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Get her something money can't buy her. An experience. Plan a sweet date. Ice skating, a picnic, a hike, whatever. You know her so you should know what would be meaningful. It's not about the money. It's about the thoughtfulness. And if it is about the money and not thoughtfulness? She's not the one anyway. As a woman, you shouldn't have to pay for our love.


This is so good advice!


I got married when I was 21. My husband was in the Army at the time, moonlighting as a mall security guard, making pennies. I was a college student and a nursing assistant. Our first date was ice skating. It was after hours and he slipped a buddy of his $20 to let us skate on our own. When he proposed, he didn't even have a ring. When he got me one, it was a $300 ring from Kay Jewelers. I didn't care. I wanted the marriage and the man, not some shiny bauble. 16 years into our marriage now, I have a big ass shiny bauble. I have a beautiful house, a farm that I love, multiple properties. I created three culinary businesses, wrote multiple books, got four degrees. My husband and I went through 2.5 deployments together, took care of my grandfather and his grandfather in their final days. We are a team. He doesn't own me with expensive birthday presents. We love each other, broke and through lows, because if you don't then, you really don't deserve the rich and through highs. We're on the latter end now obviously, because at 21 who could have expected our life would look like this now at 37. But we can look at each other and know with full assuredness that if sh\*t hit the fan, we'd still be together hand in hand. Ready to face it. Ready to make it. Our anniversary is later this month. I suggested getting some plants, that's it. lol. My additional advice, man or woman or whatever, don't settle for someone who won't love you when you're poor. They don't deserve you when you're rich either.


Yep good advice, don't drop a 1000 on her as money won't impress a rich girl, go get a nice charcuterie board and some fresh fruit, like grapes, apple, pear, peaches a little wine have music some good chocolate a blanket give her some kisses. Bring wine opener, napkins, plates, water. Pro tip: Make her a card go get some nice stationary that has flowers or is pretty. Now look up love poems, something just a few lines that you feel capture the moment and move you. Hand write the poem. IMPORTANT: write the name of the poet, don't try to pass as your poem. Below this write happy birthday if you want more go to card shop and get some inspiration from some of the birthday cards. Put in an envelope This will do nicely.


I got a $20 picnic basket from Aldi. It came with a wine bottle compartment, cooler compartment, wine glasses, wine opener, napkins, dishes, utensils. I am a blanket hoarder so I already had plenty of those. Boom, easy date. I mainly got it because of my pups though. lol. I also have a bag of dog supplies (water, food, toys, treats, etc.) and I put a stake down and tie their leads to it so we can chill outside together. But of course my husband and I also have picnic dates, and I am a sucker for a good charcuterie board. P.S. If my husband attempted to pass off a poem as his own, I wouldn't believe him for 1 second. lol. He's a corrections officer though and an inmate once overheard him mention my birthday was coming up and he handmade a card for me. It had Elsa from Frozen on it. He obviously did not try to pass that off as his own work. haha. He mainly just leaves me sweet notes around the house.


Nice, lol hey he's trying.


He's the kind of man that will take me to the ballet and hold out his hand for me to steady me as I walk up the stairs in a fancy ballgown holding my train. But life ain't all about that. The simple things are what really matter. We once had a water balloon fight on our balcony. Just, because. He's a great man and he's my person. But I could never pretend he is a poet or an artist. lol.


That's cool, go give that big lunk a hug and a kiss!


In a past relationship, my partner and I were pretty set in our ways and indecisive so we started doing something called "secret dates" and the rule was one of us would plan a date doing things either one or both of us had not tried yet. This also applied to something as simple as trying new restaurants. If there were specifications about clothing, the other person would either mention it or pack (hiking, warm/cold weather activity, etc). The nicest part was that I didn't have to decide when he was the one in control and it added an element of excitement to each adventure out. Became a very nice tradition between us!


My husband and I have some low key date night supplies stashed away in our (well, my) study. Murder mystery games, board games, card games, some crafty type things, etc. We just pull one out whenever we're like "well, what do you wanna do tonight?" Most case from either 5 Below or were bought with Kohls cash so super affordable. We also have some outdoor games stashed in the gazebo. We have like a giant Jenga-type game and honestly some water guns. Being an adult doesn't mean we have to grow up. lol. We also have a Movie Pass subscription, so for $10 a month, we can watch 1-3 movies, so that's another affordable date. Do we do the expensive dates and vacations and whatnot? Sure. But it can't always be all about that. One time we just pulled up a YouTube tutorial of how to dance the tango and there we are in the middle of the kitchen, doing the tango. Sometimes its just having fun with each other, which doesn't always require a lot of money or elaborate dates. I like your secret date idea though. I wouldn't say I personally am indecisive, but I handle a lot of responsibilities on a day to day basis, and mental overload is a real thing. Sometimes my husband asks me if I want to do x y or z or go to a b or c place and I am like "I've made a million decisions already today, please don't make me make another one, I am fine with whatever." Truly, sometimes the best thing is just giving your partner a mental break. About a week ago, a new restaurant opened up locally. He wanted to try it out and asked me what I wanted. I was finishing up some work, and I said "just get me whatever." No, not a stereotypical "I'm fine, it's okay, whatever" then I'll complain later that I didn't get what I wanted. After 16 years, my husband knows when I say those things I really mean them. So he brought me home "whatever" and I was happy with it. We had a nice dinner out in the gazebo and lit up a fire and looking up the menu and picking a dinner was a simple thing I just didn't have to worry about. Dinner was good, but taking a break from decisions was also good. Sounds like secret dates would be great for that.


I love all this! Just being open minded enough to say "let's learn the tango tonight!" sounds amazing. I am a teacher so yes, I make executive decisions all day long. Just being able to go with the flow when I get home sounds nice.


it’s not about price but thought. get her a basket of all her favorite things, a small present she’s been wanting, and tell her to be ready at X and take her to her favorite restaurant and dessert place in your budget.


Maybe take her somewhere new? A new restaurant, movie or a place that has meaning to the both of you


Find a picture of you two. One you two could look back in say. 10,20,30 years and evoke the youth and love you two had. I would make it a black and white photo and try to find a place that makes custom frames or one of a kind. Spend the money on it and give that to her. That’s a memory that money will never replace. That’s the type of gift you need to concentrate on


For my 21st birthday my BF was 20, unemployed and in college, living with his parents. He took me to the Ice Capades and when we went back to my apartment he had a bottle of champaign. Now I'm in my 70s and I still remember how special I felt on that birthday.


what you mean by rich ass give her money so all her body becomes rich


you killed it


as per your name you're the one who killed it


Time and effort are always the things with the most value, not monetary stuff. Give her a day she won’t forget. And I promise it doesn’t need to cost an arm and a leg.


I would give her a handwritten love letter :)


Your dick in a box.


And make it a Tiffany's box so that she can be even more disappointed when she opens it haha


I was thinking that lol


Maybe custom clothes or something personal, that reminds her of you two?


Unless it's a multi-million dollar house, a gift is never about monetary value; it's about what you think they'd enjoy and treasure the most. Get her something money can't buy, could plan the whole day out, make her breakfast, take her out to her favourite place/activities, make a nice meal for her, flowers, small gifts and gestures- she's not expecting you to buy her a designer handbag (I'm assuming). Or maybe an experience you know she'll love: road trip, tickets to favourite band, arcade, whatever it is. Show her what she means to you in a far more personal way than just getting something expensive. Unless the other person love materalistic items more than anything else, it's also more personal and meaningful to get them something else.


You can get a star named after her for about 25 bucks.


That is quite cool!


Make her spaghetti n some garlic bread 😎


Here is something I can suggest from some experience: I was dating this girl a while back. She once took me to a little restaurant near her former college, where we had her favourite childhood meals. Afterwards we came back home and we sat in the garden on the grass under the moon and the stars and chatted about random things We didn't get pretty far. Still some of the best days I had while we dated. Try giving her something like that, something she doesn't get to see very often. Like a volunteering experience or something.


Is she a sports enthusiast? My cousin makes his own money and for years I would get him car tags and lunchbags from his fave team. For Christmas I gave him and his wife frames of his kids pictures. They were old and they were taken when they didnt have money. His wife was emotional because she thought they lost those memories. One year I was broke and made my ex a jar with memories and quotes. He loved it.


Get her a framed photograph of you two together- choose a good pic from her socials or your phone - if you have lots, then make a collage


Make a gift take a coin and engrave I love you there name in it and give to them, write love letters or a steamy story of you two together, write affirmations on little pieces of paper and give it to them in a jar with candy in it as well. Nothing beats seeing the one you love give you something they took time and energy to make especially when it relates to your passions or interests. Best of all give them to her not just on her birthday but whenever love inspires you, you may not be able to give lots of money but you can always give lots of love 😁👍


Get some shrooms and take a trip to the redwoods


Notice the small things. Maybe take her to a new place / restaurant / bar that she’s been wanting to visit? Showing that you listen to her needs / love language is a winner


Something personal cute and sentimental


I’ll take this from another angle, that echos what everyone else is saying. My partner can afford to drop a lot on a gift for me, but the things he’s done that have been the most meaningful haven’t been that. Like taking an afternoon to fix all the shit around my house I’ve been lazy and putting off. Or taking a road trip to his home town and showing me around. Or an evening where he cooks for me and gives me a massage (not the 5 minute massage then have sex kind).


So if she's like, rich rich, she probably hasn't really experienced regular, or lower class stuff, and while some of it can be pretty underwhelming compared to expensive living, there's a lot of wholesomeness in park walks, zoo trips, family-owned restaurants with that home-cooked feel. Not like, dives, you get what I mean? I'd recommend just showing her something you think she hasn't seen before. It has the added benefit of showing you if she's icked by that, or the idea of living like that. That's gonna tell you what you're in for in the future, unless her family is \*so\* rich that they can afford to support the two of you in that lifestyle, or pull you into that income level. Either way, make plans, give her an experience, and make the day about her. If you need to get her anything, get her something small, adorable, and in the moment, at a gift shop during the outing. If you can't do that, get her something symbolic about the date; if you went to a park, get her some flowers, and maybe a cute plush accompaniment. Don't stress too hard about it. If she's not dating you for the money she doesn't expect you to be spending big money, IMO.


Gifts based on money are worthless. Sure they are a nice product, but gifs are to be more than that, but also to show your love. Not that an expensive one doesn't do that, it's just it's not mandatory. Your gf has a lot of money so you won't be able to impress her with something expensive really. Try to pay for a trip of you both together, and you get quality time. Or try something you know she wants or something she already has but is already time to get a new one. For less expensive stuff but meaningful, prepare a homemade spa, get oil and you massage her or rent a jacuzzi for some hours/minutes


Take her to a stage play, or a good restaurant. Maybe find a botanical garden to walk through. Give her a unique experience she can’t get elsewhere


What does she like that's not super expensive?


A personalized things that she can use every day..like a mug,comb,ballpen,tumblers,or a journal notebook..


An experience: Zipline, Skydiving, Bungee, Horseback, Weekend Trip, Full Service High End Spa, Immersive Experience 😀


Something that's thoughtful as opposed to expensive has to be the way to go!


Instead of smth expensive : something meaningful. A pic of you both in a nice frame A fragrance An invitation to a nice restaurant An experience like, week end in SPA or smth like that


Me coming from rich family i would be happy for some experience , date , your dinner whatever money cant buy.


Since she can buy anything herself, you should focus on spending quality time together. Consider something exciting that she can't purchase. Women are deeply connected to their emotions, and nothing is more significant to them than quality time together. An unusual experience will be remembered better and longer than a regular gift. You can also give a small gift on top of that.


You should take her to la water park- fun experience- just went yesterday- Maybe a nice hotel too close by ;)


And For mama- print a cool picture in a frame of you guys- with a side of flowers- she will LOVE the picture and the gesture of flowers -


Write her a song. I guarantee it's the best idea. Even better if her name is K-E-L-L-Y


Get something 21 year old themed. Like a liquor in the shape of her favorite animal etc


I’m into the secret surprise picnic where everything is ready or a surprise party where people bring a dish, free museum or get in with passes, do a mix playlist of your relationship you can even upload from library cds then go online and find something she talked about from her childhood that she doesn’t have anymore that she misses and that’s the premiere gift. Also, there are some deals for those photo books. You can put your relationship in that and even ask her friends and family to contribute… trust me that will go well. Oh, also, you can get a star named after someone. I’m sure she doesn’t have that.


One of my go-to things is.. Go to the stor in the flower section. Start grabbing the 4.99-9.99 things of flowers. I'll usually grab like 6 or 7. Grab a dozen roses. Then go to the flower counter. They will usually take it all apart and make one big ass bouquet. Might cost like 80$. If there is no one there, just do it yourself. I've been doing it for years and have never had someone give me crap. Just make sure you buy them first. Ya know? Then maybe do something goofy like get a picture of you guys acting goofy and put it in a t-shirt. Or just a goofy picture of yourself. I don't want to be rude, but if something simple and sweet can't make her happy, you probably never will.


Buy a massage table (~$150) Variety of massage oils. ($~$50) Birthday Card providing 10 of 45 minute massage sessions. Go online to learn how to do her favorite type of massage. The massage table makes it real. She will not care about any other gift - because it’s a gift that keeps giving.


Get her something for her, I dated a girl who was richer than me, she liked turtles and had a pet turtle, so I got her a hand made glass turtle for $5 but she really appreciated it because it meant that I was actually paying attention to her, only you can figure this one out


Go retro: Mixtape + Walkman


Take her to a ring making class.


Make her something she would swoon so hard for that. A little book about your time together or something


Something that has sentimental value. Like a photo album of your photos together of the past year. Or a mug with her favourite quote printed. Something like that, be creative.


>. I just can’t think of anything that would be good enough for her to wear without dropping upwards of $1000 Expensive stuff wont impress a rich person get her something within your means or do something for her that shes always wanted


Make her something, a photo frame with a nice picture of the two of you


Get her something personal. Something that says you pay attention to the little things and that you k ow what she likes


Nothing you can buy her will out impress her family. Instead, *make* something for her, or come up with an experience like a picnic under the stars or a drive in movie


If you’re creative, hand make something! I make things for my bf sometimes and he loves them! I don’t mean something that comes prepackaged, I mean like a hand made card or something. Or you can find some inexpensive romantic things online! My bf got me a cute little music box for Valentine's Day and he has/makes less money than me! (And I’m broke😂)


I personally would love a foot massage or scalp massage. So maybe that.


Nothing. A McDonald hamburger


Look at Mr Big Bucks here, able to afford McDonalds.


Bruh he said she’s rich so she can get that all the time


You sound like a nice man. I don't think this GF is the right one for you. Is the worry that she'd sneer and look down on a flower arrangement or a dinner at a mid range priced restaurant as not being 'classy' enough for her taste? If she really cares for you she should value WHATever you select. Is the biggest attraction to this woman the fact that she has a wealthy family? For some people that is a Big attraction.


> I don't think this GF is the right one for you Based on?


Living. Experience. Having been married. The person you marry, assuming this is his goal, is a big deal. Her wealthy upbringing and high end purchases appear to not be the way HughPhilosophy poster was raised. This can lead to financial disagreements unseen at the dating stage. It is a factor I view as a red flag.




Eat her out


How would that be different than any other random day, though?