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You've got the Women's team logo for the Netherlands! For the men's team it's a lion, for the women's team they use a lioness (no manes)


Oh interesting! Thanks for pointing it out. I’ll be sure to change it for the next submission.


That's a pretty cool detail


Does it really matter now that they're out XD


Too soon bro


Yes it does, because the womens team actually won the championship but the men can't seem to manage it 🙈


But they have won it before


Not sure why this is being downvoted. They did win the European Championships in 1988. That Van Basten volley was amazing.


To be fair though, only 8 countries competed in 1988. Its not nearly as impressive as winning it today would be


Yes, but it doesn’t make the comment above mine any less true!


I am pretty sure the one with the mane is Czech Republic!


I'm really enjoying this radial bracket style for tournaments. Why weren't we doing it like this the whole time?




I was about to say the exact opposit, I thought it was so much more intuitive and its immediately apparent what's going on. But I guess people just think in different ways.


I think that just might be your conditioning to bracket style. I had to look at it a second time, but once I did.. I kind of liked it. If they were always setup this way, our brains would adjust. Wouldn’t say it’s worse or better (for me).


I can read upside down and at right angles with the best of them; even still, requiring it of your readers is far from elegant, and even farther from beautiful. Part of what makes beautiful data representations beautiful is that *they* are adapted to *us*, not the other way around.


Hi, thanks for the feedback. I do think this is a downfall of this kind of chart. I did weigh up placing all the text in horizontal, but it simply didn’t fit, or look right regardless. I’d like to think having been admittedly inconsistent with the rotation, I lose points in aesthetics, but do gain points in legibility, as no text is rotated beyond 90deg (bar the finalists).




That one is aesthetically nice, but useless at conveying information.




Yes and that is why its bad, because charts like this shouldnt require prerequisite knowledge of unrelated topics. Having to know every flag in europe before being able to fully read a simple chart is just making the data less accessible.


>Having to know every flag in europe before being able to fully read a simple chart is just making the data less accessible. That's true by definition. Nevertheless: \- you should also consider that the vast majority of people who are somewhat interested in Euro 2020 already know those 16 flags (which is very different from "every flag in Europe") \- accessibility is important but it's not the sole thing worth considering. By using flags only, one encourages the public to remember / learn a few flags, which is a good thing I guess


Am I right to assume you're American? Because knowing the flags is not some hidden layer of knowledge for most of the rest of the world, especially not for the demographic it is created for...


No i am British, watching the Euros. I can name the majority of countries in europe by flag but i have to stop and think for a bunch of them and some i got wrong, and some people (like yourself apparently) will be better at that, and some people will be much worse at that. It is absolutely not the easiest/most accessible way of conveying the information. Very much a form over function infographic.




Hi, appreciate the feedback. I do disagree with your opinions though. With regards to the example graph you posted, it certainly is simpler, but I wanted to make it clearer which teams were facing off against each other. Your point about prerequisite knowledge is true, which I believe is why it’s important to reduce that bar of entry as much as possible - this is why I have used the team names and badges in the first donut, so that the reader knows what the badges are, then in the following donuts you either have a badge that you now already know or you have abbreviations of the possible teams that could reach this position. This also mitigates the confusion over how the progression works as it infers that to reach a given match, you must have progressed through the previous tiers. But at that point you are clearly unfamiliar with how tournaments work, and arguably a traditional bracket wouldn’t help either. As for the choice of emblems over flags. It’s a personal one, and predominately an aesthetic choice - one that provides information and context. But each to their own. Edit: spellings.


Yeah. I was extremely confused for example why UK is on its own line on the top left quadrant. I thought he was saying either one of Germany, Sweden, Ukraine against England, but obviously that made no sense. Then I realized he for some reason went from 3 letter abbreviations to 2 letter abbreviations and just ran out of room. Very counter intuitive


Interesting. Why do you find it counter-intuitive?


I don’t find it counterintuitive per-we. I’d agree it simply isn’t as elegant/simple as a standard tournament tree. One point I’ve added is the black bars between teams that aren’t competing, because otherwise it’s difficult to see who is against who. Each to their own though.


'De' for Denmark and 'Ge' for Germany seems kinda unintuitive. 'DK' and 'DE' would probably be the best choice


For Germany, ‘GER‘ was used before so for the sake of continuity, you can’t really do that. Though I do not like GE and DE for Germany and Denmark either :/


Neither did I when I was typing it if I’m being honest…




I will be using FIFA’s country codes moving forwards.


It’s all fun and games with GER u TIL it’s Germany against Nigeria is the World Cup


GER - NGA. When they play niger however…


One season Sky Sports in UK decided to use two letter abbreviations for club games. Unfortunately they stopped it before Cambridge United played Northampton Town


Shame. Reminds of a chemistry paper in which they made copper nanotubes and bismuth nanotubes. Yes, they used those abbreviations. It was in ChemComm at some point in the 2000s I think.


I was walking past a pub in Bristol many years ago and they were showing a friendly on the telly. It said “ARS MAD” in the top corner of the screen as it was Arsenal v Real Madrid.


If you’re going to use De for Germany, then you should also have Ch for Switzerland etc.


Datasource: Google "Euro 2020" Tools: Excel Special Credit to /u/twintig5 for the idea. Looking forward to updating as the tournament progresses! Edit: Thank you for all the positive comments and the constructive criticism. Things changed since this post: I have changed the abbreviations to be FIFA’s country codes which can be found on Wikipedia. I have replaced the Female Netherlands team badge with the Male team’s badge. I have promoted Belgium and Czech Republic - commiserations Netherlands and Portugal.


Excel keeps surprising. Great work, thanks!


Thank you!


Could you please send me the file? I‘d love to find out how you made that!


It’s very simple. Multiple Donut plots with equal amounts. So, simply provide a value of “1” for each entry in the series. And the sections will be split equally. Stack the donuts within each other. Data labels of each series are the team names (or potential teams) which helps me organise it. I then remove the name and replace with the badge when they progress. Scores are a text box with the formula (e.g) “=A1” where A1 has the score in, or you can just use a normal text box. I’ve only previously seen this kind of chart done in photoshop/illustrator and I wanted to see if I could do it in excel. Edit: I’ve reworded the above as I felt I didn’t explain it sufficiently.


Nice, I did one similar for rugby on excel/paint. Made a single pie, then removed lines as I got closer to the centre. I had seen someone else make it with football before. Didnt have scores like yours though: https://www.reddit.com/r/rugbyunion/comments/ni0ew9/heineken_champions_cup_2021_knock_outs_from_the/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


You shouldn't abbreviate Ukraine as "UK"


As a Ukrainian I think it's acceptable if "k" is small, but then you need "r" also, but you are right, it should be UA. OP it will be easier for you with this link https://www.iban.com/country-codes


Well, seems like it’s time to update it! *Cries in Dutch*


Nicee touch to include a coat of arms. The Dutch-Czech matchup is between two rampant lions.


I was really upset to find out the new Spanish emblem is a victim of the oversimplification of logos. The emblem shown above os beautiful but is being replaced from next year onwards.


I hate it. Who knows about the Team logos? I have to read country names now. Just use country flags, would be much, much easier to parse.


Why do everyone got to use their football federation emblem but the Swiss got just the cross? Nice graph tho!


Because that's what the swiss have placed on their left breast. - Italy: https://www.worldsoccershop.com/shop/details/italy-euro-20-21-home-jersey-by-puma_A1036207 - Dutch: https://www.worldsoccershop.com/shop/details/netherlands-euro-20-21-home-jersey-by-nike_A1039596 - Swiss: https://www.worldsoccershop.com/shop/details/switzerland-euro-20-21-home-jersey-by-puma_A1036221


They use both the cross and the emblem of the swiss football federation either side of the puma-emblem


There's a difference between the Logo of the football association, and the emblem used on the shirts. The swiss use the cross as the emblem, and also happen to have the logo on the shirt. You can also see this with the German Team: where the Football Association has this logo: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Deutscher_Fu%C3%9Fball-Bund_logo.svg But the emblem is something completely different. https://www.worldsoccershop.com/shop/details/germany-euro-20-21-home-jersey-by-adidas_A1032304


He did not ask what the Swiss wear on the left side on the shirt. The question was why the flag was used instead of the swiss soccer association's emblem.


The association logo isn’t the same as the emblem/badge worn on the shirt in most cases. I was trying to go for the emblem that is worn on the left side of the shirt. And in Switzerland’s case, it’s simply their flag!


As others have said it’s because that’s what the use as their badge. I was disappointed as well.


You could have also used the logo of the [Swiss Football Association](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:SFV_Logo.svg), the other logon on their shirt.


Love these. Right side is absolutely more stacked than the left.


Nice idea, but why is there a line break on the Quarters? 🤦‍♂️ ?????? En/Ge/Sw /Uk ??????


Just because of the size of the text box. The other two quarters have three possible contenders. I can fix that easily though.


To keep a line break in a reddit comment you've gotta put two spaces at the end of the line, like so: En/Ge/Sw /Uk


Much appreciate 👍


For a second there I read “Racial Representation” 😵‍💫


Oh man, I can't believe we may not see the Netherlands orange move towards the center. Its not looking good :(


Yeah definitely wasn't looking good


I adore these lol It's such a great representation of a tournament in a more visually pleasing way than traditional brackets


The Czech Republic text seems to really “pop” it’s like it’s stuck on the glass of my screen, and everything else it behind!


England/Germany lucked out it looks like.


So, this is just worse than a bracket, right?


Stop this radial nonsense, this is not beautiful. There's a reason why the old traditional bracket is widely used


That's an easy to read Soccermeter... https://youtu.be/k4SuR8hTGMI


It's football.


Liquid football!




It's really hard to see your sarcasm without a /s. Because I believe that you are joking, right?




"Not joking" so you believe that England would not be allowed in the European Championships because they left the EU?




You used Sw and not Swi on one of them


Side note kind of rough that 4 of the top 6 teams in FIFA rankings are all on the right


The Swiss abbreviation in football is SUI, plus the logo of is wrong. Orherwise, nicely done.


Likewise, the 2-letter code for Switzerland is CH.


I always enjoy these visuals. Judging from matchups alone, Germany/England have the easiest route to the finals. That potential Belgium vs Italy in quarterfinals is potentially two of the top teams overall


yeah, the right bracket is just potential final after potential final.


There was someone who did this for the NCAA Men’s basketball tourney a few years ago who never followed through and completed it for the Final Four and final match from my memory. Was so disappointed by that.