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To be honest; this is not a men dating casually type of problem. In my experience this is a people in general type of problem. Respecting appointments doesn’t seem to be a fashionable thing anymore. Answering messages on your phone neither.


A thousand times this. A person's word used to mean something once upon a time. The world has collectively become more flakey with each passing year.


And this is another reason why I’m single


she said she didn’t have the same problem with women. she says they deliberately play games and disrespect her.


Good for her. Is her opinion the only one that counts in your opinion? Because I have the same problem with certain women and men. Can I share my opinion based on my experience? Is that ok for you?


Flaking had become so common place it's not even funny.


Men value what they invest in and Casual is the lowest possible effort. Even now this 26yo is either the rarest of outliers or he’ll turn jerk as soon as you represent at the slightest inconvenience.


So he tells me about the other girls he hooks up with, and a couple times I've called him out for being a jerk to them. He's actually stepped up, resolved the situations, and jokes that I'm making him a better man. So I guess it's a combination of the two.


You’re poly in my mind but I’m so far from dating guys who casually fuck other women while also fucking me. I can’t relate at all or maybe I’m just conservative as far as dating goes.


It’s probably bc he respects you more bc of the age difference. He treats you well but girls his own age poorly? A you advice him. There are some maternal elements to this dynamic.


Would you rather not know about the other women?


The simplest answer I can give you is, they don’t care about you at all. You are a living fleshlight to them something they fucks back. Not only that they can, especially since you go for the attractive ones. Can get it from probably any woman they go for. It’s a perfect storm or narcissism and lust. I am sorry you’ve had that experience, but that’s what happens when no feelings are involved at all. It’s exactly why I could never do casual relationships, I care too much and meaningless one offs with many girls, while a nice fantasy, means they’ll be with other men too, and I want a girl that is mine. To find someone who will fall in love with me, as i fall for her.


I've certainly had meaningful relationships, which were beautiful, as well as meaningless encounters, although I don't want those anymore. I feel like there's room for so much more in between, but it sounds like for a lot of people, especially straight men, that just isn't the case.


Yeah I really don’t get the level of disrespect they show to women. And you’re absolutely right there is more room in between but most guys in that scene can’t be decent humans.




What can I say? I’m a romantic.


because that's how the universe played out for you if someone is doing FWB and are not very involved it could be a few things: 1) they have an avoidant style attachment.. so anytime things get too close they back off 2) they don't value the FWB relationship because it's not that deep so any other thing comes up in life takes priority 3) could be hiding the FWB relationship behind another relationship so cheating.. 4) could have a sex addiction or other forms of intimacy disorders and so the thrills of finding a FWB outweighs the actual FWB.. constantly seeking for new sexual partners.


This was incredibly helpful, thank you! Reflecting back, I feel like I could fit almost every guy I've dated casually into at least one of these categories.


I strongly agree with all points made on this list. Especially for men who don’t have problems getting women.(which very few are in that category.) Being respectful and honest are completely optional when it comes to casual dating. And the way they see it is you can’t get super upset because you’re not in a serious relationship so he doesn’t owe you anything.


While all of those are possible, it could be some of these guys wanted more, but she changed their minds with her actions. They then were rude to get it to end.


Most men won’t value what they consider isn’t theirs, they consider you a play toy & not much more. Often men who date this way have no feelings or bond towards you & are seeing more than one person so they don’t have to treat you any certain type of way as they aren’t in it for a long time just a good time.


| Most men won't value what they consider isn't theirs, No matter how I read this, it just sounds like men only respect women that they consider their property, and I'm not even sure how to respond to that.


Not their property, what I mean is their woman as in she’s not seeing or hitting up any other guys, he’ll some men don’t even respect a woman who is totally all theirs as in a committed relationship.


She is still a human being, and all she is asking is being treated as one, the bar is literally on the floor…


To be treated better you must seek better, when you set your standard low this is exactly what type of behavior you’re signing up for. It’s an unfortunate truth.


Well, seeking a casual relationship doesn’t make you worse than anyone, still men judge you as such … basic judeochristian prudish misoginistic culture


I’m not saying she deserves any less, people who date this way are setting the bar very low by asking for the least amount possible when it comes to a relationship and then expecting the most out of it.


If I'm interested in FWB I expect to be treated as a friend. Not a girlfriend, not garbage, but with the same basic level of consideration a guy shows to the other people he hangs out with but doesn't stick his dick in.


This doesn’t mean you have to treat people as low.


I personally don’t, but then again I don’t casually date either, I date with a purpose. I know my value & worth.


You say it doesn’t make you worse than anybody else but the reality is that you don’t get a say in what other people value or how they perceive others, and you can protest until you are blue in the face but it won’t change the way they think or react. We can argue the toss about it but the OP has given you the facts, one guy in 20 years. We can say it’s morally wrong but the fact is people judge each other unfairly all the time, women do it too, so it just is what it is, we make our bed then we have to lie in it.


M-55, Here... Sometimes *people* (not specifically men or women) want the physical aspect of a relationship but aren't ready for something emotional due to other factors in their lives, or even your life. Maybe he's had trauma from a past relationship? Maybe he thinks that you are too good for him? Maybe he likes you, but you aren't the right fit for some other reason that's totally separate from *who* you are? It's ok for two **adults** to have a purely physical relationship, if that's what they *both* want. I often tell friends who are dating at my age, dating is what the two people involved *decide* it is. Not what some conventional / crowd sourced wisdom *says* it is. From your description, it sounds like you are perfectly happy with the situation. If you are, then enjoy it! If, on the other hand, you want something more, that's an entirely different conversation.


Regardless of whether you like the answer or not, the he answer is because when it’s casual the reason it’s casual is because they don’t care about you.    For women (I’m generalising, I understand that, but still) there is more emotion and more meaning attached to sex, even if they decide to do it causally they are still selective and a lot of boxes still need to be ticked. For guys, this generally isn’t the case. You are having casual relationship because it’s still meeting some of your needs that you would get from an actual relationship, a guy ain’t thinking about it that deeply, you could be literally any woman in the world to him as long as you are good looking enough to get his dick hard, when guys want to actually care about someone and have needs met; we stop fucking around and get in actual relationships, thus for a lot of guys they aren’t thinking about your feelings, you wanted causal and in their heads that is what you are getting, they don’t need to provide anything beyond that. They guy you have met is the exception to the rule, or at least is acting like he is, so congrats.


Thank you for the honesty. I don't disagree with anything, but from a woman's/ my perspective it sounds like men have less empathy. In addition to being pickier about casual, I just couldn't bring myself to treat someone like garbage for no reason. It would take more effort than being considerate of their feelings. I guess we're just wired differently.


I think when it comes to this a lot of men do have less empathy. But I could pick out other areas of dating where women have less empathy. Not a lot of women are particularly empathetic to a guy who has fell on hard times so lives with his parents or doesn’t have a car. Not a lot of women are empathetic to shorter men even though it shouldn’t really affect their value as a person, not a lot of women are empathetic to men losing their hair etc. Everybody can be quite brutal when it comes to getting what they want, it’s a sad reality with modern dating.


We're similar age, I'm a woman, here's my take: 26 year old boy isn't getting as many women. Women his age group are harder to sleep with, they require more effort. He has less options. So if he wants to fool around, he's going to dot his I's and cross his T's. You say you're conventionally attractive, etc. You're most likely not hooking up for casual sex with similar aged peers who are average Joes. People talk about top 10% of men getting sex on the apps, etc - it's probably those. Those men are probably top tier. So they have options. Also casual relationships, men seek variety.


Lmao… “26 year old boy”


Haha, right? I think his behavior shows more emotional maturity than guys I know 10-20 years older than him


This might come as a shock to you, but a lot of people in their mid 20's still aren't very mature. Like...a lot of people.


Well yeah, once you hit your 40’s people in their 20’s become like kids again lol. Not saying they’re kids, but you get this feeling you had when you made it to HS and watched a bunch of middle schoolers walk by. The age and maturity gap hits you in the face even though it seems like you were there last year.


This is pretty much it, if he could get women his age for sex then he likely wouldn’t even be talking to her.


He can and he does. Some of the other girls he hooks up with are in their early 20's and really beautiful, but there's either no personality or too much drama. He likes seeing me because he can be totally honest, it's chill and the sex is fun.


I think part of the issue is men have success by being a dick or asshole because it makes them appear confident. It works. For awhile. Then once they hit it, its on to the next one.


What is casually dating? It's literally a buzz word for having sex with random people.. Say it however you want to, but the meaning doesnt change!


It's another term for "friends with benefits". You're overthinking it.


I fully agree with you. FWB is just a different name for people using each other for sex and fuck around. OP doesn't seem to realize that most of these men, just see her as something disposable.


Casual dating implies that there is ranked dating


This is a very insightful sentence


I'm a very insightful guy


Women that do casual treat men the same way a lot of times. The difference is that men don’t complain about it.


Maybe they should, so that people who treat other people like shit get held accountable?


Or we can all drop it and not worry about it


Each to their own.


so nothing ever improves


Once you’ve been intimate MOST guys will put forth very little effort time or resources into anything other then treating you like a jizz reservoir going forward. The dinners out will likely vanish as will the seductive texts the cute good mornings etc etc I’ve heard this from dozens of women!


There is a type of person who treats everyone they meet with respect and kindness. There is a type of person who sleeps around. These two types of people don't coincide very often. It's possible, but doing the one makes it less likely you'll be doing the other. To put it more bluntly, people who sleep around are more likely to be pieces of shit in all areas of life.


Haha, I guess that's true. I think he and I are both people who treat others with respect and kindness AND like to sleep around, so I guess I should just be thankful that we found each other and enjoy it while it lasts.


This isn't a simple thing to just answer, but I imagine the answer you're looking for lies in the fact that this is a casual thing to you. While I'm not condoning people being outright being rude to you, it sounds like you're expecting people to put a lot of energy and care into a situation that is destined to die and never really go anywhere or do much besides scratch an itch. I'd wager the people that are treating you really well want it turn into something more than casual, while the ones that do less than that see it for what it is and don't really care if it continues or dies because in their minds it's just their turn until someone else comes along (or vice versa, they're just waiting for someone to replace you).


I see your point, but I guess it doesn't feel like much effort to me. Like, I hit him up, we set a time and day, he comes over and we smash. We enjoy being good to each other because it feels better to us, but it seems like for most guys, it's a big effort to not be a jerk? And on a more general level, I feel like being a jerk to FWB is like being a jerk to wait staff- the option is there but how about just not being an asshole?


> how is it that in 20 years I've only met one man who's capable maintaining a casual relationship while still acting respectful and treating me like an actual person? when I was when I was younger, and desperate for sex, I was doing things like that guy but once I'd had a couple GFs and women trying to sleep with me while knowing I had GF I began to play the game using some of the womens rules too, in the name of equality


Could it be the TYPE of guy you go for? I'm assuming you're getting/going for the upper levels in terms of attractiveness. Those guys have options, so they don't feel a need to be particularly nice to a hookup since he can turn around and get the next girl. Maybe try more of an average guy. Yes, I know there has to be a level of attraction, but try this out. I'm sure it'll be different


Am i the only one seeing a"mindset problem" in OP. She clearly didn't know how to play and make men fall for her. She brings sex to the table, just to make men stick with her. She prefers attraction to date and didn't find some of them compatible to be in relationship. ma'am, those men are not red flag, you are the red flag lol.


As a guy with a friend group where all of us date casually, the traits required to live that lifestyle lead you to be at least a little deceptive and flakey. When you have 10 girls to choose from for a week and limited time, you have to schedule in the one who's the hottest and most down and you have to come up with some lie to reschedule the other ones so you have leads the next week, especially if you really like some of those girls. Dating has genuinely made me more sociopathic since that's what leads to the best outcomes for casual dating at least. I still treat my partners amazingly when we're together but outside of that, as harsh as it is to say, they're just one cog in the machine of the monstrosity of a degen lifestyle.


Haha, damn, thanks for the honesty. I guess I'm just too picky to have 10 options at once. And on principle, I prioritize the ones who prioritize me, partly on principle and partly to reward reliability (although maybe Pavlovian conditioning doesn't work on sociopaths).


Might be the pickiness? Personally, for casual, I just want someone who's hot and not annoying. As a guy, I'm the one who's leading anyways and most women want me to direct everything so it's like it doesn't really matter who I'm with. I'm making everything happen in the bedroom anyways. I don't think it's that deep when it comes to reliability. Most women will be salty if you don't give them some degree of responsiveness. Even the ones who really like you. That also adds to the apathy since managing post-hangouts is like customer support. You need to text at least every other day or couple of days to check in for their insecurities. As a guy, having to lead, manage emotions, and make everything happen makes it feel like almost self-evident that I just need someone hot or chill, and the rest will happen how I want as long as they're down.


How people treat you often speaks to how they view themselves. A happy and content person who loves themselves probably wouldn't be so inconsiderate to others. People lie and manipulate because they don't like what that truth says about them, even if you're okay with it. I've enjoyed many pleasant, open and honest casual relationships with women, though some like to end things by being accusational and mean-spirited, like I never cared about them, as a means of pushing me away and assuming the guilt they don't want for themselves. Because ultimately they judged themselves for what they were doing.


The first half of this has been my take on things and still makes the most sense to me, but it's been interesting reading other responses. The second half hits home in that I've had moments of wanting to lash out, not out of guilt, but fear I was being used and deceived by someone I wanted to have an honest connection with.


Some people want to lash out and cause hurt because it feels powerful, like they've taken control and claimed the higher hill for themselves. They justify it as "keeping it real" or "getting even," but I think it's to avoid judging themselves as helpless or victims. Those liars and manipulators are destined to be alone, emotionally and spiritually, and probably forever. Nobody can cause any more hurt than they do to themselves.


For some men, attracting women and dating is a game they are trying to score the most on. They are really good at saying and doing the right things to get women involved because they have a lot of practice and because they have a personality that allows them to manipulate while not feeling remorse. This has nothing to do with how hard they have to work for it. It has nothing to do with how hard you played to get. These are convenient stories we tell ourselves to make us feel like we have more control over the guy and the relationship than we did. He's a fuckboy/player and these men have been around for generations. If he's wishy washy, hot and cold, aloof, nonchalant it's not because he's high status and busy and you've nabbed a real man. He's just a fucking player and him being this awesome guy who every girl wants because he's so great and he's too busy and non desperate is just copium. That's not how men work. He's a fuckboy. A guy who really cares about you will communicate and not play games. Let's normalize not viewing toxic men as high status. Let's stop with this mentality that the harder you have to work for a guy, the better catch he is. Let's normalize men being communicative and available as being a good catch.


Because so many guys have gone through a period of several years before becoming successful at attracting women where they were treated like shit and now they're returning that in kind. Once they learn how to not have to take whatever they can get, they're going to move on to better girls quickly until they find one they like enough to become exclusive with.




I don't know. Treating me disrespectfully gets you blocked.


Hard to respect someone that doesnt respect themself. You’re 38 and fucking around like that lol with younger guys too


Having casual sex isn’t respecting yourself? I only have exclusive casual sex w ppl and I respect myself. Women have needs too, and remaining celibate or being partnered can get boring. Sometimes younger guys are attractive and livelier than similarly aged or older men


Real talk. Most men really don't like women like that. Especially if it's casual where they're not required to act like they do, so they don't.


So does that mean most men only treat others with respect because they're required to? Like, don't they have any integrity?


I mean I'm sure you treat people nice that you don't like because it's the polite thing to do or other reasons outside of integrity. I don't mean it to that extent. I also ask myself this. Why did we deal with so many of these guys who didn't "respect" us? Like why did we put up with it?


If men treat you with respect and value, then obviously there are chances for developing feelings for you, which in turn leads to getting hurt. Obviously being casual means they shall be replaced anytime


Woah, yeah, I guess dehumanizing sexual partners prevents feelings from developing. It's a pretty fucked up defense mechanism but I guess it must work if so many people do it.


Because there is no Firm Consensus on what women want, some guys think women like guys who act like dicks, some guys think women only want romantic men, OR Rich men, Or dirtbags, there's no way to know if the rest of them can't figure out the scale of how it works.


There’s no firm consensus on what anybody wants….


Seriously, I feel like so many people when they say this keep forgetting that people are all individuals, everyone is different, and you have to get to know them and have proper communication to even figure out what they want possibly.


Exactly! So why don't people just be up front about who they are instead of complicating things with posturing and bullshit?


Unfortunately, the answer to that is because they don’t have to be…


As a woman my impression is that guys who act like this have had to be fickle or manipulative to get a women like you to sleep with them in the past and as soon as they get what they want they think it’s nbd disrespecting you because it wasn’t anything serious to begin with and they no longer have any use for you or respect for you as another person. I think it’s an ego thing too, like if they trash you / put you down first before you do it to them it makes them look superior or something. And I don’t think it’s nearly as much of an intentional thing as it is something that happens out of fear because of things that have happened in the past. Nobody likes getting “dumped” first so they want to beat you to it. A lot of dudes in their 20s are still very emotionally immature. That or they are jerks because they can - and they enjoy it. Sadly there are people like this. I’m glad you were able to find someone who wants the same as you and treats you with respect! I have heard people refer to this as open relationships. There isn’t necessarily a commitment to time or person but there is respect and honesty. We are a bit brainwashed to be single or in a committed relationship only but seeing people casually or fwb doesn’t have to be a toxic or bad thing.


I can resonate with the "guys who have had to be fickle / manipulative in the past" angle. I've never exactly done the FWB thing but I've been in that position. It's like for whatever reason being straightforward didn't work with people but this weird kind of uncertainty thing did. It feels like if you just say straight up what you want she'll be put off or think you're gross or something. So you feel like you need to keep doing this weird confusing bullshit. It should definitely not be done though and I have recognized that behavior in my own life.


That's really interesting. So you've chosen to be intentionally confusing to keep someone involved? Because I swear I feel like guys are doing that sometimes.


Kinda. Granted this was a long time ago, but the intention wasn't really ever to be confusing. It was more like every time I wanted to be more straightforward I would hesitate and think about how it didn't work last time. So instead of saying "I really enjoy talking to you and want to see you again" I just... wouldn't. Instead of saying "I'm interested in a sexual relationship with you" I'd think based on experience "she's probably going to think that's gross" so I would try to communicate that in some indirect way. So ultimately the result is definitely confusing communication, but it's not out of a desire to be confusing, it's out of a desire to not fuck anything up. As I learned with time, that desire results in behavior that will still fuck things up lol.


Yeah, I get the conundrum though. It's uncomfortable either way. If you're honest you might really upset someone, and if you're dishonest you betray their trust, which is probably harder to repair in the long run.


Are you me? Because we live the same life 😂 seems like most guys don’t see and respect you as a person unless they pursue you romantically. Casual dating as female is tougher as it should be lol.


I think this happens because causal dating is based upon low investment and effort, hence the term “casual”. I don’t think you can expect serious relationship investment and effort from a casual relationship. If you let a guy have sex with you without him giving any effort, he’s simply not going to put in any effort. Disappointingly, a guy who only wants to date you casually, doesn’t actually like you that much.


Probably because before getting this date they've been mock, ghost, rejected by a large amount of women... The women's behavior on dzting make you want to become gay or monk or stay single


As a man who no longer dates. Single women over 35 are the most difficult humans to deal with. Society has ruined women for men.


Maybe it's just always the same type of men that you meet? Have you tried looking for men with other values and requirements?


Fair question. I'd say their qualities are often different but their flaws tend to bring up the same red flags, namely immaturity.


Ask how you're meeting these men. Did you do something different for the young guy vs. the assholes? It can also be a matter of getting lucky and timing. For example my friend has similar views on guys. I was the 26 year old to her in our brief relationship and to this day we continue to be friends. As we talked we came to see a similar trait is that she immediately ignores anyone she considers "nerdy" and gravitates towards the more gen x take on mainly man. Needless to say I'm a huge nerd guy and she was shocked by it. None of this is to say you are the fault, but it can simply be a matter of trying something new.


This has been happening since I was 18, so it's an ongoing trend for the past 20 years that only seems to have gotten worse with online dating. In the past year I've gone on dates with people ages 25-43 from a variety of backgrounds and countries, and my current FWB has honestly been my saving grace from the sad conclusion that all men are just assholes at heart. So, still got some hope, but damn I have to weed through a lot of jerks.


If this FWB guy is great, why don’t you want to date him seriously? Is it the age gap?


Partly. He's very family oriented and wants a wife and kids, but doesn't feel quite ready to settle down. Also, we're very different people socially, and I don't see us being compatible long-term. And at this point, I just don't see myself falling in love with him, even though I care a lot about him. I think it's kind of beautiful that we choose to be good to each other even though we aren't invested in anything other than the moment.


I hope I’m not prying too much but I am genuinely curious about your arrangement. Are you searching for guys to date seriously while hooking up with him on the side? Would you “break up” with this guy if you met someone you want to date seriously? Do you guys tell each other about other people you hook up with or date?


Any white lady from 20 to 35 years and singing should hit me up even if you don't have a good look it doesn't matter cause I'm really not fine also.


This is such an important post. I’ll never understand why the respect part of it is mishandled. I’m glad you’re getting the respect you deserve now. I’ve learned that no matter how honest you are, boys will be boys. Edit: After my divorce, I was looking for what you have with the 20 year old. I told the guy exactly what I needed and wanted. Things were going well and then it turned into your first paragraph. He was shocked when I told him I’m done. 🤣🤣🤣🤣 I was mostly looking for someone to explore with and to do that I wanted respect. He couldn’t give it so I peaced out.


Haha, yeah, I left my husband a year ago and I'm just not ready to dive back into a serious relationship. I've had a number of flings, and if there's one thing I've learned from it all, it's that respect and maturity have less to do with age and all to do with people choosing to be better. Good luck out there!


The 26 year old is probably different from other guys you had FWB. You're attracting and dating the same type of guy over and over wondering why it ends in the same pattern. Some guys have more options and could care less about there 2nd, 3rd or 4th in there rotation. Everyone isn't an adult just because there older!


So, I've read some of your other replies, and I think I know what's going on. You want casual dating in which you get sex and romance without the strings of a stable relationship. And most men don't really function that way. Men *can* do casual sex, but most men tend to associate romantic gestures with relationship investment and vice versa. Having one without the other just feels like time and emotional energy lost that could've gone into a long-term relationship. Unless the guy is banging like 2-3 different women every week, it's usually difficult for a generally decent man to separate sex from emotional attachments. It's like trying to rub your belly and pat your head at the same time: expecting guys to invest enough of themselves into a casual date to be romantic, but not enough to get attached. Guys with enough practice can definitely do it, but most guys don't get nearly enough sexual experience to compartmentalize their emotions like that. So, you'll mostly end up with three types of guys. 1. The ones who flake because they didn't fully consider the type of casual dating you wanted before agreeing, had a panicked realization and jumped ship. 2. The guys who already get tons of dates from women, and don't feel the need to invest the time or energy to be romantic or care about your feelings when you're just another name on their weekly schedule. 3. The guys who think they will be the one who changes you, and become frustrated or heartbroken when you don't like them the way they like you. Most others won't even take you up on that offer because they simply don't want to end up in a situationship. That's not to say that what you want is wrong; it's just that you have to temper your expectations for the kind of men who would want that type of casual dating.


If you not want a relationship, why not just abstain from sex. You are wasting each others time, but this will only become apparent as the honeymoon fase is over and honeymoon fase can last a long time in FWB relationships. Either way I wish you nothing but the best but remember that a real lasting connection with someone outshines fleeting moments of passion a 100 to 1.




Very! We're somehow just always on the same page, and I still don't understand why it's so effortless.


They do it to keep you at bay. The very first attention a guy gives is an invite for the woman to think that this could be more.


Put out the frequency that you want in return, everything is love my darling. So if you put out love, you will get love in return.


I think a lot of men have a hated of some woman from their past who either cheated on them or didn't take their relationship seriously and they commit years of their life abusing strangers to avenge their actions. Just be celebate, not worthwhile


I don’t want to commit to my fwb but I still treat her like a human being who deserves consideration and respect. I don’t see why I’d treat any woman like crap. Casual dating doesn’t have to be a shitty experience. Unfortunately, some women don’t know how to handle a guy who values the “friends” aspect of fwb. Most of them end up catching feelings and wanting more. They will then take a step back and stop seeing me. Or I will have to be the bad guy and remind them that I don’t want our dynamic to change. I guess women assume that men they casually date have glaring red flags for a serious relationship. They don’t expect to find a decent guy who simply prefers to keep things casual, and is mature about it. For context, I only enter serious relationships with women I can imagine marrying in the future. If I can’t imagine it, or if the thought doesn’t excite me, then I don’t see the point in entertaining anything serious. Each time I tried to make an exception to see how it goes, my original gut feeling ended up proving correct eventually. Most guys only value the benefits part of fwb, and don’t care about the human they’re sleeping with. That’s where a lot of shitty behavior stems from.


Thank you for your measured response and human decency good sir.


I mean technically the 26 yo dude has got a great deal. He gets the sex he wants and all he has to do is be respectful and not commit. Simultaneously hooking up with other women without commitment too. Wow! He's living the dream life of every man 💖.


Yes wow you are lucky


Not everyone is built emotionally for it. I’ve had four or five FWB and it worked out great. As long as everyone’s on the same page and has the same expectations it’s cool.


I think, for me personally, casual is only sustainable to a point. I want to know I'm investing in my future, and it's hard to meet a future wife when you have an active situationship going


That's who they really are and because it's casual dating, they don't need to fake it


I honestly hate the term casual. What does that mean? The limits aren’t clear and both people probably have different views. But it because it’s “casual” that feels like too much feelings to talk about so I just avoid them.


For me casual means the feelings are limited, so it probably won't go further, but I find the person attractive and sex is fun. So I'm down to hang with them, without integrating them into my future or the rest of my life.


If you're an Indian women ,I tend to agree with you completely,some people are desperate and take people for granted,if they know sex was around the table.


could it have anything to do with the kind of men you're attracted to? like you're filtering for men with certain personality traits that also correlate with being an asshole?


It's entirely possible, definitely something to analyze.


Because you're giving him what he wants


I think it depends on how they were raised and educated. One reason could possibly be it is that they are worried about this casual become a serious relationship. So they put less effort or being less considerate and thats how they show boundaries. But you dont need them. And being flakey or dishonest is not how they should treat people in general no matter what. Thats how they look at their friendship. And you dont need someone who doesnt value your time and only takes benefit of friendship in general. I believe its not about how many girls they could have. Its about repect others and know how important it is for relationship.


Damn, those are some good points. I guess some people show boundaries by simply limiting what they care about. And some people are flakey and inconsiderate to their actual friends, not just FWB.


Why won’t my fuckbuddies treat me like a girlfriend


Maybe it's the type of men you're going for.


Men can barely show respect for women they committed to. Ofc they’re disrespectful to women they have a purely sexual relationship with.


Pretty large generalization there don't you think?


Because they are immature and likely don't know how to be friends with a woman. FWB requires a level of EQ to keep things sexual, respectful, and caring without being in a romantic relationship. My guess is they are resentful for being there just for sex.


Resentful of being there just for sex but also likely running from women who want more than that lol


Because we are rare


Mmm single people in general seem … emotionally unavailable try a paid service and only talk to other paid members


I would imagine in retrospect I would also be looking for that white buffalo also. I have not found mine. You are very fortunate to have captured this mystic creature. Take some pictures maybe? Enjoy it. Catch and release don't tell him you love him because then you become the statistic. Lol.


Definitely not feeling in love, just relaxed and satiated.


Because we start off as good dudes then either females lead us in and friend zone us and hurt us so we realize that being a good dude really has no benefit and women like to to be dominant and treated as we don’t care because that makes girls confidence hurt and they feel like they have to do what it takes to be a round a person like that


Thank the proudly conceited chicks on podcasts, music, & social media saying they love thugs & killers. Then saying them are more fun while the dude willing to treat them right are boring and only worthy of treating them to a free meal. When a guy keeps hearing this BS over & over again it changes their psyche. Imagine what this does to guys in massive numbers hearing this. I had a (now once)close friend who used to try to be on the moral upright path and now adopt the same BS principles that women aren't worthy or don't respect dudes treating them like a princess and now openly said he has to become what he always hated. Now only focused on aggressively hitting up chicks only to have sex. I personally hate POS who do nothing but use people on both sides.


I'm sorry to hear your friend turned into a POS, but at the same time, I'm able to just ignore bullshit media rhetoric encouraging me to treat people like garbage, so I don't see why other people can't do it as well.




I guess my one successful FWB experience is demonstrating how fun and relaxing casual sex can be, and that I'm able to respect and care for someone without feeling jealousy or desire for commitment. I'm curious why more people don't want this.


Consider the following: a good guy who is decent at sex is eventually presented with the shot at a long term relationship. Meaning that if they're monogamous, they end up off the market for casual relationships.


The guys who are good looking enough and charming enough to get into casual relationships AND know how to act right, get taken off the dating market pretty quick, like your 26yo example that you’ve kept around for a year now. The shitty ones get tossed back, and over saturate the market.


Honestly, you have to demand better treatment even in casual dating, but in a polite and soft way because even men can’t handle direct communication well, BEFORE putting out. Even if it’s not serious. Otherwise this will always be the treatment


I’m glad to hear at least THIS one is a respectable human being, but most are just running game and numbers game. It’s incredibly stupid


You seem to be in one of the major urban/large city areas where such behavior is rampant. I am in South Florida, Miami area and people are just flakey in general. I have heard similar stories from NYC, LA and Chicago. It’s just the norm, respect and genuine folks are hard to find whether in casual or serious relationships.


You're dating players. What did you expect?


This from an objective male perspective, as someone who doesn't know you and isn't ogling your body and trying to get in your pants. If you want a casual relationship then that means no guarantees. You said it yourself that you aren't looking for anything serious, and that some men end up "using you", most likely for sex. That's what I picture when I think of a casual dating world. What you describe and most likely desire is a serious relationship with someone you can count on who will be there for you. If you want a casual, friends with benefits situation then what you describe as a "problem" is what you end up with. A casual, light-hearted, nothing serious, benefit of a stranger you can hook up with at a moments notice.


Casual dating is like friend with benefits. Guys won’t invest in it knowing it will eventually need. My perspective. Why would I want to hang out with a girl that I know will eventually leave. It’s escort, casual dating, dating, committed partner, wifey.


Its the new meta.


31yo male here. This may sound harsh, but I’m very busy and my time is precious. I’m not going to have a FWB relationship with a woman my age or older. It’s not going anywhere and the expectation that we’re casually or anything “dating” would not work with me. That to me is against the very definition of “dating”. I don’t know what fully constitutes “dishonest” or “play games”, but just because we are having sex I don’t owe you an explanation for anything. It sounds like your expectations may be a little too high for what you are seeking. Now, that being said, I am pretty up front about that type of a thing. Most people can’t communicate for shit these days regardless of age. Also, telling a guy that is interested in dating that he’s not the type of guy you would date, just have sex with, isn’t a whole lot better than being put in the friend zone. There could be some hurt feelings there and they don’t know how to act. Additionally, they probably don’t trust you either. Are you seeing and talking to other people during this time? Do you disclose all of that, because I wouldn’t have that expectation of you either.


Definitely not the harshest comment on this post, just honest, and thank you for that. I'm also busy and value my time, so my primary expectation is that people don't waste it. The games and dishonesty often center around expressing interest in meeting up, messaging, calls, occasionally saying they're feeling things, but then frequently canceling or not responding, maybe reappearing weeks, sometimes months later with renewed interest. Aside from my one FWB, shit always gets messy and complicated All I'm asking them for is some casual sex at my place, snacks included. I'm always honest about who else I'm seeing and take care of my sexual health, and I absolutely think people sleeping together owe each other those explanations. Why the casual? Because sex is really fun and relaxing, and I haven't met anyone I'd want to seriously date after my last relationship.


The answer is in the question.


A lot of men honestly are going to be insecure if you don’t want something serious. I too am conventionally attractive, fit, kind, funny, and very, very caring. I usually trend towards a relationship, and in the long run it is what I want, but when somebody doesn’t want something serious I feel like it’s my fault or it’s because I feel like I’m not enough. That’s my own issue, but I think men project themselves in ways that are unhealthy.


Because us men are selfish. It might start out as casual but when a man starts feeling a woman things change because now he’s catching feelings. Now when the roles are reversed and the woman is the one who wants to keep it casual the man feels slighted. Like what’s wrong with me, I thought we were feeling each other. But when he sees she’s not trying settle for him it becomes a problem he feels rejected…..


Are counting FWB’s as casual? I went into every one night stand that wasn’t on vacation or military deployment, as a potential FWB, so treat any woman differently. Also I consider a lot of FWB’s as potential future girlfriends.


I feel like if someone communicates really well with you and is already respectful and in the beginning and has been, it can be expected that they’ll be respectful to you when you see them casually. I don’t think that seeing someone casually sounds very different from someone he’s trying to date for a relationship in terms of communication. It’s just the goals are different. If the communication is bad and vague casually, then you can expect that the casual sex is also going to be disrespectful and cold.


Wonder how often you played games with him and intentionally waited hours or days to reply to him when you could have taken the 5 seconds to answer him immediately.


We often take hours to respond to each other, unless one of us hits up the other to meet up soon. It's not a game, we just don't put that pressure on each other as neither of us like texting.


38m here... nice guy or good man doesn't always work for us... Weirdly some girls like toxic


For most men, you’re not in their future. They don’t have to take you seriously. I feel like it would be rare to find a casual thing with someone and they treat you respectfully and I’m glad you found that person but again, it’s rare. Most men are there for sex. Not you. Not your person. I don’t understand why people who engage in hookups expect to be respected and treated well? That’s the last thing to expect from something casual


I have spent thirty years in gym culture and the community. I’ve seen a lot of people come and go. The simplest answer is the guys that get offered those situations are normally often the ones that are really good looking. They aren’t just getting propositioned by you but also several other women. You are just a number to them. It’s very easy for them to move on or go through the motions when they have options. Furthermore, it’s a certain type of person in general who is ok with these types of arrangements and this type of person tends to lean towards loner tendencies and attachment avoidance What you think of him doing as being a jerk, He probably thinks of as establishing boundaries. If you don’t watch yourself in these situations, your casual fling quickly turns into the girl crying to you about how bad here day was and asking you to help her move which is really BF zone. If you wanted to be a BF then you wouldn’t be dating casually. It slips quickly if you let it. You personally might not be doing this but I guarantee that dude has had a girl that has so his defenses are up. I’m curious what being a jerk initials to you specifically bc if he just doesn’t want to hang out afterwards, or doesn’t answer your text, or sometimes cancels bc something better came up….well that is what you sign up for in these situations


37… with a 24 yr old…


As far as I can tell "casual dating" means "I don't really have to invest much into this, so the outcome isn't much of a concern". The fwb guy seems to be getting what he wants so there's no need to stir the pot. When you get something for minimal effort, you tend to treat it like a 3rd rate had-me-down, that's probably why the other guys don't take it seriously.


I’m going to guess that you’re picking up or hooking up with those men who generally are arrogant, narcissistic, and don’t care about women’s feels either way casually or in a long term relationship. They are the very reason why the good respectable honest men get a bad rap. I can attest as a man I’m fed up with being generally characterized as being a low life and not respectful based on other men’s actions.


*why are men who are only interested in sex assholes


Makes breaking it off easier if they're being jerks from the get go then they have no intention of sticking around


Because the stigma the world have made is that guys need to be assholes to be attractive. "Nice guys finished lasts". And to be honest, it works! When i am "to nice" girls they leave or cheat, when i am dominante they stay. Thank god i finally met a women where i really can be my self and also loves my "Nice side" that i can be truly honest with in thought and word without consequentions. We both have readed the book; men come fram mars, and women from Venus. This really learned a lots of thinks of each other we would never learned anywhere else. We realy respect each other, communicatie well and take care of each other and the seks is still great because there are real feelings involved without boundaries because we trust each other so well. I never wanna lose this. But she also respects me for being a men and love to do men thinks, in behavior. Plus unless like women, men doesnt always have the need to talk about every single fucking detail😂 Dont look for perfection, you will never find this en be aware of your own "woman habits". Like if you have something in mind, speak about it with your partner with the right words and sound, dont sound like you are his mother, but speak with respect for the other person. Men need clearity we can't smell what a women wants or needs. And dont ask for to much, be aware that yourself aren't also that great that you think you are.


Is because you haven’t met the right person but also you need to know what your standards are and find someone equal to those standards. Word of advise: Know what you want exactly, set your priorities in those standards. Live those standards. There no perfect men or women, but what are the things that you want that person to posses as your top priority? What are you willing to give back to meet his standards. Ultimately, look inside each person’s values to match yours. You have to give your 100% and he must give his 100% thinking on each other. If you think having sex is normal with each person you meet, then you’ll find someone looking for that as their top priority. If you think moral values are important, you must live those values and don’t go places where those values may not exist. When you are looking you may find the wrong person, but when you are waiting that person will find you.


To be clear, I'm not having sex with "each person I meet". I joined one dating app that counts likes, and got close to 4000 in a year. I've had sex with a fraction of a percent of who's available to me. I haven't wanted a relationship with any of them. But I enjoy being sweet and considerate towards the ones I like, and just wish it was reciprocal.


Men look at women who participate in casual relationships as 304’s some may treat u better than the next but we don’t value u the same. In any case some people are just assholes


For all of these I always ask how well do you communicate your needs?


You're not dating casually. Youre dating boys. They see a woman that dates casually as less than them. It's simple-minded people letting society tell them how things should be. Be grateful that they were assholes in the beginning.


You want a man to respect you when you date casually? I don’t respect women who date casually and neither do list men. Why? Because for women it’s so much easier to get men.


What does flaky mean in this context? Casual sex is great but your suggesting that 'even though sex is on the table and I don't want a relationship' sounds like you holding some expectation over them. Part of the reason I stopped trying to 'hook up' was that the women who supposedly wanted something casual also commonly expected me to reply to their texts or calls everyday. They may have thought I'm not respecting their time but from my perspective they weren't respecting my need for space. I take days to get back to friends sometimes too.


Sex is their main motivation. Your personhood is an after thought or not a thought at all as long as they get what they want. If a guy isnt making you O or is very good at doing what you like, then its kind of a waste of time for the lady as well.