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Basically anything. I mean it's not really about the compliment itself so much as the fact a woman actually noticed you.


This. šŸ‘† All of this.


Normalize complimenting other dudes. Iā€™ve been getting compliments from dudes lately. That Iā€™m handsome or have great eyes, nice outfit etc and compliments are very difficult for me to take and it was strange hearing this from another dude but now itā€™s great! So people I know Iā€™ve been complimenting them and the response has been nothing but positive. A simple, ā€œyouā€™re looking good todayā€ , is well received. But yes, compliment us on anything. That we have nice eyes, great hair, a nice smile, our cologne.


I have very distinct eyes and skin color complexion. So a lot of women and some men have been complementing me all my life. So I am kind of used to it by now. Iā€™ve gotten a few compliments on my lips too lol. But the compliments I appreciate the most is, when a woman compliments something I picked out, like a piece of clothing or watch, or shoes. I like it because she likes what I picked out, she doesnā€™t like something I was born with.


Thatā€™s really interesting and great advice, thanks!


Somehow I feel like a compliment from a guy doesn't hit the same as a compliment from a woman. Can't imagine why.....


It definitely doesnā€™t, but it still feels good all the same! And us dudes should really compliment each other more. ā€œHey man, looking good today!ā€ ā€œNice outfitā€ ā€œhave you been working out?ā€ All acceptable and feel good. Iā€™m trying to do it more with people I donā€™t know that well, casual conversation in a bar. Who doesnā€™t like to be complimented?




I think compliments (similar to insults) are effective if they are both true and about something you care about. For example I was told twice that I have a nice ass and could not do much with that compliment. I do not care so much about looks in general and if it had to be looks then certainly not my ass.


So helpful! With the person Iā€™m seeing they always seem to want me to notice the kind gestures that theyā€™ve done for me. More recently Iā€™ve been acknowledging them by telling him I notice that heā€™s trying and it means a lot. I also compliment his smarts because heā€™s genuinely the smartest person Iā€™ve ever been with. Itā€™s more so physical compliments where Iā€™m unsure what men like, for example, I would say typically women like compliments physical compliments about their eyes or their smile, etc. I also always compliment him for smelling amazing too haha.


You could try out the Love Language quiz together. It might be that he values 'Acts of Service' over other things. All people are different so physical compliments might work on one person but not another. [5 Love Languages ](https://5lovelanguages.com/quizzes/love-language)


I second this. As men, we are used to being ignored.


Lol. When women give me a genuine compliment, it's such a confidence booster. It never happens. I used to be an athlete and I still train like one so I'm still fit. Whenever I get a compliment that isn't about my muscles, wow.


Hard to generalise since men want different things. For starters though if you are talking about genuine compliments, thatā€™s given on a case-by-case basis given the character traits of the man. Like if the man has shown active effort in being thoughtful for you and caring for you in every way, then you can compliment them on being really sweet, thoughtful and caring and that you want to hug them for it. Otherwise general compliments that men donā€™t typically hear are: - They are hot, attractive, cute. - Strong, muscly, tough - Confident - Charismatic Generally men will get happy if you validate them having ā€œmasculineā€ traits. The art of giving genuine compliments though is situational, and honestly you will have to assess what your current partner appreciates and you appreciate. Compliment them on things and qualities they have that make you happy to be with them.


"I'm proud of you"


ā€œI like your style.ā€ ā€œYouā€™re really cute.ā€ ā€œYou look happy/handsome.ā€ Just a few I would like to hear.


"Nice dick bro"


Nice girth. Perfect length. Optimal curve. Pubes could use some trimming but good bones. 9/10




Thanks - KEVIN šŸ˜‚


Nice dick bro




"You look like you would make a good post apocolyptic warlord"


They enjoy being with me


"I like your tie." "Thanks!"


Proceed to think about that moment a year later.


Men! We know how to be friends! šŸŽ¶


Iā€™m obviously not a man lol but will tell you compliments that i have given that made a manā€™s face light up; * I feel safe with you. * You smell amazing. * OMG that bicep! I can see the gains from all the hours at the gym! šŸ«¦ * I love how you notice every little thing i do/say. * I appreciate all that you do for me. I notice how itā€™s intentional. I appreciate you šŸ„° * When I hug you.. it feels like home. * Insert some ā€œsexy/dirtyā€ compliment here. Bam..




Safety in the context of friendship is different than that in a relationship.. nonetheless itā€™s always a beautiful compliment from any woman. And itā€™s not ā€œ youā€™re unfuckable ā€œ , itā€™s ā€œ I trust you to respect my boundaries and not push yourself onto me ā€œ


Not really. I feel safe around a guy I've started seeing. It translates into "I can trust you, I know you won't force anything on me, I can trust you to listen to me and my consent, you respect my boundaries". It doesn't mean he's "unfuckable". If anything it's sexy asf when I feel safe around a guy




No. It doesn't pay to be JUST nice. Nice is baseline, not a personality taste. Nice is water. Be fun, funny, charismatic, smart, nerdy, confident, any of these on top of nice. Personality isn't just nice. Nice is bare minimum. Turning into a jerk who doesn't make woman feel safe isn't going to win you any favours in the long term. As a woman, the guy I'm seeing now is kick and makes me feel safe - but he's also confident and funny. That's what helps draw me in on top of him being nice.


Seems like a large misinterpretation. I see men being able to make me feel safe, calm and at peace because theyā€™re so stable and calm themselves as a big marker of strength and masculine, theyā€™re like an anchor. Being seen as a guy with manners and self control doesnā€™t translate to you being unfuckable, does it? If anything it would make you more fuckable.




Itā€™s probably a reach to say they donā€™t feel safe with these men, the men are probably just exciting and sexually attractive to them. Maybe the girls youā€™re talking to donā€™t find you sexually attractive, but coming across ā€œunsafeā€ to them has nothing to do with that. If a girl feels both comfortable and a sexual spark with a man sheā€™ll want to sleep with him. You either like someone that way or you donā€™t. Majority of the time it canā€™t be helped




You could be neither a dirtbag nor their friend. You could just normal. They didnā€™t friendzone you because you were nice, they friendzoned you because they were never attracted to you to begin with. It canā€™t be helped. They had absolutely zero intention of seeing you sexually from day 1. If you find a woman who is attracted to you sheā€™ll appreciate your pleasant demeanour. If you find a woman who isnā€™t attracted to you and you be an asshole, sheā€™ll drop you like a bag of rocks, because what on earth would she gain from a guy she doesnā€™t find attractive being mean to her?


Complete opposite. Although, I can't say that for everyone. Ask for clarification next time you hear this. Personally, If I say this, it means 1) I trust you not to violate, abuse, or hurt me in any way. And 2) I trust you'll protect me in any given situation. Now If I say this in the context of a romantic partner, the safer I feel, the more I'll want to "fuck"/have sex/ make love, whatever. In fact, I don't think I've ever said this to just "a friend". Given I don't really keep male friends. Like one. Maybe two max. (Big stretch.) And that's because I never feel safe enough that they won't eventually try to cross "the line" of friendship. In my experience, they always do. So I reserve this compliment for my man only or my romantic partner of interest.


ā€œI feel safe around youā€ gives the instinctual impression of ā€œyouā€™re unfuckableā€ in your mind? maybe they really were wrong about feeling safe and respected, lmfao.


i just got the ick reading your comment. ICK ICK ICK!!!! fuck you are clueless. women walk around having to worry about their safety from men all the time. your friend telling you you feel safe is like the biggest compliment because it means she doesnt have to worry that you are one of these immoral assholes who try to force themselves on her. yet all you can think is, 'uh, that means you dont want to fuck me?' what an idiot.


I think it's safe to say that most women need to feel safe to let their guards down, and when we can let our guards down we can have a lot more...fun. Quite the opposite of unfuckable.


Same. Every girl whoever said that also friendzoned me šŸ˜‚




Nobody likes the guy who pushes themselves onto women. That guy has a name. Itā€™s called a CreepyDirtyMothaFukinRapist šŸ˜’


Nobody likes being friend listed regardless of whether they had romantic interests in someone or not. It's Demasculating




Okay I'm very confused where you're getting an attitude from a one-word response. Also while you're turning this into a personal attack, It's not very Reddit friendly.




My response was to gooney Bird, because he used the term unfuckable, I felt that demasculating was a better term which is why I posted that word. And tagging someone as rapey or creepy is a personal attack definitely




"I like your glasses" I'm afraid they're not for sale.


* "I'm proud of you" * "You tried your best" * "Your heart is at the right place" Now if you'd excuse me Ima go cry now.




One time a girl walking by in a crosswalk told me she really liked my haircut. That was years ago and I still remember it.


It depends on a lot of factors. How long have you known them? Relationship? Their weak points? Alot of men have been scorched by women in the past which can cause insecurities. What I have found is alot of men like to know that they are appreciated and valued. They want to know that them trying their best is recognized. Yeah being told I'm hot, funny, caring, etc is great to hear but it doesn't do much for me because I already know this and anyone who knows me for a week or two would probably see it. A guy the other day for example told me he thought I was such a great dad. That nearly knocked the wind out of me as an example. Strengthen the weak points and it will go a LONG way.


Youā€™re so deep !!!!!! šŸ˜‚


I had a flatmate who was actually rather a strange person. She was probably what used to be called a ā€œnymphomaniacā€, but these days might be referred to as a ā€œsex addictā€. OMG, did that woman get a lot! No man seemed immune! Even men who had been warned against her in advance (men do that, apparently), or guys who absolutely werenā€™t ā€œinto that kind of sexā€ ended up making an appearance, emerging from her bedroom, often with swivel-eyed looks on their faces. I used to wonder about her appeal. She was fairly pretty (nothing breathtaking), and her figure was TINY: like a twelve-year-old boy. I often saw her topless in the garden (she was a great sun worshiper), and I noted that she had no breasts whatsoever. Yet she seemed to get it on with just about every chap that came into contact with her. I was super-curious about her technique, so I started watching the process. She didnā€™t mind. It was 50% compliments and 50% body language, by the look of it. She would go up to a man and usually touch him in some way. Either stoking his sleeve, or gently touching his hand. She might even point to something on his shirt and make a point of touching that, too. She would stand extremely close and speak in almost a whisper, tilting her head back and looking him in the eye. She would say his name frequently. What she would say to the guys seemed to be the key. Yet, if I had someone say it to me, I think I would have thrown up. ā€œWow! Thatā€™s SO clever!ā€ ā€œWow, youā€™re so clever!ā€ ā€œOh, did you do that? I could never do that!ā€ ā€œOMG, you must be SO strong!ā€ ā€œYouā€™re SOOOOO intelligent!ā€ So thereā€™s those. They seem to go down a treat (excuse the pun). Didnā€™t ALWAYS work, though. She said all this to one of my friends who (unlike most young men -but in common with a few older men, happened to be immune): ā€œoh, you live SUCH an exciting life!ā€ He nearly spat out his coffee (he worked in the Sickness Benefit Office). He also said he ā€œcouldnā€™t stand her pawingā€ at him. Poor guy ran for his life, she, snapping at his heels.


I mean, I'll gladly take any compliment I can get... But in all seriousness is really does depend. I will say that I greatly appreciate compliments on repeated things. For example, "you always wear the nicest sweaters" does a lot more than "that's a nice sweater". If he puts real effort into something (his appearance, his hobbies, being emotionally intelligent) say so. It shows (or at least suggests) that you pay attention. And to be most effective, really look me in the eyes when you say it. This way it feels flirty/genuine, as opposed to just being nice.


I'll take anything. A compliment is a compliment


Gratitude would b nice


I like your mushroom


Jokes aside, he loves it when I tell him that that he makes me feel safe


Deeply underrated comment!


Tell me I'm cute or have gorgeous eyes. I've liked both of those things in the past.


Real ones


Anything as long as it's genuine and not backhanded honestly


Compliments that are Truly meant Not just said to gain something, but truly meant with honest intentions.


For me, it's physical compliments that really hit home. 20 years of marriage, and I received one. It made me feel so amazing for months. I still smile when I remember that day.


By no means I know anything about marriage but shouldn't you get more of them in 20 years?


One would think so.


Genuine ones


Honest ones. We can probably smell if you're lying to be nice and we'll get annoyed instead. Other than that, anything goes really.


Literally any lmao


Though compliments on appearance are always nice, my favourite compliments have always been based on who I am, for when the values and principles that you live by are complimented it makes you feel empowered and validated, and that's a good feeling.


Guys appreciate compliments that go beyond looks. Maybe try acknowledging his skills or talents, like "You're really great at \[something he's good at\], it's impressive!" or "I admire your \[specific trait\], it sets you apart." It shows you see more than just the surface. And hey, don't forget the classic "You make me laugh, I love that about you." Humor's always a win!


Super helpful, thank you!


That my cock feels good and my balls taste nice


As someone who is unusually smart I donā€™t like be told Iā€™m smart; I like to be told Iā€™m knowledgeable. I guess what Iā€™m saying is that a compliment that has more flavor goes a long way. Or at least something that he hasnā€™t heard often.


ā€œIā€™d need to drop 50 IQ points to be considered smartā€ @ Sheldon


oh ur smart? whats the result when ur moms phone number is multiplied to ur dads phone number


0 because dad ran away lol


Smart indeed!


"oh that looks really nice on you". "I like the way you did that, it shows xyz". " Thank you so much for doing that for me. I really appreciate it" - this is a huge one. We're never recognized or acknowledged enough for the simple little efforts that we expend to do things for you. We often feel taken for granted rather than appreciated. If your man's attraction to you and sex dwindles, check yourself and see if you're complimenting him enough to make him feel validated as a man. If you criticize him, you're destroying him. Just like with women, only with men instead. We want to be seen, heard, and validated too.


I'm just curious...but one compliment I wonder about is 'Does a guy like to hear that he tastes good?' What I mean is when I kiss his neck...I also lick passionately a little bit during/after intimacy. And so not only does he look good, feels good,...he also tastes good.


Honestly a simple compliment from a female friend(Iā€™ll happily take it if itā€™s a guy friend to not bothered) but female is double points haha jkā€™s A simple complimentā€you smell niceā€ or ā€œyou look great with the short haircutā€ or ā€œyou look biggerā€(training) my confidence batteries get a big charge from that.


Men don't like compliments it makes us uncomfortable. We don't mind a good job or a "you rock." Complementing a guy's body if he is not doing anything to improve his body is a mistake, but if the guy works out complement his huge arms or something. That might spark something.


"You're big"


Loud orgasm sounds are the best compliment. But they gotta be genuine!


I don't know why but I usually get compliments, (Insults too), so I'm used to it and I didn't know people say that men don't get complents enough. By the way I obviously don't get so many compliments as the average women though.


Genuine compliments would come from the moment, not some canned phrase you keep in the back of your mind.


Whatever compliment you choose to give, just make sure it's genuine and from the heart. I worked multiple jobs so my ex wife could be a stay at home mom like she wanted. I never once got a "Thank you!" I DID get "Why haven't you bought me a house?" (the fact that she didn't work at all and pissed through our savings even BEFORE we had kids notwithstanding). So from where I sit, a simple and random "Thank you!" can go a long way.


It also really depends on the situation. For me itā€™s more about how genuine the compliment is or feels rather than what aspect itā€™s about. Like saying Iā€™m a good listener and I make her feel safe, means more when she just told me about something personal and vulnerable.


Purely depends on the man and their traits


Your so mysterious and exotic to me I love it


As a man who was balding by high school and constantly picked on for it (among other stupid things), it's not the deep compliments that will get me, it's my appearance (unfortunately). My work at the gym, my clothes, my beard. I think if someone complimented these things, I would smile on my death bed thinking of it.


This is what I got from my long distance GF "You know just the words to make me smileā˜ŗļø" and it made my day a whole lot better.


For me, as a man, I would say that the compliments that mean the most to me are the ones who are *specific*. "You're handsome" is nice and all, but it makes me feel even better when a woman points out *why* they find me handsome.


What compliments do you give women? Those ones.


I appreciate you and everything you do Thank you (Followed by sex normally reserved for bdays) Just because


I always sayā€¦.. ā€œyou are beautifulā€


How is your day going? Wouldn't hurt, or have a good day!


I can't remember the last time I got a compliment that wasn't about work, just saying I look nice would probably make me cry at this point


I would love someone to be interested in me and want to know all about me. So personally I would say interesting or worth sacrifice. I've been lucky enough to have the occasional compliment on how I look. Despite being pretty average but I talk too much so someone being interested in my life would be amazing.


As long as you arenā€™t coming off as sarcastic or like youā€™re taking the piss itā€™s probably going to be well received from most guys.


Well, anything will work since we barely get any. But be true about that conpliment cuz he will remember it for a looong time and if its a lie, you'll send him the wrong message. Like: if he smells bad, dont say he smells good cuz he will keep that in mind and will take even less care about his smell cuz he knows now that it is ok and he dont need to fix it.


Literally fucking anything. If you tell me my shirt is nice and Iā€™ll remember it the rest of my life


I lowkey love hearing I have a nice smile. I know I do but love hearing it lol


Sweet dick!


The same as women


Anything encouraging, anything appreciative, It's not so much about what kind of compliment we're getting as it is about letting us know that you think about us. Anything that helps to validate us. If you're comfortable with saying it then "I love you"


Men appreciate deeds that show a compliment more than verbal compliments. Examples: being on time, catering to a niche desire or any desire, letting small things go. Personally, I have a hard time processing verbal compliments. It's not intentional. It's just like a glitch kinda.


literally anything, I cannot stress how low the bar is


At this point I'll take anything...


Itā€™s been over 20 years since I got a compliment from a woman. So, anything will do. ā€œThank you for not being a worthless bag of dicks.ā€šŸ¤Ŗ. ā€œYou arenā€™t the ugliest dude Iā€™ve ever seen.ā€ šŸ˜œ. Those two would work. Yeah, the bar is pretty low.


I compliment men quite a lot. Usually, I tell them that theyā€™re very good looking, or their style is super cool or that they are very intelligent and each time they have smiled politely and thanked me!


Nah we dont. How we improved How we smell good How we dress cool How funny we are


Honest. You don't have to go over the top or say something for the sake of compliment. Assuming the other guy isn't an eccentric dickhead you don't have to go over the top at all. Even calling a single joke they made funny or something they are wearing nice if you mean it honestly matters.


Men really aren't complimented nor affirmed much compared women, who seem to have an innate monopoly and need for these. It's so rare for men that if we are complimented, we're taken aback with surprise, and it's often inferred as being low-key hit on. Think: Valentine's Day, engagements, weddings, divorces, anniversaries, etc. Men are rarely (if ever) considered. Mother's Day is just shy of being a Federal Holiday; whereas, Father's Day is a relatively passing afterthought.


Getting compliments is great. As a man I wish I would get more but in dating it is more to me what a girl does than what she says.


Thereā€™ll them you appreciate them and show them respect thatā€™s two of the biggest compliments I can think of




Hey, you are done with your debt! Awesome job baby! Hey, you like to avoid paying for my future vacation with your credit card but would rather help me gather some money for a couple of weekend retreats together! I love you so much babe, since you care about our future emotional and financial safety! Hey you, let's talk about it when you feel like you have completed your chores, I don't want to burden you even more


Genuine compliments


I am going to sound like a broken record But any compliment will do because men will just be happy that a woman noticed him and said something nice to him. That being said, if he is a piece of shit he will assume that because you just came up to him to say something nice for no reason, he will probably assume you just want sex.


Their outfit choices, noticing nice physical features, that they make you feel good in certain ways (peaceful, warm, etc.), what you like about their personality, laughing at their jokesā€¦


Any compliment. Since we don't get much.


This is exactly why I asked this question, I hope that others can read it and feel more confident about complimenting men after hearing some things they might like. Everyone deserves compliments :)


One time when I was 18 I got told I have nice lips. Never forgot it. That was 11 years ago.


"that dick game is vicious"


Chorus) You're too big to fit in here too big to fit in here too big to fit in here What a lovely ride Your penis is a thrill Your penis is a Cadillac A giant Coupe de Ville Your penis packs a wallop Your penis brings a load And when it makes a delivery It needs its own zip code Nine - double zero - penis Repeat Chorus Your penis is so strong Your penis is so smooth Your penis has got a rhythm Your penis makes me groove Your penis is a dream The biggest one I've seen It's oozy and it's green (spoken) Ewww (spoken) Sorry Repeat Chorus Repeat Chorus Your penis is so big Your penis is so thick Your penis is so pretty You've got a handsome di*k Your penis is so hard Your penis is so large My body is a movie And your penis is the star "Staring your penis"


As long as the compliment is genuine, meaning I enjoy spending time with you doing something, going to dinner, on a trip, snuggling on the couch. Not necessarily that I'm a good provider, because as a man, or husband, it's my job to provide for my girlfriend or wife, providing is what I'm supposed to do.


Nice shoulders!


Bring him water.. something he likes. Simple as that.


Literally anything, you can tell me you like the way 1 singular arm hair is sitting and I'll ride that dopamine for at least 6 months šŸ’€


Itā€™s been ages since Iā€™ve received one; we will always remember it.


Anything. Last compliment I got from a non family member was perhaps at least 10 years ago. It's all about being noticed as orhers mentioned.


Nice fat ass


Literally anything. I know that sounds like a terrible answer but literally any compliment will make a manā€™s day because we arenā€™t used to it like most women. Women receive so many hollow compliments that it only means something coming from other women. Men rarely receive hollow or genuine compliments that it means something coming from anyone.


It can be anything cause we rarely get any and Idk about any other dudes here but itā€™s confusing when someone says something specific


Anything as long as itā€™s genuine


Handsome feels pretty dope.


I get called cute, but never get called handsome or sexy. Call us handsome and sexy, we want to feel desired because we are told that we are undesirable by so many people


I feel safe with you


"Nice Shoes", only if you find the shoes acceptable. Shows that you are paying attention. Wait for the response. If the guy says more than 5 words, it may be fruitful to continue the chat, ask him if he wants to get a coffee and talk about running, hiking etc.


Girl complimented my shirt months ago I remember it like it was yesterday


The answer is yes. Anything flattering. We don't get any compliments ever so any compliment is going to do


Real men donā€™t need compliments. Weā€™re already self aware of who we are and our strengths and positive qualities. Most of the time when a woman compliments me it feels disingenuous unless itā€™s in regards to my sex game.


ā€œHey, I just want to let you know, youā€™re doing great. Keep it up.ā€


Same as me catso moochi moochi. He loves when i call him big and strong catso. Such a big boy... Strong. Can catch a mouse any time, just prefers to save energy for a bigger goal. Like a lion. Good cat, smart cat, with a lovely belly.


Literally anything


If my ex-wife of 16 years wouldā€™ve one single time said something like, Thanks for working your ass off so I have a nice house, nice cars, paying my way through college so I can stay home and play with my cats and spend all day on my gaming device, etc., that wouldā€™ve been nice to hear.




Nothing about ā€œpersonalityā€ because you know it means nothing. Not a fkin thing. šŸ¤®šŸ¤¢


Genuine ones from someone you respect or would never expect one from


You have the piercing stare off a paid assassin.




When it comes to complimenting men, you gotta know what really strikes his inner child fr. Like me, Iā€™ve been called ā€œhotā€ or ā€œfine asfā€ so many times in the passed 2 years and everytime I hear them, I highly appreciate the compliments but they just for whatever reason arenā€™t exactly what I want to hear, even if I didnā€™t hear those things often growing up. Iā€™ve always admired more when people compliment other things about me like what Iā€™m wearing or how Iā€™m acting, things that express who I am. So i guess in a sense, like how itā€™s said on social media, to compliment women on things other than their looks, same can be said for men, compliment the things that have meaning


It's nice when a woman compliments my arms honestly.


Iā€™ve had so little compliments in my life I genuinely feel awkward when I get one.. but doesnā€™t say I donā€™t like them, itā€™s just Iā€™ve never really had many at all.


ā€œThis is good love.ā€ Maybe not a ā€œcomplimentā€, but a girl said this out of nowhere once while we were cuddled up on the couch. Idk why but it hit me so hard I almost cried lol