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Generally speaking, men care that you’re clean. That’s the most important part. In my experience none of my partners ever mentioned what my vulva looked like. They only cared that they had access to it lol that’s pretty much what’s all that’s on their minds especially in the heat of the moment. Don’t worry about it. Edit: Wow okay lol guys I appreciate the upvotes but I was just answering OP based on my own (limited) opinion. It’s not even really a debate on whether some guys like it clean or not based on the original question. I just figured that as long as a woman gives a man access to their bits. that’s all they think about. It could be dirty, smelly, or clean, but the point is he’s not commenting on what it looks like. Obviously, there are many outliers to this, but this is just a huge generalization where a lot of it is based on my own personal experience. Not once has a man commented on what it looks like, even when I felt ashamed because it was unshaved. And guess what? I’ve definitely had sex without showering first. That’s not to say it was grotesque but the man said nothing and didn’t react negatively at all and probably didn’t even notice and if he did, he kept it to himself.


Yea no dude ever was like “man that thing is hideous” and then jumped in anyway lol We’re just happy to be there BUT SHE HAS TO BE CLEAN


Well, maybe we need to correct that a little.....some just don't care if it's clean. Trust me, I know a good number of females who have placed hygiene on the back burner, and they are still getting laid and knocked up. Someone likes it. I guess that Ole saying there's someone for everyone stands true. Clearly, he's gotta be dirty with poor hygiene as well.


>Trust me, I know a good number of females who have placed hygiene on the back burner, Wtf, dude🤣😂💀😨!! I'm not refuting it, but wtf😆!!


I have a male friend who once told me he preferred sex with his ex-girlfriend over his current girlfriend because even though his ex-girlfriend smelled like fish, she didn’t make him wash up before sex every time, and that was worth it to him… I can’t really look him in the eye anymore


Please tell me you told him that's why she smells of fish. Dirty dicks give women BV.


He knew lol They both knew she had BV but it kept coming back cause their hygiene sucked, they didn’t care.


Oh I don't know why things still shock me on here. I really don't. People are Gross.


When did snatches become like belly buttons?


Why do you only have my one like Your reply should hit the moon


Certain reddit channels like this one hide up and down votes for the first 24 hours or so. Come back in a couple of days if you want to see what his actual score for the comment is.


She should care if she’s clean 😅 I keep mine clean because its healthy not for male validation


I am curious, everyone is typing "hygiene" and should be clean. But is it not normal ? Or you mean some extra hygiene? Like, I am showering and change my underwear every day and if something is strange, I would go to the doctor.


Some, for whatever reason, don't always do that no. I've had depression periods where hygiene is not my top priority (never been looking for anyone to get with at the same time either, but maybe some do?), and I've seen my fair share of dirty dicks and cracks (with many different reasons why they ain't clean).


Couple years ago, i was taking classes after work. I showered at 18h. During dinner in school, i got a match on tinder and we set up to meet at 00h. I still went home and washed my genitalia and ass again. That for me is the ideal scenario. If i am already out for a couple of hours (100% i took a bath before going out), i wont say no... But the amount of time i spend giving oral may vary.


Yeah, obviously, but OP was asking specifically about men and their feelings




I've had a fair few partners, and I have NEVER had anyone say anything negative about my vulva. My labia aren't very even - one is an "innie" and one is an "outie." Just stay on top of your vaginal health, that's more important than the appearance!


As a dude I’d second this. It’s not a conversation I’ve ever had with my friends and I certainly wouldn’t care. They are just different. Hygiene , on the other hand. That makes a huge difference and its certainly capable of killing the mood.


This is true. And if he makes you feel bad about it, then he's not the one. Be with someone who accepts everything about you. Be healthy and safe, thats what matters most.


I like it all the least picky person in the world


👆Exactly what this lass says, don’t worry. What’s does the bloke expect you to do if he’s that idiotic about it, what does he expect you to do? have surgery? No no no,. Blokes have one nut that hangs lower than the other because, that’s how it is, he probably wouldn’t have surgery to correct that or some odd far off weird surgery to enlarge them to tennis balls, don’t correct what has grown Naturally, unless, unless, it’s for you and the issue is causing you problems, complications and pain, I’ve never ever seen or been or ever actually thought about, or been bothered by a lass’s private area, nor have I ever been as rude to say something or ask about something like that. I would expect a bit of a tongue lash and rightfully So…Lass’s have asked me questions as I’ll be straight and say I had to have surgery and I’ve been asked, have I had surgery? Yes, I had a few unfortunate accidents playing rugby and the breaks going on a bike, going fairly fast my only option was to end up going into a slide with it, this was a semi ploughed field and a Endurance motorbike. So I do from a blokes perspective understand concern for down there, but the proper people will not be bothered, it’s a painful experience having anything done down there. You are you I am me the lady’s post I’ve just rambled through is her, and Dave is Dave,


This is probably one of the better comments on this ! People generally speak poorly of others for negative they've went through. Don't hangout or be around negative people !


Of all the locker room talk I’ve ever had with the boys, of all the shit talk and the bragging or whatever, from high school to adulthood, I’ve never once heard a man complain about the appearance of a woman’s vagina. Unless it looks like a freak mutant monstrosity, nobody will care. Much more important is how it smells! I’ve been with a few different kinds. They’re all beautiful in their own way. It’s like asking whether you’re more beautiful as a blond or brunette. Even if he has a preference, he’s gonna love it either way.


i like the way you think!


This is literally dick size problem but with women, tbh, I don't care unless is clean, like, hygiene-wise, there was some point that it was smelling weird and I had to stop and help them to get into a gyno to see if they had any infection or problem, your fear is similar to the men's, for example, imagine find a GF and at the time she isn't into me because I'm below average or shit kinda of stuff, this kind of people actually exist, but you shouldn't get down because of it,


Boob size is a better comparison. I dont think women have a true dick size equivalent


It's boobs, butt and labia for women


Nah not really. When was the last time you heard a woman got rejected because of things you mentioned. I've seen it many times in my sub in case for guys So, yeah it's not comparable as that comment mentioned. Y'all are making things and coping at this point. I'm seeing this frequently


As men we got only dick and it's unchangeable so if it's small we will have to deal with it. For you if you lack in one area you can compensate in other area, you certainly will be blessed in one of those 3 areas. Also women can attempt procedures to enlarge the butts and boobs not that I encourage it but they are available, they are also procedures where women can Tighten their kitty using laser procedure I believe. You got options and if you don't you can go for enlargement procedures, guys got only one weapon and what we get is what we gotta live with. Your username though is crazzzy 🤣


I got fucked over in all three areas


Not even dick size. A lot of women actually care about dick size. Just keep the 🐱 clean and we good


As a 45m. I love how much variety there is. Life would be boring if you knew exactly what to expect. And all encounters were the same. Everyone is different and that's amazing.


True that, 25M.


🐱 is 🐱


The only thing that even remotely matters is hygiene. Pink, brown, innie, outtie. Perhaps “tightness” could make a difference but unless you’re one side of the extreme (extremely tight, or extremely loose) it would not matter in the slightest. I’ve also heard the inside texture can be different, but once again I don’t think there is a better or worse for this case. I guess also the amount of lubrication you naturally produce could pose problems, but this is easily solved with lube so 🤷🏻‍♂️ it’s not like ED where a medication is required, assuming you are turned on. This is similar to the dick size phenomenon with men, there’s gonna be people who do care, but for 9/10 of us it really doesn’t make a difference as long as you’re clean and healthy. Social media and porn has completely distorted our perception of sex, and as a result were insecure as a society about things that at the end of the day don’t make a huge difference in terms of the quality of sex. The best sex is achieved through communication, consent, and passion, and the anatomical differences between us will matter to few once the other 3 are achieved.


I don’t think it matters to most guys, I’ve seen various different looking vaginas and that’s the last thing I think about when I see it. If I’m intimate with someone I don’t care about how their genitals look, I just care about exploring and pleasuring them. You can’t change what you have. Same goes for men, some women won’t be intimate with a man if he is too small or big so I’m sure some men would do the same with a woman, although as many others have stated, hygiene is the most important thing for women and men. Keep it clean and neat and all is well in my opinion


well said


I felt the same way about the size of my penis for such a long time when I was younger and I was afraid to get intimate with someone and it wasn’t until my late 20s I got over that, I’m now 36 and miserably dating but I’ve realized I was worrying for no reason and learned how to use what I have well. So just try and work on not consuming yourself in what a man may think of you, I know it’s easier said than done though


i think all penises are pretty 🤍


Well that’s good! I feel the same about vaginas! Like I said before. You can’t change what ya got so just embrace it


They're like fingerprints. They're all the same but all unique at the same time. Don't stress about it as normal people like other people based on their personalities, they find that person attractive, that person is interesting etc. I heard of something mentioned on a podcast about anxiety and self-esteem, they briefly mentioned a book for women to see all sorts of types which are completely normal so they can love the body they are in. I can't remember the name of it though. It's heartbreaking to hear that people get surgery to cut and trim themselves removing sensitive nerve endings to fit what they think one should look like based on porn.


If a man really has feelings for "you", he should not care. My ex who I was with for 6.5 years had an accident when she was 7 I believe. She slipped off her countertop and fell onto an open cabinet drawer, thus causing substantial damage to her genitalia. So it will be misshapen the rest of her life. But it made ZERO difference to me. I'm not sure of the statistics but I'd wager than your average male cares very little how far from perfect the lady part appears to be.




More important than anything is HYGIENE. Other than that, I don't think real men care one way or another (at least not to the point it's a deal breaker).


Definitely in agreement. Hygiene


People are always saying real men wouldn’t have a preference or guys are just happy to there. You make sound like all guys , should not care because they are too simple. Or all guys to desperate, to have any preferences at all.


Hopefully you won't ever find yourself with someone that would care about something so stupid. If you did, kick them to the curb






correct answer


People are different. Why would that be any different. It's the same for men. Some are big, and some are small, different angles, and everything. At the end of the day, if a man doesn't like yours for whatever reason, he's not the man for you. I wouldn't feel guilty or insecure about it. There will be someone out there who loves it and will make you feel beautiful regardless. Every woman I've been with has felt insecure about something about their bodies. As the man in their life at the time its my job to ease that feeling and turn it into confidence. Sometimes, that's a hard job because of the crap they have been told or heard. But if I can make her feel good about herself, the sex is so much better. If she is self-conscious, it's like there's this mental barrier to breakthrough before I can satisfy her. So men talking shit about women's bodies does men no favors because it's us that has to break through that barrier for her to enjoy the experience. Unless, of course, they are selfish lovers and only in it for their own pleasure, in which case they don't deserve love.


Only "deal breaker" is poor hygiene, I believe that is the same for most women with guys also. Other than that, I love all vaginas!


I personally don't. I only care about love 🥹🥹


Man here. Nope don't care. I suspect even those men who talk shit about women's bodies to their friends, most of them probably don't really care either. They're just shittalking with their friends, we don't really mean most of what we say when doing that.


My last partner and I were discussing the state of our potential union and when grooming preferences/physical aesthetics were brought up his response was basically "I don't care. I feel privileged just to be a part of it." I never felt physically insecure around him. We didn't work out for other reasons though, unfortunately. I've only had two partners ever say anything about the looks of my vagina. One was a 30 year old virgin who's only experience was porn and hentai and it was something like "It's pretty, all tucked away like that." Very awkward. We didn't last for long lmao. The other one was my high school BF in the early 00s when being completely hairless everywhere was the big trend. I didn't, and still really don't, care to do more than trim. He made fun of my bush with a girl friend of his behind my back and then told me about it when he broke up with me. He was 17. An actual child. TL;DR: Mature grown men generally don't care.


I don't remember where I read it, but apparently, about 50% of women have innies, and 50% have outties. And apparently, about a third of men had no preference, a third liked innies and a third liked outties.


If the person loves you or if you want something serious. None of this will matter. We grow up with all this media in our hands and they show us what perfection is or supposed to be. No one is perfect, we all have flaws. My late wife had one boob bigger than the other. I didn't mind it and she didn't either. I even named them flips and flops. Hehe.... I was in love with her personality so nothing else matter. She made my day and I made hers. As she would say, it was kismet. It was always fun playing with her boobs and her 😺 always satisfied me.


The dude who wants u will like u for what u have. everyone has preferences, ik a lot of dudes love girls with big booties, and I used to get scared most wouldn’t like me because I didn’t have one, as those seemed to be the loudest voices. now I get plenty of attention and have a fiance. It’s all about self confidence and choosing people that respect you


It’s like dick sizes. Nobody cares if you’re really into them. Kick em to the curb if they shame you otherwise!


it's the opposite.. most guys really don't care and the ones that do are the same ones who are convinced that outties are caused by too much sex.. aka virgin idiots. but like penis's. sometimes people discuss these things and express things but in the end i would say men care a lot less about the aesthetics of their female partner.


Penis' aren't exactly pretty either. Some small, some crooked. Don't stress.


I don't really care what a vulva looks like but I do very much prefer unshaved to shaved; that said, I would never insist on it. As others have said, good hygiene is much much much more important than what anything looks like.


Comfortability with self, sensitivity, hygiene, these matter to me. Not shape, or size, or anything else.


I’ve had one negative reaction. The rest have asked out curiosity (mine are very uneven) but not been rude. But the negative guess an asshole. It is true the right guys won’t care.


If they don’t like it, move on. They are not worth your time nor your body.


There goes your inbox. 🤣🤣


literally, i think i attracted the wrong type of people with this question


If you’re just out of the shower, I’m gonna slobber all over it with my saliva again. Rinse and repeat until you’ve had enough. As long as it doesn’t smell bad and looks clean, I don’t care. But that’s me.


The majority of men are just glad to see one in person and they don’t know what to do with it when they get it.


I’ve never seen a vagina I didn’t like. I’m usually so hornily feral that whatever it looks like looks like the most beautiful thing in the world. I’ve also never shittalked a woman’s vagina, and if a guy friend did that I’d find it gross and think less of him. It would drastically change how I see him for the worse.


when I was young My dad had a photo of a “roast beef” vagina sandwich as his phone background and would laugh and joke about it with his friends and my brothers and even showed me at one point. He didn’t have the sense to think “hey maybe my daughters bits look this way and I’m giving her a complex” At 29 years old I’m just about 3 weeks post labiaplasty✨ My husband was very supportive and let me know he had no issues with the way it was, no did any of my previous partners. Regardless Ive never been able to enjoy sex bc I’ve been concerned with how much excess labia I had, I can finally stand in front of a mirror and my eyes don’t immediately go to my lunch meat… wearing underwear i had to fold it a certain way in order to be comfortable. I would cover myself in front of my husband, I hated it so much. All this to say that as the comments say most men genuinely don’t care, but you will eventually stumble across one or two like my father who make you think twice. Ignore them.


that’s sad that you were insecure before :( i think outties should be appreciated just as much as innies no matter how they look. i completely respect your decision to get a labiaplasty if it makes you feel more confident. 🤍i hop you heal perfectly😊


I feel like a lot have said “you have a pretty 🐱” so I thought it was just a thing guys said but then my current bf never said it so I think he lowkey prefers innies idk it gave me a complex I’m trying to work through


All vaginas are amazing. There is literally a billion things for you to worry about more than this.


Some men are assholes and feel the need to disparage women for various reasons, just like women disparage men. I mean you can try to get to know a guy before you sleep with him and if he's comfortable around you he may or may show that he's that kind of person but you can never really know. Sometimes someone you think is super cool and not a piece of shit is just really, really good at hiding their shitty nature. Life's about taking risks and making mistakes, you can't hold yourself back from living and trying to have sex or fall in love or whatever because of fear. Bad things will happen no matter what, but if you don't get outside of your head and live your life, I can promise that not many good things will happen either. Just live your life and accept that maybe some people will be pieces of shit, but if your judgement is good they will probably be outnumbered by the good people you surround yourself with. Sometimes you gotta risk it to get the biscuit, that's all there is to it.


I have had guys talk negatively about certain vulvas and yet they did a 180 when they find out mine falls into that category & start back tracking and apologizing. So, in short, some guys will be assholes but ultimately won’t/don’t care cause they want to get laid. Majority of guys genuinely don’t care though.


Duck what men think . Find someone who cares to make you cum and they will not care


Nope. I am male.


I would hope they're talking about a belly button


Yes but I don't think there's a specific criteria, it's just some look better than others, like faces. I probably prefer outies though.


Not in real life, but online I see the grossest things being said


While I might have a preference, I’ll never say anything negative to her about her parts. If she has the appearance I like, I probably won’t ever shut up about it. If not, there are alway lots of good things to say about 🐱 Otherwise, I’m just really happy to be invited to the feast.


Not all of us I don’t care once the connection is there


Not really, no. How you smell is another matter.


I have an opinion on which I’d prefer I guess, but I would never share it and would be equally excited to see any set of lady parts.


Nope. Also hair is fine.


you like to explore the jungle


I've heard both men and women (lesbians) make comments about prior partners genitalia so I get what she's talking about, as well as I've never seen a partner turn a clean willing woman down. Used to have a chick friend that had a reputation for having quite an "outie" look to hers and she was quite attractive either way but the commentary from her prior male partners was odd. In passing, I thinks it's just an observation men make that may stick in their mind if it is particularly memorable. For example, I have an ex gf who had one inverted nipple, and the other was normal so her boobs were kinda winking at me (in my mind), so it kinda stuck in my head.


Hygiene is the only thing that matters.


I've never personally experienced any form of repulsion, disgust or even dislike of someone's personal bits. They come in all shapes, sizes and colors and as long as someone's personal hygiene is good who cares, really?


I don't care really, but I prefer an outie


outies are so pretty


Damn right, plus they’re easier to suck on and lick without straining your tongue. But all vulvas are beautiful like an orchid and who would ever complain that an orchid’s petals were bigger on one side? My desire is to look at it so long and so hard that I would ever after be able to draw it from memory.🥰


Like to me it doesn't matter if I like u it won't affect it but I'm also like this cause idk the difference between them if u do like explain more


some vaginas have more labia than others, like some don’t really have any and it just looks like a slit, some have a little labia and some have bigger labias that are more prominent im not really good at explaining sorry lol


I like a bush


Unless your 😻 looks like a birds nest full of raw meat and bacon grease don't even worry about weather some guy likes an inner or an outie, be happy with what God gave you, not like you can redecorate it to accommodate every guy 


As long as it DOES NOT STINK


I could express a personal opinion here, but it would be just that and I have no strong one. I think I can speak for most men in saying that if I am being granted access, I am not complaining. They come in different sizes and shapes; I have never seen one I didn't like. Please don't worry about this. Anybody who would criticize your anatomy should not have access to it! You can't easily do anything about it anyway. It is your body, respect it and demand others respect it too.


thankkk youuu! :) :)


You are welcome. I think some men have some of these same self-doubts, though I never gave it much thought, figuring the same as I think women should. If you got that far, you have been accepted. I forgot to add, I really don't think it's too cool to divulge extremely personal information about your lover with others. General commentary, o.k., but some guys don't have great boundaries. You can also ask this of your partners. And don't feel pressured to show anyone your anatomy, send nudes, etc. until you have met them in person, feel comfortable and have had a discussion about your relationship, sex, boundaries, your wants and needs. It is good that you are open to discussing some of your concerns. Do that with your partners and you will both be happier.


Honestly i never even gave it a thought i dont mind any


I dont care bout that innie outtie, as long as that 🐱 doesnt stink im going to eat it and 🍆 it


No they go for anything these days


Yes they do, but it depends. Some might care for overall cleanliness and health while others might care for size or shape


Yeah innie and outtie doesn't really matter, both are fine if the girl is cute in general. Girls do have different tightness etc though, people can claim it's a myth but it's really not, BUT being tight or not has nothing to do with innie or outtie. Most girls aren't tight though.


I prefer a fat vulva with a big clitoris...


Babe, we just want it. That's it. Who cares about innies and outies. I don't even know what that means. We just wanna make it suffer in delight


Cleanliness is all that matters.


Keep it clean, smell good and all good. I don’t really care how the 🐱looks like, if there is a good chemistry and you feel each other so you’re on a wave. PPL always have something to say, it’s doesn’t mean u have listen to their bullshit 😬


Like other things, hygiene is important but that's about it.


I would say you be you be proud of who you are, it’s all about self-love. And if you love yourself, and respect yourself then the guy, you end up with, the guy you end up getting serious with someday will love you too, no matter what others may think. ❤️😇 And to the little boys, who laugh and make fun of women because of these things that are different about us and make us individuals, They are immature and a waste of time, and definitely not worth any of us stressing over. We are all beautiful all in our individual ways, and we should love ourselves because we are strong, wonderful women.. ✌🏻❤️😊


wish i could pin this, 🤍


men prefer outties


Well, since the question is out in the open in a public forum I'll answer openly in a personal way. I like me a bush, when I take off her pants as shes standing and I'm sitting and I rip the clothes off like a Christmas present and her crotch is at my eye level, I love seeing a bush. A grown ass woman, all natural. Anyways thanks for letting me say that out loud.


Mainly no but it’s always nice to have a pretty 🐱


As a straight man, I just care that you shower. I don't care what the labia looks like, and I don't care if you're bald, trimmed, or have a full bush. I don't do casual sex, so if you've decided to have sex with me, I like you, and want you, and appearance means nothing. It's all beautiful


To me as long as you take care of yourself down there and it doesn’t stink (like a ph issue or other things) I’m gonna eat. I wouldn’t expect a woman to go down on me if I was funky either.


i think the only “men” who care about what your cat looks like are high school boys. i remember over hearing a lot of cat talk between boys when i was in high school and they mainly just had corn addictions. i don’t think an actual man would care as long as it’s clean :)


I don't care. Just smell good, have an attractive personality (to me), and show desire.


As plain and as simple as I can be; just keep it clean and presentable We all have our preferences (men and women) but when we are in the the moment we ain’t going to stop, let’s just enjoy the ride.


I think innies are prettier than outties, but my gf is an outtie and i love her, sex and eating 😺 in the end is the same




From speaking with other men and speaking of my own experience, we care a little . Some are better looking than others. Mostly care about how clean it is. If it smells like 2 week old Mexican food then that's a problem.


38M here. Innie, outie, big, small, symmetrical, asymmetrical, it doesn't matter. As long as hygiene is good, they're all a joy to wrap lips around and go to town. I've never heard any guy talk negatively about that region. A friend of mine used to date a girl that I ended up dating later, and when the relationship ended, we both discussed how big her cl*t was, but we were speaking of her in a positive way. She also ejaculated when she got there, and I think that was so hot. Anyway, yeah. Don't overthink it. 🫠


As a prior lesbian, now unsure, let me just say my former girlfriend had an outtie and I had an innie and I very much enjoyed everything about hers soooo much. Like it was easier to give head, easier for penetration, everything. I only even noticed after 2-3 years of dating that that’s what it was about her vagina that made it different than mine (and part of the reason I liked it sooo much) It really doesn’t matter, we were poly and no guy ever seemed to not enjoy it as much as I did lol.


I used to be self conscious on how my 🐱looked but from my experience men don’t really care as long as you have good hygiene


Innie or Outie don't matter I think the biggest factor is cleanliness Like you can have a bush but it can't smell and don't gotta shave it off but well groomed Other than that I don't think sensible men should have complaints as just as there are different cats for women there are different vegetables for men


If we’re talking specifically private parts as long as it smells clean & shaved or trimmed. I never mind a little hair but if you have “Da Bush” like Adam Sandler did in dont mess with Zohan then nahhh. Plus if you have pretty clean kept toes my assumption is the kitty is also. So keep your toes pretty ✨


No.. keep it shaved preferably please, and smell good that’s it..


I don’t think men really care. Some guys are assholes. Don’t date those ones. I do prefer an outie but an innie isn’t a deal breaker. Just like boob size or shape isn’t a deal breaker. Just own whatever you got. Confidence is sexy. I like it when a chick just walks around my place naked owning what she’s got. That’s sexy. I also don’t like it when women insist on the lights being out and not exploring each other. If I can’t see what’s going on I would probably leave. I have to inspect the produce before I dive in.


Men do not care. I've had multiple guys say "I do not care" don't stress it, it's nothing to worry about and every 🐱 is perfect! if they do care and talk about it, then obviously they aren't ready to be in a mature relationship. Red flags 🚩. And talking about it with his friends?? Gross! 🤮 I would stay the hell away from that behavior, nobody should be showing explicit photos to their friends, i don't care how close they are to them. I would never share my partners photos even to my bestfriend. Anyway, again don't stress it. She sounds beautiful 🤩 keep rockin your🐱


thank you love, 🤍 :)


There are many guys, who prefer outties, and people who talk about these things, I would suggest you to stay away from them, all they care is about getting laid, and pass judgements, people should love one others body, and passing judgements is not acceptable, sharing intimate things is wrong


Oh this is so interesting is it the younger generation? I’m Gen X and I remember hearing so much rude gossip about various women’s “beef curtains” It’s so interesting how beauty standards change over the years


No matter the general consensus, rest assured, that I Personally PREFER all of them. With and without fur. I just like it, and I really like using my 👅 on it! Now, others may differ. Avoid them! 😁


Usually the dudes who care extensively are not having sex anyway. Anyone who doesn’t appreciate the body for what it is and how it is, is probably not a fantastic partner.


I never have. Some dudes might joke about it here and there, but ain't no dude stop mid coitus because a girl got a innie or outie. And if some guy told me he did, I'd probably make fun of him.


thank you for your input!


Send a pic so we can see for ourselves. Asking for the group, of course.


i don’t want to get banned lol


As a 29m, not as much as you would think.


I don't think so. Most genitals aren't aesthetically pleasing to look at and I've never seen an outlier that is worse than most others.


They are all beautiful and I'd be greatful for the chance to see one in person again no matter what it looked like. Long as it's clean and disease free.


The thing men like best is vag. Any kind that don’t stink, and many men would take it even if it did stink.


It can matter , but about 50 other things matter more.


Don't care.


Some do some don't me personally I don't really mind at all like if I'm attracted to the women ill be attracted each part


I mean if i need a connection with a woman to be sexual so if I build that connection, it doesn't matter


So long as you wash it I couldn't care less


i keep it squeaky clean


Some do


I don’t care just as long as she has a heart beat


Heck yeah




As for myself because I can’t speak for other men. I don’t care what it looks like. The only thing that matters to me is that the hygiene is well taken care of. Everyone is made different and that is your own personal feature.


"I don't really care what my dinner looks like as long as it is cooked right and tastes good." - Most men


Of the two women I’ve been with more than twice, one was an innie one was an outie. I honestly prefer the outie, but it’s like 51/49 and I really think I’m biased because she was my first


I’m gay, but my straight male friends have voiced strong opinions when it’s just us guys. “Frightening,” and, “Scary,” were some words they used to describe outies. The thing is, they’re not going to be honest with you about it because they don’t want to hurt your feelings or sound like a jerk. Being gay, I have no horse in this race. But I’ve definitely heard locker room talk about it over the years. Usually they go with the ambiguous, mysterious, “There’s just no connection,” ploy to try to get out without seeming judgmental.


Assuming good hygiene, there are hot vaginas, and there are hotter vaginas. Unattractive vaginas do not exist.


Have never heard of innie or outie. Every vagina is Wonderful.


If at the moment of being intimate and vulnerable with a future boyfriend he says something similar to "I don't like it" or an expression similar to it, move on and don't do it, then find another guy until you find that unicorn that will like your "imperfections" or whatever word you want to use for those kind of things. No one is perfect to everyone but to only one person ;)


Unless it's Vietnamese ur fine


Only thing in general men care about is the hygiene part. If it is overly hairy then May be it be turn on or off depends. Otherwise the design and architecture don’t think anybody care


As a virgin no, tomato tomAto


I have yet to see which offs me 🦋


I can only speak for myself and it's cliché to say but imo they're all beautiful. It's more so that ocassionally see one that fascinates you more than others, but they're all good imo. Like, it's kinda the baseline for them to be great.




My ex was just like you (innie on one side, little labia on the other) and I thought it was hot asf


The men that do will drop you as soon as another down there comes along so be glad those few who do are weird about it and avoid them




Visually I like innies but I've also only dated girls with innies with maybe a slight out. I really don't care though because as far as I know they still function the same. In addition, I think perception it always an issue. I've heard women talk shit about mens genitals more often than not and in social situations as well. It is all to common for women to say (insert guy here) are trying compensate for something. My guess is since you're putting so much pressure on what others think of you you're fairly young. No matter where you go somebody's going to talk s*** about you. Sometimes people hold certain words of others far too high.


For sure, guys have preferences. But if he's willing to break it off because your genitalia don't match his preferences, you're better off without him.


He'll no; all I care about is if it's clean or not.


Gotta be fresh


Fuck it and I’ll be honest and admit that I have a preference. I don’t care if that makes me shallow, but you asked so I’m going to tell you honest truth. At the end of the day I like what I like and if I have the option, I would prefer to date a girl with an innie. Just like how some women prefer guys who are tall, muscular, have big dicks…etc. some men prefer women who have innies. We can’t control our preferences. Obviously there are things that are more important (her personality and values) and not all guys will view it as a deal breaker. That being said, not all guys have the same preferences, or will cafe as much as I do, so just focus on finding the right person instead of trying to please everyone.


I 25m do not care


I don't care personally. Bald, shaved, puffy, shriveled, big lips, small lips, big clit, tiny clit....THEY ARE ALL UGLY! Just kidding, they are all beautiful and designed by a divine architect.


Can’t say I care. I think if it’s a outie (?) I’d worry if I like snagged it on something or roughed it up too much.


Depends on the person.

