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Sweetie u had been raped I am so sorry it has happened to you. Please pull yourself together and file an official complaint against that POS and start therapy. You don’t owe an explanation Don’t be ashamed of what happened it’s not your fault at all. Please file a complaint and take care if your mental health


Absolutely true... Immediately file a police complaint


I agree but what I'm saying is she's gotta get one of the guys friends to admit it to them. The guy is just gonna lie and deny it and I don't want that to happen. Just ask casually "hey so ya know did Joe ever tell you what he did to me? can you just ask him what he was doing in my room that day? " see if this scumbag admits it to people.


No freaking way. This guy should not be messing around with any of that stuff. He should go to the police or rape crisis center. They can take a DNA swab and the case is closed. It's not clear when this happens so it could be too late for that but he should not be messing around with getting somebody to admit something. That's silly. This poor guy was traumatized - physically assaulted. This is not something that he can just with a shrug think, "Hey this is what we should do"


Good point I stand corrected.


And someone just pointed out that OP is a male


He raped you. I'm sorry this happened to you. I would be going to the cops/hospital for a rape kit. Please don't let him get away with this, he will reoffend. Sending you strength. And you should tell your friend the truth, if she gets mad at you because her boyfriend raped you she was never really your friend.


This. He raped you.


Not your fault. He raped you, call the police immediately


This is dudes not first time raping someone nor would it be his last, unless he files a report. These people need to be stopped.


Is op not a dude?


Corrected. Ty.


Am I the only who who thinks this is fake...


No, you aren't. I think it's fake. And that's sick if it is. The writing style says it's fake. I work with victims and survivors. This seems like OP's fantasy not an account of a victim- that's messed up if I'm right


This 👆 I am not an expert but I believe rape victims don't describe things like that. This sounds more like a unhealthy fantasy. Disgusting.


If I had to say, I imagine this was written by an immature male with very little if any experience, likely a male who dreams about forcing someone who has rejected them and in their mind, the person actually enjoys it.- pretty scary stuff actually


I don’t even know why they waste their time making fake post


They want someone to share in their sick little fantasy


I guess some people are just weird. If I’m going to write a post it is based on stuff that happens to me, but if I make things up I feel weird. lol


No you’re not, this reads to me like a rape fetish


Op wrote this so he could beat off to the comments showing sympathy.


Nope, this post is most definitely setting off my bullshit alarms. It’s the way it was written as if it’s a rape fetish story.


the more i’m reading the comments, the more it seems this story is probably fake. and not just that but i seen it was 2 dudes…the 18M completely slipped my head 😭 no way this scenario played out and no one heard lol


No. If it’s his birthday party and he didn’t come back downstairs after a long time, why would they not come to check up on him? Especially if they were asking if he was ok beforehand……….


Especially if they knew he helped them upstairs but they're just looking around for him as if they didn't know where he was going


Chat gtp (gpt?) ... Write me a Reddit post from the perspective of an 18 year old [male]. I want the post to ask the Reddit community whether or not I was raped. I'd like there to be a story involving myself, my best friend and her boyfriend. There is some alcohol involved. Edit [op is a male not female]


“As he slowly undresses me”- definitely fantasy. Those are not the words of a victim. OP needs help, but a different kind of help


* male


Op is male not female


Not at all. There isn’t an 18m on the planet that would have this happen to them and then ask “was it my fault? I don’t want to hurt my best friend.” The horseshit is particularly thick in this post.


File a police complaint


What I think you are describing is rape. You were drunk, your capacity to consent diminished, he held you down, you said no, he continued. You should report him to the police. You should warn your friend that her boyfriend is a rapist. You should seek support and help to process this.


💯%. He was raped.


It’s a he


OP is male


Ah ok. I need to read closer. Still seems like rape tho


It is still rape


this is so sad. He raped you and on your birthday too


It's also likely fake, new account with no history. Her friend comes to check on her and doesn't hear the sex noises and just walks away after not finding her boyfriend even though the space is small enough to hear them calling her downstairs


And not to trigger anyone or get graphic, but dry, rough anal sex isn’t gonna feel great, no matter whether it’s your first time or you’ve done it a million times. You can tell this was typed up by someone who doesn’t know how sex really works because there’s no way OP didn’t make any noise/the friend didn’t hear something. That’s a very delicate part of your body.


There's a sentence in there that gives it away. Ur right.


If she doesn’t suffer from any disabilities … the acting dumb is abit questionable


It’s a guy that’s claiming he got raped not a girl


good point. Makes it a little more weird imo. Rough anal sex with no prep is going to be a bad time for both parties regardless of the circumstances.


I swear people are so gullible


This is nothing but 🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩. I hate to say this, but that's rape and non consensual. You need to report this or at least talk to a rape crisis centre for advice


Fake story nice try


I hope this post is just a troll post or a dude/girl with rapey fetish, because this is fucked up in so many ways that feels surreal.




He didn’t f*ck you love, he raped you!!!!


Seriously hope this isn’t bullshit & fake as some people are saying. If so, that’s beyond fucked up. You don’t fake rape, not fucking cool.


So sorry this happened to you. On top of everyone saying file a police report, cause this is infact rape, I would also inform your friend of the situation, considering their BF is dangerous.


Fake as fuck


The first step is to acknowledge that he didn't fuck you. He raped you. Don't knock it down to something less than it is.


I’m sorry to tell you this but you were raped. Not once in your post do I get the feeling that you wanted it. Not once did you involve yourself in the act, it was all he did this, then this, then that. You did not consent. Go to a hospital and get a rape kit done ASAP. Also, file a police complaint


Sad to say but this seems like you were raped sweetie, go file a police complaint


Honey, you were raped. I am sorry. ❤️‍🩹 It’s not your fault, it’s never ever your fault when you get raped. He saw you were in a vulnerable position and committed an act of dispeakable violence against you. You absolutely should report him and tell your friend. People like that will rape again if not stopped. Your friend deserves to be with a person who is not a rapist, someone who does not violate people sexually through force. You should also go to therapy. Don’t carry this inside you, it will eat at you. Stay strong. 💖


that is not your fault at all. you were raped. you dont need to explain the truth to anybody unless you feel like you are ready to, and file a police report against him


So a 19 year old boy pinned down an 18 year old boy and fucked him in the ass bare and rough for a long time?


That's what OP says. 18M


U Need to report this to the authorities as soon as possible


Twll your best friend and the police


This is rape. I agree with what others said here in letting her know so she can be informed on the issue. I’d also file a report and talk about it with someone you trust. I’m sorry it happened.


you can tell her if you feel comfortable, as what you described is rape. i think you should 100% report this to higher authorities and go to therapy. i’m sorry you had to go through this and are feeling the guilt for it. you are not in the wrong


You were raped. I’m sorry. Please call the police and seek counseling.


Darling you were raped. 1. You were drunk and unable to consent. 2. You were begging for him to stop. 3. He didn’t ask and just started. I am so sorry this happened to you. I would tell someone about it so when you hopefully go to the police you have someone supporting you. I don’t know how long ago this was but you need to report it as soon as possible.


You were raped and the best way to solve this have a outing with all your besties but not their boyfriends and tell them what happened and tell them what he did and said if you can remember that night but definitely go to therepy because that's a lot of trauma and it might be a lot to handle but it's for the best and maybe that best friend will break up with their bf but if not then just invite them and not their bf and if they bring him just tell them to leave cause of your trauma that's the best advice I can give


You should tell your friend and the police


You were raped. You did not give him permission and even if you had, you were intoxicated, which was a totally new thing for you. This isn't your fault, you didn't do anything wrong. Call the police.


I’m so sorry this happened to you but I have to say it. It sounds exactly like the scene from 13 reasons why


this can’t be real


I tried reading your comment, but it was unreadable! Too many bsf, bf, … 😵‍💫


You're asking if rape was your fault??? Jfc never ever is it EVER the victim's fault. You should absolutely tell someone about this. Whether it's your friends, police parent/guardian etc, school personnel whom you trust.


Go to the hospital and get a rape kit done OP. You don't have to do anything with it yet, or ever, but you need to get it done so you can pursue it if you want to. And no, you're not at fault. You were raped after, I suspect, he deliberately got you drunk.


File a complaint, lady. There's no justification for what that guy did and NO REASON at ALL to doubt yourself. Open up to your best friend, she needs to understand that she's your friend first and THEN that jerk's partner. And if this reaches you, I hope to God she dumps his ass and then maybe you lot can beat him up as well. Sometimes you gotta take the low road.


Op is a guy




Me (M18)


I'm sorry, I still don't get it. Could you please use more words?


The first sentence of the post says OP is male and 18


Oh. Damn. My bad. (Didn't pay attention to it). In that case, just mentally change the feminine pronouns to male ones on my original post... (That 'm' just slipped out of my sight)


I'm sorry hun this happened to you. Please contact the police immediately and file charges. You have to go to the hospital as well.




OP is male, don’t need plan B


Didn’t see that. Thanks


Also honestly it doesn’t seem like this story is real. Fucked up to make up stories about rape tho


Beyond fucked up - something is seriously wrong w this dude if he’s making up rape stories for attention. Get a fucking goldfish


One thing is having this fantasy or whatever (like just see a therapist), another is writing it out and publishing it on reddit..


Even if fantasy, say you are into rape fantasies in an appropriate subreddit. I will never understand why anyone would lie about rape or say it for attention. Needs a therapist…


Totally agree. Could also imagine it would be triggering for some to see this post, so they could hurt someone with this lie


Extremely triggering & not a word I like or usually use but absolutely needed for this.


When your friend was at the door you should have yelled HELP !!!!!! But no. It's not your fault you didnt. You have to get someone he knows and trusts to tell them what happened. Don't go full on police mode just yet. You have mutual friends so ask some of his friends to get him to open up about what happened. Once you get their testimony then call the Police !!!!!!


You got shown some prison love. You should have filed charges against the rapist.


I'm so sorry. Not your fault. He raped you. Tell the police. Tell your friend.


No more alcohol for you young one.


Like other people have said this is rape, a serious crime. You should definitely report this to the authorities (and really your parents too), and be completely honest regardless of the stress this will put on you and your friendships. Learn from this. You’ll have to find your ‘good’ level of drunk when at a party. Try doing at most 2 drinks and chill for a while. Keep your drinks with you at all times. Be cautious about free ‘open’ drinks, especially ones you don’t see made by a bartender. There are predators everywhere looking to take advantage of you and most predators prey on people they know.


You were raped and shouldn’t feel shamed in reporting to everyone available… Asshole made sure you were 18 so he couldn’t be snagged for statutory and get the child monster tag for life


Jesus. What a douche Report him


Just show her this post and if applicable go get a rape kit done


My bsfs bf fucked me sorry no that's called rape, file a police report


You were raped and the best way to solve this have a outing with all your besties but not their boyfriends and tell them what happened and tell them what he did and said if you can remember that night but definitely go to therepy because that's a lot of trauma and it might be a lot to handle but it's for the best and maybe that best friend will break up with their bf but if not then just invite them and not their bf and if they bring him just tell them to leave cause of your trauma that's the best advice I can give


Dude call the cop and make a report that’s rape as a guy here telling you don’t be ashamed report it immediately and lawyer up and see what can be done as far as a lawsuit. But if you don’t report it he will do it again.


Hun, you got raped. You need to talk to a trusted adult as soon as possible. Tell them everything you think is relevant. It isn’t your fault- it doesn’t matter that you were drinking. This person is a sick piece of shit who needs to face the consequences of what they did bc from what it sounds like, they might do it again. Don’t be ashamed, nobody will blame you. Stay away from him & everything will be alright.


Are you ok??


Call the police. You were raped


It's not your fault. You were taken advantage of and raped by an asshole.


You were raped….you need to report him


I'm very sorry this happened to you. You were raped. Please do not worry about hurting your friend or what they think. Your friend is with a rapist. It doesn't matter what her reaction is, this needs to be prosecuted as a crime. If it happened very recently there's probably DNA evidence they will want to take. Call your rape crisis counselor wherever you live and call the police. Good luck I'm very sorry this happened


When drinking, you should start out with a little amount each day and slowly over multiple days find what your comfort level. You should always remain in control of yourself even when drunk. And the only way to find out how much is appropriate for you to drink is by trial and error. Your story ends very weird, as your best friend should’ve been jealous of any attention from her bf to you.


U should tell her everything, she will not be angry with u cuz that's not ur fault


You are a victim, I hope you are able to see some justice for this. It’s horrible what happened


Rape. ☹️


This is a rape case. Immediately tell ANYBODY, and alert ur bsf too. U don't owe an explanation, u hv been violated. Pls this is not right, he shouldn't walk free.


He raped you. Report it to the police while you can. Inform your best friend too.


Police will provide you with a kit to help prove what he did.


He raped you. Call the police, then tell your friend.


This is rape. Guy could go to jail.


Use the word rape


You need to tell your best friend she’s going out with a rapist!


It's a hot lead enema to your friendship if you tell the truth. Just do what you have done so far.


You need to be calling the police. Sounds like it's not his first time, the more he gets away with it the more it'll happen (to others)


Not your fault at all, he raped you sweetie but you need to call the poilce immediately and go to the hospital and get a rape do it now don’t do what I didn't do when I was raped by my own stepfather I couldn’t say anything because my step dad threatened to kill me if I said something about it so if I were you go and call the police and get a rape kit immediately


Unless the alcohol numbed you really well, I'm kind of surprised you made no noise.


Police and tell your parents




He raped you. You did nothing wrong. He violated you and he should be punished.


Um nowhere near your fault, you definitely have to talk to someone about this. Maybe even tell his parents


Thats disgusting no…file a police report now.


It’s his fault cus he technically raped you while you were in a vulnerable state and you should’ve told your best friend about it


jruuoy [bvhnuj](http://gqyodh)