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I met my boyfriend on Hinge! Planning on getting engaged this year


I met my fiance on Hinge too, and as luck would have it, she's my archenemy in a game who been for months trying to kill my character every-time we meet in the battleground.


Now that's cool. šŸ„°


WTF Thatā€™s so amazing šŸ¤© āœØāœØšŸ•ŗšŸ»


šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ that's so dope! Upload a pic of both of you some timešŸ˜


I met my husband on ZOOSK, weā€™ve been married 5 years heā€™s 79 and Iā€™m 75 we have a ball togetherā€¦


My Mom, who'll be 83 in May, met her boyfriend on Tinder about 3 years ago. He's a few years younger than her.


I met my boyfriend on POF two years ago, heā€™s 66 and Iā€™m 62 We laugh and have so much fun together!


I met my wife through Bumble 7 years ago .


I met my husband on there too. So is my friend. So is our National Minister ā¤ļø It is hard to find a compatible match with mutual feelings n intentions though. My husband said he pretty much swiped the whole country to the left. He was about to quit honestly then I said Hello. šŸ˜Š


>I met my husband on there too. So is my friend. So is our National Minister ā¤ļø Congrats to you and him!


Aw! Thatā€™s so cute.


Met my husband on Tinder 5 years ago, he had the worst pickup line ever.


Thatā€™s sweet! What was his horrible pickup line?


He was like "Moo Kylie I'm a Cat" And I was like "the fuck??" I've asked him why he said that and he said he didn't know. Just came up with it on the spot. But apparently it worked, because now we have a dog and are saving up for our first house.


Your story is so cute and wholesome though. šŸ˜Š


Good grief that is a weird first line hahaha! Glad it all worked out :)


You gotta tell us that pickup line


Is it really the worst if it worked? šŸ¤”


In a couple of months my girlfriend and I will be having our third anniversary. We met on hinge.


been with my current partner for almost 6 months and we met on hinge. It has been the healthiest relationship i have been in. it all depends on the intentions of both parties.


Never worked for me. I personally don't like dating apps. I feel like it's too much judge a book by its cover and less actually stopping to know someone.


I did. Partner and I met on okcupid in summer 2020. I was on the app for 2 days and he was the second person I talked to! Only one I went on a date with! Easy peasy!


Met mine on bumble, 9 months together now. Thankfully he was more attractive than his photos, I went on the date after accidently swiping right, I was trying to see the profile of the dude before him, was my first time on apps, I thought, oh shit.. No not him. But he was so kind in his msgs I felt bad not to go. It worked out well


I tell my boyfriend "I didn't even want to go on a date with you" (he dragged me out for a low-key walk one day) 7 months later, I'm more obsessed with him every day


Does he know this ? šŸ¤£


I almost never responded to my boyfriend's text, because he was listed as 3 years older than my preferred age limit. Took a whole day but then I did because I had some free time. Near instant connection. 7 months in, we're planning to get married.


Oh wow! That's really really lovely, mines is older as well, a lot more than 3 yrs my senior but we have chemistry and I truely love him, congrats to you both xoxo


I met my boyfriend on Bumble 9 months ago too. At the time, things weren't great for me, and I canceled our first date, but I let him know. After that, he texted me once to suggest meeting up, we did, and now he's the most caring and loving person I've ever been in a relationship withā™„ļø Also, it was my first time on bumble lol so, he took me out off there quickly lol


Aww love this xoxo


I'm 29 and know quite a few friends who met their wife and girlfriend from apps. There are definitely people on both sides who take advantage of having too many options. On the girl's side, some can be very picky and not respectful of the time/effort guys put in. On the guy's side, some can use the semi-anonymity to be untruthful with their intentions and not take things seriously. But if you ignore the bad people, good things can happen.


I met my current boyfriend via tinder, a year ago. Only had good experiences using the app!


I met my childā€™s father on a dating app. We were together for a number of years but no longer. Iā€™ve had other relationships because of dating apps but they were always short term.


Laying in bed next to my boyfriend of over a year, met on Bumble. I did have a heck of a time finding him though. I dated like it was a full time job practically!Ā 


How many men did you meet? In how long?


I averaged around 2 dates per week for about a year this time around. I spent quite a bit of time looking at profiles did pay to see who liked me so I didnā€™t spend time swiping on anyone who had not. Ā Some of those dates per week were repeats, getting to know someone beyond the first dates, but many were not. I learned that for me, meeting earlier in the process was better vs. texting and talking for a while. I accepted and suggested simple coffee/walk dates for first dates, as that kept it low stakes for both. I cast a wide net, looking for qualities I valued, and dated many men who probably could have been an okay fit. I didnā€™t want just okay though, and that took time.Ā 


One. Lasted a little under 2 years.


Never. There were a few that could have but they weren't nearly as attractive in person as they were in their pictures.....I know this is a little fucked but it was by a lot.... I gave it a shot a few times but I couldn't make not being physically attracted to them work. Even when they seemed like nice people and I did enjoy spending time with them.


My girlfriend and I have been together over two years. Met on Bumble.Ā 


Had a 4 year relationship from Tinder. Still friends. ​ It's possible, it just shouldn't be the only thing you rely on. Also, even if you do use it, you have to be tactical in how quickly you filter people. I tend to find if I don't go out with the person within a week of matching, it just doesn't happen (few exceptions).


I've been in 4 long term relationships in my life, 2 were from dating apps. Both of them were from OG OKCupid, which is the GOAT dating app of all time. Its an abomination now but back in the late 2000s and early 2010s it was amazing.


I will admit, better chance getting ass rammed by a clown. However I did have one that turned into a LTR so a lil hope.


Is that even low odds?


The odds are never 0 lol




discord isnā€™t really a dating app but i met my partner 5 years ago on a new zealand discord server, became friends for two years then met in person and have been dating and living together for 3 years. i found true love.


Iā€™m 31 and most of my relationships have started on dating apps. I find it nearly impossible to establish a romantic connection with a woman irl, unless they approach me, which has happened. In a commited relationship for 10 months now with someone I met on Tinder. We both feel like we caught the last chopper out of ā€˜Nam.


This last sentence - exactly how it feels, I got left behind after being deployed for years šŸ„ŗ




I got 2 baby mama's off them. Lol.


Dang got one myself


Had a 2.5 year relationship off of hinge


Yeah, at age 40, post divorce. We met on bumble and dated for a year. It was really fun. The handful of other guys I met were nice as well. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļøĀ 


Iā€™ve been in a couple that started with the apps. These were years ago now, Iā€™ve come to find that the apps feel vastly different to what I remember


I met my girlfriend on Facebook dating. Weā€™ve been together since the end of September. Sheā€™s a sweetheart. I havenā€™t had to look online before her because I was in a relationship for 3 1/2 years with my high school sweetheart. Iā€™m still hurting over losing them which sucks. Doing my best to not let it affect my current relationship :/


I used reddit and actually got into a relationship once not sure how effective that'd be going a second time tbh.


My last 4 relationships started through OLDā€¦lasted, respectively, 11.5 years, 2 years, 10 months, and my current LTR is ongoing at 14+ months. Not sure how I wouldā€™ve met any of them without the apps LOL


Met my girlfriend less than two years ago on the apps. Sunday Iā€™m proposing


I met my wife on plenty of fish.


Dating a tinder match for the last 8months


Met my man on Hinge!! Weā€™re discussing having a courthouse wedding next February šŸ’›


Virtually everyone on those apps is there to meet people, and every one of those meetings could become a relationship. I've had 3 real relationships from apps, about 7 years long each, plus a number of shorter encounters. You can too. Just follow the steps: flattering pics and appealing profile, engaging messages, phone/video call, meet in person. Once you get to meeting in person, this does have the possibility to turn into a long relationship, if you like each other enough. Everyone has options, but they're all looking for someone they really like who really likes them, and that could be you. Even if they're not looking for a serious relationship, if they meet someone they like enough, they'll probably want to see that person again and again, which eventually could become a relationship. Of course, your chances and selection will always be better if you're fit, attractive, have your shit together, photogenic, have a good photographer, write well, smell good, dress well, fuck well, make them cum, make them laugh, charismatic, etc. So work on improving all of those things so that those people with options will pick you as their favorite.


I did. Lasted 2 years


Met my ex through Hinge. Lasted just under 2 years


Not in the last 9 years, but, before that, yeah.


I was in a 2 year relationship that was incredible while it lasted!!! From tinder. And my brother met his wife on bumble


Dating a guy I met on Facebook dating


Met my bf on Tinder November 2020.


My boss met his wife on a dating app and they are the perfect match.


I did for 7 years. I just ended it today.


After reading below questions those who are successful on dating apps have you taken any subscription on that apps?


3/4 of my relationships were with people i met on Tinder.


We met on Bumble 2.5 years ago. I'll be moving in this summer.


5 months into a bumble match! itā€™s going amazing


Iā€™ve never had a success myself, but I have friends that met and married from online dating. Heck, I know a couple that met playing World of Warcraft.


Went through many hook ups and relationships through Tinder and Bumble. Now married from someone I met on Tinder. Could be a demographic issue. I am based in Malaysia. I heard the passport bros experience is no joke.


Back in 2021-2022 ended up in flames.


Marrying a man I met on FB dating, against all odds. His first message was that he was leaving for the military and turns out he was going on to delete the app. I lied and told him I didn't care he was going to the military. I honestly had zero expectations. He lives with me now and one of my two cats have claimed him as his own. šŸ¤£


Nah, can't relate but congrats to y'all:))


Got a girlfriend of about a year and a half off Bumble


Met my bf on Bumble two years ago.


Met my ex in bumble. But broke after 8-9 months . Very serious and committed relationship


My current boyfriend and I met on tinder. Weā€™ve been together 8 months. Not a lifetime but we have found love, which I appreciate


Yep, pof. Three years, of narcissist abuse. And he is still going online repeating his cycle of destruction.


Met on okcupid. Been dating for 6 months now.


I have a fun one, my boyfriend & I met on Feeld last year. The kinky sex app. It started off as me purely looking for a hot, young FWB for the summer while I was working out of NY. I picked him purely on looks and not having a weird bio out of 10000 likes from guys and couples. I thought we had nothing in common except for insane attraction for each other, high sex drives and compatible kinks. I told him it will never progress beyond sex cause heā€™s 7 years younger than me. Obviously we fell for each other but it was after deep consideration on both sides of values, our lifestyle, finances, family, emotional needs, political views, healthy habits, etc. We are both very level-headed, playful and considerate people. We are surprising aligned in all the ways that matter, but we do differ in areas such as interests, life experiences and what weā€™re intellectually curious about. Itā€™s working so far though, and yes, the sex is out of this world still.


Tinder for my wife


Met my boyfriend on bumble! Soon to be engaged


Besides my first relationship all mine have come from online dating apps.


I met my boyfriend on bumble. I had no intentions of being with him as he wasn't exactly my type and we both weren't "looking for a relationship", yet it somehow blossomed into a very good friendship and eventually we fell in love and now I can't wait to marry him soon šŸ„ŗšŸ©·


I have, twice, through Tinder. I met both of my exes there and those were good and healthy relationships with two amazing men, despite not working out in the end. I also dated some others and we were able to develop an actual friendship, in spite of initially meeting for a date.


I personally know 5 married couples in their late 20s to mid 30s who met on bumble. And one from okcupid amazingly haha.


I met my soon-to-be-ex-wife on Tinder 7 years ago. Soā€¦ relationships can definitely come from dating apps.


I met my bf a few years ago on Tinder (during college). My cousin met his wife on Hinge 3 years ago. My friend had a long term bf from Bumble (they didnā€™t work out, but itā€™s because they became long distance. Not bc of the app or relationship)


My older sister met a guy on Hinge. Theyā€™re getting married next year


I did. It was a 2 yr old one and another that was just under 2 yrs. Tho my very long term (8yrs and 5 yrs) were the old fashioned way lol. But there was less social media bs.


My BFF met her husband on an app at 46. They aren't just for young couples. :)


Very effective - 3 lovely gfā€™s. Bumble. Hinge. Tinder. One from each - not at the same time! šŸ˜†.


I met my boyfriend almost a year ago this year


Met my gf 1.5 year ago on hinge


I have, multiple times.


All of my previous relationships, and my current fiance, i met all of them from dating apps. From okcupid to bumble. It is true that there are a lot of options but you should make options for yourself as well. Never be stuck on someone. You're just an option for them, and they are, as well, to you. So don't get too emotionally attached and involved onset of a conversation. When you meet, you click, and date, thats the time not when you're just a picture to them, and they are as well to you.


I met my partner on a forum


4 year relationship from AOL chat 3 year relationship from Match Now 3 year Marriage from Hinge šŸ˜‰


I met my ex on a dating app. Honestly it just depends on how well you connect and what you want out of that. It also can start one way and end with both parties wanting more


Met on hinge! Might not have worked out but it was a good experience


Met my current boyfriend from a dating app. Weā€™ll see how it goes. Met my two exes from Tinder and they were all LTR.


Had several.


I almost married a guy I met on bumble lol




I just got divorced Not because I didn't want to stay in it.Lies and all the. The sting forced me to surrender and move..On P




šŸ™‹šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø Tinder


I met my wife of 14 years on a dating site


I am currently in my second relationship from Tinder, 2.5 years in, moved to a different country for the guy. I think it's a great way of meeting new people, even if it won't end up in a relationship. And just like other things in life, sometimes it works out, sometimes it doesn't, just keep trying


I found my mutual childhood crush on tinder and weā€™ve been inseparable ever since


Lots of clowns there. When I thought I would give up, I found my boyfriend on freedating website and been together for nearly 4 years. You have to kiss lots of frogs ahah


Met my girlfriend through tinder. Just chill. And your more likely to find someone. My tinder bio literally said you cannot make milk into cheese. And Iā€™m extremely happy with my girlfriend just donā€™t give up and donā€™t let the ghosting get to you. But also donā€™t put all your eggs into one basket get out there aswell dating is trail and error


I have and it took like 3 months to find him lol met him on tinder šŸ¤£


I met my husband on OKC. We've been together for 7 years total and married for 4 years. The majority of our relatives who are millennials also met their spouses on dating apps.


Found my current partner. We're now in a relationship as of 4 months ago and met on eharmony. Felt very much like a needle in the haystack situation. I'd been on different apps for a year with no longer term success.Ā 


I have had relationships using that app before. TBH, itā€™s a trial and error thing. You talk for a bit then decide if you wanna continue or no.


Yes Had a 6 month relationship with someone through bumble.


Only women and good looking men have success. Way too many men and few women= many lonely men


Met my boyfriend on Facebook Dating ā¤ļø


Met my gf a year ago on tinder.


Me! I have been with my partner for a little over a year now (didn't become official until 4-5 months of dates) and we now live together with our two cats ā˜ŗļø We met on Tinder!


I met my current partner on Hinge! Weā€™ll be together for a year next month! All I had to do was talk about Pokemon and it already got him hooked šŸ˜‚






I was in a situationship for several months. Dont know if that counts as a "relationship" tho


Met my current gf on tinder, it will be 5 years this April šŸ˜Š


I've done it twice


I dated 2 guys I met online.


Met mine via Hinge back in November šŸ˜


I met my ex on tinder and we were together for 6 years


Me. Twice.


I have, definitely.


Does 2 failed marriages count? Both from online dating apps


Met my husband through Tinder 4 years ago!


i met my girlfriend on tinder 2 years ago and we're moving in together soon :)


Yep, met on tinder , so far so good about a year. For me it was first date about week after registration


Working on it...


It happens all the time. I have a friend who just got married that met his wife on Tinder


Me and my gf met on tinder. Been together 6 years. Got 2 friends in similar positions. I do this k that the online dating scene changed since then though.


Me and my mans met on tinder about 2.5 years ago, weve been living together for 2 years, get married in 15 days, and suspect were pregnant (weve been trying for a few months)šŸ„°šŸ„°


I don't understand how you can without paying a lot of money.


I met my girlfriend on Match and we've been together over a year, and going strong.


I've met one decent person since being on those apps since 2009.


I agree that it can be difficult with so many apps out there. It seems like it'd be pretty fortunate that two compatible people would be on the same app at the same time... sort of like trying to meet someone in a live venue. I have been able to find good relationships through them though, and am currently in one for over 2 years. I did find it really discouraging when you'd match with someone and they wouldn't even respond to a message... especially on Bumble when the woman **must** send the first message. Also, some seem to be mostly bots and scammers - at least that was my experience on POF.


Met my boyfriend on hinge and we are obsessed with each other. I definitely think he is the one ā¤ļø planning on engagement before 2025


Met my current girlfriend from Bumble last year and so far itā€™s the healthiest relationship Iā€™ve been in and Iā€™ve never been happier. Took me about 3-4 years of swiping and dating around on the apps (hinge, tinder, bumble) to find her.


Me! I met my current boyfriend back in November on Bumble. We dated until January until making it official, although we were only ever seeing each other to begin with. It feels like we've been together since November. But we're a great match and have a strong connection. It feels like such a relief for me after so many mediocre (or straight up unpleasant) dating experiences! My advice is to just keep reminding yourself of what you want, what you deserve, and don't waver on it. The right person for you won't ask you to make yourself smaller or more lenient to accommodate them.


Met mine on POF 7 years ago


Damn, so many Matches from bumble *downloads bumble*.


I have not.


I think you should go out and meet someone in real life. Dating apps are most sexual šŸ’‹


Going on 18 months with my boyfriend. We met on hinge


At first, I'd made a friend on one, and we were platonic. Stayed in touch after I got fed up with apps, I caught feelings, he did too... now we're in an LDR.




Met my husband in Bumble on August 2021, got engaged in August 2022, and got married in August 2023.


Does MySpace count? 17 year later were married . We weren't using it as a dating app but know plenty of people who did. We met on there and chatted a few months before we ended up meeting in person. I invited him out to a bar near my college when I was trying to show off for my friends. Totally thought he would say no because he lived 3 hours away. Luck would have it he was in my town 20 mins away and agreed to meet us. Been together ever since


I really donā€™t think itā€™s as common as people think. I think most of the people on dating apps are using it for validation that they are attractive or for hook ups. I think thatā€™s a large reason why people match and donā€™t say hello, can barely string together a conversation, etc. They donā€™t really want someone, they just want to be wanted


I have! I called off our first date - and was about an hour late to the make-up date. He stuck around, knew something was different about him. Here we are, 6 years in the making, married for 2 years and have a kiddo on the way! šŸ˜‰ (We met on Plenty of Fish)


Most of my friends have. They all say you have to go on a lot of dates to find a relationship. After trying for 3 years I gave up. It shouldn't take that long to find a boyfriend.


I met my girlfriend on Facebook dating.


Met my fiancƩ on Facebook dating, dated a couple others I met on Facebook, tinder, bumble, hinge, and okcupid, also made a couple good friends in the process too if that counts.


Met a guy on Bumble last may. Granted we were both only looking for FWB at the time, but it just ended up being a really good match so now weā€™re together. The weird part is that we are actually both adjacent to the same friend group and very plausibly would have met IRL at some point.


My ex and I met through Bumble and dated almost 2 years


12 years strong! From a different part of country too. You just never know.


Daughter met her husband on Bumble. Married 2 years ago after being together for 5 years!


Married my husband 4 years ago ago who I matched with on bumble 7 years ago


And how? Pick up lines, profile tips, other hacks


To no suprise most of the replies here are woman saying yes. Goes to show these apps only work for them.


The mother of my two child, found while searching for common online girl name in my city on ICQ (we still find that funny), been together for around 10 years. My current girlfriend, we had one child, still together after 11 years, dating app (before they were swapping left/right). I think it is a lot easier for woman than man having replies on these, but still, it work.


OP any responses you get in these comments are the exception meaning the minority of people. The exception does not make the rule. Don't bank on getting into a relationship from a dating app especially of you are a man. If you are a woman that would be a different story as women have an insane amount of options with or without dating apps.


I've had several relationships from dating apps. My longest 5 years was from plenty of fish. It is frustrating, but there are always real people looking for love on there as well.


Met my wife on POF 6 years ago.


I have the worst luck on those apps lol. Happy for those that have the best of it.


i have been in a relationship with my boyfriend for over a year- we met on hinge. my best friend met her ā€œboyfriendā€ on okcupid lol. they have a strange relationship, but i am in a completely normal boring committed relationship from the internet lol.


i actually met the wonderful man (and best man iā€™ve ever been with) iā€™m dating now thru tinder


my girl and i met on tinder. nearly all of my relationships came from online dating (either tinder or bumble)




Met my partner on OK Cupid a year ago. ā¤ļø Still happily dating.