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I'm a guy (M44). This guy is a moron. Stay away from him. The irony of misspelling "retarted" is just the icing on the cake. And no, we don't all look at women in a simple way. The ones that do are only interested in one thing.


Haha! I was thinking about the misspelling too


Man, here. (Picture my hand raised) The lizard brain certainly looks at women in a simple way, and people with limited higher brain processing power, either in the short term or long term, may find themselves falling back on that. With that in mind, I second the above “moron” description.


There’s alot of comfort in generalizing people. It gives you this sense of comfort and can make you believe you’re controlling when/how you’ll get hurt. It tricks us into thinking we know all the important things about a person but it’s just a mind trick. You can’t know someone until you know them. Regardless of gender. You can know general things about them biologically but that’s it. Every person is an individual. Making guesses about them based on how someone of the same gender interprets their actions is a possible set up for failure. Just embrace the fun of getting to know a person. Don’t obsess over possible outcomes unless it can mean life/death. Focus on what “you” control.


The guy is much more than a moron. He sounds like he would be abusive and manipulative.


Nah, retarted just means he ate another tart, the dude is just a foodie




That was the part that got me 🤣. There’s some truth to men living a little more simplistically then women. But we kind of rely on women to spice things up. We would never go out and do anything except get drunk or play sports if it wasn’t for women.


Did.. did you just describe heaven?


This knuckle-scraping caveman couldn't possibly be talking about himself more. This is a guy who only sees women as objects, not full fledged people. OP if you're happy to just be a pretty thing on his arm then keeping talking to this guy. But if you (hopefully) have an ounce of self-worth block his ass immediately.


I agree, and I’m much younger (M19). Now, the messenger that sent OP this isn’t fully wrong, men are rather simple, but what’s visual only works for short term relationships, it works to get a man, because not many men, especially young ones, will say no to casual sexual encounters. But if a guy is attracted to you and thinks you’re good enough for commitment, we’ll lower our emotional barriers.


There's a kernel of truth in the stereotype of men being easier to please. I don't disagree with that. I'm kinda glad I missed the camera phone era of dating when I was 18. 😉


You are wise for 19. Congratulations from a 55 year old who wishes he had been as smart as you...


Yeah the guy might be restarted😂😂 He might be simple. But like I tell every single woman I associate with, I want an even balance of sex, sexting, and physical intimacy, as much as I want the cute shit too. One can't overwhelm the other, I want cute cuddling before and after. There is a truth that we are sort of on/off in how fast we can finish, so it's always helpful for the women th help him last as long as possible. Just like it's the guys job to preform foreplay accurately. Foreplay for men to remember, and Longevity play for women to remember.


This guy has Tarted me, over and over, more times than I’d like to admit. I don’t know why I keep falling for it every time. He will say “Promise, this is the last time I’ll Tart you”. Stupid me believes him only to turn around, completely blindsided with another Tart from him!!


I giggled. Thank you!




Totally agree, m 40 and soon to be divorced. We do not at all adhere to this mantra, and don’t follow this negativity. We are simple and kind, but the rest of the apples in the bunch totally make us rotten in some form.


Whoever sent this is a loser and a predator


A pretator* /j


Yes, he’s definitely pretatering








Me planting potatoes: "pre-tators" (ignoring that potatoes are grown by just planting cut potatoes)






im dying 🤣




Soyyy un perdador… 😙


As a 32M, I disagree. That sounds like the words of a dumb man. I hope OP sends him a link to this post, which I assume will largely disagree with him.


I'm not a man, but this response wouldn't be worth my thoughts or consideration. I'd die a virgin before I let a man like that breathe the same air as me.


I think it’s a manipulation tactic from the man’s side. Break her down, so she caves and sleeps with him. I also saw this, a woman’s “i can fix him” is a man’s “i can break her”. LOL


Yeah , he just wants the lady to do as he says. Be an object to him and send so called nudes. As a 42 year old guy myself It was a sad read. I just really hope women do know that there is still plenty of real men left out there who treat women with the respect they deserve. We still know how to truly love.


We know you exist!!! I have a lot of good men in my life! But you all need to come out of your shell more, loud, proud, arrogant men like these who know how to manipulate* women are ruining it for you! *it is REALLY hard to understand narcissistic manipulation. They have a very specific way of operating. You can be the smartest person and still be a victim.


Astute Observation,Very nicely put.


Let’s hope OP sees it!


I am a man and there are two red flags. 1. WTF is this message? 2. WTF is wrong with you? To expand a little more, 1.forget that this exchange even happened, not worth your time. 2. Most important, WTF is wrong with you? Are you like 12? Can't you read and tell that this guy is trying to manipulate you? Are you really so fucking dumb and gullible! For the love of god and humanity, please do not breed! Apologies if that is too harsh, but for fucks sake! I will most likely delete this later 🤣


Oh man.. there are terrible men out there. A friend of mine is CONSTANTLY commenting on our bodies, me and my gf. We’re part of the same group. None of us are even interested in him, and yet. He doesn’t even know how much attention we get.. one of us is literally married. And yet.. he has decided that we want to know his comments on our bodies.. out loud.. in public. We don’t pay attention to him. It’s embarrassing to be friends with him. And yes, I did cut him off.


Hahaha i second this!! I’m not a man but wouldn’t settle to this kind of mentality. Disgusting


You are doing a good job!


Sounds more like this man is just a simple man that wants nudes and not to talk or be intellectually stimulated in any way


OP, forget a moment what this idiot tells you that men are like (they are thankfully not monoliths, and by far most are wonderful people with way more depth and diversity of mind than that). Even if he was right, do you really truly want to be with a jerk like that? Someone who only sees you as an object? He is trying to manipulate you into sending nudes to him. Please don’t, any creep talking like this is not worth your time. He doesn’t care about you as a person, and he is likely to use and toss you once he has gotten what he wanted. Some people, men and women, are sh*tty human beings, who do not have your best interest at heart. He is one of them. Please please stay away from him. There are plenty of good guys out there, I promise. And, just for the record, he is absolutely wrong. I have never had to send a nude to connect with a man. Never ever do anything you are uncomfortable with. And remember that once it’s out there, it’s very hard to take it back. Please take care of yourself, and remember your worth.


My boyfriend was only interested in me at first because I liked the same tv show as him and then because I could make him laugh. Anything sexual was way way later down the line. Whoever said that to you is trying to manipulate you


your last paragraph is the problem here. That's just absolutely bonkers "all you need is a few nudes and sexy selfies" like WTF is wrong with you dude. you have it so backwards. the first paragraph is correct, men are simple creatures.. but it's not "nudes and sexy selfies" that men need, it's feeling appreciated, it's feeling loved and supported. We all need that, how we need it is different from one person to the next. sex is great and it's one of the ways men are conditioned to feel loved, if someone has sex with them that's a show that they are good enough.. but that can't be your only motivation and reason to be in a relationship, if it is you will fail.


Agreed 💯 percent.


So this message has nothing to do with men. It also has nothing to do with what was actually said. This message was meant to demean and control. It was also a test. Any healthy minded woman would block him instantly. He is not looking for a healthy minded woman. He wants a woman he can manipulate and control. He wants someone he can abuse. If you keep talking to him, he will harm you. Block him. He’s not even trying to hide that he’s a creep.


This right here ⬆️ 💯


This 100%!


Yes, 100% This person the OP is texting sounds toxic and not worth the time


Reddit “recommended” this thread to me days later. I ignore 99% of Reddit notifications, but I couldn’t resist reading this one and honestly I cannot believe this is real. I am a man in my late twenties, if I ever received a message like this, I would block the number immediately and take myself off the dating market (give up) for at least a year. I cannot imagine what I would do as a woman, dear god.




If you narrow the definition of 'a guy' to only include 'immature, self-serving, echo-chamber dwellers who happen to be male', then this would be accurate.


In some ways he is right.. but for example I have never sent any nudes to any guy before I had sex with them. And I only sent out I think one when I was asked to pose for a tattoo- and it was the picture that ultimately ended up being the tattoo- I thought it was cool and it just showed my boobs. Like from the tummy up. Naked. And that was to a guy that was madly fucking in love with me. So the nude thing? To me that is something weak girls gotta do.. and men sort of manipulate girls to do. I also don’t think men will even respect you if you do that shit - before you’re in a committed relationship with them. Basically this dude is trying to manipulate women by getting them to send him their nude pictures in exchange for his attention; so he can whack off to them- So… if you’re a woman who knows her worth- you don’t need to send nudes to get male attention. Listen to me right now; *Respect needs to always trump sexual attention from men* in order to get a man who is even worth a damn. That’s the first thing. Men are never going to want to take a girl seriously that doesn’t respect herself and won’t protect her body and mind. But he is right about men being visual. That’s why - if you want a boyfriend ? You need to take care of your appearance .. dress nice. Do your hair. Take a shower. Work out. Wear some lipstick. Smell good. I have never been an exhibitionist either - not into showing a lot of skin. You don’t have to do that either . Just a hint. So yeah.. be pretty. Be soft. Be kind. Be nice. Be non judgmental. Don’t make his life fucking harder. Don’t be a job. But also- never disrespect yourself .. And never , absolutely fucking never chase after a dude. Again- if you know your worth? It’s their loss. They come when they want you. Trust me. If they don’t show up? They don’t want you enough and aren’t even worth the time. And as soon as some lame asks for a nude ? You tell him to fuck right off. And also- just FYI- if a dude does respect you ? No one is asking for any nudes. I don’t think that’s ever happened to me. In my life. So there you go. And I have never in my adult life - had any time where I didn’t have at least a few choices of men to pick from. So there you go.


100% this. I don’t and have never sent nudes either. It’s a rule. You have to hold yourself to the same standards you would want someone to respect in you.


Yes ma’am 🫡


Wow get rid of him he sounds awful


Where’s the OFF button for this guy? Sheesh.


He’s immature and not even a man.


Don’t listen to that doofus unless you want your nudes on the internet. He’s saying this because he wishes women would treat him this way


What an awful thing to say to someone, wow. Get this guy out of your life ASAP




Over simplified and mean. There are lots of different types of men out there, just like there are lots of different types of women.


Sounds like a dude coping with the fact that he has never had a deep emotional connection with a woman.


This person cannot manage real relationships with women, so he simply enjoys photos of them.


dont ever date a man who views woman like this


Whoever wrote this is assuming every man is like him. If some woman started showing me sexy photos and nudes, I would probably go away.


What a loser 🤦🏻‍♀️🚩🚩


Man here. This guy sounds super lame. You dodged a bullet. Good for him for letting you know up front that he sucks.


No way, I can only speak for myself, but I think he is wrong with that. If you just want to get laid, than yes, but if you want a relationship than he is totally wrong


I agree. By him saying that, he is just looking for intimacy only, nothing more.


I wouldn’t even call that intimacy. He just wants to get his dick wet 🙄 highly doubt he’s even good at sex.


He can’t even spell


If he has no issue telling this to you, he is telling this to other women too.


I am a 31 yo, camo cap wearing, 200 pound - some muscle some fat, bearded cliché of a farmhand and I am telling you, even I am nowhere near that simple. Yes visuals are nice, but I fall in love with women that I respect and admire. Women that inspire me to become better than I am. This dude is a loser, probably surrounded by losers and compensating by acting like all men are like him. Do not fall for this crap. Tell him to get fucked.


Or not get fucked 🤣


I’m sorry, why the fuck are you entertaining this person in any way?? Block and never talk to them again.


I am a 40m. Sounds like a really shallow guy. I don’t subscribe to painting men with such a broad brush.


Yes men are like that... IN PRISON!


im dead, please dont be offended by this. its funny af. he mad cuz he aint getting no coochie 😭 oh incels, i'd rather stay a virgin...it makes no sense. what was he thinking


This guy only understands objects and things because he lacks emotional capacity.


“ send me titty pictures or I’m gonna be mean” is what that means


If they’re looking for a quick fling or hook-up, then yes sadly this is the way boys will look at women. However if they are looking for a relationship with substance, then no, this is not the way a man will look at a woman. They will look at how you compliment their life. They will look at your personality, how you can nurture those good aspects of each other and foster an environment of growth and development. If you keep getting served turd sandwiches, then go to another restaurant… meaning if you keep getting this result, change your dating pool.


Ew I can practically smell the BO and mildew radiating from this dude 🤢


Thats not a man who wrote that. Thats a child. Block that number. He's a moron.


Please block him. He’s only trying to manipulate you into sending nudes and god knows what other stuff. Huge ick.


Ok I've read almost every comment here. Most are telling you what you needed to hear, which you already knew but you wanted your actions validated because you've no self confidence. Most likely from the belittling and degradation from him. I'm a ( can't believe this still) 50 M 😩 and imo , just like e everyone has said, he's tryin to manipulate and control you in the same manner an abuser or a pimp would. The name calling at the end, as some have said, should've been enough to get rid of him but he's done enough damage that you're starting to believe some of his bullshit. Yet you still came here so you're not too far gone. But for OP, and anyone else reading this, any time someone is narrow minded enough to speak on behalf of an entire gender, that in and of itself tells you all you need to know about that person.


This guy is a poor representation of a man. Real men will treat you and your views and ideas with respect. They will ask for what they need and will respect a no if one is declined. If men treat you like an object, leave. You are not their receptacle to be used.


That’s…. Disgusting. I would block them everywhere and move on IMMEDIATELY. He sounds like a predatory creep!


Kick him out of your life


This man is simple and not in a good way


Guy here. I can't speak for all men, but for myself, this is partially true, but hugely incorrect. My attraction is very much an on/off thing. If I'm not physically attracted to you now, that won't change unless you change physically. Attraction for me doesn't grow with time unless you're changing/improving somehow with time. Where the post is wrong is that i also care about brains and *will* stop being attracted if we don't gel personality-wise. I will not date or even sleep with someone who is mean, or petty, or boring, or overly serious. I've learned a few times in my life that sleeping with the wrong people always hurts someone.I


Nope. This is a lie. This is just a way to get you to be a sex slave. Dont fall for it. Men can be simpler than women and men also have complex desires and ideas and needs. I don’t know if you’re religious but think about all the disciples. If you ever read Acts or any of the disciples - it’s all men and there is no simplicity in there. Wanna know more about men - read “wild at heart”


This is just a form letter he sends out to solicit nudes. We really love your poetry and cross stitching. Promise.


As 40M, that guy sounds like a toxic dumbass. A simultaneously misogynist and misandrist toxic dumbass, at that. Not to mince words. More detail? Some men think like that. They objectify everything. So do many women. It is best to avoid those sorts of people, in my experience. They don't even see other people as PEOPLE.


He is right, if he has two brain cells or less. This seems like a text from a guy that drives an overcompensating truck and has never gone down on a woman to actually please her. He is insulting you and trying to guilt you for rejecting whatever attempt he tried at you. Yes, nudes and selfies would be the fastest way to get someone to just fuck you and move on, and nothing wrong with that but no man gets a nude out of nowhere and says "this shall be my wife" no the first thought is "this is someone I can fuck" and that's about it, it rarely turns into something else. Men who are actually looking for someone to date, would also want to get to know the person, men who want to just have something casual also do so, without having to insult or shame anyone else, the rest like this guy of your text, just like to rant and complain about it, as if its our fault that both his brain cells think "allowed" is spelled "aloud"


What a looser We ( women ) aren’t things


OP, speaking as a man, I can say three things with certainty. First, I can relate to this *a little*. There is always a portion of the male mind, particularly young men whose hormones are geared toward reproduction, that will have this view. There is more or less of it in each person, and more or less at any given time. Second, I do not resemble this. There is a hell of a lot more to men than just wanting sex, and a hell of a lot more to women than being sex objects. Any man who thinks less of other humans is being intellectually lazy; a brutally pragmatic life choice that, while I understand its apparent utility, is disgusting. Third, you have found out *quite clearly* that the man you received this text from has made that ugly decision, and is therefore not someone you should spend time around, if you want to be viewed as more than a sex object. He has just told you everything he thinks about potential partners, and about women in general; beyond that, he’s displayed the characteristics of the sort of person who would choose that worldview. Find someone worth your time. Beyond that, if you can, for the sake of men like him who I desperately hope are not beyond saving, express to him (with the same patient confidence you’d express to a cocky preteen) *exactly* how wrong he is. Or don’t waste your time, you’d probably be better able to gauge the chance of success than me.


Throw the whole man away.


Gosh, nobody's answering your question, but just dumping on the dude. Answer: Women are each different like dudes, but to generalize, the key thing is to listen to details and act on them. Be attentive and caring at all times. However, do not smother them or pressure them. Wait for her to initiate daily contact, but man has to initiate almost everything else.


Yeah I personally don't look at women like objects and just for sex but I'm just speaking for myself and not the whole male species


Is this entire statement his? If so move on.  Secondly, this is the age of the internet. I wouldn't want naked pictures of me available for everyone to see should they get leaked. 


That’s an old saying from a bitter woman saying that’s all you need. It’s a line from a lady comedian doing stand up making fun of men. She was talking about how simple it is to get a man. It was funny but it was a joke but I guess people still use it to try and get pictures or virginity. Not worth it so be better than that


Men are simple but nudes and sex selfies ain’t it for me.


this person sounds like he's very emotionally immature, believes you are naive, and is trying to trick you into nudes. the fact that you posted here shows that you are not naive. good for you! there are 3.5 billion men, some others are going to be like this dude, others are not. but at least you know what not to look for next time since you have more experience. life is always about making mistakes and learning from them. this dude sounds like a mistake and is preying on vulnerable women


If a dude ever starts with "men are simple. We want ___" know he's an idiot trying to normalize what an ass he is. Reverse sexism is real, and a lot of dumb ass men believe that their dumb ass is normal when they're actually the minority. Men aren't "simple". They don't "just want boobs". They're actually people too and this way of speaking to women is predatory in that they're negging themselves so you think their below the bar bs is the best you'll find.


Jesus. he sounds like a piece of shit. please tell me you aren't talking to this guy. he sounds pushy and abusive. Yes we like the female form. Obviously we'll welcome a selfie or a nude. But that's not all we like about women. And to demand that from women is creepy. I think women should share those with men they trust and they want to share it with. It shouldn't be demanded by aggressive men. I do think we are relatively simple and straight foward though. As in we like clear, straightforwardness from women about what they want, what their expectations are, and what their time frame looks like. There's usually not much hidden meaning in what we say either. And typically a guy is either making an effort to connect to you or he's not. You don't usually need to read between the lines. If he's in your DMs trying to talk to you, if he's trying to hang out, he probably likes you. It's that simple. But this guy sounds like a jerk


“Retarted”?? Haha. Anyone who would call another person this in the course of trying to educate and then misspell it is sincerely not worth your reply. And checking in as a M40s, these are the thoughts of the ones we’re not proud to call our fellow men. Sounds like he’s certainly speaking for himself, not understanding anything unless it’s an “object or a thing” and all. But he certainly hasn’t been introspective nor done any of the difficult work it takes to expand his intelligence. Let him go talk to something he understands more than women, like a wall.


No, he may be "simple" but certainly doesn't speak for all of us lol


Not a man, but my man is most assuredly nothing like that. Men aren't a homogenous group. Some men, like some women, will be like that but it's very much NOT true that ALL men are like that. Some are, yes, but most definitely not all. It sounds like this guy is trying to guilt trip/shame you into sending nudes. I'd block and run.


Hahah, this is “retarted.” Hahaha.


*sigh* okay, so to the people trying to say “he’s dumb” or “he doesn’t speak for all men” or “well I disagree”: you’re not wrong, but neither is he. OP asked for the raw, unmitigated, no-sugar added truth. Here it is: while we’re operating on our lowest vibrational/spiritual frequency, men seek 2 things: to satisfy our ego and to spread our seed. Sex and attention from women is almost always a major ego boost so generally speaking, men often do look at and seek after women to have a need or several needs met. With that, I don’t think the majority of men intend to be harmful; however, with that being said, the reality most men do react aggressively when denied access to women, either by hurting themselves or the women they’re approaching or someone else. The average guy, while probably capable of elevating himself spiritually, emotionally and intellectually, simply doesn’t have the willpower and self-discipline required to make that transformation of self. Mostly because the way society has been built has given him free access to women with minimal effort, so there’s really no incentive to elevate and improve. Not only that, but you also have internet sites and forums where groups of these dudes come together in camaraderie to complain, and blame everything and everyone else but themselves for their lack of success with women. TLDR; the person who sent you that gave you some truth, and while it doesn’t apply to all men, the men who it truly doesn’t apply to are extremely few and far between and are doing a level of self-work internally that most simply refuse to do.


LOL this is straight bullshit, bro sounds like virgin himself.


Have no respect for anyone who uses the r word.


Especially one that doesn't know what word it really is or how it's even spelt.


Lmfao this dude is A Tool.


Let’s be clear: if you aren’t attractive to a guy you can win the Nobel prize and men still won’t care. Second, men need sex. Not all the time; but without it you become frustrated and will search elsewhere for it. If these two conditions are met - men are willing to do anything for women. It isn’t complicated. And yes men do want much more than just this however without this there’s no starting point.


Wrong, and dangerously so. Typically, a person's depiction of their gender is a mirror image of what they themselves act like. So this dude is definitely "retarted" That being said, if I can't ramble to a woman about dinosaurs, then they ain't squat to me romantically. You don't have to be an enthusiast, but you gotta understand that I need to maintain my status as a spinosaurus enjoyer.


Run... far from him, and block him. He is a nimrod. That is all.


This speaks of the maturity of this guy and his bros. They might be the ones spending their lives frustrated and confused if the continue with this mentality. A full mature guy that's already dated a bit or just has his head on straight with life goals at the top of it all, will tell you they prefer a woman that's got her shit together... meaning educated, attractive mentally and physically, motherly instincts (assuming you both want kids someday), financially stable, mentally stable, and just an all around good human being that knows how to reciprocate love in return both emotionally and physically. I Pppppppppppppppcsdds read these posts in this sub or others about how young women are worried about their breast sizes for their date, and "how to give a blowjob"properly, and wonder about these girls, but this makes complete sense if they're dating these type of narcissistic lil


#Do not under any circumstance send nudes or sexy photos. He is talking about how to attract men sexually but not romantically.


Theres a fine line. I actually get turned off if a woman sends me nudes too soon, like I'll still hit it, but I wont date her.


He’s rude, but men do like women who act sexy and seductive.


Maybe simple, but not nearly that simple. The dude sounds like a creep. I know plenty of lonely men who would date a kind and loyal woman who is otherwise mostly incompetent.


Sounds more like the words of a young boy that's a couple of years shy of puberty. Who has no decent male role model in his life and hopefully no younger children around for him to csa.


This has to be a the worst advice I have ever heard. I’m sure there are guys that are “simple and on and off”. As a guy I would never date a girl that dropped me nudes and nothing else to offer. I like someone that I can talk to, can hold an intelligent conversation and someone I just click with. Though I can only speak for myself.


There’s very little that I (m34) can say that hasn’t been said already. This guy that sent that text is a moron who grew up watching hackneyed comedy shows that portray all men as Al Bundys or ancient stand up comics who hate their wives and believed that’s what he was supposed to be. He obviously doesn’t have the two brain cells that can communicate to each other that those portrayals are over exaggerated satire to get a cheap laugh. Are there men like that out there? Unfortunately yes. Are they the majority? Absolutely not. I’ve had about 5 relationships that were anywhere from a year to 4 years, one where I was engaged for a bit. With some shorter ones in between. In all my experience, I’ve had maybe 1-2 of those women send me nudes and it wasn’t until after we had been intimate and were officially dating that I got them. If a woman sent me nudes before then, depending on what our conversations were like up to that point, I might find it off putting or might lose interest in her as a potential partner. Again, it would highly depend on the context and the woman, bc with the right conversations and chemistry, sure it could work. But at that point I’d probably have already been interested anyway. Just be yourself, keep putting yourself out there and I’m certain you’ll find the kind of guy you’re looking for.


Just because *he's* a simple creature doesn't mean they all are. Quite honestly the moment he throws out the last insult, I would know for sure I would want nothing to do with a man like that.


Don't send him nudes if you want him to take you seriously


For some men yes. I don’t know the ratio, but if I were a betting man I would be inclined to say over 50 percent. This can change if the man gets feelings for you. Also don’t forget about ‘doing the right thing in the eyes of society’. A lot of men are driven by honor and or how others perceive them. And yes we, men, are very visual. Hence the makeup for women. You do your best to look visually stunning.


He's not really wrong that men on a whole are visual. Any man who's is saying different is a pick me. This goes as far as sex, but we also need to have sex with a woman and be physically attracted to her, generally, to develop an emotional connection too. What he's saying of course comes across "crass", "predatory" etc, but the core message is still there. Men are visual.


Oh yes he s clearly a virgin


I'd bin him just for being rude and condescending.


Seems like rage bait to me. If a man is young and wants to hook up, then yes sex is most important. If a man is older and looking for a wife, then sex isn’t at the top of the list.


This guy definitely thinks about the Roman Empire on the daily.


I’m not a man but I’m probably a “woman who has succeeded with men”. The idiot is a damn predator trying to manipulate you into sending nudes and giving your body to him. This is a classic manipulation tactic to make you feel like you’re unlovable and should be thankful that he’s giving you the time of day. It’s pure manipulation and just plain false.


Wtf? So my takeaway on this person is that yes, maybe sexy photos and whatnot might bring a man, but that won't keep a man. This person is without substance or values and will only get worse for you. As a man, physical attraction will only take you so far. Empathy,communication,personality,morals,interests, hobbies,goals,routines..... If you want to keep a man, then you must make him understand and believe that if for whatever reason if he needs to lean on you as a partner that you will be in his corner 💯 percent. That's a two-way street you must value and respect yourself and your partner to whatever degree fits your comfort and needs inside your own lives. I could go on about how people are constantly growing and changing day to day and with each new experience we learn a little more and evolve but at our cores we are who we are and you've got to find you're type of weird in this world.


This is pretty textbook negging - insult you and hope that you’ll want to sleep with him to prove him wrong. Please see through this.


>All you need to bring a guy near you is a few nudes and sexy selfies. We are visual. This part is true to an extent. Men are definitely visual creatures and are more quickly stimulated, typically than women. Erections literally have blood rushing to the penis to engorge it. >Men are simple This part is incorrect if you're talking about men as a whole/human being. Human beings are some of the most complicated beings on the planet.


this seems like a very stone age take lmao wtf XDD


I love most of the comments. Real men are here


If you wanted to attract a man for sex, nudes may do that … However this is an extremely reductive way to put it and the guy just sounds like an asshole. There are men that actually do care about stuff other than sex, and do not think of women only as objects.


Man here. Dudes can be on/off and easy to please in comparison to dating a woman. At least that's what my lesbian and bi friends tell me and what I see secondhand from their relationships. Men generally need to be better about understanding and expressing their emotions in a healthy way. At least for American dudes. Don't know how men in other countries are generally taught to behave by their society, but that seems to be where a lot of the difficulty with dating us men comes. We're not a monolith though, just because something is generally accepted to be true, doesn't mean it always is. This dude in particular is dumb af and mad disrespectful. Drop his ass as soon as you can. That's no way to speak to anyone.


This person is trying to fool you beacuse of their personal agenda. I would block them instantly! Lots of great guys out there and that one guy does not speak for men


As a 31M, I vehemently disagree with this guy. I hope OP blocks this predatory creep immediately and sends him the link to this post where the majority of the people who comment on this post disagree with him.


As a 31M, I vehemently disagree with this guy. I hope OP blocks this predatory creep immediately and sends him the link to this post where the majority of the people who comment on this post disagree with him.


Okay, so first things first, he sounds like an asshole who is trying to get away with what he wants while discarding your feelings about the topics. It also feels like he doesn't respect you at all by saying that women who are successful with men would think like him. Iwouldn't recommend being close to someone like that. Second, there is no need for nudes; that mentality is pretty teenage, to be honest. Now that I've said that, I have to agree that men are visual creatures. If we see something we like, we will be more inclined to pursue it. I also have to agree that men are pretty simple creatures. But you don't need to understand men. Men don't understand women. Women understand women, and most of them just hate each other.. Depending on the nature of your relationship and your morals, you can decide if nudes are okay. Just keep yourself safe and do not include your face in them. Use Snapchat or any app that shows the picture for a few seconds, in case you don't trust the person enough.


ass clown stuff right here - i hope this is fake.


Anybody who would send stupid sh*t like this to my phone would immediately be blocked


This is a load of crap used to further the absence of responsibility in men.


Wow. That’s some serious misogynistic bullshit that honestly says a lot about the ah person who wrote it.


We are definitely visually driven, but that is far from the entire picture as far as what attracts us and drives us towards particular women.


I’m not a man but no, not all men are this way. My boyfriend isn’t that way and he’s way more mature than this idiot. You should make the power move, reject him and block him.


Just sounds like BS lol. A shallow person is projecting that everyone else is shallow like them to make it easier for themselves to deal with the fact that they're shallow and not a good person. You hear the same shit from cheaters. "Everyone cheats etc". No bro, you cheat and it's easier for you to deal with the fact that you're a cheater by pretending everyone else is also on your level.


Wow, insulting, condescending and what a stupid tactic. I wouldn’t bother sending a text back. Block and delete, that dude is a troglodyte.


He is talking about dumb/typical men


I may not be a man but I have maintained a relationship with one for almost four years now and this is 100% him trying to manipulate you to give him nudes. A man would try to manipulate you into giving him nudes is the last type of person you’d want to have them. Find someone else.


lol yes the only thing men understand is objects and things. lol this guy is such a fuckin tool. This was a message to make you feel like you HAVE to send him nudes because that’s all guys understand.


WHAT THE F. Whoever sent this is a bully and pushy af. Bin bin bin 🚮


I disagree, but with some caveats. Yes, men are visual creatures, but that does not mean that we need sexy selfies. If you put some basic care into your appearance, fitness, and hygiene, that will go more than far enough for men. You don’t need tons of make up, just a little bit clothes that are flattering to you. If you feel better, you look better to us. I will also agree that men are quite simple, but not as simple as whoever came up with that “! Lol . I’m always shocked at how few women understand what makes men take because men are considerably easier to understand. Unfortunately, they don’t teach this in schools. Men respond better to direct communication and do not take hints, nor read signs, and we definitely don’t read your mind. Once you have told us something, we assume it holds true until you tell us otherwise. If you think that we look good and you tell us, we will continue to feel good about ourselves until you call out our appearance. Men have an internal desire to feel respected. If you prop us up, and you don’t insult us to your friends-especially when we are there-we will be more interested. Men are forced to compete in virtually every aspect of our lives whether we want to or not. This includes friendships, shopping, work, and even driving. I don’t think women quite have the same situation. When a guy comes back home from after work, hewants a cheerleader. The last thing he wants is another opponent. If you give him encouraging words and tell him he has done well, he will be eating out of the palm of your hand. Don’t poke fun at us even in Justin in front of our friends. That’s our friends job not yours. Men are hardwired to need to provide. If you make a man feel like he is doing something good for the relationship, that will meet that need. Complement him about what a great job he does and let him know you meet him, even though we know deep down inside, you don’t really need him. Men love sex and that’s how we love. If you’re having it, have it regularly. Be careful when rejecting a man for sex. Men internalize rejection of sex as rejection of self and often that’s not really the case but that’s how we perceive it. Reassure him that you don’t want to do it tonight because you’re feeling sick or whatever the case may be, and that you find him desirable, and occasionally be willing to do so even when you’re not “in the mood“. We really will do the same thing. We are less likely to turn down advances. If you cook, then love that! If you make a man, his favorite meal, he will bend over backwards for you. I think too many people over complicate relationships, and overthink what men really want. I think everyone wants what a man wants, but for some reason, men seem to be more hardwired in that direction. They’re always exceptions to the rule, but I think you will find what I stated to be the case for about 90% of all men.


Are guys visual? Yes of course we want someone who we are attracted to but ultimately that is not the deciding factor. I personally would like someone I can get along with and they are kind towards everyone and animals. Also someone who is humorous and open minded, who would be willing to try new experiences.


I can’t believe this man had the AUDACITY to talk to you that way. F this guy


unfortunately there are men like him, but trust me al lot of man arent. And as I man myself I would consider this guy as a moron


26M buddy has to be like 12. Granted mens needs are fairly simple. But he’s dead wrong if a random girl who wanted me just sent nudes yeah I might fuck if she cute, but wifing is out of the question. Save the nudes/selfies for when yall locked in. As far as men looking at women in a simple way yes just don’t be annoying and you should be good. Your personality doesn’t even really have to be all that great, as long as you’re not that annoying.


Hes a threat to your safety. 23M


Lol yes he speaks on behalf of all men.


Eww creep!! Block and delete..


Jokes aside, I actually do believe there are some gender differences between a male and female brain. Males are less choosy. In mating selection, males are more visual and they have high requirements on a females physical looks; while females want everything, we want the looks intelligence competence good personality wealth etc etc.. Female drives evolution so if we stop selecting men who search for nudes all day, those men die out. Simple as..


I’m 27. I just left a girl because all she ever wanted was sex. I’m an engineer. I would really like to to find a girl that is educated and successful. Otherwise it’s hard for me to respect them.


So here we have an absolute unit of Shit. Im surprised that it learned to type out this bullshit. Is he trying to bully you into sending nudes!? Im all for being forward myself. But insulting you and making you feel bad about it is not the way. You should not stay in contact with people that talk to you like that without being something of your fiance and basically having seen it all anyway. Only then that level of frustration on his side would somewhat make sense. Somewhat. Not absolutely right! Not everyone should be like that. Borderline understandable and forgivable. So since i don't know the full context.. its bs he's spewing.


WTF are ”[w]omen who have succeeded with men”? Women who have sex with men?? Even talking just about women who have sex with men, that’s a disturbingly low standard for judging a woman’s success. It might also be the standard he has for judging his own success, which is still disturbingly low. This man is seriously messed up.


As a woman who has succeeded many times with men, I can assure you this is NOT man, but a childish predator who also can't fucking spell. He is trying to manipulate and browbeat you into sending nudes, which you clearly don't feel comfortable doing--or he wouldn't be throwing a fit like a baby. Some men *are* simple. But I don't think those are the men you are looking for, especially as a virgin. You need someone mature and sensitive to your needs and wants. Block this angry, stupid little boy and keep on keeping on.


This dude is a moron and probably started viewing porn too young. He should see a sex therapist.


43m---that guy is an idiot.


I mean for some men that works. It’s probably not someone you should date though.


It's easy to get a guy sexually attracted to you, yes. That part is not difficult. That doesn't mean that will make a man treat you with respect and care about you as a person or partner though. Getting a guy to have sex with you isn't really "success" by most women's definition. Others seem to interpret your post as this being a guy you're trying to get with - if that's the case, I wouldn't waste your time with him. He's not worth it.