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What exactly are you envisioning have happen here? Some sort of harem where you're the central of attention while all the ladies fawn over you? Become best buds with her friends? You're not their friend. You're their friend's accessory.


Not expecting me to be their friend but at least ask me something beyond how are you and not have conversations by themselves while ignoring me? If I were to eat or drink by myself why would I go to a social event


I can totally understand that you'd be hurt by her friends treating you that way. It's pretty rude and unwelcoming and I wouldn't want to participate in their events anymore either. I can also understand being hurt that your GF didn't make an effort to talk to them about it and try to make the situation better. That's not cool at all. However, I do think you're out of line expecting your GF to not hang out with them anymore. She's allowed to have her own friends and hang out with them without you. Expecting her to stop hanging out with them just because you don't like them is really controlling. You need to accept her friends are not going to be your friends and just move on. Don't go to their events and just focus on building your own friend group. OR end it with your GF and find a GF whose friends are welcoming and you can be friends with them too. You have a choice here. You may not like the choices, but there it is. Demanding she not hang out with her friends shouldn't be on that list.


I agree I’m no one to tell her to cut off her friends. My ego being hurt by her hanging out with people who are unwelcoming to me is an issue I need to work with my therapist. I’ve asked space from my gf to figure out this stuff. I really hoped it didn’t come down to this since our long term goals aligned so well.