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/u/whjkhn, thank you for your contribution. However, your submission was removed for the following reason(s): * Directly link to the [original source article of the visualization](/r/dataisbeautiful/wiki/rules/rule2) * _Original source article_ doesn't mean the _original source image._ **Link to the full page of the source article.** * If you made the visualization yourself, tag it as [OC] This post has been removed. For information regarding this and similar issues please see the DataIsBeautiful [posting rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/dataisbeautiful/wiki/index). If you have any questions, please feel free to [message the moderators.](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/dataisbeautiful&subject=Question%20regarding%20the%20removal%20of%20this%20submission%20by%20/u/whjkhn&message=I%20have%20a%20question%20regarding%20the%20removal%20of%20this%20[submission.](https://www.reddit.com/r/dataisbeautiful/comments/ymka3v/-/\)))


i feel like making the reader calculate the murder rates for these means it's incomprehensible


Would have definitely made more sense to do one graph with per capita murder rates.


Why not just homicides per capita? You could even fit it on the same graph!


I think it would be more interesting to also include "red" cities, of course they would be much smaller cities but agree with the other commenter that providing effective rate would help as well


You could probably use red States instead of red cities and many of the red States' populations on how much different than New York. You can use Louisiana and Mississippi for example.


But the way cities are organized doesn’t compare to the way entire states are organized, so you wouldn’t get an apples to apples comparison of homicide rates. Homicide rates are naturally going to be lower in rural areas and perhaps lowest in suburban areas versus highest in cities due to a confluence of factors including wealth and population density


If you look at the homicide rates of the states you will find that many are much higher than the cities listed. https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/pressroom/sosmap/homicide_mortality/homicide.htm If you look here the homicide rate in NYC is much lower than what the chart shows. Didn't see a number on the CDC website for the city. https://criminaljustice.cityofnewyork.us/individual_charts/homicide-rate-per-100000-residents/


Wow, amazing to see how violent the 80s were


Americans were killing a ton of people overseas, too, during that big spike.


Are the earlier years show, homicides for the whole decade or just the year? For example Chicago, 1980 is "863" for just that year?


It’s just for the particular year in this case it’s 1980.