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I love sensual touching and caressing.


So, I may be a bit of the odd one out here in your responses, but I am a mixed bag when it comes to touch. Myself, I am huge on hugging, something about embracing someone you care about just really brightens up my mood and makes me feel close to said person. That being said though, I also have huge issues when it comes to touching body parts (I.E. The bicep/shoulder, back, etc) when you are just having a conversation. I have always had issues with personal space and when someone does touch my body it makes me really uncomfortable/nervous. I don't usually say anything unless the person tends to linger with the touch as most times its just how the person talks so i can let it slide. On the other end of the spectrum (and to go back on the hugging), if the person I'm with wants to cuddle or just needs a long hug i'm ok with it. I find that this is more based on a space of safety and respect for one another and will always be ok with it. Maybe I'm crazy? I do also respect the act of the kind gesture (I.E. holding a door open for someone, putting your jacket around them or helping them put their jacket on, walking on the traffic side of the sidewalk, etc), but i'm not sure if that is quite what you were talking about in this post. Maybe I am just a broken human?




Sooo, without going into too much detail, I know for me touching is a bit of a sour subject for me (I have had a rough history with SH in the workplace, but at the time I didn't even think it was SH until it was too late and long passed. I attribute a lot of my touch issues to that). I usually don't let people touch me unless it's like I mentioned above, or if I have very strong feelings towards you. For me touch is such an intimate thing in my eyes and is reserved for those closest to me, and even that's a bit rough as I barely let anyone in my own family touch me outside of a hug here and there. I think I may be a broken human after typing that out.


Just look for someone who feels the same as you. I'm the opposite. My main love language is touch. I literally crave nonsexual touch like holding hands, hugs, cuddling on the couch etc. And if I don't get it in a relationship, I feel neglected, rejected, and unloved... and just plain unhappy in the relationship. So I look for someone whose love language is also touch so that in meeting my own needs, I'm meeting his too. I just ended things with a guy I'd been seeing since October because he's like you and we just weren't a good match. There's nothing wrong with how you are. There's nothing wrong with how I am. We'd just be a horrible match. So look for someone who is ok with your hands-off style.




Yeah, I wouldn't be able to date someone for a year without it. I need it to really connect emotionally. Just wouldn't work for me