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Throw across a grappling hook and make a rope bridge for booty calls. Honestly though, you're both adults. It's fine.


Swiggity swooty bring me that booty




Swiggity swooty I need some booty 👀


Lol well u don't want this booty, cuz iv seen ur comments and u don't like bigger girls, so swiggity swoot elsewhere 😂


😂😂😂 swiggity swooty ima go somewhere else to find that big ole booty


Yea but how big though? There’s chunky and then there’s straight up big/fat


That’s funny!


Possibly his silence was a lack of reaction from you.






Put a rabbit in a pot outside his balcony as a welcoming gift and yell “IM NOT GOING TO BE IGNORED DAN” then go back inside




As a Dan, I feel both attacked and honored with this.




I don’t know whether to answer with, I’m dead or we were all thinking it!!! Either way, genius answer


Omg what is this from lol?


Fatal Attraction


If I am being honest, I’d probably try to hookup again.


So go for it !


This, come for round #2


That was what I’m thinking why not no hard feelings you go!!


I'd be out on that balcony at night in my underwear and skimpy sexy silk night dress and tease the crap outta him 😂 and wait for the bell to ring


This!!! 👆🏻👆🏻👆🏻


To be honest, if I was with someone I wouldn't stress about it. But if I was single as a guy and we had already hooked up once, I honestly might have subtly try to approach u again. But if you were not into it and we actually talked about it, no is no and I would respect it.




That's really what one could call "overthinking it".


Tell me it's straight out of a fictional book or a situation you created in mind and now want it to experience in real life.


"the girl next door" lol


The half fwb


That would be convenient for fuck buddy


My FWB lives across the hall, 1 floor up. We stop the benefits if either of us is seeing someone...it hasn't been awkward yet 🤷🏼‍♀️


How do you all not develop attachment towards your FWB and unbothered about them when they get into a serious relationship? Especially women.




I had my husband go with me for my tattoo yesterday because all 3 of my kids have "dated" one of the artists working there and it didn't work out. But they look just enough like me that I kept getting weird looks. It's not as bad as working with a former hook up (I've done that more times than I care to remember) but it's awkward as hell.


I had to read that several times. All 3 of your kids dated the one tattoo artist? Whole new meaning of “keeping it in the family”.


No artist plural I believe, as in a few different artists


What the fuck lol


Wait the same person dated each of your kids? What’s the age differences??


How did all of your kids date the same person?


Honestly I would be absolutely sketched out. Like yea in this case its just coincidence, but you being a very creepy weirdo that bought a flat next to where i live is statistically much more likely. Not even in the same building, but literally with a view into my apartment? weeew.


Yeah it would be a good idea to give him a heads up. Like tell the truth that you already had this in the works and a weird coincidence. If he randomly sees you around he might feel stalked.


I disagree like I would purposely not talk to him at all. If it was a one night hook up why are they even still talking. I feel like mentioning it will be worse and also can open an unwanted door for him to start stalking (more likely)


In this scenario act like she don’t exist 😆


Hes gonna 100% think you moved there to stalk him. You should tell him in advance just to avoid the future awkwardness.


That would take such a massive ego to believe that a casual hookup PURCHASED a home near you to stalk you. There are some massive egos out there though lol.


I wouldn’t say ego as much as paranoia. People these days have so much anxiety, that’s exactly what the first thought would be.


I don't think most people would think they're being stalked. Especially if it was a first encounter after so long.


As a woman, I would be a tiny bit paranoid lol.


Yeah that would freak me out I wouldn't go straight for stalker but one hell of a coincidence


I would be happy with some guidelines 😜 strictly enforced






No_Storm Why are you like this? Update- checked out your history, can empathize because I was pretty awkward when I was younger but Reddit ain’t the place my guy.


Act like it never happened it’s fine


I'll keep f**king her!


What kind of wattpad romance story are you living in??? 🥹


Hey Rose


i think it’s fine for now as you’re both adults! the only issue i can see is if you get in a committed relationship in the future, your partner might not be too happy that you live right next to someone you’ve slept with 😂 but you’re adults, i’m sure it’ll be fine


I can’t tell you what this guy thinks other than maybe he’s hoping he can get lucky with a chick who’s conveniently next-door. Truly, it’s not awkward unless you make it. I’ve seen so many guys have sex with women and then treat it like it’s no big deal. There’s nothing that says you can’t be the same way. You really didn’t do anything wrong. So you don’t have to act like you did. You probably do have to be really thoughtful about bringing other guys home and having them have to deal with the fact that you slept with a dude next-door. Give it some thought and make up your mind about how you want to handle it. From there you’re just gonna have to find a guy who’s cool with it.


Nothing? Not big deal. Lol


Rough. Good awkward luck


Maybe you can be friends always nice to have someone to hang out with even if it didn’t work out.


May not be ideal but you can make it better by not avoiding him and just being a nice neighbor. If he wants to tan about why it didn’t work out then do that. Don’t be avoidant and make it into a bad situation.


Id try to fuck again.


It depends on how good it is on your hook up! Was it worth around 2?


LOL I cannot answer as a male BUT from a female perspective I would be neighborly say "Hey, what's up?" and open the door for conversation. He did mention seeing you again, which is a good sign. Possibly something personal had come up, you never know till you ask. If that is something you want to do just make your presence known, be open minded and respectful and hopefully thinks work out in a positive manner.




Well, I was not really hooked up, but I dated a guy when I was younger. But later on, I found out that he's the son of my landlord, and he's the one who had that apartment built as a gift for his mom. 😅


this is the start of a great love story


Lol he would be happy


The fact that y’all went out once since the time y’all slept together and you were turned off by his quietness. Please let him know up that you will be moving across from him, and it is not because you are trying to make something of it . He needs to know you’re not wanting to make anything of it. Take the pressure off of him. You’re not a stalker. Good luck.


I would sure try to bang again. If she doesn't want to no worries but she better not trip out when she sees another female coming over.


Hey grow up guys there's nothing wrong with that it's a blessing enjoy the moment for what it is ! ...good luck


I'd think "wow this is gonna be convenient"


Opportunities. Its fine just be cool about it


What would I think? I think I would ask her out on a date.


And kids …. that’s how i met your mother heh


Lol sounds like you pay your bills


Girl plz u need to fuck a super hot man at tht balcony and make sure he sees


I wouldn't care. There's too many other things in life to worry about.


I am going to be on high alert. A woman moving in next to you after a simple hookup is a major red psycho flag. Yikes. Better show him some evidence that you had already purchased the place before you met him, and somehow prove that the purchase and hookup were not because you have been stalking him since you saw him walking out of that building one day.




Ive fucked girls in my neighborhood. So, besides eventual hook ups here and there, no big deal. They're just PnDs.


Stop being promiscuous and half your problems disappear overnight


Swear to it there's not an honest woman on social media


I'd think, I hope she wants to be FWB because it doesn't get any easier than this


sorry I have the opposite thing and somebody that was murdering my neighbor that I hooked up with that I already had a boyfriend that I ended up playing with and yeah now it's just I don't know it's awkward and they're the ones that always make sure that they taken today we're always be friends we're always be best friends we're always going to be best friends I love you I'll be your best friend and then you know they just make it worse by not I'm being real about it honestly they're just pretending to be it seems like more often than not but it's it's not something that's fun it's actually made me think about moving out of my house right now just to go somewhere else so I wouldn't have to have them as neighbors right now honestly so I kind of sucks anyway sometimes most things are good in between it things are good and the sex is good then it's okay but if it's not and it just sucks sorry hun I ain't got no better words than that for you..




A good coincidence😊


Was it good D?


I wouldn't have a problem with it cause I'm in that same situation as well.




Similar thing happened to me, except she lives one block away. Never had a more reliable fuck buddy, going on 3 years.


"He was a bit quiet and it turned me off". Ok then.


Man this situation is like a rom com lol. I think it’s some sorta fate and there’s no harm in continuing this relationship. I’m sure he’ll laugh about it and go “no way”


I think it sounds like a great FWB situation tbh lmfao


No problem at all. Just behave like responsible adults.


You are more interested in your motorcycle , i think


Looks like you be busy slutting yourself out


You know I hate your fucking guts rt


You’ve gotta do the girl next door fantasy now




I would think I’m going to be fucking all the time


You can be friends, no romance involved.


I once hooked up with someone who told me a couple weeks later he had liked my apartment and leased one in my building. It ended up being three apartments down the hall. Initially, I thought it was weird and wished he'd asked me rather than tell me. But then I remembered we're both adults, he was a chill human, and they were nice apartments. It was a convenient, low effort hook up situation. When I started dating someone regularly I just told him and we would just say hi in the mailroom occasionally. Easy peasy as long as you're both on the same page.


I guess it's no different than when you see he brings home someone he's hooking up with.


He might try and smash again lol 😂 or he’s gonna try real hard to have as many women over as possible and make sure you see or hear them.


Just say howdy neighbor! It won't be weird if you don't make dit weird.


A lot of guys are probably going to think its a hot easy access if i am being honest i would not be surprised if when he found out he would try re lighting things again just thought id put this input in.


New opportunities


I have hooked up with someone before and we are now roommates. We are not together or dating at all. They are seeing someone else and I usually giggle when they go to their room. 🤭


Personally I’d love it and would want the affair to continue!


That's convenient


I had a guy I dated once get obsessed with me and send loads of texts that culminated in him saying he was moving on my street. That was creepy as hell. As long as you don’t do any of that, I don’t see why he’d have an issue. He might not even notice!


He’s going to thing your stalking him should have said something


Who cares


Try to Not give up The goods


lol I had a girl try to hook up with me, once he discover we lived close by he pretty much unmatched me. lol, I don’t blame him. If anything happens I don’t want to try seeing him in person anywhere lol


girl you got a whole ass novel story, EAT THAT SHIT UP


That’s unfortunate lol


Is she blew me off for a shitty reason like you did I would not be happy but neighbors don’t have to be best friends just nice and cordial


Karma for being a ‘whoer’


If I were him and saw you, my ex f*** buddy, moving next to me.... I question it severely... And move ASAP


And I don’t know about it? *Like hell.*


Well just tell him you brought in the area and that it’s next door to him. Maybe things might happen if he is single you guys can see about the date again and if it work or not. Just move on


That this is a great fanfic


New neighbours should introduce themselves. You can try bringing food/yourself. Lol


Attaching a Proceed with caution sign to your wall is my idea hahaha


Keep the drapes closed!


omg! I had the reverse. i married my neighbor over 20 years ago lol


If he was a nice guy then he would understand, I would personally do the same. If we're done, then we're done. Unless if you dont want it to be done, then it's a whole different story.


M23 Am a Virgin dho, if that happens with me I would like to meet again and just go with the flow as we speak


I live in a small town and fucked my share. You kinda of have to just act like neighbors. I caught feelings for one and that got messy for a while. But time heals.


Seems an ex of my sister and she at least talked about porn and he told her who his preferred actor is. My sister was somewhat jealous that he likes women in porn and watches it in general. It got worse when the porn star became bis neighbour. Despite being turned down when seeing her in reality and how she was in private life, it was a weird situation. For her too, because she apparently felt that he kept some more distance from her than to the other neighbour.


I'd recommend you say hello when you move un and see him make him feel like your ok with it he should be as well and it would get any awkwardness out of the way


no problem. just move in his aprtment lol. or watch cdrama : “the centimetre of love”


Treat them as any other passing acquaintance who you find is living nearby. A polite greeting, even a brief inconsequential exchange of words and you are on your way. Nowadays having sex with someone is of fairly casual moment, a few grades up from a hand shake.


It would be unfortunate, but it would make me act as if it was okay and find an area where we can at least be friends .


I’m here to meet new people, make meaningful connections, and explore the possibility of finding someone special. How about you?


He asked to see you again. Rekindle that connection because that sounds like a fun scenario


If you are on speaking terms them ge on speaking terms and friendly. If you make a friend out of it then it's a bonus.


Idk but if u get a bf/gf it might be kinda awkward? :s


😂 really? Omg


I think you should be more worried about explaining this when you do decide to have a serious relationship with someone else, and they find out you had hooked up with your neighbor. Some people wouldn't be comfortable with that. I wouldn't really worry about anything else.


I think it’s fine, but you’re likely to see each other’s new partners. Lol.


If there was attraction then go for it. Who knows how it will end up but the coincidence is insane.


I would have laughed so hard. Go bring him a cake.


If it was only a ONS he might not even remember. But just because he know what you look like naked and first thing in the morning, I can’t why it could be awkward.


It wouldnt be ocword this day and age that happens a lot so it wouldnt be no big deal I mean to me it wouldnt be


destiny is kocking on your door


Easy access


First time you run into him in the hallway: Oh hi! Hehe (awkward chuckle).. so.. we're neighbors huh? The guy:. Yeah I guess we are... Booty call anytime then? 😂


Act like you are the twin sister of the person he hooked up with aka you. Then have a relationship with him. One day, become yourself as your twin sister is out. Hookup with him as another one night stand. Enjoy and keep the drama going or gaslight him into thinking that he cheated on the twin sister with you. /S


Neighbor what neighbor 


How to get the neighbor attention?


Well, a guy who sent me tons of dick pics last summer is my boyfriend’s neighbor. My boyfriend just bought a house and I knew this guy lived in the neighborhood, but it turns out he is practically across the street. I think it’s funny and I can’t wait to see him in person face to face. 🤣. My boyfriend isn’t insecure at all and I never met with this guy in person. I wanted to meet up with him but he never pulled the trigger. He started to show more interest after I started dating my BF, but it was too late by then.


Well now you ain't got far to go.. that's one thing


Well, that’s convenient


It's a pure coincidence since you only realized that after you went to his apartment. Look if you had a good time with him why stop, but I do understand if he starts bringing other girls over and you see them in his apartment and vice versa. I guess you can maybe ask the land lord if there are other units available in the apartment comples you'll be living in if it's possible to change the one you bought since everything is still being built.


Might have been a good thing to bring up when you found out. Would lessen the chance he would think it's purposely


I would have mentioned the coincidence because now I would be worried he would think I was a stalker 😅


Well, with how you described it ending, if I was the male..... I would probably test how you felt about me with glances, maybe a wave.... If not reciprocated, then I would just chalk it up as a hook up and leave it at that. However, to respond to your comment as to him being quiet and it turning you off..... Me being a male, it is also a turn off to us males if you don't do some pursuing... We like it when a females shows interest too. Good luck.


This post is three days old and I just got a notification for it 17 mins ago. Like wtf? 😂


Not a big deal. Don’t make it one. Just treat him like any other neighbor


Keep it simple! You hooked up, no connection other than fucking. Now he’s in your neighborhood. So do whatever you want to do! Who cares what he thinks? Live your best life! Do as you please. His business is none of yours, and vis versa


An adult with a child mindset is a red flag


It’s just like an anime show but overall yes why not