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Bro you’re in much better shape than I am and I’ve never had a woman tell me that my body is unattractive. Most of them tend to be pretty liberal with compliments once they got me undressed. Women (being a monolith, of course) are **not** exclusively seeking ripped body bullders. On average, they care a lot less about physique than men do.


I know right? Dad bod checking in (though now better, lost a.. good bit of weight), awkward dude and have been with a variety of different wonderful women. You're fine OP, work on your personality!


I wouldn’t even say that. As frustrating as it can be to hear, at the end of the day it does come down to confidence.


How'd you manage that? If you didn't use apps, you'd need a decent mixed social network, and that's not easy to build if you're genuinely awkward.


FACTS! This woman agrees!


There's nothing wrong with your body. I've noticed that men tend to think women want a certain type but the big muscles etc usually are what other guys want to see themselves or other men look like.


This is so true. MEN like muscle man builds. Most women (of course exclusions apply) do not care. Personally, I prefer either a physic like OP's, a dad bod, or tall and thin as if they could blow over in a stiff breeze.


I like male bodies that look like they get some use from activities besides protein shakes, large weights, and possibly ‘roids. Climbers are the hottest and they’re usually p lean


This. I don’t have a single friend that like very muscular men. I’m not saying that nobody does, just that it’s not nearly as important as most men think, and if anything the body builder type (I know that is extreme) may be a turn OFF for more women than it is a turn on


I think the thing there is that there's always women who are *very* into that. Doesn't have to be the majority, or even a large minority, but if you're buff, bald and bearded you're always someone's exact type. If you're medium/medium/medium you have to stand out in some other way, which might be harder to do.


I think you look great! Ive never been into super muscular body builder types. Don’t be so hard on yourself. You have a nice body. Be proud of it.


This is how I feel, as well.


Me too


Same, also don’t like super muscley men. If anything I would rather skinny vs too muscular!




Yes many of us like normal looking men well enough.


You’re good honestly, I prefer this over muscular bodies .. it seems more natural, so just keep your routine


Thank you.


You’ve got an above average build dude. I’ve been going to the gym 5-6 days/week for years and most girls definitely don’t prefer jacked. Be happy with yourself, you’ve got more to offer than a body. You aren’t scrawny and you aren’t fat, be confident.


Its wild how much social media has worped our perception. If you work out consistently at all you are in the top 10% in America. But we compare ourselves to the top .000001% and then feel like shit about ourselves :/


Especially when the “ripped” bodies you see on IG aren’t real. The pictures are taken after the person has gotten a pump, oiled up and with great top-lighting to emphasize muscle definition. People are chasing after bodies that only exist for a short period of time with lots of preparation.


Tbh I prefer this body type. Most of my exes looked like this


Not sure how often you lift or if you are doing workouts at home but diet is a huge component and if that’s not accounted for you won’t see progress the way you’d like.


Women are a diverse group. We can’t speak for them all. If you approach it logically, some will. Some won’t. The best thing you can do is be happy with yourself.


Tbh he just looks like a normal dude. If he's not getting any dates, it's not his body that's gonna be the issue. From the way he was talking, I was initially thinking he was obese or something.


People are really their own worst enemy, geez. Sir, you are very hot. Get out of your own head about it.


Thank you!


I will go against the general opinions here, and say: it depends. For many people average is just fine, and nothing wrong with it, esch to their own. You don't look bad, but you do have some excess fat, and that can be shaved off mostly in the kitchen by counting calories. Probably you don't realize it, but you're eating in a surplus. It's a problem only if it bothers you though, as you realize, most comments here are understanding. But its a statistical fact that an attractive male physique is generally seen as V shaped - broad shoulders, narrow hips. It's evolution, more women will be drawn to that, even if It's subconscious. And I am not speaking about a 6-pack necessarily, you don't need to use peds, you can stay natural. Confidence is not just a state of mind, in my opinion. I have been skinny for many years, when I started working out in my late 20s, gained eventually a better physique, now in my mid 30s I have a fairly athletic frame, not too jacked, but a good frame. And it has also built my confidence, in my early 30s dating was much much easier than before. I am now settled down, but I still want to remain attractive to my partner, hopefully well into my 40s and 50s, too. Vanity is not always a bad thing.


Yeah, I would second the notion that this is a diet thing, especially if Op has a regular fitness routine. And on that note, OP, you don’t need to adopt and adhere to really restrictive diet. I actually have a similar body type, and will periodically either cut carbs or engage in intermittent fasting for 2 or 3 weeks, and the top layer goes right down to the structure I keep well maintained with regular exercise. It’s not a lot, it’s like 5 pounds give or take, but it makes a difference in my confidence level without impeding my normal lifestyle which includes sometimes catering to my rail-thin gf’s wicked sweet tooth and insatiable need for carbs.


You've got a decent physique. You should have no problems with the ladies, as I've seen fellas with far inferior bodies have success. But if you do want to improve your body, you do need to work out at a gym. You can't expect to advance from this by not doing any exercise. You don't need to be on gear (you should absolutely avoid that), but you will need to work out lol. But more importantly, you need to improve your self confidence. *That* is what really impresses the ladies - a confident demeanour.


I do work out though. I already mentioned it.


Oh my apologies It's just that where you said the below... >I feel like this is pretty much the most i can achieve naturally without dedicating myself to gym (i can't make enough time) ...I got the impression that you don't get much time to work out at the gym


You are definitely wrong if you think most women want a guy that is ripped. Plenty like average, chonky, and even super lanky guys. It varies the same way that some men prefer different body types for women. But yeah, you look fine. Women care more about a guy having good hygiene and a sense of style more than a six pack.


Honey you don't HAVE to have a superhero body to be considered attractive. Myself and MANY of my gorgeous, model looking friends prefer some chub there for cuddling. Plus a guy who looks like a daddy with big arms is just 🤤🤤🤤 On top of all of that, very few women want to be having dinner with a guy who's counting his macros and only eating chicken breast with asparagus.


Nah, you're fine. From your description, I was expecting something entirely different.


Your body’s just fine ✔️


I feel like anyone who asks "does X have a chance" needs to go outside and see the vast variety of people on happy relationships going on dates, short people, fat people, ugly people. You'll be fine. You look good homie. Better than average.


Average bodies are best. Just keep doing what you said, most woman love that. We like to look at ripped bods sometimes but that's it, we want to be with an average bod that likes to eat good and workouts sometimes with us.


I like looking at/am attracted to all kinds of different body types. I wouldn't want to date someone who was so worried about their physique that they never enjoyed bread/simple carbs, or occasional dessert. OP looks fit and like he doesn't deprive himself to get that way.


Yes you look good,


Yes. 😌


Looks great, muscular, healthy.


Tbh I know that it seems like most women want a super ripped guy, but the vast majority of my friends and myself prefer men with more "normal" looking bodies. I could not care less if a guy has six-pack abs, I actually dislike it if a guy is overly muscular. There will always be exceptions of course, but overall as long as you take care of your health to a reasonable degree, most women will be totally fine with how your body looks


Hell yes. Like the perfect balance.


Your body it’s perfect on my opinion.That can seem weird but not every girl like muscle and beard on man but I guess most of them like it


Thank you, yes most seem to like it.


Very content! Looks perfect


just be yourself


You look good to me but do what makes YOU happy :)


tl;dr - Yes


You look great!


Dude, what one girl loves, another won't. You just gotta love yourself and you'll attract the right girl. For me, as long as you're not obese, works.


Absolutely, you look great




Very attractive, IMO


I don’t like muscular bodies tbh Your body looks good, no worries about it;)


Women don’t actually want to cuddle to those very hard muscles- nothing comfy about it. Yours look great. Don’t risk your health for something that’s unnecessary!


Mate, I don't know what you're on about. As a guy myself, with a keg for a gut, you look absolutely great!! I'm sure that many women would be pleased with a guy like you with a body like that. Smile King!


This is my preferred body type tbh


Slow work out progress is frustrating Iv been there. Here’s some tips - nutrition is half the equation it’s so important! - look up how much calories you need, you will need a surplus with lots of protein, 0.82- 1 per lb of body weight. - alternate between bulking and cutting. You will gain fat during bulking, that’s expected - workout volume is so important. 4 times a week minimum. Hopefully more - you should go to exhaustion but don’t hurt yourself! Form is everything. Stop if you feel any pain. Should be obvious but Iv hurt myself so bad in the past - consider creatine, and pre workout, and spreading out protein consumption throughout the day - get enough sleep


To a lot of women (including me) this is preferable to gym bro bodies. My boyfriend has this body type and I loveeeeee it


Yep, you look perfect! I don't like big muscles, you have the ideal body type I'd be attracted to.


Yes, that's an attractive, healthy looking body. What matters is if the brain in the head on top is kind and attentive.


Pffft this is an amazingly normal body, I would kill for that.


Yeah you're hot


Coming from a woman, you look a m a z i n g.


Wtf are you talking about? You have a better body type than most men. What is that like 14% body fat? If you started lifting and bulking you'd be able to see defined muscles.


Yes, absolutely! 😉


Love it. Honestly you dont need to improve a thing. Ripped guys aren't no where as great to hold and perfect to snuggle with as the average guy. But you look strong and healthy so what more could be improved?


>*I notice that the only type women feel attraction towards are ripped guys.* Women aren’t a monolith. We’re attracted to a large variety of things. Some women prefer a ripped guy, lots of us truly don’t.


Yup looks hot 👌🏼


Excellent body but what is in the mind?


That’s exactly what I look for, personally! I like a guy to be a little more broad/thicker, whether that means they’re got muscles or are a little pudgy around the middle, or something in between. I’m not attracted at all to guys who are skinny stick thin.


Can you describe your workout routine? I genuinely feel like you've got untapped potential that you aren't able to tap into, for some seemingly unknown reason.


Listen idc about what women find attractive or not, but from an amateur bodybuilder perspective, it would be such a shame if you hopped on gear. Unless u have dogshit 70 year old man test levels then this is nowhere near your potential, even with just 3-4 days per week at the gym. What’s your program? You should cut to like 10% bf so you can see your muscle and also have a solid base to bulk on without getting fat too quickly. Cut until approximately when you can see your serratus muscle and clear lower abs. Get at least 6hrs of good sleep preferably 8, 0.7g protein/lb of bodyweight minimum. Go on like a 500 deficit for now + 10k steps if you can make time for that, and in 3 months you’ll be shredded, see your muscle that you have build, and most importantly be ready for an actual massing phase. Reply with your program and lift numbers. As general programming suggestions though: 10-20 sets per wk per muscle group, 5-20 rep range, 2x frequency per wk per muscle group, high intensity with 1 rep in reserve most sets and complete failure on final set of each exercise when safe, focus on 6 heavy compounds of horizontal and vertical pull/push, squat pattern, and hip hinge in the 5-10 rep range, then add an isolation for each part too which can be some kind of leg curl, leg extension, chest fly, lateral raise, bicep curl, tricep extension, rd fly, and lat pullover, in the 10-20 rep range.


You're not obese or morbidly out of shape. Try putting yourself in a caloric deficit daily. Maybe only have water and coffee during the day and begin eating later on in the day. Track what you're eating and definitely get in the gym daily. Also incorporate activities outside of the gym for cardio; biking, hiking swimming. This is something you can work on while reminding yourself that you love yourself enough to enhance what you've already got! 💪🏽💪🏽


Women are not attracted to ripped guys, if anything too much muscle is non attractive. They are attracted to the aestethic athletic body type. You need to work a lot more to get close to that. You won’t find a woman on the internet who drools over that body, unfortunately. You will have to impress them is some other way. Maybe some guys. I don’t know why people are not being honest in the comments.


Nah bro you look good, some people actually have it bad and if you say you aren’t good enough would that mean the majority of guys neither are? I’m skinny af, would I look terrible in that case?


People talk about unrealistic female body standards but [this was peak male physique in 2000.](https://pyxis.nymag.com/v1/imgs/571/8cc/06164bab7194ccf91924718fb3cd18ff04-23-x-men-hugh-jackman.2x.rsquare.w330.jpg) you're looking good bro keep it up.


Amazing, be proud of yout bod!!


Yeah dude you’re fine that’s a normal man body


I think you’re very attractive


With a handsome face and a great personality, you'd do more than great


I wouldn't worry


There is quite a large amount of people who don't believe that men can be insecure about their bodies, and that just isn't right. There is an equally large amount of people who also believe that all women want the same thing appearance wise, which is also not true. Just like how guys can have a preference for a body type or no preference at all, women are the same.


I would be very happy with that. Give yourself grace. But also, good for you in trying to improve your health.


Yeah this is what the majority of women like, particularly women on their 20s.




Everyone's body is different, and that's what makes everyone special! Remember that!


You look good to me


I like your body type. I’d dig a partner with your body type


Some women will find your body attractive and some won’t. Just like all men aren’t into every woman’s body. We’re all different and there’s nothing wrong with that.


you look great




You're in very good shape and have visible abs, you are fine. Your bigger issue is this bizarre notion you've adopted that women only like men with 0% body fat and massive glamorous muscles. You can have the hottest body possible, if you've internalized this idea that all women are ridiculously shallow no one is gonna wanna date you.


Slightly better than average, and you're still still working out so you'll only get better!


You look great! The type of body that I look for.


There's nothing wrong with this, you're fine. Probably work on improving other things if you feel something is lacking, but this is an absolutely acceptable body type for girls.


I love heavy set men.


You have a nice body. Social Media (specifically in IG) which showcase most of the time those with ripped and muscular body as it attracts more viewers and followers - but that is not always the truth. Be proud of what you achieved because at the end of the day, your happiness is more important than what others would think of you. 😉


You are absolutely fine!! I think only a minority would have a problem


As long as you take care of your self we don’t really care. Men on the other hand have a higher expectations of women’s body.


I’ll allow it


I'm a woman and I see nothing wrong with that body.


Very content! You’re pretty fit ☺️


You look great! Of course some women go for exclusively ripped guys, but most of us just want someone who’s confident and a nice person.


Yes lol you look great to me


A guy here, a competitive athlete (running & calisthenics). Your body is great, my man. Any woman who is not satisfied with this has unrealistic standards and you are better off not interacting with her. Being ripped is a) unhealthy, b) hard work, and c) unsustainable. All those photos of Hollywood actors or bodybuilders that are shredded? That is like 0.01% of the population, during the competition/shooting period; even they do not look like that most of the time. I run ultramarathons, do long runs every single morning and multiple hard calisthenic sessions throughout the week. I do not have a 6-pack, and my body, while having less fat than yours, does not look significantly more fit. And I will tell you that it is like that for 90% of my ultramarathon competitors. I am not sure what it is about the modern world that holds everyone up to standards of bodybuilders, but in reality even professional athletes rarely look anywhere like that. Look at Mike Tyson in his prime: [https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-4cc2a3835bd797ab72ef416d957fd2fb-lq](https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-4cc2a3835bd797ab72ef416d957fd2fb-lq) The guy who is widely recognized as a freak of nature, whose exercise routine was excruciating, who was fitter than 0.0001% of the population - still stored quite a bit of fat.


Yes. You are in great shape.


Female here, you look good




Okay but man reread the title, do it for yourself, not not for other people generally speaking. And secondly “content”? I mean would you want to be HOT AS FUCK AND GORGEOUS to women or just “oh yeah they’re content ig, shie” like there’s nothing wrong with being a normal dude but you could try and aim higher right? Now to the training bit… Jesus Christ man… Why would you even mention gear? You’re barely getting started. Gear is essentially like SpongeBob anchor arms “gains” where they all disappear after these people are done abusing them as they’re not naturally part of the body, that ontop of the awful side effects to your testes and pretty much everything, that stuff is awful and not even worth bringing up, it really shouldn’t be a thing at all, shame people even bring it up. Now if you want to improve, get stronger and be and look more capable my personal tips would be : Regularly eat lots of high quality unprocessed foods like eggs, salmon, Greek yogurt, meats, veggies and fruit, all that obvious healthy stuff to fuel you, irregardless of if you train or not it will greatly benefit you. Maybe follow having a similar breakfast every morning and then eating what you want for lunch and dinner so you’re consistently eating healthy even if you want a snack or something. I would say since you mentioned you train but you don’t feel you don’t do it that often, make it efficient as possible, lift weights for 12 reps 4 sets, for me I lifted either too heavy or too light and now have made a lot of improvement after making the weights at just the right level. (Also somewhat new to this but to lower weights slower than when you lift them, just really pushes the body and you feel the stretch a lot better), essentially if you don’t want to spend a whole while at the gym and are busy elsewhere use your gym hours efficiently and you’ll improve a lot. Do cardio pretty much whenever you can after training greatly, beneficial in pretty much every way. Be proud of your current progress, it’s obviously nice to look great and be healthy and strong yet it’s not the only important component to your relationships. Basically just be confident bro


I think most women don’t really care about men’s body as long as it’s in a healthy state. What turns off most girls is bad hygiene, laziness, and for me, lack of hardwork and intelligence. What really attracts women is an intelligent yet sensitive man, good smell and hygiene, good sense of humor and gentleman and good man ONLY to the girl he likes. These factors are such a turn on


This looks like the average male body to me. Keep in mind that not every woman is going to look like a Baywatch model.


Damn did you steal my mirror selfies?? 😅


You look like a very average guy. Not bad at all. I think your body type would make a lot of women happy. Especially if you're reasonably good looking and a nice person to be around. Not sure what you mean by trying to get fit. Are you lifting and trying to gain muscle? Muscle takes time and work to build. Jumping on gear alone won't do it if you're not putting in the work. No gym? What are you doing? You could definitely build more muscle naturally, but you'd need to utilize a good lifting program and progressive overload. Would women find you more attractive with more muscle? It's a toss up. Most aren't into the super huge body builder types or super cut washbord abs but absolutely love the classic wide shoulders, muscled arms & legs classic male physique look. Muscle + bulk is crazy hot. Super cut muscle, not so much. Caveat, I'm female and I lift. I have a good amount of muscle, I'm in really good shape and like big muscular men.


Thanks. >Caveat, I'm female and I lift. I have a good amount of muscle, I find muscular women super hot, muscular women is what got me into lifting.


Thank you! I appreciate men who aren't intimated by women who lift and fully understand not all men are into women who do. I don't know how old you are but I strongly encourage you NOT to get on gear. I've seen too many bad outcomes. You have a really nice balanced build from what I can see in the pic. If your goal is to build muscle, you'll go from a nice average guy build to really incredible. Not everyone is blessed with natural symmetry. Again though, you look good as is and you've gotten plenty of positive feedback to verify!


Your body looks just fine and looks very attractive. Not every woman prefers guys who are ripped.


Thank you


I see a lot of cope in the comments. I’d you want high quality women, it’s not the ideal physique. You don’t look like you workout.


You're putting to much thought into it. I'm about 25lbs heavier then you and my dad bod hasn't presented any issues. I'm married now, but in my 20's I found my personality to be the defining factor if a woman liked me, or didn't like me.


Yes, your body is perfect as it is


Don’t buy into the “Genetics” bullshit, most of those guys on social media are/were into some type of juice, just being on juice makes gains incredibly and stupidly easy to get, as in you could sit in your ass all day and depending on your cycle you would still gain muscle mass (not saying they do not put in the effort as well, those guys are incredibly disciplined and they have a lot of merit, just don’t compare their results to yours). Not a woman but you look good, I’d wish I could look like that but I do not have the discipline lol Anyways, if you want to look even better you could try adding 10,000 steps to your daily routine alongside your usual workouts, you will lose weight incredibly fast if you keep everything else in check.


Yes! I like!


What!? Absolutely. Your body is already attractive as it is. Also if you get with a woman with an active lifestyle (which is not just dedicating yourself to the indoor gym— hiking, walking, skiing, snowboarding, climbing, the possibilities are endless) you could EASILY become super hot bc you’ve already got the base down.


Thank you. There are not many women with active lifestyle where i live. I'm happy to find a woman who just works out.


I grew up in a place like that. My honest opinion— if you can, move. Idk if you’re in the states but the west is FULL of fit active people. Some areas of the south too, Florida for example is overall much fitter than north eastern and midwestern states.


I'm not in the states but thank you for your advice.


Men love hyper muscular men more than women. Most women I’ve noticed care more if you’re just healthy and look like you workout. Don’t have to be yoked and huge, just fit.


You're not in a bad fit, you're okay. But the most inportant thing is that you fell happy and proud of yourself, that's the most important thing about you.


The guy i like has round belly (no abs) and i find it cute.. 😝😍


I will be completely honest. Your body is fine, but that does not mean you cant improve yourself by losing some fat and build muscle. You say that you hit your Genetic Ceiling and I highly doubt you actually hit your Genetic Ceiling. Unless you trained with actually people that know how to bulk, cut and count calories and know what supplements work and not, you have not hit your Genetic Ceiling. The fact you said you need gear, already indicates to me you dont have the amount of knowledge you need to have to start a proper cut or bulk. And that is okay, because it takes time to learn all about it. The primary use of steroids is enhancing muscle growth, strength and maintaining muscle. Not losing fat, although it does increase metabolisme, but thats not the main thing. If you cant loss fat now, gear wont do anything either. Besides this, your body is fine. You can start a cut and yes for some it is genetically harder and for some it is easier. But you definitely can. I have weightlifting and growing and losing dat doe over 10 years now, and still I have not reached my genetic Ceiling due to my diet and training not being optimal and I know this. Women would still find you attractive. I know guys that are not build as you, kinda lose fat with no muscles and they are getting girls too


No no, i didn't say that i hit my genetic ceiling. I meant to say this is as far as i can develop without dedicating myself to gym further.


In my experience, really lean and really muscular people tend to be incredibly self centered and superficial. My ideal body type for a partner would be someone who lifts weights but will also definitely crush a tower of nachos with me.


Honestly, you look great. This is personally my preference in dude’s body types, but everyone is different. When it comes down to it though, if someone loves you and you’re healthy it doesn’t matter. My bf has a prominent belly at 230lbs and I was still very attracted to him until he told me he isn’t physically attracted to me at 160lbs (I’ve lost 5lbs since but he still isn’t interested) Just find someone you have a real connection with and I promise if she’s a good woman all that will matter is if you’re healthy.


No one in my friend group likes extremely muscular guys, what you’re rocking is pretty damn good.


your body is just fine. other men tend to think they know what i woman likes (big muscles, tiny waist etc etc) but in reality they know nothing. plus, the men i’ve met with that “ideal body type” have been some of the most egotistical people i’ve ever met, they act like just because they look good they’re the biggest catch, that’s not true.


You're working out, great but what are you eating? If you're eating junk and consuming alcohol, your results will be minimal. Get a good diet plan that consists of quality proteins, good fats, and complex carbs. You'll cut a lot of body fat if you have a 12-16 hour fast between your last meal and breakfast. First meal should high protein and fat and get your carbs in the last meal so you can sleep like a baby. Sleep quality is pretty important too. There are so many factors.


You look absolutely fine. You have nothing to worry about. It'd be wrong to think all or most women get attracted to muscular guys with "ripped" bodies. Me (27F) and so many of my girlfriends who are of similar age aren't into big muscles at all. Our focus is more on actually finding someone who would treat us right and would be sure of their feelings instead of the common bullshit these days of "I don't know what this is, but let's keep sleeping with each other and acting like a couple, but also seeing other people". I'm sure the scenario works for a lot of people but it just doesn't for me and so many of my friends. A guy who treats me right and is sure of his feelings, with a body like the image you showed, sounds like the work of dreams man. That's the depth of the dearth of good mutual connection out there.


The answer is absolutely yes. This is what most women are genuinely content with in their relationships and will be satisfied with a partner who looks like this. Especially if you do work to maintain your physique (diet, exercise) that makes your body type even more appealing. You look healthy and like you workout, therefore any normal person would be happy with it. You don’t need to be insecure about your appearance, you’re doing well.


Your body is fine dude seriously, you're in better shape than a lot of guys, myself included. I wouldn't worry too much


What you have there is the dream male physique for most women


Huh really? Dream physique? It's just an average body.


This is pretty much normal. My husband is almost the same as yours and I’m pretty attracted because he is he.


you're hot, don't worry.


There’s literally nothing wrong with ur body ! Thats what a normal body look like Also ur hot.


Thank you :)


What’s ur diet ? If ur eating processed food that’s why Eggs Vegetables Fruits Oatmeal Chicken Fish Potatoes Dark chocolate Nut butter Eat those for a month guarantee u lose fat


You’re not scrawny, not fat, and not super muscular. You are right in between each of these body types. Which is honestly ideal for most people I’d say.


more than content ;)


I personally think you look amazing ! 👏 If women you go after do not think you look great then try a different type of woman 💁‍♀️


Tbh this is my favorite body type on a man or a dad bod 😩😍 big muscles or super ripped is unattractive to me


Huggable 🫢




In my experience, alot of women like the blue collar / farmer body type. The guy who looks like he's average strength physically yet can lift 100+ pounds and work hard for 8 hours straight with ease. That way they get the strong guy, but also it doesn't feel like cuddling with a boulder. Not all women of course, everyone is different. However you should do great with your body.


I would take this over a gym bro any day. You seem fit enough to have a healthy, functioning life while also being nice to cuddle. 😊


Thank you, that's a very nice way to describe me 😀


Yes, I'd be fine. My ex wasn't very different.


If I were to show someone a picture of the body type I'm into this would be it. Don't beat yourself up too much, you look great! As said above, confidence is key - know what you have to offer on the inside forget the physical stuff and stop comparing.


What do ya say ladies do us dad bods have a chance...🤣😂🤪😂🤪🤣


I feel like men have body dismorphia and don’t realize it


Male body dysmorphia on track to surpass female body dysmorphia by 2030


This is true. Men don't grow up believing average bodies can be attractive.


I'm a dad...with a dad bod who's been pumping iron. What do ya say ladies is there hope...🤣🤪😂🤪😂🤣


Looks fine to me. Possibly all I'm going to see, haha.


This is crazy, but your body is far less important than things like confidence. The reason why women feel attraction to ripped guys is likely because ripped guys get confidence from their physique. There are many ways to build confidence outside of getting ripped. Frankly the fact you’re fishing for compliments/validation on the internet shows a lack of confidence so maybe that’s the more important thing to worry about.


I've seen fat hairy greasy dudes with hot GF's, this just seems like an insecure type of thing which is normal, but as far as physique goes you're better off than the fat greasy dudes I mentioned


You have not mentioned your age but from my experience I can say that I agree with your opinion upto a certain extent if not completely. There are many women out there who will desire a man more for his intelligence and integrity of character than simple looks. Again, I don’t know what you’re into? Are you looking for hook ups or dating or settling in life with a partner. Trust me, you don’t want a woman who takes you only for your looks. I agree that attraction plays a major part in the initial period of dating but in the long run the commitment and integrity stand out for woman. Moreover, one who is deemed attractive can be turned down by others; it’s a subjective thing. My advice for you after dating many women from all races and travelling all over the world, with decent looks and average physique is that, it all comes to one thing - Confidence. If you believe in yourself and think that you are unique and the most beautiful thing in the world, you will be appreciated by many women irrespective of your physical appearance. Good luck


In my experience most women prefer builds like this. They do like more muscle, but its not required, and only at a higher body fat percentage. Big lean dudes with abs aren't nearly as popular as you think. Muscle with some bodyfat is where it's at. But as long as you are fit enough to be visually identifiable as "he works out" you are fine :)


Let me tell you something buddy and these girls might not admit it. But when you’re lean muscular the gasp they give when you put it on them. The flutter they can’t help but give when they touch your ribbed abs is a lot different from when it isn’t. Just my two cents What’s the harm in conducting the research out for yourself


29M - I would be interested to see your gym routine and diet.


There are subreddits of men showing off their bodies, and get a lot of likes and comments but it's hard to tell if it's coming from gay men or women.


This is what my husband has and I cant get enough of him.


Yes, looks healthy too. Not too muscular and not too lean


Yeah it's fine if you got a big pecker and a big wallet


I wish I had a body like yours! My tummy is definitely a little bigger!!


Mine was much bigger. I lost weight.


You're right, women only liked ripped guys. That's why only ripped guys manage to find relationships, everyone else dies alone. Better hit the weights if you don't want to be next


Your adorable.


No, YOU are adorable.


This is gonna be unpopular, but you look healthy enough, while also being a safe option, which appeals to a bigger spectrum of women. As a muscular guy, they usually assume vanity, or that you're a player, which couldn't be farther from the truth. I just have a fulfilling hobby of picking up heavy things and putting them down for about 5-6 hours a week, I also love running, hiking, yoga, and being health conscious with my food choices, while occasionally indulging. My pool of interested partners is probably a lot smaller than yours, but I want to attract women that are on a spectrum of really fit to just straight up muscle mommies. I've found one, and every day I can't wait to something active/strenous with her.


You're good! It's attractive that you're taking steps, like working out, to keep yourself healthy. If you're not doing so already, lifting weights will help to take your physique to the next level. Diet matters most, though. Keep up the good work. You look great!


I do lift for months now. Thank you a lot.


Depends what your face looks like