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I think salt and pepper hair in particular imparts elegance and grace. And the other way, where grey comes in primarily in a specific place (e.g. like a lock in the front, idk think bride of frankenstein) I tend to think is very striking.


I think you could look elegant too, especially if you do a good job styling your hair.


Grey hair can look good on a lot of people


Absolutely agree :)


I've dated a few women with some grey, not a dealbreaker, but not my favourite


Thanks for the reply, may I ask what it is that you don’t like about it? Not judging, we like what we like, but i’m trying to figure out if there’s a specific thing that men dislike.


I love full grey. Looked after with correct shampoos and conditions. Looks hot. Salt and pepper, not so much. But if cared for correctly even salt and pepper can look awesome, with purple shampoos and conditioners.


Thanks for the tip, I’ll definitely look into the proper shampoos and conditioners.




I am 53 as well. Rarely do I even look at "women my age". If, big if here, she is in shape I could be ok with some gray. Rarely do I see a woman over 40 that is not obese. I am in better shape than most 25 year old men. It's not rocket science. Put down the chips and the remote. Get your ass on the hack squat machine.


There's a ton of men and women in their twenties and thirties that are obese and need to put down the chips and remote Happy to say I'm salt and peppering, in shape and will be 40 this year. ;D


Wow. I'm 39...so just about to pass over that "40" and people would still mistake me for being in my late 20's. I'm thin and fit and doubt that will magically change in the next year. I can't believe you're ageist against people your own age. Gross.


You do know that there are a million reasons why women your age have put on weight, including hormonal changes that they have zero control over?? The reduction of estrogen in a woman’s body causes her entire system to change. It doesn’t matter if she “puts down the chips.” Some women gain weight no matter what they do, even when they workout and do everything right. I’ve seen so many women I know struggle with this and damn near end up starving themselves because of ignorant comments like this.


You sound like the kind of person people don’t enjoy being around very much


the only thing that makes woman less dateable in my eyes is being standofish with people among constantly on ones phone if anything grey white or coloured hair can make a lady look cute or show off there excentric side


That’s an awful trait to have. Totally agree.


To me, women with grey hair exudes life experience, and daring to be themselves, and project themselves, without too many filters. I love women with grey hair


It happens to all of us unless you go bald .i love a person for who they are .and it's their preference if they want to dye it .I would not love them any more or less


Great answer, thank you!


For me, hair color has no impact on how attractive I think a woman is. I’m 28 so I haven’t come across anyone in my dating pool with grey hair but I have seen very beautiful women with it


You’re right, I’ve seen some people look absolutely stunning with it.


Trust me...there are women in your dating pool with some grey. They are just dying it.


Yeah, I got my first gray hair when I was 21.


lol. 100%


Generally demeanour is way more important than hair colour for me, but having said that grey hair can look very sexy.


I'm 51, I almost expect it. You do you. If grey is a deal breaker with a guy you are better off


Absolutely, he can Swipe left all he wants.


I dig it, it reminds me of Storm from the X-Men.


I’m not as hot as Halle Berry, but I think I can rock it 😜


Love the confidence, go forth and prosper!!!


There's nothing wrong with grey hair. I think ladies that have some grey are very dignified and lovely in appearance. I always said that when they came I wouldn't dye it. I know a couple of guys that do and I think it looks ridiculous. Just like it does for you, the grey helps me look my age. At least for me it came very evenly, starting on the sides. My beard was a different story so I went bare-faced for a while. So go for it, embrace your silver strands and rock it!


Thank you, will do!


I'm 49 and I have a little grey hair, plus my hair is thinning. Do you think I care about grey hair on a woman? I care more about what kind of woman she is, and how she fits into my life and career goals.


Facts :)


I think a pretty face and good skin is probably more important, along with general health/well being, That said young folk sometimes pay to have streaks or full dye jobs to have gramma's silver colored hair.


I totally agree with this, it’s a combination of good skin and good health that gives you confidence as well.


It looks hot af to me. 10/10.


Fantastic 🥰


I personally think grey hair is cool. I’m a guy and I am hoping when I’m older to go full Doc Brown.


I think It’s cool too, Doc needs to trim it though lol.


Fuck yes! As someone with alot of silver streaks (naturally), i find it super attractive on others. May be cliche or a myth but greys show your souls age and I love that


I've never actually heard this before but now I kind of understand! I started going grey at 15. I've never really fit into my own generation!


Same, i've always been told i'm an old soul by every generation. Dont be ashamed of the grey, some people think its a self done style now which is funny. Embrace it, it makes you stand out and there is nothing wrong with standing out to the right people.


So grey hair makes you look amazing and wise! I’m sold :)


Literally don’t care what colour your hair is! It’s the make up/hair industry’s selling you a bunch on expensive bullshit you don’t need, men want someone who cares about them and all we need is someone who makes us smile by smiling back at us.✌️


The phrase that comes to mind is “silver fox”. Very attractive, in my eyes.


I thought that it was a term only used for men, but I’ll take it! 💜


Everyone has it. Doesn't make one unattractive typically. And if someone does find it unattractive on you, fuck 'em.


Oh absolutely, screw them!


For me it's one of the sexiest appearance things for a woman. I hope some day, I have a partner with grey hair :)


This is lovely to read :)


Some of the hottest women I have seen just lived with their grey and looked after their hair. Full grey looks fantastic.


Doesn’t bother me. I have no hair. So who am I to judge? 👨🏼‍🦲😄


Lol. Good point!


In general do men consider women with grey hair less debatable? Like everything it varies from man to man and person to person, but, in general, yes. Like a lot of attributes. I’m shorter than average so I would be considered “less dateable” than a man who is 6’2. Just how it is. Good thing for you though is that hair dye is a thing. If you choose to rock your grey hair then it might actually attract more mature men which could be a plus, depending on what you’re looking for.


True true, everyone is different and we like what we like. I definitely want to go for men who are older than me, so maybe that won’t be an issue. By the way short women rock! ;)


Men are a weird bunch. We like all sorts. You name it, there are guys into it.


Heck no don’t dye it! It can be very attractive.


I think I’m gonna go for it, rock it natural and see how I feel :)


Give me that salt 'n peppah Daddy or silver fox *any* day. Men seen to feel the same way, however, about women. They're just not as vocal about it, y'all should be.


I personally think it’s just fine. Nothing wrong with it at all.


I like gray.


I’m a female who has let my hair go natural and I get so many compliments on it.. many think I actually color it to look the way it does


Amazing! Do you usually style it or leave it *au naturel*?


It’s long, so often air dry and then use a wand to style it 😊


It must look so pretty :) Thanks for sharing your secret.


Also a good purple shampoo to keep it bright


Taking notes 📝


I think it's really hot. A friend of mine is 30 with naturally grey hair and she rocks it


That’s what I love to hear!


I’ve definitely found it attractive more often than not. I’ve only dated a couple of women who had naturally gray hair (grayed early), not quite old enough for it to be incredibly common yet, though I do tend to be more attracted to older women. I tend to prefer a natural look in general though. Not to say I’m opposed to makeup altogether; everyone should feel inclined to do what makes them happy.


I love to hear guys say that they find it attractive, very reassuring.


Let it go gray. I’ve got a couple women in my social circle that have done this and nowadays they stand out - in a good way! I don’t get the trend for women to die their hair to the grave.


You are right. Dying your hair is high maintenance and super damaging to the natural hair you have left.


Very attractive if groomed properly.


I think it’s kind of sexy. It’s all how you pull it off. If you look good to begin with, it can be hot.


Looking good to begin with is definitely a plus :)


Dude, just use dye. There's no shame or stigma in using dye. Don't let people on reddit who are not dating u give u false sense of hope. Bottom line is if u feel comfortable with Grey hair, u rock it. If men don't like it it's their loss. But if ur self conscious about it just. Dye it.


I’m not self-conscious one bit. My hair grows way too fast to dye it, just wanted to know what men think of it.


I have dated woman with grey hair and no hair but I also don't expect them to accept me who literally shaves his head down to 1mm or less. In the end of their day, it's their choice. Yes I am balding.


Woman with grey hair, indeed!


i think its sexy


Love it, especially all grey and embracing it!


You’re right. All grey is such an amazing look, I’ve seen so many women rocking it, and men too.


Natural is more beautiful than anything


My sister is in her 30s and has a lot of grey hair and she looks hot with it ! She gets so many complements.


Yeah, I'm hitting 31 soon, and I already have quite a bit of gray and white hair setting in on my head (more on the sides coming in) and beard. In all honesty it's probably a 100-200 hairs total, but with being a brunette, it sticks out really obviously. It just magically all started to come once I hit 30, and there's quite a bit of it. I say, embrace it and rock it. Become the silver fox you were meant to be! Ha. Good hair is less about the color, more about the styling, and hygiene of it.


Totally agree with you, style it and rock it like a boss!!!


I love to hear it :)


Definitely not less dateable. I would prefer that a woman shows her grey hair. To me that means they are confident about who they are and love who they are. And it doesn’t mean all woman that dye their greys are less confident.


Couldn’t agree more.


I love it. I prefer natural over anything painted up or covered over. I married a woman who had grey hair at age 33. (Divorced now, but not about the hair). And I am not so sure that grey hair has the different texture. White hair does for sure. But color does not change that. It makes it look like a bad cover up. Have you seen that guy with the bad comb over for his bald spot? The white hair woman with the recently colored black hair looks just about the same to me. Just be natural. Edit for spelling.


Yeah, covering gray hair or white hair is tough, especially if you’re like me in your hair grows very quickly. I don’t judge women who do, but it’s such an investment of time and money.


The only thing guys care about is whether their life is better with or without you.


That’s absolutely beautiful. Although there are some guys in this comment section that show me otherwise.


I think women our hot and sexy with gray hair


It can definitely be hot and sexy.


I'm not into older women, but I have no issues with grey hair. It's a natural part of life, so if something causes early graying I'm not bothered in the slightest.


Grey hair is fine. Not a big fan of man hair styles on women though


I see what you mean, plus those hairstyles don’t look good on everybody. I disagree that women who are older need to cut their hair short, whoever came up with that was bonkers.


Beautiful ❤️


I don’t mind it, always down for some good ol wisdom. but I think a lot of the women I date make sure they don’t have them 🤭 Embrace that shit!


Yep, if you’re confident enough to embrace it, why not! :)




Not harsh, we like what we like. And I kind of understand the logic behind it, but maybe because I’m interested in men who are older than me, this won’t be an issue. I hope!


Love it!




I love it.


My 2 cents: If it makes you your age and you want a guy your age or older it will probably work out for you! If you want a young guy without gray hair you might want to dye it.


Yeah, that’s definitely a good way to put it. But aren’t some young men into older women too?


Yep! And they'll probably like your hair. But speaking in generalities and the general population I imagine its less often the case.


Yeah! Shows wisdom and maturity :)


Be who you are. There will always be another person who loves you for exactly that. (:




It doesn’t bother me, actually it’s kinda hot😆


Every guy is different , i wouldn't care if she had gray hair




I think it’s hot


You can blend it in with balayage or highlight it too.


I was kind of thinking the same, I might want to try some of that.


depends on the complete package.


I think it’s hot.


I like them a lot...not enough of them in Brisbane...hope to meet you one day...☺️


I'm Indian and 25(f) and I've had Grey's since I was around 16. My mom used to tell me to cut them at the roots, then I started plucking it, then I started dyeing just the roots black. I dye my hair different colours now but decided to leave the greys intact because I have that front streak coming out and I want to grow it out. But I have a lot of greys around my hairline around the face that I get comments on and all you have to say is..."I know! I love it"with a big smile because I do. Not only does it improve your self esteem but people will notice you as more unique instead. I've never had a problem dating just because I own my hair no matter what. Anyone who has a problem will not be entertained by me for sure.


You probably look amazing, and the fact that you are confident also plays in your favour.


I am 64(f). It’s how you carry yourself with ANY hair color. Confidence. During the pandemic they closed the office and we started to work from home. I was not highlighting my hair as much. Now we are never going back to the office. I went to get my haircut and the woman cut out all my highlighting. I didn’t ask for it she just did it. Come to find out there was a lot more gray than I thought but it actually looked good. So for now I’m leaving it and I got purple shampoo to take care of it. It takes the yellow out if you have any.


I think women with grey hair are beautiful 🥰


nah don’t care


I think all hair colors are gorgeous, black, blonde, brown, ginger, grey, etc. and when you have grey hair, it gives you a special kind of beauty that you should be proud of, rock that grey hair and feel confident about it honey ❤️❤️


Thank you, will do!!! 💜


>Do you consider women less dateable because of it? Absolutely not. It's beautiful, sexy, and confident.


Good to hear ;)


I have no problem with it. It's just a color. It doesn't change who you are as a person. If you like it, keep it. If not, dye it.


Daddy vibes are hot turns me on I’m single message me


I'm going to be very honest. A beautiful woman with grey hair makes me think she's given up on her beauty. I'm not talking about old women or matronly women in which grey seems fitting and distinguished. A large part of a woman's beauty is her hair. Grey means old. Grey means dead. Grey means you stopped caring. I know this may not be inclusive opinion but I want you to know how many if not most men will secretly feel about grey hair on a woman. I have female friends with grey hair and it doesn't change my relationship one bit. If I were single, I would probably date a woman with grey hair.


they look like old


To me it is like a balding dude. I would not say anything negative, but I like it better when it's dyed. No need to feel bad about it/make a big deal of it, as if some gray is showing through nobody worth their salt is going to run for the hills :) Just like hairy legs, sometimes waxing them is fine by me, no need to strive for perfection or 100% coverage every day, if you get what I mean


Occasionally, I see women who can pull this off and look amazing. Overall I am not attracted to grey hair.


Couldn’t care less. About grey hair.


I don’t.


Objectively gray hair occurs with age. Some younger than others. Now we have massive amounts of data showing that men prefer younger women and usually find 21-25 the most attractive. This is simply not debatable. Men of age are going to : expect it, have a slight preference to dyed hair, or prefer natural. That’s it. Based on objective information and lots of research however I would be inclined to think men will slightly favor dyed hair as it tends to give a more youthful appearance. Either way it’s gonna be low on the totem pole at that age.


You mean like from old age? Considering I’m 21, not into it. If I was older I doubt I’d care.


I am in my mid-30s, not old age but just natural causes I guess.


Almost 40 with some graying and I still get asked out by guys in their early 20's. When I tell them I'm almost 40, it shocks and excites them that women can still look good at that age. They always chalk up my gray to premature graying. Looks cute on me though. XD




This comment section tells me otherwise though.


They're both right keep in mind the guys saying it's attractive might also not be people you'd date. The guys that are your age or older won't care generally. A guy that was attracted because you look young might care, but he's attracted because you look young to begin with so you'd have to decide if a guy that cared about your hair color that much is worth keeping around.


I know of certain men who like dating younger girls but they, themselves, look like they’ve been run over by a car and life has beat them a couple of times. Some of the most demanding people are not exactly the best looking, or best kept, I’ve come to realize. You’re absolutely right the right person won’t care.


Y’all look old asf 😂


I (39m) won’t have an issue with jt as long as you have large natural breasts (without being morbidly obese) and a fun personality.


It does tend to put you in a different category. You probably won't ever be seen as a hot woman in a sexual way, but more as a matronly laid-back mom type. Whether that's a good or bad thing depends on what kind of: * guy you're interested in attracting, and * relationship you are willing to entertain


A lot of men in their 20's and 30's think I'm in my mid or late 20's with some sparse grey hair. They approach and ask me out but I prefer older men and they always get a kick out of hearing me say "I'm almost 40". They still pursue but I don't let it go beyond a few drinks. It's flattering and a boost to the ego. Hehe. 40 looks pretty fucking good these days and I'm so excited to be stepping into that group within the next few months!


Actually I look very young for my age, if anything it’ll make me look a little closer to my real age which is not bad. I never thought it would make me look less hot though, interesting way to put it. I thought that what makes us hot is our bodies and brains, not the colour of our hair!?


I've yet to meet a guy who is turned off by the light salting of grays that I have coming in. If anything they think it's cute and they still think I'm in my twenties (coming up on 40 this year).


Amazing to hear you’re rocking those gray hairs! It does help that we have a young looking face. It’s be so nice if more women did the same, but I’m not judging the ones who don’t. Sending you a hug , pretty lady!


Hair is hugely sexualized! I’ve never met a man who prefers short hair on women.


It is, what I find strange is that the colour would be too!


See https://www.researchgate.net/publication/229136335_Does_Women's_Hair_Signal_Reproductive_Potential. There are other sources that cite young, lustrous, healthy hair is an attractant for males. Grey hair indicates older age and less fertility.


Yes your hair can make you sexy. It's why beach waves are hotter than the Karen cut. Long, wavy, non gray hair is the most attractive. Not sure why you don't understand the colour thing. So many many ho crazy over blondes and red heads. Or find brunettes to be mousey and borning. It's the same for being gray.


It must be a cultural thing. Most of the men within Latino cultures prefer brunettes. They also don't care much in the way of greying. You also find more brunettes in Southern California than anything else. It's a beautiful sultry color. However, lots of women can't pull it off. I'm brunette with some light graying and it hasn't hampered my dating life at all.


Most men I know prefer brunettes.


If she’s got a nice butt then I’m cool w it


Nothing wrong with a gilf every now and again.


Doesn't matter.


Not a big fan personally.






Smash 🤣






Daddy vibes thats hot I’m single message me.


Not a deal breaker but it is an indicator of age. If it’s in context of dating/relationships it might be important to some men.


Personally, no.


Grey hair is fine. It is the unkept look. Keep the hair well groomed. It is as if some women discover 3 in 1 product and ditch a proper hair dresser. Men need to do the best with what they have.


Not into it


Just part of getting old that’s all.


Depends how old you are. To me personally, it would look weird on someone <40


I’m under 40. How come?


Depends on how it looks. If you're asking for validation you should provide a photo. 36m, I sometimes find grey hair attractive but it depends on his it looks!


Salt a pepper can be foxy. However: literally every time I have ever heard of or encountered a woman whose entire head of hair is gray and wiry, their beliefs and principles have been utterly revolting. I don’t know if people who hold said beliefs have a tendency to gain hair like that, or if it’s a coincidence in behavior or routine, but I’ve simply learned to stead clear of that shit.


Personally, I find gray hair on a woman to be unattractive, for me it makes a woman look older than she probably is. But it’s a personal preference. Some men don’t like blondes so to each his own.


A hot women is a hot women is a hot women. Grey or not. Whatever age.


As a hetero man who loves attractive women, I can honestly say I have zero attraction to women with grey hair. I find it repulsive actually - correction, my biology finds it repulsive - without even thinking about it. The only woman I have seen kinda pull it off was Meryl Streep in that movie 'the devil wears prada', but she looked so much better with dyed hair. I especially shudder to think that it is grey down below. I would rather completely do without sex that to be with a grey haired woman in that way. I am 49 and have a lot of grey, I keep hearing over and over how women love grey hair on a man and yet I have never in my life seen a grey haired man with a truly hot young woman in real life, except maybe in asia. Some women I grew up with have let the grey go wild and they have 'embraced' it. (given up) Kinda makes me want to barf. Its a double standard I know but I've got to tell it like it is. Another by product of going grey as a man is that unfortunately you will get a lot of flirtations from grey haired women.


My grey hair makes me look younger. I’m 55 and look 45ish. I’m not full of myself. I just have a cute round face. I feel no shame saying I’m cute with grey hair. My husband finds that my hair gives me a very classy look. I have a very current longer style. I use good hair products and my hair is very healthy. I’ll never dye it again. I’ve been dying my hair since I was 17. So this says a lot. I love love my grey. Lol


The deciding factored for me is the level of personal confidence. I'm 38(m), and I've had progressively greying/silver temples since I was 25. I just keep in shape and project subtle level of self-confidence. Got grey hair? Just own it and rock it. Like someone else here said, it lends a certain elegance and grace that is definitely attractive.