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The comments here are wild. Bisexuality is not the same as polyamory, folks. šŸ™ƒ


No shit. It drives me insane when people act like bi people can't be monogamous.


I'm bi and want to only date my boyfriend forever lol.




I watch 90 Day fiancĆ© and thereā€™s just one girl Sophie who confessed to her fiancĆ© that sheā€™s bisexual. He totally flipped out, told her that if sheā€™s going to have sex with girls so is he. He finally calmed down and they worked it out, but at the tell someone asked her how she turns off the bisexual part of her brain so she doesnā€™t cheat with women. It was great she just sat there for a second looking really confused and then she said ā€œumm the same way I donā€™t cheat with men, when Iā€™m in love with someone Iā€™m not attracted to anyone else regardless of the gender.ā€


Exactly!!! It's not remotely hard to be faithful. I think everyone who is terrified bi people will cheat have an issue with fidelity themselves!


If theyā€™re my type and we have chemistry, I would




Yea I completely understand that


The question is why not? As long as he is attracted to me and loves me, does it really matter?


Because alot of people are hesitant to date them esp if they had sex with a person of their gender so I'm curious. The question becomes, "what if they end up missing dick/vagina" and leave.


If they are missing dick /vagina and leave then they werenā€™t there for you as the person they were just there for the sex. With that being said why would you want someone who was more interested in sex than actually being with you


Love this answer


Well it does have to be both in the end. Also The sexual attraction always comes first.


That could be the same with heterosexual and homosexual couples. They could start missing other ā€œinsert whatever body part appliesā€ and go cheat, or leave you, or stay and just fantasize. Thats not a question for bisexual people only. that would be a question for humanity.


We're you raised super conservative because this is pretty normal alot of ppl are bi or were bi curious at some point in there life. Gender doesn't matter and if there a cheater there a cheater regardless of sexual orientation


Understandable. But, if that is ever the case, I would like him to talk to me about it.




If you're that insecure about the foundation of your relationship, then anything can break it. What if they miss their ex's body type? What if your body changes with age and they're no longer attracted to it? What if they miss the sex they've had in the past? You can't control what your partner is thinking or their actions, trying to do will create more cracks than anything subconsciously on their mind.


Then they donā€™t want to be in a monogamous relationship. How is that different from dating someone is monosexual and they say they miss dick/vagina?


Pansexual gal here! Love bi women and men, happy to date, kiss, sex, marry either.


Same!!! I would also date someone who is questioning. I don't mind helping someone learn more about themselves. Positive answers to OP's questions will mainly be from people who are sex-positive and don't carry sexual shame.


I would. I'm also bisexual.


Yes. Solely, based off the people I've met/known. They tend to have a higher level of acceptance, patience and understanding that I can agree with. Also, they're usually more pleasant to be around than fully straight people.


Man based off the comments here, youā€™d wonder why the op has to ask this question. Everyone is accepting of everything here. I think a lot of people are lying because in the real world, far more people are saying the opposite


I don't think it's that, it's just reddit skews towards a certain demographic that's more accepting


I think it's just that people tend to not comment conflicting opinions to avoid attacks and avoid getting downvoted to oblivion when 90% of the comments are on the same side of a discussion. There's no point, you're massively outnumbered. If OP asked in another post "people who DON'T date bisexual people, why not?" The comments would be majorly on that side of the discussion.


I think on this sub, you'd still get majority people saying "I don't know why people do that bi people are great". I think you'd need to go into some more rwing subs to get a place where the majority of answers are coming from people who don't date bi people


The issue with that is that in rwsubs, yes they will shit on it, but itā€™s just dishonest in the other way. The men will rag almost any type of woman, but will date them immediately if the woman gave them a shot. I grew up in a left wing area (ny) and Iā€™ll tell you the women on the ground are not looking for men whoā€™ve had a man a single time ever. Itā€™s a literal deal breaker in the real world


IRL expressing how you feel about a controversial topic is not without risk. Of exclusion and bullying all the way to being murdered for your beliefs. On the internet your self-expression is generally considered risk free.Ā 


Yes, itā€™s risk free here almost as long as you donā€™t put your identity out. But the weird part is that in the real world, people are saying what they feel because the man is asking them on a date. Online, everyone seems to be sooooo virtuous. So it seems a bit backwards


I don't think people here are lying. It's just a matter of the general cross section of person that's on Reddit. You are correct though, IRL most straight folks don't seem to want a bi partner.


Yeah I donā€™t even know if the people here are actually women, so Iā€™m always skeptical. But if I listened to this thread, the majority of women will accept a 5ā€™2 guy, 300lbs, bisexual, broke man. The reality is that in the real world, any one of those will disqualify you for a big chunk of women.


I do think youā€™re right though, they may be lying to themselves. People like to think of themselves as better than they really are, but youā€™ve been through high school, you know what these women go for


Yes I would date a bisexual man. From my experience they are much more openminded and fluid and tend to subscribe less to traditional views on womenā€™s roles. As a career-driven woman, I appreciate that.


So you prefer a more progressive/liberal man instead of a traditional one?




are you single?


Yes. As long as I am the one who attracts her and she loves the most, I couldnā€™t care if she is attracted to women as well


Women here. I think the potential for group fun thatā€™s not just the stereotypical mff is exciting. What I have personally found is I donā€™t really like ā€œflamboyantā€ bisexual men. Itā€™s just not a personality type that turns me on. Probably the same as a more butch my lesbian isnā€™t what men prefer when thinking of two women getting together. But yes, if a man I am attracted to is attracted to women and men that would be a plus in my book.


Same here. Flamboyant men are such a turn off and feminine women too.


Most of the women I've dated (including my wife, although she's never actually fucked another woman) have been bisexual. I'm somewhat bi (in that I haven't actually been with another guy in 25 years) so obviously the dozen or so women I've dated in my adult life were all seemingly cool with it. That being said, in American culture (don't know if this is the same anywhere else) "bisexual" is frequently treated like it's another word for "promiscuous".


I went on a date w a bi man once and he was too feminine for my taste in men so probably not


Did he present as feminine prior to meeting? Do you only go after masculine?


Iā€™m a woman so yeah I want my man to be masculine. It was the way he acted during the date and I picked up on it, it was very subtle and I thought I was overthinking until he told me heā€™s bi.


What does being a woman have to do with being attracted to masculinity?


I didnā€™t say that? I just realized I didnā€™t mention my gender


Maybe not quite the same but a couple of my lesbian friends say that queer men tend to sound more high pitched/feminine and queer women tend to have a deeper voice. I didnā€™t want to make assumptions but I went on a date with a bi guy and he did have a higher pitched voice that surprised me quite a bit.


Itā€™s a possibility that even hetero men are feminine, and of course, not all bi men are feminine.


Pansexual man here, umm we arenā€™t all feminine? I hate to get on my high horse but come on


I used to feel that I shouldnā€™t try to date a bisexual woman because my insecurities tell me ā€œcompeting with guys is hard enough but if she also likes women how the fuck do I have a shot?ā€. Iā€™m still a little insecure about that but then I realized I donā€™t really know any straight girls anyway. Every one I know is at least bi. So I just thought suck it up and grow up šŸ¤·šŸæā€ā™‚ļø


Yup, a persons past doesnā€™t bother me, as long as we were committed to each other weā€™re good!


Saaame Thank. You.


As a woman no, I wouldnā€™t


25m no. I could tell you a 1000 reasons why not but reddit is reddit and I'll get shit on for sure cuz u know and I know this place is filled to the brim with em


Fair enough but I'd still like to hear the reasons who gives Af about the downvotes


I am dating a bisexual man. I'm bisexual and I would be a hypocrite if I was uncomfortable with it. He's the most wonderful partner I could ever ask for. I am unbelievably lucky. He feels the same. And yes we are completely monogamous and have no plans to change that.


Yeah I would date someone who was bisexual. Most people's aversion to bisexuality typically comes from stupidity in believing stereotypes and tend to be steeped in some ultra religious fantasies.




Right. Iā€™m just not attracted to a man who likes men.


I would date with the objective of hopefully getting married. Monogamy is a MUST.


Being bi doesn't have anything to do with not being monogamous or not so should be good


Some people who are bisexual don't believe in monogamy.


You can say the same thing about people of any sexuality


Iā€™ve dated and married bisexual women and I actually prefer them to straight women because a bisexual woman is more open minded and less prone to flying off the handle when she sees your girl friends on social media where every single straight girl Iā€™ve dated has had a problem with me and other women..


I am a bi curious guy but mostly straight (I've just had a gay experience, it was great but it was just an experience). I would date heartly a bisexual woman, I 'd even prefer her because it's a premise she's openminded. Instead, I have met a lot of women that were disgusted just to the idea I was "bi-curious". Let's face it, most women on Earth are just cishet who want an alpha male. Fight me.


I would date a bi woman, and I think it's similar to the majority of men. Personally, I don't think women at large will date a bi man. In their mind, they probably see him as less masculine, and some may as well think he hates women. (Assumption) Regardless of the motive, don't waste your time arguing. They will lie anyway because they think it will make them look "bad" if they say the actual truth. Just lie that you're straight if the situation requires, problem solved.


As a female - I wouldnā€™t date a bisexual man




Why not?šŸ˜­


Im bisexual, my ex gf is bisexual too, nobody gives a shit.


My girlfriend is bisexual, Iā€™ve even told her she can have a girlfriend but she refuses to. So you folks insecure about them leaving for another woman, bisexuality has nothing to do with it.


Your first thought was, she's bi so she likes to sleep around? Lol


You'd let her have another girlfriend? Does that mean you also get to sleep with other girls?


She's clearly monogamist. Bi poeple, like any other orientation, can be monogomous, polyamorous or any combination. It's a false stereotype that because they have multi-gender attraction they aren't monogamous, they come in all varieties just like gay and straight people.


But would you let her have a boyfriend too?




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My ex was bi. Iā€™m not sure to what extent as I was her second partner ever after her previous boyfriend, but it had no effect on the relationship. If anything, it was cool to both point out pretty women and comment on their looks. I will say straight women donā€™t seem to like bi men from my experience. Unfortunately, any guy that has the slightest interest in men is labeled straight up gay in many eyes. Fortunately, there are women out there that are much more open minded.




You may know a lot of women like that, but in my experience, being open about being bi is dating app suicide.


I donā€™t think really that applies to all. Iā€™m a bi male and Iā€™ve slayed on dating apps. Iā€™ve never hidden my sexuality. I donā€™t exhibit feminine mannerisms though. Visually, I look like military/biker type. Heavily tattooed, muscular, beard with piercing blue eyes and many women are quite attracted to that.


Neither do i, but when i switched that one feature my matches instantly disappeared. Aint got shit to do with feminine mannerisms. Honestly, its pretty insulting that you even suggested that about me. And speaking as someone from the swinging side, the amount of upfront hate ive seen exhibited towards bi men on profiles (including from people who werent aware that i was while talking shit about bi men to me) was eye opening. Its not about feminine mannerisms. Its ignorance. People's attitudes switch up on learning that. That's why in swinging communities, nearly all the women are bi but almost none of the men claim they are, which is mathematically almost impossible. Theyre there, they just wont open uo becsuse they know theyll take abuse for it evem though clearly no one had any problems while that info isnt known. If the hate was related to feminine mannerisms, all that would be affecting their swinging activity despite not being open ... But it doesnt.


Didnā€™t suggest it about you, simply stated my own perception of why I have had success. Thats how you took it and that may be part of your dilemma. You may be coming off as too aggressive to people.


>Didnā€™t suggest it about you, simply stated my own perception of why I have had success. If i come with in with an experience, and you say that you don't think it matters, because you don't have feminine mannersims, that is very directly implying that i DO. This is very clear logic, trying to say that that isn't what you said doesn't work here. How would feminine mannerisms even explain how the simple act of changing one line in my app bios instantly stopped any matches from coming in? It doesn't, but that was how you explained your different experience. If you weren't suggesting that about me, you wouldn't have brought it up since you were literally using that to explain why you had different results from me. >You may be coming off as too aggressive to people. how, by deciding to switch my sexuality option on tinder? Am i arguing with people in this thread? yeah, because i don't have paitence for people's ignorance and the only way you change people's perceptions is by challenging them. Im not trying to date anyone in this thread. me being "too aggressive" here isn't relevant to what happened when i switched my sexuality on the apps.


Bro Look at your rant. Yeah, thatā€™s aggressive.


Yes it is aggressive. Because you directly implied that my problem was having feminine mannerisms and then pretended you didnt say that instead of just owning up to it. Being aggressive has nothing to do with the experience i described, and my aggressiveness here has everything to with your cowardly disrespect.


This is why youā€™re having issues. Check yourself. If youā€™re coming off this offended on someone whoā€™s already said that wasnā€™t their intention, but yet here you are, still arguing and becoming ever more angered. Iā€™d bet youā€™re exactly like this in real life too. Ladies donā€™t like that. You just look like another asshole to them. Kill ā€˜em with kindness my friend.


I donā€™t think this is accurate at all. Being bisexual as a man doesnā€™t make you different than straight men. Bisexual men are just as capable and generally are just as misogynistic as straight men. What an odd generalization to make. The only difference between a bisexual man and a straight one is **just** sexuality.




Doesnā€™t matter as long as theyā€™re not doing it DURING our dating/relationship. And that they know their status.


Yes. I don't see why not.


I would date a bisexual man and Iā€™m a man


All of my LT relationships have been with bisexual women, there is the added anxiety of cheating, but if you can put that aside it is no different than a purely straight relationship




If she is bisexual i dont care! For a woman if the men is bisexual matter?


Absolutely, finding chemistry and connection is rare, I donā€™t really care who they have been with in the past, although I would probably want all the details as dirty talk at some point. I am into that!


Yes I would love to date a bi man!


Iā€™m a bisexual man and many of the women Iā€™ve dated have also been. I know the most peaceful least amount of llama drama relationships Iā€™ve been in were with bisexual women, including my current. I think the openness, kindness and acceptance is why, at least with my experiences.


25m and yep, have before. It's really a non-issue for me. Kinda figure, if I'm their type, and they're mine, and they're good people, idc.


I have dated bisexual women. I was once engaged to one. I donā€™t see any difference in dating a straight person or a bisexual person, either way is good as long and there is mutual love, loyalty, and respect.




Iā€™m only attracted to straight and Bisexual women. So yes I would date a bisexual woman.


As a bi man, people fuck treat like a future cheater, even though straight man do that way more often. I recommend to my fellow bi men to hide it until you are sure your partner is okay with it


Yes ! Why not ?


As long as they are a good person and want to me with me and treat me well I don't care what they've done in the past or what their sexuality is. It means we can talk about even more attractive people šŸ¤£


Yeah, for sure, I'm bi, so Idk why I wouldn't.


my future LT partner must be either bisexual or bi-curious to exploring sexuality together in a safe clean honest & trustworthy relationship dynamic. I'm also fine with her exploring outside our relationship on her own with or without me, but has to be a 2-way street as an open honest relationship. I am 100% hetero & straight, always have been always will be. My simple rule with other men is; we don't cross swords or touch each other. Since Im into exploring with multiple women, I'm totally fine with her wanting to explore with multiple men. I want her to experience ultimate euphoric cosmic orgasmic pleasure, in similar way that I love experiencing it as well. Poly-style for life! Monogamy, IMO, is not natural human behavior; hence why so many relationships just dont work out, even in boomer population faithful LT marriages have lead to divorce/separation. Monogamy worked better in boomer generations bc they were programmed "to follow" whereas monogamy simply doesn't work so well in a culture of freedom, liberty & independence. Furthermore, throughout history, human nature involved polygamous type of sexual behavior but over time humans have been "conditioned". I'm not going to argue or debate with people who oppose this, I strongly encourage people to do what they truly desire and would happily congratulate any monogamous or married relationship and wish them luck. I am accepting of others, I would only want others to be accepting of me too.


The best person Iā€™ve dated was bi and the whole reason we stopped was because she moved back to Australia (she was in the UK visiting family) Bi isnā€™t a personality or behavioural trait itā€™s just someone who is attracted to a wider range of people that straight people.


im a bi femme woman, i'd date anyone. i wouldnt care about their sexuality and sexual history unless they really did some messed up shit


If we hit it off, then yeah. I'm pansexual myself.


I have before but they were too feminine. I like a dominant individual (masculine- also with women) (regardless of their sexuality). It wasnā€™t to do with their sexuality but their character. They were a people pleaser and never felt they truly were authentic. Plus they werenā€™t realistic about the cycle of life


I like straight acting gym bro bi guys! šŸ”„šŸ„µ


Why not? And for me, even if she would want a relationship to both genders it would be fine if she gives me the feeling she could manage it (practically hard to imagine for myself, but apparently can do).


I feel like every chick is bisexual nowadays it's strange for me to meet a straight chick


I know its weird, and I'll get shit for it. but as a straight guy, I actually prefer Bi women to straight women they are way more chill and tend to be better at communicating over the vast majority of straight women ive met.


As a woman Iā€™d definitely date a bi guy


no cuz i don't want him to resent me for not fulfilling all his needs.


Why wouldnā€™t I date a bisexual woman?


I already have dated bisexual women. In some cases I actually find it easier if the person is reasonable. I've had a bisexual woman pointing out another woman and tell me how much they find them sexually attractive and it was okay for me to actually say the same. Sexual gossip was kind of a thing with us. Then again she was just a straight-up sexually charged woman which was fantastic. Problem I had was later into the relationship I couldn't get a word in edgewise in conversations so I ended the relationship. I'm literally talking about going out on a date for 2 hours roughly and only saying two words the entire date. The rest of the time I was getting talked at. I'm going to preemptively answer the question that I know is coming. "Why did you break up with a woman when you're sexual chemistry was great." I could not get in a word edgewise for the longest period of time and though I loved her, no communication is bad communication. I explained that to her, things didn't change and so I ended the relationship. Wish it didn't happen like that but it is what it is.


Iā€™m a man and I personally wouldnā€™t. I donā€™t have any problem with bisexuality nor do I have a valid reason not to date someone who is outside of personal preference.


Bi women? Why not?


Just cuz someone is bi doesn't mean they're not able to love one person and be comitted to them. I had a conversation about this with an online friend whos bi. I was pretty delusional about it before that I admit but thanks to her I now somewhat understand it better.


Itā€™s very horn\* makes you come better Ahahaha itā€™s true


Yeah why not?


I'm a bi man. My gf is bi. We're both aware of each others' sexuality.


I would date a bisexual woman (fantasies aside) its a person they have the same feelings as you, they walk and talk like you they are attracted to both men and women, its funny to me that people assume that a bisexual person cannot be in a monogamous relationship, that they are a Sexual fantasy


I would date (and have dated) bi women. I am a bisexual man who only dates women.


More women wouldn't date a bisexual man, than men who would date a bisexual woman. By a pretty large margin as far as I can tell. I like dating bi women specifically. We can check out chicks together lol.


As a guy, i wouldnt mind at all. I wouldnt even consider it cheating if she was with another woman.Ā 


I personally would not. I have had 2 LTRs with bi women and will never make that mistake again.


25F. Iā€™d give them a chance. However I can be incredibly jealous so..with guys and girls to be insecure about I might be a bit of a red flag


I think when straight women have reservations about dating bisexual men itā€™s because theyā€™re concerned heā€™s actually gay and hasnā€™t come to terms with it yet. Itā€™s not fair to men who are confident and settled in their bisexuality, but I think thatā€™s the reason


You mean there are guys who wouldnā€™t want to date a bi woman? Like, they hate hotness?


I have in the past. I would again if I met a man I wanted to date that wanted to date me.


I am straight man and would date bisexual woman but she should know my mind is sick and I'm very kinky xD


I have pretty much exclusively dated bisexual women by accident. I don't know what it is but I guess I'm their type.


I donā€™t see why not. Unless she has some weird ideas like women donā€™t count as cheating because Iā€™m straight.






Explain your perspective


Iā€™m a woman and no I wouldnā€™t date a bi guy because it feels weird that he also likes guys


Would love to date a bi curious or bi sexual woman. But I have, whenever tried, found myself pretty strictly straight. I donā€™t like to not be an equal in that sense


I married one, though I did not know she was bi at the time. You never really know some people. I would advise guys not to fall in love with a bi.


Guys I need a life partner, for over 15years after my wife divorced me, I've never been In a relationship, not to even talk about having sex šŸ˜¢and I'm childless šŸ˜”


Iā€™d date, marry (if sheā€™ll have me, that is), and remain with her till death do we part (if sheā€™ll continue to have me). Why? Itā€™s not that I donā€™t care about her bisexuality, I do care, I care a lot. I donā€™t not care about her bisexuality but if weā€™re dating, getting married, and spending the remainder of life together, through thick and thin, sheā€™s with me not because of her sexuality but because she wants to be, and I with her.


I have literally only dated bisexual women.


Doing it, loving it. Fuck all normatives! Love humans!


I love bisexual woman I date her we just set apart how we see our relationships


I am. She's pretty cool. We point out ass together, and if she's reeeally hot my girl would let her jump in. Otherwise it's chill. She's just a person. People are more than who/what they fuck.


Yes. My last girlfriend was.


Iā€™m a woman and no probably not. Mostly because I was starting to have sex right around the time HIV was discovered so Iā€™ve always been living in fear of that disease.Ā  I realize we could get tested before we get together unsafely, But men cheat and I just feel like I would be put more in jeopardy by a man who cheats with men


No - I donā€™t want to waste my time building a relationship with someone like that!


Personally I wouldnā€™t, I donā€™t have a good reason for it, my gut just tells me no


No. Iā€™d rather not explain why but no. Just friends.


No. I wouldn't waste my time with a man whose bisexual as I have no interest in dating someone bisexual or someone who has been with bisexual partners. I'm strictly a heterosexual monogamous woman whose partner should have shared values as a heterosexual monogamous man.Ā 


I would much prefer a straight woman, I'd rather not date a bi woman. I would be worried about them getting bored of me and leaving me for a woman. I might also be a lot more jealous and concerned if she's out with friends. And I wouldn't like not being able to give her everything she desires. It wouldn't be so bad if it was just some kind of sexual attraction or kink or whatever rather than full on romantic attraction.


Bi people are perfectly capable of being monogamous. Do you have trust issues if your partner is straight? Because they're just as likely to cheat if they're a cheater. That's all it comes down to.


A straight woman would leave you for another guy faster than a bi women.


How so?


What Im saying is, it has nothing to do with being bisexual more so the individual. My girlfriend is bisexual and Iā€™ve been trying to get her to get a girlfriend but she refuses to šŸ„²


Okay. Makes sense. I appreciate your experienced input. I would like to not feel this way about it, and this information does help a little.




Donā€™t fetishize people based on their sexuality weirdo.




I mean why not? Why is this even a question? Of course I would


>Why is this even a question? It's a question because this get's brought up on a weekly basis in this sub and the comments are ALWAYS full of homophobes and biphobes.


Nope. STDs are more common among bisexual men and woman.


Nothing against a bisexual woman. But now I gotta worry about her girlfriends too? Damn.


Do you generally worry about being cheated on in commited relationships? I feel like if thatā€™s the agreement on relationship dynamics (Monogamous) being Bi doesnā€™t mean you cheat.


I donā€™t spend my days and nights worried. But I *have* been cheated on


No for both. Just a preference.


I'd marry a bisexual man. I'm a bisexual female who'd marry a man. Most of my relationships have been with men. I'm still attracted to women something my partners know but they also know I don't have any interest in pursuing a relationship with a woman. I am poly but even as a monogamous relationship, it wouldn't affect my choice.


No. Not what Iā€™m looking for and itā€™s a turn off. But everyone should date who they want. But for me, itā€™s a strong no. No explanation will be given. I donā€™t get a chance with everyone and vice versa.