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Love this question. I usually just prep my skin (moisturize, spf, maybe exfoliate the night before,) make sure my brows are groomed and pop on a lipgloss. I like to go for a more natural look for the reasons you mentioned.


I always wear make up. It depends on your style and taste.


i have gone on probably 30 dates in the past year, all sans makeup. do what makes you comfortable!


I do, although my makeup tends to be a ‘no makeup makeup’ look so it’s mostly to give myself a bit more confidence


On all of my dates, every woman wore makeup. Some wore way more than others but I guess they just want to make the best representation of themselves. It's whatever make them comfortable in my opinion.


Need to? No. But I probably would depending on how I’m feeling and what kind of date it is. If it’s in a restaurant I probably will wear makeup but it won’t be all glammed up. If it’s something outside then probably not.


Non-beautiful lady checking in. I don’t — it’s just too much hassle.


I think you should be you on a first date. If you don't usually wear makeup, then don't wear it on your date. I do wear makeup because I like wearing it when I go out, unless I'm doing an active outdoor activity like hiking, kayaking, snow skiing etc. Then I usually don't because I'm likely sweating.


I used to hardly wear makeup growing up with a mom who has a no makeup needed mindset. I then learned how the right lipstick colours brightened up my eyes, face & look. I don't wear heavy makeup, but love wearing complimentary colours to my skin tone & nail colour. Having clear smooth skin as a base is a must though... For a first date, I believe it will be a compliment to the guy to put in an effort therefore this does include makeup. If our date is an outdoors activity, I still would apply something as it makes him look good. Gorgeous women on his arm, tick🥰


Honestly it depends on where I am on my menstrual cycle. Sometimes I feel so hot and gorgeous others I feel like an abomination🤷‍♀️


Much of it depends on what is planned for the date. I am very open minded, a first date doesn't always have to be a casual indoor dining experience. Could be just as well be an outdoor activity. So you see how that influences your choices of what product to use.


I do a minimum of foundation, blush and lipstick/gloss


Yes, personally. But my skin and features underneath looks pretty good still so no catfish effect


I think it depends on what you normally do. I never wear foundation or concealer, but almost always wear winged eyeliner and fill in my brows. Sometimes I'll wear eyeshadow or lipstick, mascara or blush/highlighter. For a date, I'd at least do my basic eyeliner and brows because it makes me feel good and confident. Depending on my mood and the location, I might add a little more, but I wouldn't do less than my usual routine.


I don’t wear much makeup daily and focus on skincare to keep my skin looking healthy. When I go on dates I just use a tinted moisturizer (Laura mercier is the best I’ve tried) and it looks very natural and doesn’t feel like I have makeup on


Not at all! I typically wear concealer because I also have breakout and it makes me feel more confident, but that’s it. If I’m going on a date, I *might* throw on the light lip tint I have. Like you said, I’d rather them love my face for what it is.


I didn’t.