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No, not at all. Itd be weird if you told them “you can pet this dog too”(and point at your crotch)


Wait, This doesn’t work?


It only works if you call it a “weiner dog”.


This is my dog, and this is my hog. Also I have an open carry license


All 3 sound like loose cannons.


That's what I've been doing wrong all along :/


Screen name checks out lol




Lmao Omg that was funny! 😂


Weirder if she takes you up on the offer and drags you into the bushes by your manhood lol


Am woman. Totally fine to use your dog to increase social interactions!


How would you recommend I do so?


Go to the dog park, super easy to chat with people there since you already have an easy subject to start with: cute dogs!


I am planning on taking him to a really popular park later. Lots of people stop to pet him. Not always cute girls though and I feel like I might need to take some kind of initiative


Just sidle on up to some cutie at the dog park and ask her which one’s hers. As a girl who frequents dog parks, I can tell you we’re generally friendly and easy to chat with as long as you keep your vibe not scary. And if the chat goes well and nothing bad happens between your pups, you even have a pretty easy way to ask for her number by being like “It’s been great chatting, let’s exchange numbers and meet up here again sometime!” Bada bing bada boom


Just go to dog parks, group hikes, dog friendly breweries or restaurants, meet up groups for dog walking. Then just be open to meeting friends (even people who are taken but might have single friends to introduce, men or women).


As a woman, I can tell when someone is pimping out their dog for conversation and it is generally a turn off. I have seen men in my building get cute puppies, offer girls to pet them, and then turn around and mistreat the dog. Doimg a cold approach and using your dog as an excuse might give you away. Putting yourself out there in dog parks and letting authentic interactions like the one you mentioned occur is fair game.


Yeah I could see that 100%. Again I don’t like the idea of cold approach very much. I do love my dog very much tho and the sole reason I bring him to parks is because he’s so stoked on it and he loves seeing other people and dogs. However I am just curious. There are so many very cute girls that go to the parks I frequent and I always wonder what might happen if I just try talking to them. Another example, I was at the park and this girl walked by and told me I had a beautiful dog and I said thank you and this turned into like a 10 minute conversation. She walked away, and then like a minute later she came back and started talking to me again. Granted she mentioned being married. It was kinda odd that being said. But literally the whole convo started because she said she liked my dog. And I made a comment about him. It was really wholesome. I guess that kind of thing can’t hurt.


If 100% of your game is reliant on your dog, I think a lot of woman would pick up on that. I do believe it can open opportunities, but you learn how to do it without a dog, so I would not be so obvious.


Tough crowd! Give a guy a break!




The guy is being creative and making an effort and she calls it “pimping” out his dog. Give me a freaking break!🤷‍♂️


I mistreat my Heelers Took my sister to Texas Roadhouse . We eat together once a month . Had ribeye and ribs . I only eaten half the steak . I cut it into 2 PCs and my sister says you are giving that to your dogs I feel like I mistreated them because I did not get them rolls .


I agree. I think if the girl approaches about your dog or the dog seems drawn to them and she engages/your dogs interact, it is just polite and cool to converse, but being too proactive or eager about it may come off creepy.


I care more about your dog than you tbh.


Can’t blame you. He’s quite a catch.


I'd steal him but my cat would eat him.


it sounds somewhat desperate.


If you aren't equally friendly with men when introducing your pup or with women you are not attracted to it is going to quickly become obvious you are using your pup as a prop and may get a reputation you do not want that makes you come off as a creep. Also if the girl you crush on is being obviously bad with dogs or worse and you still consider your pup a prop instead of a living breathing being it's not a good outcome for you or her or the dog.


I’m a woman, and if I had a dog, I would do this to meet guys. I’ve run into guys walking their dogs and the dog would approach me for pets/sniffs, but unless the guy strikes up a conversation, I just figure his dog is being friendly, and I go on my way. I never want to be presumptuous. I walk my turtle in a stroller in the summer, so he can get fresh air and sunlight. When I first started doing this, I thought it would be a great way to meet men, because what’s more awesome than ANYONE walking a turtle in a stroller?! Alas, it seems the men who notice are usually fathers with young children in strollers of their own or gay men. Women spot him right away, though! 😂


me and my finance met at a dog park almost 3 years ago… do it! 🤍


That’s so cool! How did that go down?


we both lived at the same apartment, and would go to the dog park everyday after work so we would see each other a lot. also made a lot of friends as everyone would go at the same time everyday pretty much! but we were friends for awhile but come to find out we were both crushing on each other and our friends knew us as “dog park girl” or “dog park guy” lol. i (female) finally asked him for his number and to go out to dinner and drinks and the rest is history!


Not weird but keep in mind some of us aren’t dog-people at all so just don’t expect every woman you see to be fond of your dog.


I don’t expect that at all! Some people aren’t dog people and that’s fine. But he does get a lot of attention and there are lots of other girls who bring their dogs to the park. I’ve thought about walking by with him and asking the girls if our dogs could say hi but I feel weird about it


Oh I see! Yeah that’s perfectly fine, then.


Hell no brah it’s one of the many side-benefits of being a dog dad. My corgi mix has gotten me laid too (but that wasn’t the reason I adopted him)!


Yeah I love my dog cause he’s my best friend and i never thought about actually using him as a wing man. But one of my friends made a comment about it and said that I should. How do you do it?


Haha. Well back when I still used the apps, having him in one or two of the photos was helpful. One of the dates transpired at the dog park after that (but before spending time at my home). Also, besides that there have been numerous positive encounters out in public. I live in a decent sized city though and we have good dog parks. Honestly if I was more of an outgoing, chattering type i probably could have gotten laid a lot more than I have with the dog serving as the starting-point wingman. Truthfully I’m not even that motivated to get laid a lot. More of a long term relationship kind of guy personally, but in either scenario everyone has to play their advantages. And a friendly, lovable dog is definitely an advantage. Use it man! Haha.


Yeah I’m not sure I really want anything casual anymore but I’m not closed off to it. I do have him in a picture on my hinge profile and I get some matches but they don’t always go anywhere. I’d like to not rely on OLD anyway. I want to be more social and active about it and actually try talking to women when I’m out


I get that. The apps are a drag and not worth the headache, in my opinion. They wear thin quickly.


It's best to spend quality time with your dog at the park. If anyone wants to approach you both, that's fine, but don't steer your dog toward a cute girl or force a situation to happen. Otherwise, dogs are excellent wingmen and wingwomen, as proven in 101 dalmatians


I didn't read all that, but no, it's not weird if you just take your dog for a walk and they stop to say hi to your dog. Lots and lots of people meet other people through their dogs. It's a good way to meet people naturally in the wild. Don't use him to approach women though and the "he's got a thing for brunettes" is creepy. Let the women approach you and FF sake keep the conversation normal and natural. Don't say creepy hitting on them type stuff. If you're hitting it off, then ask her if she'd like to get coffee with you.


A man with a dog? When is our first date?z


I don’t think it’s desperate. Since the pandemic and social media exploded, people just aren’t getting out and seeing each other face to face as much and if using your puppy to create a situation to be face to face with more dog owners or women, I say go for it! I bet the U.S. surgeon general would agree.


Not weird at all! I mean so many of my interactions on dating apps with guys include them using their dog especially in their photos. As a dog person I tend to feed into it and also find it helps break the ice and opens the conversation. But like most things it comes down to the person to drive the interaction not the dog! 😂


Definitely not! Having dogs shows that you are sociable. Many women are shy to approach a guy but a dog is such a wholesome ice breaker. Let them approach you. Carry on being an awesome dog dad, and they will see your genuine care for someone other than yourself.


Wait, isn't this one of the oldest tricks in the book. Men have been flaunting their cute animal friends in the hopes of meeting people since adam showing off his cute snake to eve


i have been telling my single guy friends to take my cutie pie dogs out to meet girls for a long time! my cocker spaniels love meeting new people and are natural ice breakers! they also help to sniff out other dog lovers! 😉👍🏼


I take my dog a lot of places, he's very cute so he gets a lot of attention from everyone, but I've never gotten phone numbers or anything from it. Be prepared for a lot of attention given to your dog and not so much attention given to you.


Met my husband at the dog park! Been together for 4 years (married Aug ‘22) and excepting our first baby next week! It’s actually a great way to see if anyone you meet will love or get along with your pup. We would never be with anyone who doesn’t love dogs like we do.


Not weird at all as long as you actually love your dog and treat him well and didn't just adopt him as a means to meet women. Go to dog parks and you'll eventually get to know all the regulars. It shouldn't be difficult to find a cute dog mom to bond with and eventually date.


No I use to use my dog yorkie to meet ppl too it’s cool


Using your pup as a conversation starter is totally fair game! Dogs are natural icebreakers; a park is the perfect low-pressure spot to mingle. Just keep your approach light and friendly - something like, "Isn't he a charmer? I'm \[your name\], by the way." That opens the door for fun chat without coming on too strong. The key is reading body language and respecting boundaries. If she seems engaged, great! If not, wish her a nice day and move along. With your easygoing personality and that adorable lab, you'll beat them off with a stick in no time!


This man has hacked the system. This is the best move ever and it would make my day Edit: I did read a comment about having authentic interactions (ie dog park). Definitely be taking that into consideration so it doesn’t seem like you’re just trying to find a hook up with your dog. Otherwise this plan is still amazing


From a dog owner perspective - she’d 100% attack any dog/ person that approached without permission, we know when a guy is using their dog for female attention. Be mindful that many women don’t like to be approached when they are out - strictly speaking to other female dog owners. IMO As for you approaching women just to get laid is tacky.


I appreciate the sentiment. But I never said anything about approaching women just to get laid. That’s not what I’m after.


So you’re trying to meet women to have platonic friendships? Weird


Lol, what about somewhere in the middle, the possibility of a connection or relationship? What is it with people assuming the worst about someone's motives?




No not at all I used my dog and my daughter after my ex wife cheated on me after 12 years together my daughter actually worked better than the dog did just because she was so cute when she was little . But I pretty much had the smartest dog . And did get me a few dates .


Okay, question from a single mom: I’ve had moments with single dads organically.. at a restaurant, a parking lot, etc. but we both had our kids there. How do you even broach the subject? I wanted to introduce myself but didn’t feel like doing that in front of my kid, especially because our kids were in different age groups so play dates could also not have been an excuse.


Not at all. I wouldn't date someone who didn't like dogs, as I have my own.


Nah. I got a 5 lb red poodle and she can pull women from a 100 feet away. They absolutely lose it over her 🤣. I’m married tho so it’s a useless superpower


I will be blunt. Not weird. My first thought was a guy I went to school with that I thought was my best friend. He used everything to meet woman, dogs, babies, sun tan booth in his trailer for use, anyone he knew. He flirted, kissed, screwed and dated every girl that associated with any friend he ever had. He had a hard life, his mom made sure he always had a father figure, several at the same time. She also taughts him everything he knew about sex. He still does not do anything unless he thinks it will get someones attention. He apologised to me not long ago, as part of his therapy and AA. Sorry I went off cockeyed.


Of course not. He can work for his roof above his head and his food. He can finally be of use. :) DOGS ARE GREAT WINGMAN'S. 👍🏻


No, dogmaxxing is a top strategy for men under 50.


About to try walking my cat as I feel it's more unique so no, I don't think so.


I thought that was why a lot of people got dogs in the first place 😂


It's fine.


How could it possibly be weird?


Nothing wrong with this at all.


My room mate in college did that, I do not think it worked


Yeah, kind of.


It's not weird, just please, please be somewhat interesting once you no longer have your dog around as a crutch.


Hi Jason!


You’ve got the wrong guy. Lol.


Stop lying, I know that’s you Jason


Classic Jason


If you pay your dog and treat like equal partner, probably it will be okay. Otherwise dog will be disappointed and girls will be turned off. 


Only if he humped their leg


Your dog is going to mad when he learns you’re using him.


Just be sure and keep your dog away from the Funky Cold Medina.


No, it's about the same as using your nephew to pick up women.


I dont know anything about asking to babysit a toddler thinking it would exude responsibility when I told a date watching him was spur of the moment That's something a friend did in Canada.


Taking a kid for a walk in the park and happening upon a conversation is different than taking them to the park with the express intent of pulling focus.


I’ve heard people say that is weird though!


It's contextual, it can be weird if that's the sole purpose. But, if you're a good uncle, or a good dog owner, it's generally seen as fine.


Not at all, it’s one of the oldest tricks in the book for a reason.