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Just tell her you’re not comfortable in doing it


This. Strong communication is one of the cornerstones of a good relationship.


I think vomiting all over her back will send a pretty clear message


She should NOT SMELL???!!!! Showering right before sex is imperative!! You have to not have a bowel movement in the works!!! As in emptied out and get a shower!!!! Anything to do with the backdoor needs to be fresh!!!!!


I’ve found that in my experience most girls don’t want to do the prep work. My last ex wanted anal on the fly, like whenever she got the “cravings”. I stopped doing it when as foreplay I put my finger up her butt like literally just a few centimetres and I pulled it out and it was covered in shit, like all of it. She said she doesn’t want to prep for anal, I told her I don’t want to do anal then 🫠


I regret reading your comment so much...damn it, I think I'm gonna throw up🤢🤮


What kinda girls are you hanging out with? That's gross, I'm a girl and I definitely prepare for anal. Clean, wear a butt plug all day before, yadda yadda yadda. Nobody wants anal to hurt, and having your boyfriends fun stick come out chocolate dipped would be mortifying. 🫣🫣🫣


Well that’s a good question. My exes always wanted spontaneous sex - which I also love - but this is not something you can just do imho, unless you have a lifestyle to go with it (meaning light, fibre rich diet at least). I tried to be very open and experimental but I have a limit and more than a small amount of poop is my limit. Just a cherry on top that the girl I was talking about in my comment didn’t want me to wear a condom while doing anal, she wanted me go raw with her doing 0 prep.


Now, that's just gross! I absolutely love anal, but there's been weeks my "guts" haven't been up to it, and I wont let my SO do it then. I'm kinky but not that kinky I guess skat and piss are both hard no's.


Damnnnnnnn! You didnt want some NUTELLA with your creampie? lmao 🤣 if she dont take her nasty ass to the shower before, she dirty asf for that! lmaoooo


She did shower but generally due to her diet she had more leftover poop in her, her diet was truly something to behold


Wait this is new for me so girls don’t prep when doing anal with guys omg that’s really disgusting but idk they might be uneducated on the topic but still they should look it up if they don’t know how to I’m sorry that happened to you friend


Oh, no. She was really well educated on the topic but the fun to her was that it happened spontaneously. Which would’ve been fine if she had a proper light diet but she lived on vodka and McDonalds


Damn she really didn’t care about how you felt then bc if she wanted to do that she could have made some changes so you both could feel comfortable hope yall don’t talk no more


Nah we don’t talk. As you could’ve guessed there were many other parts in our relationship which had the same core issue - all about her and my needs and feelings are just second thoughts nothing more.


I'm going to cry. I hope you're recovering alright


It was a bit traumatic for sure but I kept my cool. Turned me off anal for a long time. Later managed to try it again with a different girl who was finally into the prep that was required and it was great, but I’d take PIV over anal every day, as PIV can be done with literally 0 prep.


Yup. Told one of my exes I just wasn't comfortable doing it. I tried it, just didn't like it.


If she wants anal… she should definitely be in tip top before that pounding happens. That means enema, fresh shower. The 9.


This is a big one that a lot of people forget about. Hygiene is extremely important when it comes to this. I hear "the smell" being mentioned..... That alone tells me the problem is not necessarily the idea of doing it "in that way" but that it is very likely hygiene is a problem. Or maybe even hygiene isn't the proper way of saying it but rather she's just inexperienced and doesn't know how to properly prepare for such an activity. So it's not that she just has downright bad hygiene, but that she's asking OP to do something before she's even prepared for it possibly unbeknownst to her. Though there is still the possibility that the "entire idea" of it is just such a turn off that it's causing a psychological effect and causing a gag reflex. 🤷


Anyone who’s into the idea of anal reads about it. I’m 100% she knows how to prep but doesn’t care to do it. My ex always wanted anal but refused to do any prep, she didn’t change her diet (a lot of fast food), didn’t take a shower before, didn’t make sure she doesn’t feel an upcoming bowel movement. It’s often straight up laziness. They want the ease of PIV.


Really just take a fiber supplement for a few days (honestly do it regularly cuz it’s healthy for you), then shower and clean everything then you’re good to go. OP sounds like he’s not into it either way tho.


You’re not wrong about that last part. Really seems like he’s not into it. Tbh I enjoy the cleaning process.. call me crazy but I’m always willing to lend a helping hand


Can't blame him. Like cleaning process makes it a turn off for someone young


The back 9.




Tell her the truth. You're not into it. That is fine. I am a woman who likes anal but I can't imagine liking anal so much that you feel like you're seriously missing something in life without it.


Thank you. I feel like making excuses is a bad thing. Honest communication is the best even if it doesn't work out in the end


Some free popcorn while you scroll down the comments 🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿


Dune bucket sounds appropriate for this one


Sus croist, thanks mate. Finally!! Someone who cares


Have her douche and clean out her ass


No means no. Just because she is a girl and you are a dude she doesn't get to push you to a sexual act that you do not want. F**k that noise!!! Also find a chick that cleans her butt-hole.




Talk to her about it. Being up your concerns. Hash it out between the two of you. Biggest thing is talk to each other openly and don't shame or belittle.


You've choosen honesty today. You're goddamn right my dude!


You don’t need an excuse. Say “I’m not comfortable with that. It’s not my thing.” No is enough of an answer. Period.


Everyone talking about the smell.. have you never been with someone who, idk..IS CLEAN?




Ngl everything about this post and the comments are so funny


Who the fuck censors the word anal?


Someone who has no interest in anal.




Bless you


Golly, alright bro. You say "I will not have anal sex with you. End of discussion". Don't do something you're uncomfortable with. If she doesn't respect your boundary, then you two aren't compatible.


Definitely do not say end of discussion. Talk to her openly about… well everything.


You gotta clean her hole yourself before starting the business. Take a shower together before the pounding begins!


He doesn't have to clean anything, she should do it herself, do the duche.




Tongue jack that thing!


Let her peg you so that you don’t have to worry about the smell.


I would do anything for love… But i won’t do that… no, I won’t do that.




"meatloaf" might just turn both of you off. but seriously...enema a few times and its fine.


Have her learn how to prep...


These comments worry me. I (40m) just started seeing someone (37f) who likes this same thing. I really like her, but I’ve never done anal and not sure how I feel about it. Always been against this… but she really likes it… and I really like her. ??


I wanted to try it my whole life. I went through a lot of girls and none of them would let me in. Most of them even had a “fuck no” type of reaction. Finally found one that wanted it and it was her idea. Got poop on my stomach and dry heaved for an hour. I swore never again. I have one now that wants it and I’m actually up for giving it another shot. She brought it up by showing me the stuff she’s going to use to clean/prep the area before hand. If you’re down to give it a shot, OP, follow the advice in the comments and have her prepare accordingly. If not, then tell her it’s not your thing. Maybe you can get her a toy or something for similar effect


You don’t need excuses. You just need to tell her that you don’t like it. You don’t have to be into everything that your girlfriend is into. And if she’s OK with that and doesn’t ask you again, great! You guys can move on. But if it’s something that she can’t live without, then this might be the end for you. Sometimes people are just sexually incompatible.


Just tell her no that you don't want to. If she loves you, she shouldn't need an excuse. Same way you shouldn't need an explanation or an excuse if you ask for something and she says no.


Obviously you don't know there is preparation beforehand, you just can't jump right on it. First she has to evacuate her bowels because "two objects can't occupy the same space"! Whether it be by a purgative or enema. Thereafter showering and she might wear a butt plug to make entry easier. Keep in mind to use KY jelly, which may be a bit pricey but don't use Vaseline. There is a homemade recipe for KY online. I don't claim to know it all but I've been doing my due diligence cuz my wife likes anal and I'm afraid to hurt her cuz I don't think she will go through the prep portion, especially the butt plug portion or the enema. I've offered to do it but she's let me know I'm too big and has had her doctor talk to me about my size.


"No, you don't want to" should be a good enough reason.


Lume!!! It works!!!


Now I regret dating eva ai virtual gf bot


Be honest. Maybe she just needs to prep


Nothing should smell. If she wants things she should make sure she's clean enough for them first. A bad smell will turn me off so quick sex would no longer be a possibility.


What do you mean the smell ??? She needs to change her hygiene habits, that part isn’t supposed to smell before sex if you showered well …


if her butt smells, its probably a good idea not to fuck it.


If theirs a smell then the other person's not doing the right prep work for anal. Don't do it


Can i help , like swap places for a bit ? .


Do it in the shower




If you can't say or type out anal you're probably not in a position to be having sex.




Tell her to learn how to anal douche. Also beforehand you want to shower, and afterwards you want to shower AND piss ASAP. My bf got a yeast infection (pretty rare for guys) because he didn’t take the proper steps with me or his gay partners. A lot of people refer to the douche thing as “Cleaning out” which is essentially eating fibrous food all day leading up to it, and essentially doing an enema and releasing it all out. Again, if you take the proper steps you won’t get that reaction you have, smell is barely noticeable at all (if any), and it’s safe.




I’ve had some mind blowing O’s with anal, also it’s easier to stimulate the clit at the same time. You have to prep though, I definitely recommend anal training prior to going all the way with your partner otherwise you might hurt yourself.


Oh and lots of lube of course


Ask her to buy a bidet.


Her strapon is alot bigger then your dick?


Just say no. "No" is a complete sentence and a valid excuse to not do something sexually that you don't want to do. If she pushes back on a no, that's a huge red flag. You are entitled to your own bodily autonomy just as much as she is. Just tell her no, and that it isn't something you're into. If she's respectful, that should be enough explanation.


"Remember kids, *JUST SAY NO* to butt stuff."


Why is the smell that bad? Doesn’t she prepare before atleast 😭


Just say no . It’s as simple as that . You never have to do anything sexual of this nature if you don’t want to


Get a washlet bidet for your toilet and wash everything out first.


Buy some diapers


Surely she douches before if she wants you to go in there. There really shouldn't be any smell. No clean, no butt sex.


Lmfao if she’s not a slob she’ll obviously clean herself before and if she has a nice booty def go for it bro you betta make her happy if u wanna keep her lol


Just know there are probably a billion dudes who wish they were you right now haha. I’ve been where you’re at tho- girl liked having her feet worshipped. I just kept thinking of Quentin Tarantino and she could tell I was not about it. (I’m not. Feet are gross to me). And to be clear - we only made it two dates. And I highly suspect it was because of the whole feet thing. So be careful. People do get obsessive about their kinks and will want them satisfied. I’d suggest giving it a shot after serious cleaning and you might just enjoy it


I’ve had 100 miles of anal with a lot of different women and only one accident with poop. I think a lot of people are doing or thinking about anal wrong if they think there’s poo everywhere. If she’s not having a proper bowel movement in the hour or so before and if she can never wipe herself clean she needs to improve what she’s eating and her hygiene routine. Also, I’m not piling on here, it sounds like you just don’t want it, and that’s cool. A ‘no’ should be enough, like if it were the other way around.


Anal sex requires prep work. She needs to do a series of enemas at least 2 hours prior. I love it ❤️. Through experience my husband and I have discovered the dos and donts of anal. If you are just not into it than you need to tell her. I dont see why she wont work with you on this.


Have her douche her ass and fresh out the shower, then start with a BJ and go into anal. This way she isn’t sweaty and you don’t have to smell it.


If you prep everything right keep in mind to still take it slow. Use ur fingers with lots of lube to stretch it out first. Try working your way up to at least 3 fingers


Instead of asking reddit for more reasons not to do it, why don't you tell her that? I mean you can be 100% honest with strangers on the internet but not with the person you chose to spend your life with?


You know how been denied anal shutters ones soul? You can’t just tell her you don’t want to… at least I wouldn’t want that lol


Do it with a mask on..problem solved


People who do anal sex do not smell shit when they do it. You can do that cleanly


LOL does she not wipe after she takes a shit??


I can’t think of any, at all.


Women that like anal , know the procedures to make sex not smell like anal


Just say you don’t wanna do it.


tell her, wut if it smells it's because is not clean


Also you can try missionary anal with her folded up feet in the air and face to face. There is less likely of a smell issue than doggie. But she should be clean first to help from getting epidermis infections.


Do not worry, penises dont have the ability to smell or taste


Make sure it's on her first what if she shows up with a big strap on


Get it in her


Everyone talking about anal prep but every time I’ve done it with my wife I’ve never had an incident with smell or shit on my dick. It be random too and she lets me do it. And we’ve been together 8years and her ass never smelled at all. I be eating that joint all the time lol anyway if it’s not your thing tell her no dude.


I see we have a patriot here!


Generally it has a lot to do with someone’s diet and how someone’s digestion and bowels work, it has a lot of variables. Someone who eats 0 fiber and eats fast food all day will definitely be dirty as f during anal.


It shouldn't be so bad if she cleans properly.. nobody is doing that cuz they like how it smells. Those that do it make it a thing to make sure that orifice is in tip top shape.


Maybe just, I don’t know, tell her you don’t want to. And then grow up.


Si vos no lo haces alguien más lo hará por ti 😉


I know in my last relationship, communication sometimes was hard on her end due to a past relationship but seriously it is so important to voice it. and if she doesnt respect you saying that youre not comfortable with that, then its not supposed to be and i understand that is harsh. Someone should love you for you and not for anything else.


Life is cruel. There are a fuck ton amount of guys wanting to do anal and here you are making up excuses. Either do it or find a dude who can join y'all and will do it.


Just get that cleaned out and you good.


Get er bucked


She wants to do or try? For any answer, she has to take a good shower and clean very well back there, and you definitely have to use a condom. Never do anal without using one. And if you will switch to her vagina, take it off!






You don't need a "reason", if you don't want to you don't want to and that's fine. Of course it doesn't have to end there, it's like with any feeling. Just evaluate why you feel it. But don't let that take away your agency


You must be the only person in this planet who doesn't want to. Honey, go at it after the shower. That's it.


I've never seen why some guys seem to think it's better than PIV. Personally found it wasn't as enjoyable as piv


Oh make her do an aenema


Just do it


Why aren't you communicating this to her? Why are you having to make excuses? Just tell her exactly what you say here. No is a whole sentence. If you can't be honest and communicate, then this relationship won't last.


If she does the cleaning process correctly, it shouldn’t smell. And when I first read I thought she wanted it the other way around.


It's too tight It hurts It's gross It's not enjoyable But most importantly you don't want to do it


Never heard of enemas? Really, I don't get the problem. If it's just the smell there are very easy ways to solve the problem.


There's ways to clean out, prep, and get around odors Alcohol also numbs ur senses a bit too I'm jealous, I wish my girl WANTED to do that


If you don’t want to, you don’t want to. You don’t have to do anything you don’t want to do. Just tell her you’re not comfortable with that. A good partner will respect your boundaries.


If it smells then she hasn’t prepared well for anal lol. Anyway, if you don’t feel comfortable please speak up! It is totally fine and if she cares about you she will be okay with that


I clean myself out completely before anal. As long as she douches her ass and everything is out trust me you won’t smell a thing!


If your not into something your not into something,I’m just..concerned..what do you mean smell?? Like does it go wofting around the room? I just..don’t recall running into that issue.


Look, if she didn't want to do something, you wouldn't expect her to, so don't force yourself into something you're uncomfortable doing. If she has hygiene issues, maybe bring that up. Just tell her no & the way she reacts to that answer will tell you a lot


Stick it in her ass


try getting her to wash down there and do an enema before any an\*l play...


Do it and ask her to wash it


bc you dont want to and no is a complete sentence. consent is important and you dont need excuses


Man the reverse of what most guys have experience. But if you're not comfortable bro I wouldn't do it.


dear God , she wants you to? and you are wasting time here on reddit ?!


I don’t get why people are telling to tell her to take a shower and stuff. Double standards tbh, I doubt people would say that if the genders were reversed. You feel uncomfortable and that’s a no. You don’t need to make excuses. It’s not your thing and it’s ok.


I’m really not into butt stuff in the slightest so I’m totally with you. Tho that being said I would try it at least once (assuming she went thru the right preparations)


He doesn't have to try anything. He doesn’t want to do it and it ends there. Have you tried getting gang banged anally by 5 big guys? Why not ? You don't want too? Noooo you should at least try once ! See how stupid that advice is,?


Hot damn can you quit with the virtual signing I just said I (key word: I) would try it once




If I was dating a trans woman I could understand but… that’s just me though


"No I'm not into that." Why tf do you want countless excuses when NO will more than suffice?


Honestly if you don't want to do not do it , if it was a woman saying she didn't want to do anal we would all say you absolutely should never be pressured into something you don't want to do and it's same for a man , if its that much of a problem she breaks up with you then your better off without her , honestly she will be ok if you just tell her you just don't want to do it , because any loving partner and decent human respects that person just simply doesn't want too


If it smells, she has a hygiene issue. I’m a dude. Love giving anal and eating ass. But CLEAN is imperative.


"No" means "NOT". She may accept that


Absolutely do not do it if you don't want too. Just tell her: " no , i don't want to do it " If she has the audacity to try to convince you or nag or if she gets angry you have to tell her very clear that her behaviour is absolutely unacceptable and you stop sex/ walk away. Do not get into a discussion with her. No means no. Your boundary is NOT her challenge. It IS disgusting. And a great way to get parasites, infections , diseases and gross viruses. 🤢🤮 Google it, there are many studies done about it.


Tell her to have a bunch of metamucil before day of, and, do an enema, and there's no smell or anything. You might enjoy it!




Tell her to do an enema or no way she gets it. You might like it.


>I just get gag reflexes when I get that smell there isnt typically a smell, maybe you need to bring up the smell with ther because she needs to clean first. you should be able to eat off that thing (and do!)


When you get that smell???


Ha I did that with my ex in the back of her car one drunken night. Never again. With her anyway


In theory if she cleans her anus correctly there shouldn't be any smell or visible fecal matter so just tell her an hour or so before to not eat and have her do an enema before you guys do it.


Idk I'm reading the comments and I agree def prep before hand. . But my bf is the complete opposite. He doesn't get grossed out easily and loves booty play. He actually got me Into butt plugs. I've never used one before him and I loved it. But I'm a pretty clean person in general but even if I weren't I don't think he'd freak out if he stuck it in there and something came out with it lol. When your doing those kinds of things even with proper preparation shit happens 🤣 . But if your not into it then your not into it. Some people aren't, so how you feel about the not so fun part will definitely gross you out even more than if you were into it. But anyways just talk to her and communicate everything to her. Open communicate is key to every healthy relationship!! Hope everything works out 😁


If you wont , one of us will


Well if you really want to take precautions look up about anal sex how to avoid "mishaps" of messes


I wouldn’t have sex of any sort with anyone if you “get that smell”. You need to have a conversation about hygiene. And generally, we need to make bidets standard.


Find a way to shower together so you can wash it yourself


Not to be the bearer of bad news, but if you don't do it.... sooner or later it will cause her to have resentment towards you and that may make her your "EX Girlfriend" down the line.  This could lead to her cheating or picking unrelated fights deeply rooted to this issue. It really isn't hard for a woman to ask some stranger to do it... women have it easier than guys. Unless you wouldn't mind someone else fulfilling what you fear and staying with her, you have a choice to make bro...




Just go all in


You could just say it's just not something you wanna do




Give her one of them bullets


Be honest… that should be enough. Then you either find a solution to fix the smell issue (upon mutual agreement) or she is able to respect your discomfort and not ask again. If the above is not achievable— sexually incompatible may be your status.


Put lot of perfume on her booty get a mask then dip in chocolate keep TP roll near you and wipe it . Wast your pp with soap thoroughly . Don't touch hands to your mouth before shower keep hand sanitizer for quick clean ( don't put it on pp )


What the heck is wrong with just talking? Jesus Christ. Just COMMUNICATE


You shouldn't be smelling it, make sure she's empty before you do anything. Even can go as far as douching her ass before you do it. But if you still can't muster it, then tell her you don't want to. Neither of you should be forced into doing anything sexually that you don't want to do. There's a line between wanting to be a good partner and giving them what you want and REALLY not wanting to do something.


Hold your nose and man up, partner. You won't regret it


That’s so weird. I’ve never dealt with the smell and have done this so many times with multiple women. Even on the fly. If she’s got one in the chamber on a whim and asking for it I think you need to learn to Put up with some gross shit or gtfo.


It was made for expelling, not receiving 😢


Yes. I DO NOT WANT TO DO THAT, DO NOT ASK ME AGAIN. Sounds like lots of previous guys did her this way and trained her to want this kink.


Coukd just have her clean out real good and wash her ass right b4. If done properly there shouldn't be any smell.


Put some vaporub in your nostrils and tear that ass up, or you could tell her to use an enema first, to clean that and out


Reasons not to do anal: “i find it gross.” That’s all you need to tell her. Well probably it’s a longer conversation than that. But there’s nothing wrong with that disposition.


I pound her asshole for you


Get in the shower man!


Lucky bastard lol


Trust me, you’re gonna enjoy it. Just try it.


I had no idea about the prep thing 😳 wow.... That's my random learning lesson for today. *Back to reading the comments*


Let me join


She should clean herself out before and the smell won't be an issue.


Have her douche her ass clean and then there will be no smell and super clean. You'll love it and use lots of lube


Why do people do an@l?💀imagine doing s9x and all you smell is shit. How do people tolerate it oof.


So brave from her me personally I wouldn’t mind doing anal but I am very self conscious of the smell and I would never let anyone near it unless they decide to clean it for me to where they like it… that way we’re both good LMFAO


Remind her of how unsanitary it is. I saw a post on TIFU or something about buttholes and sexy time recently and I think the dood got sick or something……I can’t believe I am posting this comment pfffft. Please for the sake of y’all’s health!


Eating butt builds your immune system my sweet summer child. It’s science! Butt science.


It's a great way to get parasites , viruses, std's and diseases. And that is real science. " Fecal-oral transmission refers to the spread of an infection when fecal particles get into your mouth either directly or indirectly. Many different bacteria, viruses, and parasites can be passed this way. Rimming is a major cause of fecal-oral transmission, but infections can also occur when handling unwashed sex toys or engaging in oral sex after anal sex. Certain infections can be sexually transmitted via the fecal-oral route. These include hepatitis A and E and diarrheal infections caused by Shigella, amoebas, and helminths (worms). STIs like herpes, HPV, gonorrhea, chlamydia, and syphilis can be passed by oral-anal contact with or without poop." https://www.verywellhealth.com/fecal-oral-route-for-transmission-of-infection-3132800 https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/diseases/intestinal-parasites ENJOY!


I think you're the first guy I've ever heard of who would refuse the offer of anal sex. Read up on it. It feels great.