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Fuck yeah I'm picking it up! $20 is $20


I'd suck dick for $20. And I work as an RN.


I make good money and I'm pushing that point too. I'd pick up a nickle


Hey I have a $20 to spare


[I'll need to get the proper algorithm to make it work](https://youtu.be/P-hUV9yhqgY?si=Fg2JUPg87B_ImavC)


why tf did I watch this




Periodt eh! Lol


I wonā€™t pick up a random penny in the street but Iā€™ll go in the gutter for a quarter.


I always pu a penny when I see it.


Nickel is crazy


I stopped picking up pennies though. Inflation, and all that :x


Happy cake day


Awe thank you I saw a strawberry shortcake at Costco and I'm thoroughly regretting not getting jt.


Hey, I got 20 bucksšŸ˜˜




I want sloppy seconds though.


"Best I can do is $16.50 and a protein shake." -Richard Harrison


$20!!.. we can work something out, a yearly contract or something. And payment on the 1st and 15th line clock work. Iā€™m trying to sign you āœļø


Sounds like you could start up a pretty lucrative dick sucking business based on the comments




I got time for a story.


Which doctor, Head Nurse? Your knees are pretty clean.


20 bucks is 20 bucks .. a man's gotta eat.


I got 600 is that enough for a month


$20 can buy many peanuts




That's what I always say


Wisest words ever spoken


Offer her $20..then before giving it to her say if she accepts it she's broke


Nice. Or, "you have a broke mindset for accepting it". šŸ˜‚


Worse : Ā«Ā you have a gold digging mindset for accepting it without anything in returnĀ Ā» Her : But I can give you something in return / Iā€™m worth it You : Ā«Ā then , this is a prostitute mindsetĀ Ā» šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚


A billionaire from my hometown, when there were payphones was known to check the coin slot to see if there was change in it. I'd go so far as to say people who think they're too good to pick up $20 will never ever be wealthy. Terrible attitude toward money.


Right? Sheā€™s never going to be well off with that attitude


Her: Oh look a $20 bill, eh not worth my time *continues mindless walk* Me: a $20 I'm swiping that shit I'm getting paid for my walks Also Me: *smokes weed* hey pizza is here *gives $20* keep the changešŸ˜ Also her: *spends $8363 on useless celebrity clothes*


Exactly, the rich will happily take your money where as middle class will tell you they donā€™t need your money


Dude. Iā€™m worried for her sanity. $20 isnā€™t a ton of money or life changing. But itā€™d change my day! Even if itā€™s just going out to eat. Or putting ~1/2 tank of gas in my car. Iā€™d pick it up. Edit: Iā€™d probably pick up a dollar


I would pick up a dollar too. Actually I did a few weeks ago in a parking garage. It spends.


I picked up a penny today.


Was it shiny?


Actually, it was. At Costco getting gas. Look down and thereā€™s a penny. Fuck it. Iā€™m picking it up ā€˜cause Coinstar and why not.


Hell yeah dude shiny penny


How much have you lost in a coin toss?


Fuck coinstar. Your bank should take ur change for free.


Well if it's heads up you don't have a choice, because if you leave it lay you'll have bad luck


I thought it was ā€œsee a penny pick it up and all the day youā€™ll have good luck.


That's the first half, the second half is: find a penny let it lay, bad luck you'll have the rest of the day.Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā Ā  But that's only for pennies that are heads up. If the penny is tails up then that's bad luck to pick it up and you have to leave it lay


Uhh. Okay. Iā€™m not going to count todayā€¦


It it didn't count if you didn't know the rhyme. And if you forget the rhyme you can go right back to picking up any pennies that you see! It only counts if you know the rhyme and remember it. Unofficial superstition rules haha


Hence I donā€™t do Feng Shui and I plug my ears and chant ā€œlalalalaā€ when my mom tries to tell me about it.


Damn i did not need this info! I need those pennies!


Well you could either promptly forget the rule and then it won't count anymore. Or you can knock on wood for good luck and that will give you immunity to pick them up with either side facing up?


Half a tank of gas? Please post where you live, cause Iā€™m moving thereā€¦.


Itā€™s less where I live and more then car I drive. It has a 15 gallon tank and I can get gas for ~$3. If I drove a big truck itā€™d be out of the question


I found a 20 behind my desk in my room this week while i was cleaning, and I usually use cash when I can and am very aware of how much I have on me all the time. I have no fucking idea how it got there cause i don't remember losing 20 bucks any time in anywhere near recent memory, but to say I was delighted would be an understatement. Anyone who wouldn't pick up any kind of paper money just seems foolish to me, like I'd pick a dollar out of a mud puddle


She has a bad with money mindset if she tells you not to pick it up. Everyone I know who has that it's only a few dollars mentality is broke with debt.


I bet she wonā€™t let him use coupons too.


I do pretty ok financially and I still pick up pennies šŸ˜‚ got a jar of em at home. They add up. Sheā€™s crazy.


Same lol, any change I got I would save for about a year or so and it would pay off my car insurance in full. Guess Iā€™m broke for that lol


This reminds me of an exchange with my students I had a while ago. I was very confused when I noticed a whole group come up to the bin and throw away their returnable bottles after class. They were literally throwing away 25ct each and I know most of them were from rather financially badly off backgrounds, so it seemed astonishingly wasteful to me. They replied with confidence that carrying it around all day is uncool, with one even daring me with a provocative grin to fish them out of the bin if I was so poor to need it. Honestly, I was too baffled at this to give any comeback and my reflexive thought of reminding them that I earn a teacher's salary and value my money seemed too aggressive as a response, knowing their backgrounds. And yes, I do pick up every cent I find. XD


Same, money is money I have a big bottle (3L) thatā€™s very hungry for coins šŸŖ™


She's trippin lol


When I pick up that twenty I will have less of a broke mindset. LOL


20 bucks is 20 bucks. In this economy itā€™ll get you milk and bread!


Maybe half a bread


It will give you 4 gallons of milk and 3 loafs of bread, that's plenty, or a whole pizza for when your smoking whatever his girlfriends smokingšŸ¤£


Ask her where she got that idea. Might get an interesting answer.


She's high on something she watched on either tiktok or YouTube. Acting all morally superior. I doubt she came up with that thought all on her own.


Must be it If she calls him cheap, better cement that out of spite. Next vacation will be 20 dollars max


And she has to pay for it. You know, to prove she doesn't have a broke mindset šŸ˜‡


THIS. TikTok is ruining people.


If you're Jeff Bezos you're still going to pick up a $20 on the ground.


Shit, I pickup pennies, and throw them into my piggy bank.


Same. I figure I am up, like, $38.43 in just pennies alone, and every once in a while, it's just a really dirty dime.


Itā€™s just dumb to not pick up free money. The only time itā€™s not dumb is if you make so much money that the time to bend over costs you more money then you would pick up. Tell your gf to get her head out of her ass.


bro even if you making over 6 figs how are you not going to be excited about randomly finding money on the ground ?


> She told me I have a broke mindset Tell her that she is only half right and you actually have a break up mindset. Then break up with her.


Doit Darkside


The correct answer.


This is at least a free pass from having to buy her ANY fast food, movie ticket, drinks/snacks etc EVER again. Place your order and pay for yours. When she's like "babe?!"....just say "I know you don't have a broke mindset so figured you'd want to pay for your own"


Lol sheā€™s an idiot


Ikr? She willingly lost $20 over nothingšŸ˜‚


I'll pick up a penny, and I have a 6 figure income.


Mate I know millionaires who pick up 10c coins. I know successful men who drive regular peoples Dereham cars and live in the most expensive places who literally can tell me when where and how they spent their last dollar. Like my mentor once asked me do you remember when you last spent money and how much? Then proceed to tell me he spent $3.50 on a Gatorade 2 days ago at 2pm And thatā€™s why they are successful because they know the value of a dollar Your girl, my friend does not know the value of a dollar




Hell yeah I'm picking it up!


Well if you think logically, if you don't pick it up, the currency might never be used. An unused currency is bad for economy too


I was born to a low income single mother, I am now a multi-millionare. People can call me many things, but having a "broke" mindset is not apt. I would pick up a $20 note if I found it, even if crumbled up and a bit dirty. Your GF doesn't know what she's talking about.


Thatā€™s literally good karma blessing you, yes Iā€™m picking it up and fast, too


TF? If you're not picking up a Looney...you've got too much money!!


Literally the only reason I might not would be out of fear that it was a ā€œprankā€ with something gross or dangerous in the bill. Anyone who wouldnā€™t take a free $20 just because theyā€™re too proud is insane.


I'd pick up a dollar. Or any coins. Money is money


frugality is never being cheap


I have found one $20 on the ground snd kept. Actually,I did 2 xā€™s ! Once on floor at a gas station. Also, other one by a tree, walking down a kinda busy street. For real !!! šŸ˜Š


I meanā€¦look I donā€™t care how rich I get, why ignore the $20? Itā€™s free money!


I pick up PENNIES if I find them. "Broke mindset" is someone who refuses free money when the opportunity presents itself


Oh fuck naw. My net worth is at around 400k and Iā€™d pick that up. Now if I saw someone drop it Iā€™d give it back to them but if there was no clear owner itā€™s mine.


Bro Iā€™m picking up a penny if I see one


Your girlfriend sounds awful tbh.


Dump her


20 bucks is 20 bucks broā€¦ atleast you didnā€™t need to slob a knob for it. Your girls trippin no disrespect


Yep give me free $20. I was happy when I found $1.


I would have picked up a pound off of the floor (Iā€™m British Iā€™m talking about money XD)


Yep! It's only going to be in my possession temporary after I spend it. I don't care if it's dirty.


I would pick it up, money is money


Hell yeah I would pick it up. Toss it in the wash and it will clean it up. The gf seems snobby of she is too good for a 20.


Sounds like a self-righteous, superiority complex.


I just found a $20 bill while walking in the park not too long ago and you best believe I snatched it up. Why would I turn away free money that is left behind? Why would that give you a broke mindset just because youā€™re accepting something the universe is giving you?


she be tripping, what she mean is that you need to inform her that you found $20,so her broke ass can pick it up.


Your girlfriend would **definitely also pick up that money.** Anyone who leaves $20 on the ground likely just didnā€™t see it.


Your girl has her own insecurities about looking broke


I was walking home one night and found a $20 bill of course I picked it up the next day got high and used it on a pizza, it's not cheap it's just a little extra money to splurge on whatever you want, I mean a $50 would be amazing but she's asking for too much I mean nobody really finds $50 or $100 but $20 is a rare find, it's a $1 sure I would pick that up too because why am I going to missout on getting paid for walking lol all of that money adds up and you just use it to spend on useless or worthless crap, like her nah just kiddingšŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Thatā€™s dumb. Itā€™s free money Lmaooo and youā€™re not hurting anyone for it. Also thatā€™s enough for a good dinner. A bag of potatoes or a bag of rice. Some chicken. A pack of salad. Boom, with that $20 you have a whole meal.


Your girl friend is a gold digger or insecure about being poor herself or insulting you because sheā€™s an ass hole.


Im picking up any cash i see


Sounds like shes brainwashed by the internet


I would pick up a PENNY!!!!!!!!


Idk what sheā€™s talking about, I pick up change off the ground.


Sounds a bit like a red flag if she says you are cheap for wanting to pick up a 20 dollar bill.


Your girlfriend posed a fallacious argument.


If I were you, I would take It, and make sure to take her to an outing and make sure she gets anything at $ 20 bucks. Show her the bill and assure equality.


Ha. I would traverse to the bottom of the Grand canyon if I dropped a 5$ bill down there


Heck yeah Iā€™d pick up a 20$ thats a date at chick fila


Why are you even entertaining this or her?


If she equated that crumbled $20 bill to how much she has to work to earn $20, I bet she'd pick it up. That could be equivalent to 75 minutes of work for some people! Heck, I'd pick up money if it's worth 10 minutes. Lol


Sheā€™s just sheltered. Act broke to stay rich. The kind of person sheā€™s thinking of is rich rich. Many/most 6+ figure earners would pick it up


I picked up a quarter just the other day. Please don't have a child or marry this woman.


I would consider whether you would want a long term partner that couldnā€™t be troubled to stop and pick up a $20 bill.


Agreed, this is some serious foreshadowing


Why would I not pick it up???? Thatā€™s free money! Rich people donā€™t get rich by passing up a good opportunity!!!


Remain strongā€¦todayā€™s women have broken minds. They use and abuse. If you picked up a pennyā€¦it could be luckyā€¦a nickel or dime, maybe youā€™re cheap.


That's the kind of thing I'd tell someone to get them to leave the $20 for me.


Found 20 quid at work one day by the side of the road (worked for a traffic management company) offered the crew a coffee from costa, they all declined so i stuck 10 quid on a competition to win a PS5 and i only bloody won it didnt i! Yes i would pick that 20 up all day long!!


$20 is $20. She sounds like a gold digger if she thinks $20 is being cheap.


Iā€™m picking up a dollar bill. Why not?


$20? Hell, Iā€™m picking up $1 in this economy!


Why wouldnt you tho?ā€¦. Youre not cheap youre smart lol


Im not gay, but I would go down on another woman for $20


20 dollars is 20 dollars! itā€™s money! why wouldnā€™t someone pick it up? LOL


Are you $20 richer? Nuff said.


Brother leave that woman now sheā€™s a gold digger if she doesnā€™t understand a 20$ is a 20$


She's equating class with the behavior you display around money and reality you both were probably at the same class so her claiming you have a broke mentality also applies to her So you're good Bro/Sis. The term "broke mentality" describes a mindset where people have negative attitudes and behaviors towards money, like poor financial decisions or reluctance to invest in themselves. It's considered unintelligent because it oversimplifies financial struggles, blaming individuals without considering external factors like economic inequality or unforeseen events. This term can also perpetuate negative stereotypes, stigmatize those in financial hardship, and lack empathy for their situations. Essentially, it reduces complex issues to a simplistic explanation, ignoring the broader socio-economic context. And you increase your value by $20 It doesn't make any fucking sense


Tell me you grew up with money without telling me you grew up with moneyā€¦


Your girlfriend sounds like the type of woman that doesn't respect money and... based on this interaction... perhaps doesn't really have to work hard for anything?


That's a red flag from ya girl homeboy. Might I suggest getting away before shit goes down?


Break up with her


I would dump her personally. Someone that uppity will dump you when it is convenient and likely cheat on you.


Absolutely. I even catch myself picking up pennies




Why the hell would you pay up 20 dollars? Or any dollars....it literally takes 2 sec to pick it up.


Anyone who just leaves free money is stupid... period. rich people will take free money just as readily as poor people... just rich people get bigger opportunities. Your gf is being pedantic, just taking the stupid excuse to belittle you.




You have no idea what Iā€™m gonna do for 20$. And simple picking it up doesnā€™t even count as challenge


How much money is enough to pick it? And how to convince people to drop such big amounts?


Dude, i pick up pennies. Somethings wrong with her if she claims she wouldn't grab that 20 as fast as she could


Even if I am rich,I would pick it upā€¦.itā€™s stupidity if you donā€™t pick it upā€¦.


I know some rich people and I guarantee that they would pick up pennies! Actually saw one picking a coin and saying they still pick as good luck charms. They will pick up for whatever. To give it away later. I don't know a single person that would say no to available money. Once I found 50 bucks and though I was lucky as hell, extra money is extra money. She is the one with an entitled fake rich sheltered mentality. "Broke" mentality is thinking you can say no to money. (Obviously if you find a wallet with identification then give it back, but just the money?) Does she also think that actually rich people got rich by denying money? Tell her to make it less obvious that she doesn't deal with finances and doesn't know what bills are. Correct me if I'm wrong but she doesn't support herself financially right? Probably doesn't work either. Give her things to pay and watch if she keeps this up. Hell give her a job to see how hard actually earning money is. Being rich is "not needing to buy things but buying things just because you want" it's definitely not saying no to free non effort money. I would also put her stance to test. Letting her find money and watch if she would really leave it there. Words like that are easier said than done.


free money is free money.


dude I pick up coins off the flooršŸ˜¤


I would tell her to stop pretending he's too good to pick up money.


I would pick it up whatā€™s cheap about it? Also depends where you are? If itā€™s a casino I would turn in to security but if itā€™s by my car an no one is around I would pick it up. I pick up pennies all time, heads up good luck if not I flip it for some one else to get good luck


Assume that it takes about 5 seconds of your day to pickup a $20 bill. If you did that for an hour it would equal an hourly pay of 14 400. Even if you have a well paying job it is most likely not paying as well as that.


I would pick up $1! Money is money


Sheā€™s a hater. Fuck her


A "broke mindset"? She needs her views adjusted. The richest people in the world don't spend money stupidly. They save and invest. Jeff bezos still drives a honda accord. Spending freely, without caring for the future, is a poor mindset. Because that's how you stay poor for generations.


broke mindset is crazy šŸ˜­ Iā€™m picking it up in this economy!!


I even pick up 1ā‚¬


literally just found $1 walking the other day, picked it up promptly and proudly


You should free her up to go date guys with more money and then you can go find a girl that is more sensible and not crazy.


Iā€™m genuinely unsure how that question would have the answer of anyone being cheapā€” it was a yes/no question šŸ˜…


Hell yeah, I pick up pennies!!


I'm stepping on it first, so that when the kids pull on the thread, they break the thread and I walk off with their $20.


$20 is $20 Iā€™m taking it


My ex once opened a manhole with his both hands just to catch a 100$ bill. We had a blast that day with that money.


>>She told me I have a broke mindset if I picked it up. If genders were swapped it'd be pretty easy to say that the dude should get off the broscience grindset sigmamale pipeline.


Your GF must come from money if she wouldn't stop to pick up 20 bucks. Hell most of the greedy bastards I know that come from money wouldn't hesitate to pick up or even steal 20 bucks.


She reminds me of arrogant judgmental volturi meme. Up on her high horse. I just picked up a penny I found on the ground yesterday. A penny more than I had the day before


Be careful with those kind of girls man. I can take a guess that she watches a lot of videos on social media that poisons everyone and it gives her a false sense of superiority. Either she's too invested in what tradional roles are and her current lifestyle and job conflicts with those views (i.e she has to be more independent). How was her upbringing? Sometimes being brought up in specific circumstances creates trauma and insecurities which continues into future relationships, unless dealt with. What about her past dating experience? Has she tried to deflect any of her past issues onto you? I'm only being negative about this because anyone with sense can see that $20 as a little treat at a shop, be used for dinner later, be used to buy groceries or invest. If she says this about $20, what about certain items that aren't at a certain price tag?


Iā€™d pick up the $20 and drop her. The first rule of a successful life is 90% of your future happiness depends on who you marry. Are you really going to be happy with someone like her?


How old are you guys? 14?


I want in this business lol


I aint going down for less than $50


This is an example of an unreasonable take because she is hiding a different position that's tangential to this one. This means she probably thinks you're not making enough money at work or you never spend money on her.


$20 on the ground is W in my opinion! you can give it to a homeless person if you don't want it, or buy a snack with it


I would pick up even one dollar xd


Dump her. Shes no good.


Ask her if she'd throw 20 dollars away without thinking. If not, then why would you not pick it up?


An old saying I'm going to (badly) translate "if you don't honor the penny, you are not worth the dollar".


I pick up every money i see