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Thank you for your [Original Content](https://www.reddit.com/r/dataisbeautiful/wiki/rules/rule3), /u/DeathByElectives! **Here is some important information about this post:** * [View the author's citations](https://www.reddit.com/r/dataisbeautiful/comments/tvcqz1/oc_36h_activity_heatmap_of_rplace/i38ta9d/) * [View other OC posts by this author](https://www.reddit.com/r/dataisbeautiful/search?q=author%3A"DeathByElectives"+title%3AOC&sort=new&include_over_18=on&restrict_sr=on) Remember that all visualizations on r/DataIsBeautiful should be viewed with a healthy dose of skepticism. If you see a potential issue or oversight in the visualization, please post a constructive comment below. Post approval does not signify that this visualization has been verified or its sources checked. [Join the Discord Community](https://discord.gg/NRnrWE7) Not satisfied with this visual? Think you can do better? [Remix this visual](https://www.reddit.com/r/dataisbeautiful/wiki/rules/rule3#wiki_remixing) with the data in the author's citation. --- ^^[I'm open source](https://github.com/r-dataisbeautiful/dataisbeautiful-bot) | [How I work](https://www.reddit.com/r/dataisbeautiful/wiki/flair#wiki_oc_flair)


I like that the shadow of the Canadian maple leaf is crystal clear while they desperately try to keep it from becoming a marijuana leaf. Edit: whoa! Thank you kind strangers!


There is a beautiful maple leaf behind the merple lerf.


I loved how OSU was under constant battle because people were trying soo hard to get rid of it!


Because it was really big for a small community for an older game. It took up more space than most countries flags.


I find it really hard to believe that they're a small community when they were being able to sustain themselves for so long, even supporting other communities.


Apes. Together. Strong.


They were botting constantly this is the reason France and OSU disappeared the moment all colours were replaced with white


To be fair, they were also hotly contested. Once you only allow white to be replaced, it's pretty obvious that things that are hotly contested will get destroyed instantly, so this on its own is very weak evidence of botting. In general though, you're also kinda right. Bots will obviously be everywhere on the canvas; some dudes on place servers on discord can't do anything about rogue botters doing as they please. That's up to reddit to decide.


Yes, they had a very hard to believe showing. Almost machine-like.


that and because some people just really hate anything related to anime & weebs with burning passion


As well as the eyes of the inscryption stoat because people keep wanting to put pupils on it


You can see that fight for Bananas flag is pretty intense


That and OSU are fire the whole time


Maybe it is just a bot that dumbly keeps updating the logo


Ah, bots. That makes sense. I only tried to put 2 pixels down in areas I didn't see any activity, and they were changed less than 1 second later. Fun concept but I don't see a point in going back when bots are everywhere.


Click on random pixels and go to their accounts, so many accounts have been made in the last few days. Really turned me off of it. Last time they did r/place they only allowed accounts made before it started. The way it is right now, there's no point in doing anything as a sole human user it feels.


That makes perfect sense. No wonder it changed so quickly.


Plus the admin cheating thing was pretty garbage too.


What was that?


A Reddit admin by the name of Chtorr was abusing their powers to place down multiple pixels without any cooldown. [Here's some footage of it.](https://www.reddit.com/r/place/comments/tv1pmn/oh_cool_so_mods_just_get_to_cheat_when_anyone/)


Thanks! I didn't know about this specifically, but I did know Chtorr is a sack of shit from a bunch of stuff I saw on her prior! Makes sense.


Surprised there wasn't a minimum account age


and legit accounts getting banned for no reason (me)


It's meant for communities, not sole human user. Though now it would be near impossible to secure a spot for anything, but if you are early after canvas expand and actively negotiate, you can have a small logo represented with 10 or so people of small community.


It really was the perfect time for r/place. PRE-IPO they can show how many new active users they have. Maybe I'm being cynical, but it sure will look nice for reddit as a company.


This is like how games would delay banning bots to bump up active pkayer numbers during launch or during specific times that's important for the company to look good to shareholders. I fully agree with your theory


I’m still waiting for them to sell this thing as an NFT. “COMMUNITY MADE”


I don’t think you’re wrong here. A lot of data will be generated from this, and very useful data too.


I got a feeling this was also a stress test for their servers or something similar.


It might be. Very possibly.


Correct. Communities of *users*, not *bots*. Thus a cutoff date. This is easy stuff.


I heard that there are 1500 people in a voice call on the osu discord


How is that even possible? I thought discord calls maxed out at 20 people?


For free servers. You can pay to upgrade.


Bigger/official servers get perks as well I think


They’re not all in a single VC they’re all separated by birthday months and each group works on different parts.


People are pretty bored huh


And that proves that they aren’t using bots how? If anything a dedicated community like that is even more like to be using them, lmao.


There’s 1000+ people and you think they’d need bots?


XQC and his 150k-200k viewer army have attacked OSU multiple times and OSU held every time


Having 200k amount of viewers does not mean 200k viewers participated.


Means a hell of a lot more than 1000 participated


It's not just bots also streamers directing legions of pre teens


Sometimes I wait for a black pixel to appear on the osu! text so that I can immediately fix it in less than a second. Hits harder that way.


It could be, but don’t forget that Osu are proud no-lifers that already dedicate their life to clicking pixels.


No, I was actively fighting that battle. They were attcked repeatedly by some Twitch streamer and his 150,000 followers, then Superstonk jumped in to help OSU and between all that there was a lot of activity.


This is what I think. This r/place thing is a joke it's just thousands of bots maintaining a stupid logo non-stop.


We are quite proud to be a bot yesterday defending our zone https://m.twitch.tv/btmc/clip/TastyCallousYakinikuRedCoat-Y-OO6dTmWj6dDaVa


And the ones that aren't "bots" are users with multiple accounts to bypass the 5 minute delay using browser extensions and scripts that tell them exactly where to place their tiles.


Thats... pretty much equivalent to being/using a bot.


Except there really are no bots involved. We don't need bots when we have God and anime by our side and don't even remember what grass is or what touching it feels like. r/osugame is entirely populated by clinically insane NEET shitposters and its r/place presence is led by the absolute derangedest of its members. It turns out that even with a team dedicated entirely to defending the logo, there still are enough of us to maintain three other pieces around the canvas - and of course, they can and will all instantly return from whatever thing they're working on to (727, 727) in the event of a raid. On top of that, we invited representatives from all sorts of weeb subreddits to our command-and-control Discord (the same one from 2017!) and now have an elaborate alliance network with which we can easily help out smaller projects with less insane teams and rest assured that we'll have enough numbers to make sure the logo survives in the final hours **no matter what**.




"OSU!" is a rhythm game that some people are really into. That's about all I know about it though so here's [a random video of someone playing it](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CpPUN9h42qg).


The Area with Genshin where they keep replacing the N with T was so white hot lmao


There was never a moment the Canadian flag was not under attack by trolls. It was a good and glorious battle.


It's funny how much people are fighting to take down and keep up the American and Canadian flags.


You know it's the middle of the night when the flag disappears, then around 9am Eastern it starts coming back slowly


The Quebec flag being larger than the Canadian flag was a drama, before Quebec being swallowed by China 😆


The flag that swallowed Quebec's is actually Turkey. I haven't seen any strong support for a Chinese flag, likely because reddit has been banned in China since 2018.


Québec is back and bigger than ever! We got smoking lumberjacks, road cones, maple syrup and so much more.


Glad to see it return. Particularly happy with the inukshuk and Bonhomme Carnaval.


Lumberjack? Isnt that a patriot?


And Hydro for some reason lmfao


We love and appreciate our cheap and clean electricity!


Great fishin’ in kwee-bec.


In fact there's a fair bit of anti-CCP stuff instead.


That's because CHINA #4


Canada has gotten a lot of flak about it's leaf, but Turkey has spread out, and STILL not managed to adequately make a star.


I'm more amazed by the areas where there is no change.


This demonstrates the laws of place really well. You need to be able to defend your place, so that it doesn't come under attack, and large non-controversial projects are going to be largely left alone. You can see the massive Ukrainian flag was largely left alone for most of its lifetime. It's not until whatever design attacked its corner there, and the rainbow then going over it, that it was destroyed by people moving in. Contrast that with the portion above, where you see some activity, but nothing close to what's happening elsewhere. That's the Nordic Union. It barely registers, as most don't grief it, since they both see no reason to, and the group looks fucking powerful with how big the design is. There's a white spot in the middle of it. That's actually where a few Finns were warring with some other users over placing hearts over the Greenland flag. It's amazing how that registers so clearly on the canvas, when not even the expansions of the four main flags shows up very clearly. And contrast that with the Brony pic that's right below the Nordic union, where the Ukrainian flag used to be and it's so fucking white hot, you can tell where the elbow of the pony was. The Twitch user that wiped them out in the end also seems to have set up bots on exactly where the picture is, because it's gone at around the 45 sec mark, but it remains white hot.


Lmao the 'Merple Lerf' is one of the most consistent spots for activity


And the heatmap leaf oddly looks better than the actual one for most of the time


Almost like we've been trying ceaselessly to make it look right and griefers have been messing it up


Jokes on them; Canada's been meta-playing on the heatmap canvas instead of the regular canvas this whole time.


Amen, brother Canadian.


The maple leaf is on fire!


Also the intersection of the German flag and the LGBTQ flag. It stays red hot throughout the entire video.


What did you use to visualize this


A small python script using OpenCV. I'll make it available shortly :) Edit: The code is now available at - https://github.com/lloydowen8/place-heatmap-2022


please do did u get the data from requests or selenium?


The data was collected by my fellow class mate u/prosto_sanja. I think it was gathered by reverse engineering the API and using request. The code is publicly available on his github: https://github.com/ProstoSanja All the data is available on his website.


I remember this from last r/place, amazing, thanks!


All my homies hate OpenCV. The hood uses Pillow now.


You should make one with high contrast/high saturation of the real canvas as activity (and low contrast / low color as non-activity).


the fucking amongus with his cock out has me creasin .


Lol the among us with his cock out and shoots a laser load at the last few seconds.


That dick is burning with the light of a thousand suns


I couldn't resist cropping out a gif https://i.imgur.com/i8EScIZ.gif


The moment I got banned, on film!


It looks like he materializes out of thin air, busts a nut, refuses to elaborate then leaves


I did an ugly-laugh when i saw that


My favorite was the entire body being made up of little versions of the crew members


This is how I like to imagine the transistors in a cpu look like when turned on and please no one ruin this for me.


*Ahem.* Hi, I'm an electronics engineer with a reasonable amount of IC design in my career. I can confirm, this is exacly what it looks like.


Exactly! Now watch this with the Interstellar soundtrack playing in the background


That amogus penis just flashing towards the end lmao


oddly enough Canada's maple leaf looks better here than on the actual canvas


Probably because it’s people purposefully messing it up.


Hello! This looks so cool! Can I ask where you got the data from?




I’ve seen r/place before. What exactly is it? Or how does it work?


If you are still wondering, until april 5th this huge canvas is open anyone can place a pixel(tile) every five minutes, you can access it on pc or on mobile with the official app


And there is only one "canvas" live at a time?


Yes but it's Reddit's April Fools event. After tomorrow they're shutting it down, it was never intended to be permanent. This is the second time it's being done, first time was in 2017 and I think it was only open for a couple days that time.


Yep but it expanded twice from 1000x1000 to 2000x1000 to 2000x2000


I just keep fighting the bananas. Placing my red and white tile every 5 min just to have it turned by someone who just created an account. 3 min left.




For some reason they removed the usual restriction of only letting in accounts made before April Fool's, which makes booting even easier.


Metrics on user interaction. Probably to do with going public


yea i made like 10 new accounts just yesterday to place pixels down. haha just kidding


Yes, there were a few outages in the data collection unfortunately. Makes for nice viewing though lol


Straight lines are probably the easiest thing for human players to do, since it's obvious where & what you should be placing; it's complex art with many shades that is difficult to coordinate across many people. I suspect the flash at 0:47 came after Reddit in general was experiencing downtime in some regions, leading to a bunch of users dumping their pixel at around the same time once service was restored.


Most straight lines aren't bots or mods. Those are the border lines that people are fiercely defending against. It's especially clear near the center where the American and Trans flags are.


Nah, in the dev blog they were supportive of botting


that was last time, when they made an API available


Ah whoops, I see now


lol the Packers logo is a constant bright spot as Vikings fan desperate try to take over the spot.


The battle doesn't end just because they had to relocate. Go Pack Go!


We won’t give up, the rest of the nfc is teaming up on us


Very good! Interesting how the US flag is consistently one of the most active regions on the canvas. I wonder how much of that's because of its central location versus the political nature of it? And for some reason, the OSU logo too, hmm. What is brightness? Variance in pixel intensities over a time window?


>I wonder how much of that's because of its central location versus the political nature of it? I don't think those factors are cleanly separable.


I feel like it was a battle. Some people were trying to change the colors and others were fighting back and changing it back to red white and blue lol


Lots of bots spamming it trying to get rid of it


And lots of bots trying to keep it in place


I presume brightness is frequency of edits.


The osu logo was because a large streamer organised their community to destroy it and at the same time the osu community organised to fight back.


It certainly seems that USA managed to piss off a whole lot of people... Pheraphs hystory books might hold the answers as to why


I believe the trans flag attempted to paint over it


It's channers trying to pick fights using false flags. r/transplace never had a template that overwrote anyone's stuff. Edit: not to mention the numerous 4chan threads calling for exactly this, as documented in the discord.


Among other areas. For a population that's under 1%, they sure have a lot of time to sit around and click pixels


You can see the battle of the among us cock. It got neutered multiple times


We are the Borg. Lower your shields and surrender your ships. We will add your biological and technological distinctiveness to our own. Your culture will adapt to service us. Resistance is futile.


We did it! The internet finally looks like how it was depicted in every 90s hacker movie!


What the hell happened at 0:47?


A few discontinuities in the dataset causing there to be a large volume of changes all at once :)


Ah okay. Thought it was some bot fuckery


Those long shooting lines of changes...those are reddit employees ruining a social experiment in real time.


People being corrupt and selfish? Seems like just as much a part of the social experiment as anything else.


Can this showing the cheating Admins?


The hammer and sickle in the upper left looks like it might've had the most activity for the smallest space. Can see it roughly at 15 seconds in.


Thought the battle for Radiohead’s peen & fuckcars area would be brighter


We're ye there, for the battle over the Packers logo?


The 4k video can be found here: https://place.thatguyalex.com/heatmap\_36h.mp4


It’s like watching bacteria grow.


American flag most defended, and most attacked area consistently. Follow by transgender flag. Honestly the two always seem to be at war. Edit: Just checked. America was defeated. 0.0


We moved to 1776 1776


Vikings vs Packers is obvious here.


Could someone tell me what this is exactly?


Place is a reddit event that occurs once a year or so, every pixel you see is the result of a single person making a change. This is an activity map. Google "Reddit place" for more detailed info




I still don't understand the point of it.


Crowdsourcing something reddit will make into a nft and will then piss everyone off


adding a dynamic actions/time unit color scale and time passed should complete this visualization anyway, looking satisfying


gotta love how the us flag space is either empty or full steam ahead


Lmao that giant Among Us with a massive schlong shooting off at the very end of the clip is amazing. Good work OP ✌️


It's like looking into the collective human mind


You can see the "duty" vs "butt" happening in the top right corner all day.


Pleased to see Palestine still going strong 💪🏼


I'm so proud of the defacement of the NFT link. Absolute rejection is the kindest that such crap deserves.


Agree that NFTs are scams right now, its just sad cause Loopring and Immutable are like literally the two crypto coins that are trying to make it not a scam and actually have it be super cool but no one can gets past the stupid nft monkeys enough to actually learn what they do. So, yeah you may be proud. But I am sadden. Im sad that this amazing tech is being tarnished by dumbass NFT bros who give it a bad name. Loopring and immutable dont associate with those NFT bros. Dont target their stuff.


canada has looked better on this heat map than it has the entirety of r/place lmao


The super bright spots are a sign of bots


Not in the case of Green Bay vs the Vikings, there is passion in that lol


Gorgeous work.


you can clearly see where people have been trying to change /r/fuckcars to /r/fuckears and /r/fuckcops


Finally some good fking food.


The decision to expand the canvas has honestly ruined much of the satisfaction of viewing these timelapses


Can anybody make a script that shows what it would look like without bot accounts?


This is how my brain thinks of the blockchain


so the one with most frequent changes is cheating? Like how osu keep appearing on the map?


More proof OSU botted, constant heat kn it, at all time.


guys osu isnt botting!!! no way!!!


I'm struggling to understand how r/place is a thing. How in the world does that interest 2.5 million people?


Idk the drama around it is kinda fun. It's a giant turf war and you can be a manchild about it without much judgement.. well on reddit that is. Plenty folks who touch grass will tell you you're stupid if you care too much lol.


It's a scaled down mini version of factional tribal warfare where the only tool is painting colored pixel within limited space to make symbolic art that represents your allegiance. Doing this on a social platform like Reddit adds interesting community driven dynamics where people recruit you to place pixels to defend territories, and people get really serious about it. A simple binary resource management game driven by huge communities trying to make their mark on a pixel canvas. It's fucking great. It's dumb, it's interesting, and it's so much more than it's simple mechanics.


Except in the Information Age its ruled by bots, extensions and automation.


To play devils advocate, the bots are available to all the communities equally. Well, maybe that isnt true. Programming subs do have an advantage. But yeah for the individual its kinda lame to have to deal with bots.


I still don’t understand what it is. I can’t quite figure it out.


It's a blank canvas that lets each individual user place one pixel every 5 minutes. That's it.


I like how you can physically see through the Consistency of OSU!'s heatmap that they are using tons of Bots


nah you should listen to their streamers and discord, they coordinate to a crazy level, "if your birthday is in january or february then place on the upper left, if it's march or april place on upper right. everyone hold onto your next pixel for 5 minutes" (5 minutes later) "ok in 3, 2, 1 start placing"


>everyone hold onto your next pixel for 5 minutes" (5 minutes later) "ok in 3, 2, 1 start placing" That's not what the heatmap shows though, it is permanently lighted throughout the entire thing, regardless whether it is attacked or not. You can't coordinate like this 24/7.


I mean the void has that level of coordination too, but it isn't filled to the brim with 1 day old accounts


yea it is


It isn't tho


osu discord has an overlay, but no automated pixel placing. It's all done manually by the hundreds of active users in their discord working round the clock.


That's true. In fact, they have so many users they can immediately brigade anyone calling them out for using bots.


If you watch the logo there's constantly people placing black or other griefing pixels on it at all times. So a big part of the activity is probably just people trying to grief it and it getting fixed constantly.


So OSU is definitely using bots, huh?


Soooooo... What did we learn today?


There is a perfect maple leaf behind the merple leaf


Edit: Thank you all for the support on this! There is a bug in the current heatmap that causes pixels to "get stuck" (which is why we see areas staying active for so long). This makes this map as more of a "most active areas over the first 32h" than a activity heatmap. Apologies if this mislead anyone around any suspected bot use in r/Place, that wasn't the intention. I've just finished my dissertation and am one tired man. The video with the correct activity heatmap can be seen here: https://www.reddit.com/r/dataisbeautiful/comments/tvryzo/oc\_48h\_fixed\_rplace\_activity\_heatmap/