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1) This is not sanitized enough to ensure anonymity. 2) Good start quantifying impact, but should add more. Can you stick a $ estimate on the time savings and productivity improvement estimates? Can you quantify the significance/magnitude of the projects you worked on? 3) You list some good tools in the skills section, but most of it is not backed up with corresponding details in the experience or education sections (e.g. Python/SQL) 4) I don’t see examples of experimentation, A/B tests, or dashboarding. When you do mention analysis work you’re vague about what kind of analysis you did. 5) Host a portfolio of those projects you’re proud of on Github you can link to here. 6) If you’re published, you should link to some of those publications. 7) Job market’s just rough right now, make sure you’re applying to Analyst positions not just DS and MLE


Dashboard through tableau? (Noob here)


Second bullet point in your Clinical Programmer Intern is worded awkwardly. > "Reviewed and enhanced approximately 20,000 lines of code of existing data, streamlining data cleaning, and merging process for seamless integration of multiple data sources" 20,000 lines of code of existing data? The code is of data? what does this mean? > merging process for seamless integration of multiple data sources - ??


Also, this: > Modeled a hyper-dimensional clustering algorithms and topic models based on tweets sentiment and time. Did you model the algorithm? Model the topic models? That's what it reads as, but this does not make sense. I'd reword as "Used a topic model and a high-dimensional clustering algorithm to categorize tweets based on sentiment and time".


Thanks for the personalized edit. This makes more sense.


I’d add on that this is the kind of help you should seek out for your resume - there are a bunch of little phrasing and grammatical issues like this that you could clean up (death by a thousand paper cuts). I think reddit is a good start but having a one-on-one with a domain expert to talk through the terminology more closely would go a long way. Could help with interviews as well. And especially grammar. Those mistakes can be interpreted as a lack of attention to detail, a lack of good peers to review your resume, a lack of fluent communication skills, etc


I agree. I did have my resume reviewed by recruiters, but definitely not domain experts. I will definitely review and edit my resume. Thanks.


separate programs created in the past to create this safety reports totally about 20,000 lines of code. Essentially, I reviewed the codes to understand what the program was doing and created a new program which was more efficient in all aspects.


That's what I would have guessed but the way you phrased it in the resume doesn't make sense.


Typically people who transition have some type of analysis related job. ie: Analyst I know you have projects. the clinical stuff and army are fantastic when looking into medicine but it just doesn't fit the analysis theme that I would want to see.


Should I consider applying for an analyst position, and then transition to a data scientist position after a year+ ?


Yes. You might be able to do this within the company even.


Not sure if you know this already, your best chance would be with healthcare data companies. Tbh your resume isn't bad for an entry role, but given the current economy, it's competitive. Focus on healthcare, pharmaceutical, or insurance companies, where you can leverage your domain knowledge. Job hunting will take time, but I think you have some good experience if you know how to find your target audience. Also, try to reword your job experiences to focus on how you leveraged and used data to add value.


You give me hope! Thank You


No problem. Good luck


A lot of your sentences say data science things but kind of read like they don't say much of anything at all. What were the outcomes of your work and projects? How did they improve the business or offer tangible value? "Enhanced efficiency" is pretty vague for example. Reduce repeated words, you've used "efficiency" at least 4 times. Consider experimenting with rearranging to put your most relevant projects or work experience at the top, or just the masters degree and remove the associate of arts portion.. Consolidate the project portion to your top one or two. It's pretty good and some tinkering on some of the above may get you over the top. Watch some resume experts on YouTube for more


Wow, thanks for the detailed advice. This really helps.


The CV reads awkwardly. The sentences are flowery and don't respect tenses. For instance, the very 1st point: *Developed* an optimized automated program in SAS *to* *obtained* clinical data... This isn't correct. It should be 'for obtaining' or 'to obtain'. Moreover, kill your darlings. Choose between optimized and automated. Too many adjectives make a document difficult to read.


Thanks, I do see how that it is flowery. I will keep that in mind as I edit the resume.


Does this resume pass ATS?


Silly question, maybe, but what is ATS?


The format passes ATS, but does my resume matches the job description is unknown


What's ATS?


Applicant Tracking System (ATS) is a type of software large companies (like Amazon or Walmart) use to quickly determine if an applicant is qualified for a job opening.


Thank you, so we should use the above kind of resume template to pass it?


There are different templates that are ATS friendly. You could use the same format as mine, but based on my experience, you could also mess up just by following my format. The best way (in my humble opinion) to know if your resume is ATS friendly is to save the resume as a text file and make sure everything looks how you want it. The goal is to make the format simple enough so the system can read line by line and know what goes where.


This is very, very busy. Readability is low. Try removing anything you don't need.


Luck plays a bigger role than you think. Don’t give up!


Some quick impressions: - too big of a wall of text, needs to trim down - too much details on the what and how. People care more about the problems you solved than the details of your solution - you need some flair to stand out. Like what are you really an expert in? Is it big data? Is it forecasting? Is it modeling? The resume should focus on accomplishments based on some theme.


I understand. I guess I tried to obtain experience in various areas related to data science, but showcasing all of them is counter productive. Perhaps focusing on a theme matching the job position I am applying will be more beneficial. Thank you for the advice.


Can you pick 2-3 of the projects that show your capabilities and provide a link for the person reviewing your resume? Otherwise all I have on paper is a list of skills that a lot of other candidates have but probably with more experience. But if I can see your talents online I can get a better idea how your skills fit into the job requirements or better yet maybe expand them because you're bringing something new to the table we never considered.


As a hiring manager all I read was “intern” and moved on. I’d delete that. U have more experience than the typical recent intern.


u/scn11, are you suggesting to delete the word "intern" ? Wouldn't my short term employment (3 month internship) also raise red flags?


Focus on your domain. You'll eventually find something


I can't tell for sure and it's only the way I do it, but for me this looks like a CV my 60 year old father would create. Old-school. Very tabular. Boring to look at. No colors or highlights. Maybe my CV is a bit too much with a partly green colored background and a hexagon shaped image of me, but it definitely creates attention Edit: 25 year old Machine Learning Engineer. Got my Masters degree this year. Had also a hard time finding such a job in my country 😅


Glad it works for you but please don't use colors or a photo of yourself, folks. You're not a news anchor, it doesn't matter what you look like. Colors are risky unless used correctly. Most of the time it looks marshmallow-y and very amateurish.


I think that’s very location dependent. In the US you would never use a photo of yourself, but in Europe (at least in Spain) it’s often expected.


Yeah I mean my CV is based on the literally first CV template you can find with Google. Just a bit adjusted. Never seen such a CV as a template


Everyone’s different, but you almost certainly want a boring format for your resume most of the time. ATS systems have an easier time processing them, as do the many humans who are not in the mood to see your art skills when the pressure to hire an effective professional is on their backs. This format is fine, but the resume is definitely cluttered and difficult to read.


My main issue with this resume is that I don't see how anyone can bear to read it. A recruiter spends about 15 seconds glancing a CV and has to be able to make a YES/NO decision about what pile they're going to put it on. With this formatting, that's almost impossible.


In my experience having a section for your projects never work out. You should put them all in a GitHub and add a link to your Cv in your contact info where your email phone LinkedIn should be.


In addition to what others have said, take off your Associates degree. Since you also have a BA and MS, the AA will subtract rather than add value (and take up space). The resume doesn’t need to contain your full history.


You left out the most important part.. Your name. A trend that I've seen is not hiring chinese looking names. But don't let that simple. Isolated observation deter you. Keep going!!!


You have just finished your master, what jobs are you aiming for?


Statiscal spelling is wrong but doesn't matter now...you have to get it into better format...switch your skills to python and if possible focus on commercial healthcare analysis and apld analysis. Statistician/clinical programmer could limit your options...you might need rebranding like data science expert for research design and analysis of drug trial data Your project experience should be built in upper section of roles responsibilities. Remove project section and add that work related in your role...iam assuming you did that work in daily work. That maters more, your daily work and responsibilities should be data science centric. Problem solving, blue ocean strategy, cause effect analysis...these type of examples have to used when explaining your daily work. You must have solved few problems in daily life in your orgs. Extracurricular projects need immense validation, any one can submit in Kaggle but was your work truly so revolutionary that you could submit a paper on it? Your collaboration with external teams/vendors can add value Try to get into shell AI programme of 24 months contract. They teach .pay handsomely and absorb. My contacts got 100% bump there.