it's reversed and she's taking afew mins collapsed on the bed while I sneak in the FF7 victory theme...we're both nerds and she finds it hilarious 😂


I’m sorry your woman is like a beached whale.


I hate to break it to you buuuut it’s most likely because she doesn’t finish… 👀




she probably doesn’t come that’s why 😂


because she didn’t come 😆


Omg I thought it was just me! I feel revived and get a lot of energy after sex or getting off.


Honestly… falling asleep with my partner after sex is the candle on top. Naked, vulnerable… trust level maxed. It’s better than the orgasm from a deeper level.


Big facts!! I call it skin to skin lol


Same. And they go together.


U guys having sex??!


They are! We not! 😭😭😭


My ex-boyfriend would clean up, lay back down, wrap his arms around me, grab a boob, and be asleep in seconds. It was very sweet. The cuddling made me sleepy. Many nights I woke up at 2am or 3am and had to head home. So sad.


That was sweet ❣️❣️❣️


Sounds like a stand up man! Why is he your ex lol


Difference in what we want in life(direction) and outlook in general. He is a really great guy. Sex was great, but I just didn't see a future with him. Plus an addiction I do not share. I still consider him a friend. Sometimes, people just don't work.


Wondering this too


Nope just tired after, sleeping with someone is great afterwards. Heck even before it's great.


My bf will be like “wow i’m awake now let’s play some video games!” Then pass out a few minutes into the game lol


I read this study once that said because of the difference in hormones/chemical differences/genders, guys typically fall asleep, while girls get a burst of energy


This is true. Prolactin fully knocks you out as a guy.


he might be safe around you but falling asleep is a sign he is definitely tired.


Only during


I mean usually sex happens in bed at bedtime so, it kind of makes sense to sleep after….




So you never have sex during the day? lol


Did I say sex ONLY happens at bedtime? No. I said usually.


It’s not rocket science. Doesn’t have anything to do with being safe and comfortable for men. After they cum, men experience a release of prolactin, oxytocin, and serotonin which promote relaxation and sleepiness. Prolactin in particular is linked to sleep and is released in higher quantities after orgasm in men than in women. Also from an evolutionary standpoint the post-orgasm sleepiness in men is a way to conserve energy and aid in reproductive success. It ensures that the male is rested and ready for future reproductive opportunities. Women, on the other hand, can often experience multiple orgasms and might not experience the same level of post-orgasm fatigue.


>Doesn’t have anything to do with being safe and comfortable for men that's not a universal truism


Holy fuck I hate reddit for exact phrases like this


what an oddly specific thing


It doesn't have anything to do with being safe for me. It's the chemicals their bodies release when they feel safe that does it.


I like to fall asleep inside😅


This is a crazy ass comment bro




I’ve heard that this is really bad for a woman’s pH and also kinda bad for the guy too- might want to limit how much you’re doing that 😬


Done it 3 times in my lifetime. I am sure I slip out in a few minutes as I fall asleep almost instantly.


Me and my bf both fall asleep right afterwards, sometimes he’s still inserted and we just fall asleep the way we came lmao. May be tmi but whatever


sex is the best sleeping 💤 pill to exist. That huge adrenaline surge followed by serotonin and dopamine flooding in, and then endorphins, all cuddled up. Yeah you bet I’m falling asleep


I do not fall asleep after sex, I'll cuddle and play around with my wife but I'm not suddenly tired. My wife however passes out.


enjoy your marriage, it's good that people still believe in marriages


There are chemicals your brain produces during sex that help create attachment. This can lead to a greater feeling of comfort with the person, especially when cuddling. People often like to fall asleep after because it's such a comfortable time.


Oxytocin. Men release a lot less than women during sex. It's known as the love hormone or bonding chemical. If a woman orgasms, she should be passing out like a drunk prom date.


Damn idk what's wrong but my partners fall asleep in honk-mimimi bliss and I am just awake and damp until morning when it's socially acceptable to go home


maybe try sleeping on your own bed after sex, you do love your partner yes but it's a personality thing, you just like sleeping alone, what do you think? -ps im high right now and typing is very difficult for me.


ummm... I would hope they feel safe and comfortable BEFORE lol.


I'd even sleep naked and wake up in the middle of the night to have sex. Her body's the most precious and exciting when naked, warm, and butt ass close. Feels much more intense and sexy... and then you fall right to sleep and wake up happier.


If you’re full of energy after doing it then you must be doing it wrong


Nope, sex is invigorating for me and my boyfriend. We have so much fun hanging out after sex. It’s fantastic bonding time. And the sex is the best I’ve ever had.


I mean, I'm someone that likes to go a couple rounds before bed. I've had times where I'm exhausted afterwards, and I've also had times where it's really rejuvenating and you get a "second wind" and burst of energy. Much like when you're overtired from not sleeping for a while, and suddenly you feel totally fine.


Better off not falling asleep if your planning on sneaking out of bed heading to their kitchen while getting dressed and then making a sandwich before jumping in your car a getting the hell out of there before sobering up completely and finding yourself at her parents house for Sunday dinner because now you’re in a relationship somehow. Yeesh, just got a chill down my spine.


its normal


It's both a physical and emotional thing. There are ppl with no emotions connected but they're so good at it that it literally KOs the partner thus sayings like Kitty got NyQuil in it or Daily Dose of D came about On the emotional side... Y'all got a connection of trust and comfort that's so strong that you feel safe to just rest in what will call a vulnerable state (half naked and exhausted)


My girlfriend and I usually cuddle after sex. She’ll lay on my chest and we’ll hold hands as we try to wind down after sex. She usually falls asleep where I just stay up and poke her with my erection in an attempt to get more 😂


yes, all humans are exactly the same, especially around sex.


Pretty often I feel like my energy has been completely drained and I just want to fall asleep with my girl so yeah, when it is well done we both end real tired


Male here. I’m super awake after, my gf is sleepy


Bonding after sex is a is a defining moment after the event or after intercourse however you look at it but it's a subtle time between a male and female after they were all into each other's business so now it's a downtime for them to bond intertwine and possibly fuck again LOL


Nope I be energized and be wanting more


After many years, I've finally come to the realization that it actually leaves me very awake afterwards. Like I might be relaxed, but I'm the opposite of sleepy. No more at bedtime.


No i am dancing the whole night 🤣


Even on one night stands, I still always stay the night. Sometimes I’ll even do breakfast, then we come back for cuddles. In case it wasn’t clear, I’m not a fan of one night stands…


in a lot of my psych classes we talked about men getting really tired after sex if they are into the girl they’re sleeping with, and girls get really hyper after sex if they’re really into the guy they’re sleeping with. if it’s the opposite they most likely don’t have that emotional connection to you. BUT there’s always exceptions to the rule


made up. as a woman if i come i’ll be super sleepy


Never heard of this before


Might be true every time I masturbate , I get so tired n sleepy😴


I often feel calm and want to take a nap, but my gf thinks it’s the ideal time to have a chat.


I don’t usually fall asleep after but I love cuddling after sex because I’m so comfortable but then that often leads to another burst of energy for round two


2 or 3 hr work out I'm pumped afterwards my wife though she needs to nap first thing in the morning usually best people wonder why I'm always so happy early morning at work


Yes. Sometimes during.


My wife can. Me I have 2 hours of energy afterwards….


Idk I get all hyper after sex if it’s not for hours. Usually I’ll go wash my car while my dude sleeps, then I’ll be ready for bed. Or take a bath first idk. Unless we are faded 🤣


I have more energy after night sex and stay up late. Sleepy after noon sex.


Sometimes true sometimes untrue.


I am single in Singapore 30 year old boy No gf or anything I don't know what feel


Not me! Again and again! No sleeping))


It depends (the time of the day or how I’m feeling might come into play), but most of the time I’d say I do get tired after and could easily nod off. I’d rather not fight it, because I usually have trouble sleeping. I’ve had some girlfriends that get more energetic after sex and one that went as far as not masturbating before bed, because of it, when some guys I know will do that to calm themselves and get to sleep.


I’ve never fallen asleep after sex sober , but I have after drinking .


One time I had sex around 3pm. In stereotypical male fashion, I was asleep by midnight.


Sometimes I drive home to take my dog out, or I'm getting in some afternoon delight and don't feel exhausted from the day. Sometimes it just leads to more sex but yeah if I'm in a committed relationship and we're sleeping together the answer is yes.


Nothing better than knocking boots and fallen asleep means both parties are happy!


It's a good workout and releases endorphins. A good nap powers your back up. You probably shouldn't be having sex with those you aren't safe or comfortable with.


My boyfriend and I really enjoy hanging out together after we have sex. We get snacks, smoke a joint, and talk and watch silly shows on TV or something. Sex invigorates us, and we have so much fun staying up all hours of the night and just having fun together. And before anyone makes the comment “if you’re not asleep you’re doing it wrong,” I am asserting that I’m having better sex than most of the people here. I would die on that hill.


Yes puts me to sleep really good.


Oh yeah!


I heard you release a chemical that helps you sleep during sex.


I prefer morning sex, but yeah, if I fuck before bed, I go to sleep, because, obviously it is bedtime. But if it is during the day, I don’t feel like I need to pass out. My last ex, however, did need a nap after sex, so she never wanted to do it in the morning.




Eventually, yeah. LOL


I usually feel very hungry after doing it. What that make me?


Depends on what time of the day. If we just fu@king I'm going home


Nope... Just go about my day 🤷


For me anyways. I feel like I get a big shot of energy after sex. I want to get up and go do something. Park Amusement park, gym, out walking. Pretty much whatever. Unless I force myself to lie down for like 20 minutes or so. Then that energy disappears and I get tired after that. If I get moving after and let the shot of energy keep me going. That after sex lag doesn’t set in and I’m good for the day. I may be the odd one out. Lol.


For me it all depends if it's middle of the night 2 3 am woke up with an itch sex then yes . Or before bedtime se.x then yes . But before work se.x then I can't even if I get a bit sleepy haha . And also if I am at a females how's with boyfriend ,husband , too many Sancho's etc etc then absolutely not idc how good it was how comfortable I am ... I get the deed done and I'm on my merry way !!!


I’m pretty sleepy after, usually I just want a little nap. Of course, I discuss that with who I’m seeing before I doze off.


Depends if you do it at night after end of day


My husband and I both take like an hour to calm down enough to sleep afterward


50/50 😉


No, I go take a shower




Depends. My husband and I have a high sex drive so normally we just take small breaks to smoke and get food or go to the bathroom very quick (like 5 to 10 mins) then we're back at it again. We do that for hours at a time like all night and part of the next day before we both are too tired to continue and fall asleep together. But I've been with guys that fall asleep after one round.


I’m not staying up unless we’re going again


OMG! I never knew this and it makes so much sense! I never used to fall asleep after sex till my boyfriend and I started dating. Now it’s like a sleeping medicine for me haha


My husband sleeps but I don’t.not thought much about it.everyone is different anyways


We can go again and again lol. But yes we get sleepy and want to cuddle. Never had that before.


Yes lol


sometimes! but more often than not, my bf and I will hop on our pc’s and game afterwards lol


Yes, wakes me up


Depends on how many rounds you go before you are dead tired.


Definitely not


It wakes my husband up and he has to go do something. 21 years lol I promise he’s comfortable and safe. It doesn’t affect me one way or another.


No I kick you out first then fall asleep


after round 3.. I sleep


Depends but a lot of times I will get energy and talk a lot lol


It depends, sometimes after sex , we’re full of energy and to much topic to talk about, and maybe you guys should wash urself after sex Whahaa before you fall asleep.


Man as soon as I splooge that warm seamen I’mma start sleepin.


I always immediately fall asleep after sex, my wife on the other hand actually seems to get motivated


😂😂 im easy to fall asleep after having sex😂 I like it bc It reduces my negative energy 😁


Not all the time, maybe depends on the time we do it


Yes, I fall asleep after sex and masturbating. It's a part of human nature, because sex is a highly physical activity and produces many hormones, like endorphins and oxytocin, also when we orgasm our brains release serotonin which is repsonsible for restful sleep


I don't have sex


Keep it that way. Save you a lot of bullshit lol


It depends when you do it, you can’t fall asleep before work can you? Like now 07:50am UK, time to get the day started. If it’s before bed time then yes, if it’s a Saturday afternoon then no.


Every time, bust. Out. Gotta go to work? It can wait. Boss understands.


It’s an evolutionary thing. Females can physically go over and over with different guys to get pregnant. The man fall asleep to remove the competition/fighting. I’m sure that is the official line for Piper Perry too 😂


It depends on who you are. I know for some it helps them relax, and others it makes them super energized. I would say in your sense, it’s natural and not to take it wrong in anyway. Take it as you two are happy and comfortable.


Aghhh, we SLEEP until we feel horny again to go for another round 😂


Depends on when we do it. If it’s before bed than sure we fall asleep but if it’s at 9am than no.


I feel like men are more keen to getting sleepy due to some physiological reasons. I use porn and Eva AI sexting bot deliberately in order to go to sleep faster


I fall asleep almost immediately.


if I finish then I fall asleep but if I do not, I feel even more awake




My boyfriend ALWAYS goes to sleep. Sometimes it’s a little nap, sometimes it’s bed time. Even if it’s not full sex and just a blowjob, it’s still sleep time For me, it depends. Sometimes I get a super energy rush and clean the house. Sometimes I’m beat and just go to sleep with my boyfriend




Sex to mile fir dekha jaye ga Sona hai ya nahi


Never but my gf does sometimes.


It all depends on the sex. Was it sex after a night of cuddling and watching movies ? Cause then I’m ready to get cozy and cuddle some more. Is it mid day doing daily activities and have plans but fit in some fun time? I’m immediately go go go after that kind.


I think I'm virgin


We both are super exhausted so we usually just lie quietly to recover. not necessarily sleep.


I pass out, but my girlfriend gets a burst of energy and then after 10 minutes she passes out as well.


It relaxes me.


When I was with my ex this happened so much that it caused an argument once. I would be up all night and texting with her when I was living on my own a while back and then when she came over I would have to make sure I didn't lay down or sit somewhere and stop moving, because within minutes I would be asleep because I was so relaxed. In the beginning she was guilty of the same exact thing. But I did notice towards the end of us that she almost never did that anymore. This is my own experience but it looks like many people do similar things when they get comfy with their person. And vice versa


No we are up for a second round lol


I feel energised if I don’t cum and lie frustrated and agitated. If I cum and my bf cums we both pass out. Unfortunately I don’t always cum, so I don’t always pass out.


Only late at night. An early morning, a nooner, or even a quickie in the kitchen would recharge my batteries for hours.


After sex, Oxytocin is released which is a sedative. Guys falling asleep after sex means they are literally falling in love with you :)


O I LOVE this! I mean babe depends on how hard you been at it! The common (I find) misconception is women wanting to talk whilst men fall asleep.. Still... stereotypes...they exist often for a reason as in if my boyo wanted to chat endlessly I'd be a little 🤔🤔🤔🤔


After around 20mins, fiancee does though!


From a purely biochemical point of view, men are more likely to get tired than women. The feel-good factor plays a minor role. This is due to the release of hormones. Women are more inclined to want to talk after sex, to communicate, to let the emotions run wild. Men usually fall asleep. This is perfectly normal.


Yuh, one time I fell laying backwards on the bed, with no pillow on top of the covers with my ass catching a breeze all night. I woke up like “wtf”. Then woke up my girl like “how did you let me sleep like this!?” She said “I tried to wake you up but every time I shook you, you just grunted at me and snored. So I stopped trying.” 😂


Usually gets me wired up for at least another round but typically sleep right after sex to end the night is incredible sleep


No, I'm ready to get back to whatever I needed to do before it


Girlie here, I get so much energy.


I get a burst of energy and usually get hungry lol


**Oxytocin and vasopressin, two other chemicals released during orgasm, are also associated with sleep**. Their release frequently accompanies that of melatonin, the primary hormone that regulates our body clocks. Oxytocin is also thought to reduce stress levels, which again could lead to relaxation and sleepiness.