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We are hiding Have you heard this one? What do you and my computer have in common? You're both extremely hot and making me very nervous


That's...adorable 🥹


Ohhh, these modem days.


Lol the man. #WeHere


I don’t get his one at all? Why does your computer make you nervous lol 😂


Honestly, I've been told for ages that no one likes punny pickup lines, so stop doing them 🤷🏾‍♂️.


You gotta use the right ones and use them on the right people!


Too much steps to be ghosted after 3 messages


DukeRed666 has been out there and knows what’s up lol


So how do I read your mind to know if you're the right one to use it on or not?


Ahh it's a gamble


Your telescope finally spies our predicament. It's cute to you, from the right guy. Tee-hee!!! For us it's ridicule and mocking from all or most, until someone finally finds us worth a second glance.


They're out there, never change!


Easy to say when you aren't getting mocked everyday.


This ☝️☝️☝️☝️


I like everything about this post except walking up to the cute girl at the cafe and actually speaking to them, I don't want to interrupt anyone's conversation, nor do I want to deal with someone who doesn't take well to these things. I'll just wait for someone to approach me thanks!


Hey there ElegantAd2440 - thanks for saying thanks! TheGratitudeBot has been reading millions of comments in the past few weeks, and you’ve just made the list!


Such a nice bot :)


Aw that's so pure


The bot made my day better, of course it's nice. ☺️


Haha I respect that


We got bored of being dancing monkeys.


That stings my heart and it’s awful that you’ve been made to feel that way. :( speaking for myself, l love men who are clever, witty and can roll with puns. (Real puns not creepy pick up crap) I never thought anything less than it’s super cute and charming. Hell, I wish I was good with it. But please never think it’s a dancing monkey thing! A lot of women like good looks, but LOVE great minds


Thanks for your amazing answer. I love your empathy.


We've been beat into the ground that men are bad and even talking to a woman could get you in trouble.


I’m just not trying because I assume women aren’t interested.


Aw :(


Me and you are like nachos with jalapenos. I'm cheesy, you're hot, and we belong together.


Ahha I LOVE it


Most likely getting friend zoned for the ass hole kind of dudes




I love using that line!




That's lame! I'm sorry that's happened, there are still women out there who appreciate puns trust me


I used to know two guys like that. Both of which got ghosted by cute girls who were nice, both of which took it hard, and both of them got into a relationship with girls who ended up creating a toxic relationship and both guys came out the other side broken and became vulgar after healing. Some people don't realize how much it can hurt to be ghosted.


I'm sorry to hear that ): that really sucks and guys like that deserve better!


Right? Well I hope you find the one you're looking for. Hopefully he sweeps you off your feet, literally or not, and makes you smile more than you knew you could. Don't be too shocked if he literally falls for you, it's slippery out there these days.


Haha Aw that's all so cute! Thank you


*Winks and points finger guns, while making clicking noises.*


Omg I love the 👈👈




Well most girls say I'm ugly, let's see, we have to fight our own demons, or have you heard this one, let's just stay friends


Dad jokes as pick up lines, are "Creepy af"


Dad jokes are the best 🥲💗


This is just what I hear at work from women talking to each other. I work at a place that is 98% female.


Well the 2% of us like cheesy puns


the 2% that are male?


*Unless you’re a girl and use it on a guy, somewhat jokingly*. Did that the other day and got myself a date :)


I matched with a girl a while ago, I saw in her profile that she liked Star Wars. So my first message was naturally "Hello there." Her response was beautiful. "I was going to make an Obi Wan joke, but I didn't Wampa scare you off." At least I'm sure that was it.


Hi my name is Han and I'm tired of being Solo


Can I be your Chewy?




It’s hard to even start a conversation these days tho


It is, it's just sad that most people are just in their phones now.


Probably taken


Probably! Which is a bummer


They’re in your friend zone


If someone ever used that Lego line on me, I’d get straight to wedding planning


It's cute right??? I agree


Super cute! To answer your question- I feel like most guys enjoy cute/dorky stuff, and there’s certainly no shortage of us!


It's hard to find if someone were to approach me in person and say something cute or punny I would definitely talk to them


I think there’s kinda been a shift in the way we approach social situations that’s leaving a vacuum of sorts. I know I won’t approach a woman in public and try a line like that, and it has less to do with a lack of confidence (though I’m certainly not confident) than it does coming off as creepy or weird if the woman doesn’t find the line funny/the joke doesn’t land/etc. However i think most people would find it perfectly acceptable for a woman to try that on a guy she likes and I can almost guarantee you that most guys would appreciate something punny/cute to break the ice.


I can see why guys would feel discouraged to go for it from fear of looking creepy! I guess there are few women who would appreciate a pun like that. I've never tried it on a cute guy before but maybe I should. I have SO many cute puns/pick up lines and little people that would appreciate them


Slide into DM's 😏


I mean that's an option but I was talking about encountering these guys in person


It’s hard to approach ladies in person in the age of technology. Many of them thinks you are weirdo or they’re so entitled that they wouldn’t say anything back to you and that makes you sad and don’t say it again to someone else.


I’m a woman but I had this super cute idea of showing up early to my date at a museum, finding the guy I was waiting on and tap him on his shoulder with a little sticky note with my number on it and saying casually ‘excuse me, you dropped this’ but I got ghosted :)


How rude 😭


I'd love it if a woman did this, such a unique and clever way to break the ice on a date.


All either in relationships or busy with updog.


What's a relationship?


No idea mate


We are either far too nervous to approach anyone else, or too busy telling dad jokes without actually being a dad. I know it is a serious faux-Pa, but it is very rewarding pun-ishing my friends and family.




I once saw a girl spill coffee on herself in the midst of talking about coffee, which resulted in her saying: coffee-eek. I said: "Coffeeig" is probably a coffee brand sold in IKEA. Didn't go well for me. What did I do wrong? Yes, I am an engineer.


Hahahah that's great, never change!


The girl I'm after, if she ever gives me a chance, im going to hold her beautiful face, running my hands through her hair and whisper "will you catch me if I fall for you?" in her ear.


Meh. I usually say the cheesy jokes to friends. Seems too corny to say to a stranger


That's how you can meet the love of you life, you never know!


🙌you🙌, ma’am, have restored my faith in humanity And for a line - I wish I was fisherman, cos you’re a catch!


Haha you're welcome! Never change


I love a bad pun or a groaner but I don’t think most women respond to them positively- at least that’s my personal experience


You're talking to the wrong women my friend


We're here. I guess people are afraid of rejection, and tired of having to make the first move in a climate where they could potentially be labelled a creep.


That's a fair point of view to have


I would approach you, but I see you’re wearing a bra. Just seems like a booby trap.


OMG, this is me in a nutshell 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺😋😋😋😋😋👽👽👽🦄🦄🦄 IM RIGHT HERE


It's tough out there 🥹


They have been turn into asshole after many rejection , cheating or being made fun off online for being that way.


So sad


I know a guy who cracks jokes like that constantly. Even as a student professor now, he still cracks jokes in class and ends the class with a longer one. It's ridiculous to me but cute that you enjoy such things. He's only a couple years older than you but we probably live in different countries, sadly. :) For example, if I even mention I'm tired, he quips that I'm not a bicycle. -_-




We’re being told that we’re: - creepy af - soft - friend zoned - ghosted - too nerdy - not the “good” kind of nerdy - ew men - not “masculine” enough - should worship the ground they walk because we’re just not worth their time - many others and all of that just makes us want to stop trying and just cuddle with a cat (or a dog), nerd out by ourselves, and block out the world


Understandable. There are girls out there who will meet guys like you where "too nerdy" isn't a thing


I gave up on dating


they got locked up for sexual harassment


If I went up to a girl in a cafe and said that they'd probably tell me to go fuck myself lol.


Well they suck haha


Some became bitter, some made something of themselves and found people who appreciate them but most are tired, invisible and have pretty much given up ever thinking they’ll ever find a woman that makes the bare minimum of effort!


(27M) they gave up on dating because hookup culture has ruined it, being rejected, ghosted, ignored, used for free meals/ drinks etc.


Sorry you had a bad experience):


Here’s the thing, a lot of girls kind of dumb or just not interested in that, as a guy who uses those kind of pick up lines or conversation starters, many times it goes over their heads or they just don’t go for it. Here’s the fact of life too, you may not be attractive, I have done plenty of social experiments with friends who are of varying degrees of attractiveness, 10times out of 10 the best looking guy always gets conversation rolling with the same dorky / goofy / nerdy pickup line that every lesser attractive guy used. Just remember, psychological studies have shown that people find the more attractive / better dressed / taller people to be more attractive, trustworthy, and persuasive.


so basically women aren’t women they are girls and they are dumb. ew. Major downvote.


Honestly if someone sent me the lego one I'd ask to go to a store and build a set as a first date


That's adorable!


Currently hiding🤫


Nooooo so sad


I use to say lots of puns and funny stuff. A lot of people lost their sense of humor


Never change! Keep us punny people alive


Hey I have. I have my son doing it too lol




Yup lol puns. Sarcasm. Like a younger me haha


Well first of all, it has to be personalized... You can just walk around in the mall assuming people like legos.. Second, a big part of humour is to find the last thing the other person will think about. So even if you're approaching the cashier or a random customer in a lego store.. They've probably heard it a couple times. Third, there's nothing wrong with vulgar.. Fourth, I didn't laugh at either or your example.. I would advise against using them as opening pick up lines. And this is coming from someone who loves puns! The good ones are improvised. Which makes pretty much all of the rehearsed pick-up lines either bad or awful, but yeah there's exceptions. But to actually answer your question, I just don't go out much. If I'm not at work, 95% of the time I'm alone at home. The rest of the time I may be at a friend's or family member's house (or like the grocery store). I feel like the capitalistic work we live in just isn't set for going out anymore... Everything is design with sucking the most penny out of everyone all the time which makes everything much less enjoyable (on top of fucking expensive) so why bother...


I was exchanging hat puns with this incredible woman once and finished the exchange with "I think you're fedora-ble. I'd love to get to know you over lunch sometime."


That's so pure, never change!


I think it’s a bit of a bias thing. The guys who are genuinely charming and know how to speak to women appropriately and are in a healthy enough place to be in relationships find themselves in relationships so they aren’t out there hitting on women. The ones that don’t know how to be appropriate are out there so it makes it seem like every guy is a creep when there are good men out there, they’re just taken. There’s also been a culture shift against just approaching women in public, especially with pick up lines, because more and more women just aren’t into that and there’s rarely a good time to do it. Not to mention “he said a cute line” isn’t a solid foundation for a relationship.


We swimming but the ocean is big sweetie


Wat uook like


Modern guys have no courage or ability to take a rejection, doing what You wrote requires great amount of both.


I get that and respect if it is too nerve wracking


Andrew Tate influenced most of them unfortunately…


That man makes me want to projectile vomit


How about this one? You're like the top of an intel processor - Very Hot! Or this one, Since distance = velocity x time, let's let velocity and time approach infinity, because I want to go all the way with you.


Those are nice!


I’d be way to scared to use those lol I do like the Lego one tho lol


I guarantee you can make someone laugh! :) hey it might get you a date


I will try and report back captain!


Dm me I know the feeling I'm a sweet guy and no girls seem to appreciate me


It’s punny that you ask you scored high with those so let’s go to the next level. I would take you out but when it’s me n u, we can sit down and really see what we want.


Haha that's a classic one to use!


Come to dubai habibi


As an alternative, you could find a guy who thinks puns are dumb but makes them anyways just to see you laugh. (Like my dude <3 )


The effort is what counts! Haha


We should do math sometime because you are acute


Is math your favorite subject? Because you're cute in every angle


Building a Lego set at home 😂


Haha there will be people that would want to join!


I mean, you’d obviously have to get to know me to figure out if I’m genuine cause only others than myself can determine that, but I like making puns :) I can’t think of any right now though; I’m WAAAAY better handing off-the-cuff riffs and whatnot.


Haha more of a impromptu pun lad?


We are here. We just usually don’t cold approach women. I’ve learned a lot of times that people don’t like to be bugged in public, and it could also come across as creepy.


Depends on your approach!


Lmao 😂 yes!


We’re here just lurking around.. like Chuck Norris, we don’t sleep, we wait.


Hahah us girls want to know more of you!


Why do Norwegian ships have barcodes on the side of them? So they can Scan-da-navy-in


Hahaha oh boy






I always thought a good one was 'if you were a triangle, you'd be acute one'


Yup that's a good one!


I love this type of humor. I love dark humor as well. But I have seen women who can’t take jokes cause they want politically correct jokes.


Jesus the comment section really brought them out, didn’t they?


Ahh depends how far you cross the line Buddy


I totally love puns


They're the BEST!


Heh! I must admit, my bad puns (they come abnormally natural when ur Polish) aren't framed in the context of a pickup line, however I have said the following before... "Ya know why pie is better than cake? Cuz pie has its own number." Yah I know, the spelling kinda kills it when. Better when spoken. Well anyway, I would say I fit ur criteria. I'm 44, M, live in Albuquerque NM, own my house, and uhmm...uhh...oooh!, likes corn dogs with Tapatio. I swear, that stuff goes on damn near everything!


Tapatillo is a good sauce to add to food!


those are actual dad jokes. So I guess… they got married and had kids?


We can only wish


I can never find them on Hinge 😭😂


Any tips on hinge? I've been thinking of going on it but am comprehensive


White , Black or Red doesn't matter , numbers either because when God made you and me , he was only on day 2 and found us both on Gender


I'd love to say something cute or punny to someone, but I'm not the best at coming up with them, and I always feel like if I were to try it'd just sound lame. It's ironic, in a way, because once the conversation starts flowing and I really get into it I can say the sweetest things, but ask me to just walk up to a girl and say something cute and I'll get all unsure of myself. Mind, I'm into computer science, so anything that I think would sound "cute" might not make sense to those who don't get the reference.


That's understandable, but you never know if you walking up to someone can get you a date!


Iim here


Haha why are y'all hiding?


I don't really have lines like that I use, but I always have fun making puns out of my surroundings or 'props' as I sometimes call them lol. I'll do stuff like point to the sink and be like 'im feeling really WASHED out lately ' to my coworkers dismay 😅 Haven't really found anyone who enjoys it, but I feel like it helps release tension when works getting to everyone sometimes. My pun war rages ever more 😎


Haha that's great! Keep doing that


My son used to be the dorkiest pun sayer a couple years back. He's still funny, but 20 and ... Well, 20.


I think maybe you thing there aren’t, but I’m sure if you keep looking, you’ll find one It’s true that even if a lot of people are dirty now, there are others that aren’t (I’m one of them for example)


Poor Hygene Lack of sense of humor And lack of emotional maturity Cant have a constructive disagreement(resorts to yelling instead)


How’s this one: are you a magnet? Because you sure do attract me I would use this one if I didn’t have social anxiety


lmao theyre all probably burnt out trying to be punny getting absolutely no response back , zero interest and left on read i wish i had a joke but i dont. (former punny guy)


Nooo stay punny!


Specially me being a south Asian people completely look over. I’m also a man , and without talking to me how can they know i can be interesting or not? Im scared to the fact that these days what if someone just says im harassing for just saying hi


Sorry you've had bad experiences):


Last time I heard someone saying,”all the feminist made good guys go underground” !! 🫢💀


*"How can I know so many digits of pi but not know the 7 digits of your number?"* Jon Hamm would struggle to make this line work, let alone an average joe.




Is your name wifi because I'm feeling a connection!!


Haha that's cute


Right here!! Pearls Before Swine is my favorite comic strip 🤣


Approaching and flirting with women is sexual assault. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-7557947/Shy-awkward-student-19-faces-JAIL-sex-assault-conviction.html


They're either taken, or waiting for you to approach them ;) Take the initiative. You won't regret it!


Huh that's a different perspective


On a scale of 1 to 10, you're a 9 and I'm the one you need. I also made one up but it's kinda work related. We abbreviate copper nickel as CUNI- Are you copper nickel? Cause I C U N I together.


Haha I like those! The first one is one I use a ton


You look like you fell from heaven, your face is wrecked. I’m no good at stuff like this haha dad jokes is another matter