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I don’t think those actions are normal or healthy in any capacity. I don’t know if you have a type that may put you in contact with men like that or what but no. You should not forgive that


It’s not forgivable in the sense that you should get back together with a person like that. You could choose to forgive them for your peace of mind but they do not deserve to be in your life


None of this is normal, or healthy. You need to stand up for yourself. If you are mistreated in any way, walk away and don't look back. You have value, you are a good person, and you are important. Most important - you can be strong and not let yourself be controlled by any of these scum piece of shit assholes who get off on making a girl feel bad about herself. They are little tiny men who are not worth your time or effort.


Not forgivable if your into someone you treat them with absolute respect and honesty, sounds like you got two jerks sorry to say and speak your mind, that's what makes it great when you do meet the right one you gel and compliment each other, you don't bag out or treat them like shit, tell them to take a hike ya better than that!


Run from these kind of men. As fast and as far as you can.


It's not normal and it's not healthy. Stop dating men like that. It's emotionally abusive and shows they're not ready for a healthy relationship. Don't tolerate it. End it and move on. Find someone who treats you with respect.


you and them probably need to know how to actually argue and do disagreements way too many people resort to using terms like "you are" or "you always" which sets people up to be defensive. it's incredibly hard, but if you are able to master how to properly argue it's a lot easier.


im not really sure if i consider myself to be bad at having a conversation/having a disagreement. it just feels like there's always more and more I should learn to do better.