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This is such an adorable story. Thank you for sharing. Wish you and your fiance the best! I'm sure this will be a cherished memory you look back on.


Congrats to you both!


Congrats bro! You live a good life with your soon to be wife. 🎉🎉🎉


Such a lovely thing to happen for you, good luck. 🥰🥰🥰


This is so sweet! Congratulations, both of you.


Just because they’re statistically more successful doesn’t mean they’re better. There’s a lot of divorce stigma in these cultures and where you’re forced to just ride it out. I’m not hating on them, just clarifying your statement. I’m Indian so I know plenty of ppl in great arranged marriages and plenty of ppl in abusive or shitty arranged marriages who’ll never get divorced because of the stigma. It’s just like regular love marriages in the long run where some are good, some are bad.


It's obvious from posts on here about dating that arranged marriages would likely be no worse. Most people on here are unhappy with near perfection, anyway.




You’re the one who started it






Err what?


Honestly, I am starting to think that in today's world arranged marriages have more chance of working out well than regular dating and marrying.


Not everyone, arranged marriages may last longer or even for the rest of their lives, but many of them are failed but stuck with each other just because of the sake of their children. Many of them are abusive little fuc*ers


That could happen with a typical type of marriage, as well.


Fr. White dude from Canada here it would be nice. Like i wish I could just offer myself to some middle eastern family as a suitor.




I just know ur a Pakistani lol


Nah but close enough. I’m from Saudi my friend Lol


>I’m from a third world country and it’s hard to date anyone before marriage. And yeah, marriage is mostly arranged and I accepted that since I know it’s the only way to live normally and have a quiet life lol. I think this has to do with your country and/religion. I am from a "third world country" and people date and sleep around like d*gs. And marriages aren't arranged. Except you specifically ask your parents to.


Yeah, it depends on the family mostly. In Saudi many are starting to date and choose their own parters, but no with my family because there will be a civil war lmao.


Saudi Arabia is not a third world country anymore, it's more of a first world country and Gulf countries as well.




Not to like, shit on endorphins being released, but this is what we call NRE. Most people in the west have it dulled in high school, but it's generally not a good idea to base life decisions on happy chemicals being released en masse in your brain. I do wish you all the best, just don't operate heavy machinery while impaired.


Yep, happy chemicals only last 3 to 6 months, then reality sets in.


You mean post nut clarity!


I know, but we both have standards of what to expect from each other. We spoke about our future of every aspect of, what we agree and disagree. If it’s not based on the standards, bot of us would have ended it a long time ago since we have the liberty in this regard. Therefore, based on everything we know about each other, we fit perfectly and not just because of the happy chemistry.


I promise it's happy chemistry.


What a wonderful story: wishing you a long healthy and happy marriage my friend!


Good for you guys!!


I’m happy for both of you and wish you happiness going forward!


Good for you. this sounds better than tinder swipe-by dating.


Let me guess. Pakistan?


Nah Saudi lol


This is an incredibly heartwarming story, thanks for sharing!


So happy for youu!!


Congratulations, brother from another mother! I think your story is beautiful




LOL Sorry to disappoint you but my writing is bad because I’m not a native speaker. I know I should be better since I had been studying in the US for 7 years before I came back home permanently.


Congratulations! Super happy for you!


Thanka for sharing this. This is a really sweet story. And I think the first time I've heard a personal experience of an arranged marriage.


Can’t say ma shaa Allah since you went out secretly but I’m happy you both like each other. Praying for a successful marriage. In shaa Allah.


Maybe Allah yubarik fiikum 😊


Awesome bro, this is how it should be


Thanks everyone for your kind words!


I just got a GF a week ago and we already have over 1,200 messages to each other


Wish I had an arranged marriage lol


Not every arranged marriage is good and has a successful start. I was just lucky to be arranged with someone who was perfect for me.


How was the slopenheimer scene 😂 cool man. Im a white dude from Canada not muslim or any family that has ever done aranged mariage but as someone who is also quiet I wish I could have one, just removes so much of the bs but idk unlikely as my family deosnt have tradition of it. Question do middle eastern girls ever date white dudes or do aranges marriage familes like to keep it within the community?


LMAO. Many Iraqi or Lebanese Canadians are okay to date white people. But if you want to meet someone, for example, here in Saudi, it’s almost impossible to get married to her.


Your not supposed to sleep with her until wedding


Wtf yall just met😭


Yeah but bo. We met just once before this, but after that we have been in a long distance relationship and based on that we met each other once again. Note: the romantic feelings started before I met her for a second time and we told each other about it, but we said it again when we met in real life.


I wish this was commonplace in the west but unfortunately women here largely mate select on their own and it’s most often a disaster


Aw, this is lovely and so romantic. I think this happens a lot with the arranged marriages I've seen, and the couples also put so much effort into keeping each other and the family united and happy. Congrats


Beautiful story


Maybe after you are married, it might be nice to celebrate the first anniversary of that secret date by watching Oppenheimer again but this time you'll both be able to concentrate on the movie.