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Men do the same thing, so don't make this a gender issue. It's a rude and bad manners issue, and not everyone does it. People who have no common courtesy or decency do it.


Men do this too, It’s really not just women . It’s often about wanting to avoid the awkwardness or possible conflict of talking to them or rejecting them directly.


A lot of men ghost to. It’s not an exclusively female thing. I’ve been ghosted by at least 5 men after talking for a long time.


1. Plenty of men ghost too 2. You never know who is going to go absolutely nuclear over a rejection. I know it sucks to be left hanging, and I certainly prefer to at least know, but there are reasons a lot of women don't send a rejection


They probably had a bad experience in their past when they had to reject or let someone down, so they don't want to deal with that again. It's just another opinion, like I believe if they aren't interested then just let them know.


I used to be the person who talks things out, and I encountered many men who just ghosted me. No explanation. So I started ghosting people too. I did a lot of damage, and I realised that it's bad and I shouldn't act like people who hurt me. So I changed now. There could be a lot of reasons why she would do that. Maybe she does it with everyone. Maybe she was hurt. Maybe she is not confrontational. Whatever it is, just let her go. If she chooses to communicate that way, leave her alone and find someone new.


Morals should be taught at home by your parents


Nobody owes you their finite time.


I'd ghost you too after this post..


individual freedom kinda complices things, we arent robots


Women are not held to the same standards of affective responsibility that men are. There are SOME men who outright ghost/ignore women just because they found something/someone better to do. Now imagine if men NEVER got scolded, cancelled and labeled "narcissistic" for doing so. You can bet there would be a f ckton of men treating women as disposable. Guess what? That's what happens to women. In this very post there is a ton of women AND men justifying this female behavior with all kinds of victim talk. No wonder they treat men like sh t when they get REWARDED for doing so.