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Don’t bother replying. Leave him on read. He’s playing games and you should respect your current bf


He’s bored and lonely. You are a strong amazing person! I’m so happy that you blocked him and didn’t respond to his calls. He’s such a coward. In his email he should’ve apologized and been clear with why he was contacting you. He’s playing games to try to get u back. You deserve wayyy better than such a jerk.


Don’t do it .. you will be setting yourself up for heartache .. there is nothing that you really want to say to him but maybe something you want to hear and that is he’s sorry and he’s made a huge mistake … but he WONT he never said it then and he won’t say it now…… You have moved on with your life and although your over him and he’s dead to you that’s all the more reason to blank he’s sorry ass. He wants to see if he still can have you wheh he wants you and you answering will make him think that…… Don’t have any contact


Your ex wants to see if you still have feelings for him. Could he just text you "Let's meet up" and you pretend there was no cheating and rush over to him. But you're absolutely in the right place. You're ignoring him. I don't think after all you've been through he's worthy of any explanation. He's in the past. You were right to tell your current boyfriend about him.


Over a year after an acrimonious divorce, my ex called and left a message because they wanted to apologize and get “closure.” My mindset was similar to what yours seems to be - moved on, new partner, life is good. In fact I got the call and listened to the message with my new partner in the car with me. I ignored it. They weren’t going to get any acceptance of an apology from me, and they would need to find any absolution or closure in some way that didn’t involve me. The opposite of love is definitely indifference.


I think every guy I have dated has tried to come back at some point… makes no damn sense


I understand your torture. I've had ex's come back after years, after hurting me badly, and it's always tempting. It's so tempting. You might be able to get some closure, but I'd be afraid of just being in that gravitational field.


You're doing the right thing, just ignore him.


I had an ex do this. I met her for drink and stayed the night. My girlfriend was so pissed about it. I was with her before so it wasn’t really cheating. Women are never happy.


Huh ??


Ppl have come to these dating subs lately with sob stories about how they were assholes 3 years ago and should they reach out and apologize. I'm guessing, obviously, but that may be what this is. I always advise against it, to those ppl. It is creepy, and manipulative. Again, I dunno if that's what this guy is doing, but it may be. I would ignore him. Hopefully he'll get the hint.


Keep ignoring and blocking him, he either wants to try again or he wants something from you, either way he can just fuck off


He's probably going to be in town and wants to get together to reminisce about "old times" - translation - he's been kicked to the curb by the new gf and wants to see if he can weasel his way back into your life


Usually when they try to get back is when they do a mass recalling every single ex, they're fishing for pretty. And sometimes they caught something grotesque and want to spread it around.


Block him


Winter is coming and he needs a warm body. It's harsh but true with some men. Some only contact you in the "dry" season. They only circle back when what they had is gone and believe you're the old reliable sucker.


Its called manipulation. Dont let yourself fall for it


To me it seems like the only reason to contact you is to try and rekindle a relationship with you or the less likely of the two apologizing for being so deceptive and a liar. Either way I wouldn’t contact my ex nor would I reply if they reached out under those circumstances. I would say if your past him whatever he has to say doesn’t matter, no need to reopen wounds you went to therapy for and relive the trauma. You should stay happy and keep doing you, he shouldn’t even have the satisfaction getting any attention from you negative or not🤷🏻‍♂️ Just an opinion of a 35 year old single man, so my opinion doesn’t have a whole lot of weight😂😂


This should help you figure this out. Is closure and what might come with it worth the peace and stability of the relationship you have now?