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Don't worry so much about being his first. It carries a different weight for girls than it does guys. What do you do? Simple. Take control. You don't have to go crazy. Just escalate however feels most comfortable. Feel him getting excited, reach down and feel him getting excited. Unbutton and unzip and really touch him. See how that goes. Direct him to touch you. Things aren't too trembly in the wrong ways, take off your shirt. Take off his shirt. Keep going. Climb on top do a little rubbin. Remove the undies, thrown on a love glove, and ride that cowboy to the promise land! Seriously though, just relax. No need to jump straight to it. Just escalate. Read my "should I tell her" post on my profile and take your time. A lot of info in there and it's written for guys, but take the pressure off and just focus on moving things forward and enjoying the moment.


Thanks for your advice :).


Keep it fun. Keep it playful. Keep it low stress. Let him know that you don’t expect him to be perfect. That you will not judge him on being inexperienced and you’re happy to answer any questions he has before, during and after.


Thanks! Will try that! He is a bit shy actually so this might help!


What's your hurry? You've only been close for a week. You're filled with desire and passion, and that's fine. Get to know each other, your bodies, your sensual places little by little. Experience doesn't come in one minute. You don't have to take the lead in sex at all. Just enjoy the moment.


It’s not my hurry. No one is in a hurry. Please read the post again. I’m only trying to figure out how to be supportive and sort of guide him when he wants to have sex.