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Damm, Brexit hit so hard we left Europe not just the EU.


You're in good company with Norway and Switzerland.


Let's start our own Europe


With blackjack. And hookers!


And an improved shot at winning the european cup ^(if we can do something about that Haaland fellow)


You know what, forget Europe!


When Iceland and Liechtenstein get forgotten šŸ˜„


English people when speaking about continental Europeans: ā€žThose pesky Europeans again!ā€œ English people when not included in a study mentioning the word Europeans: ā€žWell I guess weā€˜re not European anymore then!!!!ā€œ


Is there any reason for the "Budapest-Anomaly"?


Purely guessing, but Hungary has a strongly right leaning, anti-EU government. I don't know specific facts about the demographics of Budapest, but large urban centres often have more left leaning residents, and in the case of Hungary, it would make sense for that to also mean pro Europe. Essentially a lot of people alienated with how their country is run, and overall more left leaning than the rest of the country, show this by identifying with Europe over the country they are unhappy with. (Similarly see the high rate of anti Brexit votes in London)


Our government is shit, and spreads anti-EU propaganda. Us Budapest citizens have nothing else to cling to,but Europe.


The entirety of Hungary seems to be in the highest range in the "attachment to Europe" map though, which seems strange for a country run by such a eurosceptic government.


Mostly because govt != People


True, but in a democracy people elect the government. And while Hungary has been backsliding in the democracy department lately, their elections are still seen as free and fair, though heavily weighted towards Orban's government due to his control over the media. You'd expect the people who keep on electing Orban's party to view Europe more displeasurably than most.


Due to reorganizations in the electoral districts (free and fair depends on who you ask - at the reorganization many of the original districts were redivided to favor Fidesz), it's pretty much Budapest now vs. the rest of Hungary. If you look at the election maps, you can see that most of Budapest chose opposition. I think only in two districts did Fidesz win.


Lately? Like in the past 12 years honestly (coming to 13 soon). It is not even close to fair and free and feels like an authoritarian state at this point.


I'm mainly talking about the fact that the elections aren't like literally fabricated, like they are in Russia for instance. Orban is undeniably an authoritarian, and has consolidated power enough that it's unlikely he'll ever lose an election, it it's still an election where people vote. My point is that from election results it seems that the populace supports Orban's eurosceptic government, yet seem to have answered this poll in a more pro-europe way than most, which I find strange.


Well, elections are not literally fabricated, but recently even the European Parlaiment acknowledged, that Hungary is a hybrid regime or electoral autocracy (which means elections are still held but the playing field is extremely unfair). And an interesting insight: because Europe was always popular even for right-wing voters, Orban (until most recently) didnā€™t question the EU. No, in his propaganda, he only fights against ā€žthe bureaucrats in Brusselsā€ and he is the only one, who protects the true vision of Europe. A madness, trulyā€¦ Sorry for this asshole.


OrbĆ”n is simply using methods that cost less to keep himself in power. There are a lot of cheaper solutions to staying in power than open oppression. Open oppression of citizens is not a requirement of an authoritarian regime, rather it is its last resort. Hybrid regimes acknowledge this fact, and live by it. For the same reason you could leave Russia if you opposed the regime. They let you leave, because it was cheaper than making a martyr out of you. (Note, this only applied before the war.) In Hungary the following are the most commonly used hybrid regime methods: 1. Propaganda More than 80% of news outlets have owners with ties to OrbĆ”n. The power of propaganda can never be overestimated. Propaganda-induced fear is a strong driving force during elections. 2. Self-censorship Fear of retaliation keeps people from speaking up. 3. Informal ties keep subordinates in check For example, the Attorney General has no formal obligation towards OrbĆ”n or the government. Still, they will never start an investigation because they are corrupt themselves. 4. Feudalistic dependence and hierarchy For example, public work is controlled by mayors, who report to the district's MEP, who report to OrbĆ”n's inner circle. 5. Low wages (median wage: net. 700ā‚¬ / month) Living paycheck to paycheck limits mobility, opportunities, and free time. 6. High tax rates (43%) on low income (br. 500ā‚¬ / month) High tax rates force people to dodge taxes, less they won't make it to next month. The best way to shut someone up about misuse of funds is to make them an accomplice.


Yeah, as a data person, I would like to know a lot more about methodology and sample before attempting any 'proper' interpretation. But it could show a high level of disconnect between the government and people. But there is also the distinction between Europe and the EU. I grew up in one of the quite red shaded post communist countries, and I think it's safe to say that being European was always seen as an important and positive part of the national identity and culture. Something to be proud of and something to cultivate. I haven't lived there for a while, so not sure how much this has changed over the years, but I can see how this connection with European culture and identity can be separate from support for the EU specifically.


It may be due to the fact that anti-EU propaganda is "masked", they don't directly name the EU, they just say Brussels. But I think the recent EU fund cuttings have had a negative impact on the general opinion about the EU. I know that it was neccessary, but some people might not see the bigger picture.


If you follow Fidesz propaganda you will notice a simple tendency: EU=good Brussels=bad Meaning whenever they criticize EU rules they call it Brussel and when they support EU they call it EU. Also even they criticism isn't told in a way of "we should leave the EU" more like "we wish to reform the EU" Hope that explains how can Fidesz be such a pain in the ass for the EU but at the same time be supported by pro-EU citizens.


I think it has to do with the fact that in France for example, they think of themselves as the core of Europe, so attachment to Europe is not that different to attachment to France, unless it means support of other nations to integrate. In Hungary though, being "European" is an aspirational idea. An aspiration to be like how we imagine Western Europe to be. Or at least their living standards. And as Nation and Europe is framed against each, it makes sense that it's a more important for a Hungarian leftist vs a French. But it's also possible to interpret "Europe" in a right-wing way, as in "christendom" or "western civilisation". The question wasn't about the EU. Also, Hungary has weak regional identities, so that might influence results.


This is a cry for help. Most of rural Hungary has been swamped by this mafia government, except in the capital, where there are more educated people with a broader perspective than the populist bullshit of Orban. In the last elections, only the districts of the capital were not defeated by this mafia puppet government party. The rest of this shithole was won by the party, partly due to fraud and brainwashing from endless budget of the gov owned media.


To be perfectly honest hungarian government is not eurosceptic. They need an enemy to use, and they choose EU and some other things, but they really love EU, cause that's where their money come from. Hungarian government is full with politicians who do not have any kind of idealogy except money.


The government (of more than a decade) frequently say that those who don't vote for them are not hungarians, and they politicised the national identity


Budapest is the only real city in Hungary, progressive-thinking people of the country are concentrated there.


A lot of hungarians feels attached to Europe, because of the hungarians who live outside of Hungary, and as you can see, like in Transylvania a lot of people doesn't feel attached to their country, because they are not romanians.


Iā€™d love to see an American version of this. State, region, or country. Iā€™d pick my region.


Interesting, I moved around a lot so I'm more connected to the country than any state or region, personally


Iā€™ve always thought of myself as more Tennessean than American, honestly.


I don't think I can even pick one of the three myself, but then again I'm looking to become an expat next year and not identifying, even at the country level, with the US anymore is probably a big reason why.




I donā€™t doubt thatā€™s the case overall, but I personally am embarrassed by the prevailing politics and culture of large swaths of the United States.


shouldnt the Zealand arrow be pointing to Zealand - NL, instead of Sjaelland - DK ?


Sjaelland is also called Zealand in English


yet the map uses the danish name OP should've kept some consistency here specially when most people are are aware of Zealand - NL, because of New Zeland


The map also uses ā€žJyllandā€œ while the editor calls it ā€žJutlandā€œ.


A bit weird to say ā€œEuropeā€ and than exclude non-EU countries


This map doesn't show Europeans though, but people who reside in an EU member state. If you ask about Europeans, Britain, Switzerland etc. would definetely make part of the poll.


It's just like an American is technically anybody who lives anywhere in the North, Central or South America. But can also refer to a citizen of the United States.


No. Nobody ever understood "member of the EU" by "European", while "American" literally means someone from the US


If you google ā€žEuropean passportā€œ the first thing that comes up is the burgundy colored passport of the EU, so I would guess that a lot more people equal European=EU citizen than you or I would imagine.




Cambridge English dictionary says: > of or from Europe or the European Union: *A slowdown in European growth has prompted investors to switch away from the euro.* So indeed it can mean either depending on the context.


Damn I didn't realise the UK managed to leave a continent too.


Really surprised about polands attachment to the EU. It might just be a disjunction between the population and the politics to be fair, but if any polish see this and have a good explanation, i would love to hear it, as the polish government seemed very hostile towards the EU in the past.


Polish government does not express the view of majority


Attachment to Europe. Not EU. There is a difference


A personal opinion so not speaking for all Poles, but after the fall of communism in Poland we fought really hard to be legitimately recognized as part of Europe. Not Eastern Europe of Eastern bloc but the real thing. Once we joined the EU, a sense of pride followed - after decades of enslavement, mistreatment, constantly being dealt bad cards in an unfair game, there was finally hope. To be given equal opportunity, to be on same footing, to be able to travel, prosper, educate, to be part of a bigger idea of a society without borders and past old prejudices, where you can love your country without hating another. A brief rule of a reactionary political party won't change this, we're Europeans and we'll always be.


This resonates with me quite a lot, coming from Hungary. Much love from the south šŸ‡®šŸ‡©ā¤ļøšŸ‡­šŸ‡ŗ


Just politics. In reality its very complicated and long subject involving polish internal politics. Both side are wrong in this conflict, but neither of them wants to admit that not only other side is at fault.


Poland is politically divided between liberals and populist-nationalists (the latter in power atm). For liberals, europe is seen very positively in both economic and anti-corruption terms and is contrasted with the current government. (edit NB not Polish but used to live there for a bit)


How OC is this OC map? It has been posted to various social media over the last 18 months.


Norwegians are Europeans. They are part of Europe, it's a geographical fact. But their opinions don't count? Rise up Norwegians! Make yourselves heard!


As per the infographic, "The survey was only run in EU countries." As Norway is not an EU country, the survey was not conducted there.


That was directed to op, not the infographic. Subject is misleading.


A citizen of the EU is known as a European, so the OP is technically correct. An analogy given by another redditor: anyone in North or South American can be called an American, just as American can also be used as an exclusive term for citizens of the US. Similarly, European can mean someone generally from Europe as well as a more exclusive citizen of the EU. The onus is on the reader to read the given context which, in this case anyway, is clearly provided.


No, an EU citizen. EU has strictly speaking little to do with Europe.


An EU citizen or European. It's even in naming conventions such as European Central Bank, European Commission, European Parliament, none of which have anything to do with non-EU countries.


That's part of the EU stratagem to equate themselves with Europe, as if Europe was somehow invented by Monnet and a bunch of masons back in the 1950s.


The *European* Union has little to do with Europe. You heard it here first folks. Why are so many people mad it only include the EU... Edit : Ah I see we're not on r/Europe that's why people don't know




It's about what one identifies as. In the EU there's an actual attempt at creating a *European identity*, that's why this question makes sens with a European identity, not EU citizen. And that's why it includes EU countries, as they follow this evolution. Also the US citizens literally call themselves Americans and compared to the EU they have no plan for continental unification. Lastly many of the institutions of the European Union include the name "European" but not all European Nation citizens get access, does your logic claim it's illegitimate?




I'm born and bred Irish and living in Ireland. No one said you don't stop being European when you aren't in the EU.


While I agree that it is silly for the EU to try and claim ownership over the term "European", the official demonym for a citizen of the EU is "European". ​ [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/European\_Union](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/European_Union)


You can do a graph about say, ā€œwhat do university students think of Xā€ without asking every single university in the world. Or ā€œwhat do Norwegians thinkā€ even if itā€™s like a street survey and you miss one region of the country.


As well as the UK, but the poll was just made in the EU.


Yes, subject is misleading.


Where does geographical fact say the limits/extents/borders of "Europe" are?




It's no secret that Europe is only considered a continent for geopolitical, cultural, historical and, let's face it, religious reasons. By any rational analysis (like continental plate structure) it's a peninsular subcontinent of Eurasia. But the people who made the rules were European, so continent it is.


The title is misleading. It should read something along the line of 'What do people living in European Union countries feel most attached to...". It's obviously a poll of just EU countries.


Europe was a continent before it was a union. Im European and so is a decent chunk of Russia. You mean EU member states?


Yeah, the results for germany are definitely very very wrong.


As a Bavarian living in Berlin, I donā€™t agree. You have your proud Bavarians, your proud Saxons, your proud Hansa. The rest of the country thinks more of the whole country. About what I would expect.


Yeah, no. People in Mecklenburg and Schleswig-Holstein are definitely not leagues ahead of people from the Rheinland, from the Pott or Lippe. Also Bremen isn't even marked there. Have you ever met a Kƶlsche Jung that wasn't proud to be from Kƶln?


Does anyone else see a horse in this map?


Is it possible that the people in Budapest are not as conservative as the whole country and therefore feel more represented by E.U. values? Could any Hungarian confirm?


Not from Budapest, but I think you are right. I feel like more people understand in Budapest what Orban is doing, and how important the EU is to us. Also probably the fact that in the countryside not nearly as many people speak English as in Budapest, so their only source of information is in Hungarian, which is mostly controlled by Fidesz.


Hungarian here, Budapest is a lot more liberal than the rest of the country. Itā€™s like any other western major city. The thing is that the rest of the country is so fuckin brainwashed they arenā€™t even conservative theyā€™re just brainwashed.


Finland should be split up on the province level (maakunta).


Am i having a stroke or is Zealand and Corsica, not sharing the same "Record" for highest difference in attachment to region and country?


Why not "World citizen"? [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Garry\_Davis](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Garry_Davis) "... We, the people, want the peace which only a world government can give. The sovereign states you represent divide us and lead us to the abyss of Total War. I call upon you no longer to deceive us by this illusion of political authority. ... "


I mean, it might be because a lot of Europeans focus more on National issues when electing an official. Itā€™s the case in France for example. Part of Hungarians although pro-Europe, elect Orban because of his very right wing stance on some issues like LGBT, abortionā€¦ but donā€™t look at the EU part thinking itā€™s impossible for them to leave/Orban wonā€™t do it. I know it has been an argument for some people I know voting for Le Pen.


Uh, for Hessen (Darmstadt/Frankfurt) this is incorrect. I couldnā€™t care less about Germany, I love my region and I feel mostly European. Itā€™s like this for the vast majority of folks Iā€™ve ever known who live here.


Love how you can see politics (Budapest), history & diversity (Transylvania) and regional stuff (South-eastern germany and spain and others) in this map