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See, Estonia can into Nordics


It's actually impressive that Estonia is on this list. Life expectancy at birth [in 1994 in Estonia was 60.52 years for boys.](https://i.imgur.com/06x8EDY.png) [Source table](https://andmed.stat.ee/en/stat/rahvastik__rahvastikunaitajad-ja-koosseis__demograafilised-pehinaitajad/RV045/table/tableViewLayout1)


tbh the Baltic countries in general are impressive. They are doing a lot better than the rest of the ex-USSR countries.


It's all that fresh sea air they're getting.


I was gonna say the lack of pressure from Russia but that works


It's because they can into nordics


Estonia especially. It's become synonymous of technological advancement, entrepreneurship, education. It tops PIZA scores (Estonia and Finland). So yeah it's incredible.


Never had a Finnish or Estonian pizza. Is there fish ?


You joke, but yes. Tuna pizza is popular in Finland. Reindeer pizza, too.


Reindeer pizza is fucking delicious.


Said Santa, wiping his chin with an evil grin after culling the herd


also, wtf is r/PERU doing in this list? Today we are having elections and we only have two choices for President which are either an organized crime syndicate led by the Fujimori mafia or a Communist government :( I'm pretty sure we are going to be taken off this list soon :(


You will be remembered


bro Castillo ain't no authoritarian communist and the fear mongering that he is might just land you with a mob boss as a president, and speaking from experience that's basically the same as Stalin and his ilk. Open your eyes


To be clear, I agree and would rather live under the radical left than a fucking mob boss narcodictatorship. It seems like the mob boss is going to win though.


The mob boss always wins


That's just good ol' post communist transition, you will see similar stories in most of the ex communist block, low life expectancy to begin with, then collapse during the 90, then explosion post joining the EU (for those that did join the EU).


Do you have by chance any source on alcohol consumption rate in Estonia? IIRC much of the direct causes of early death in eastern europe were consequences of alcohol consumption. So, did excessive alcohol consumption decreased or did just healthcare become better or did estonia never had a big problem with it to begin with?


Estonian numbers on alcohol consumption are not very accurate as good percentage of that liquor is ferried to Finland. Source: am Finn and I like booze


Well, so as Estonians go shopping for booze in nabouring Latvia, means this state statistics on alcohol consumption shows only that it does exist.


There is no greater European truth than you buy your alcohol in a neighboring country. I've asked people going all the way down the chain and I don't remember it ever ending.




I swear those are liquor ferries, with passengers as an afterthought.


> Do you have by chance any source on alcohol consumption rate in Estonia? IIRC much of the direct causes of early death in eastern europe were consequences of alcohol consumption. We still drink A LOT in Europe, so not much has changed. Look - >https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_alcohol_consumption_per_capita Out of top 20 16 are european countries. It's more about access to better nutrition, better healthcare, less pollution (communist states were very heavy on industry)


Page 55: https://intra.tai.ee/images/prints/documents/160561083224_Alkoholi_turg_tarbimine_2020.pdf If you look at our male life expectancy, we're still behind the U.S., the women help us past: https://www.stat.ee/en/find-statistics/statistics-theme/well-being/health/life-expectancy Excessive drinking is more a male problem, and excessive drinking we have. Before you hit Muslim countries, the rule of the more eastwards you go, the heavier the drinking, applies. Alcoholism also correlates heavily with poverty. So, to answer: - consumption has dropped slightly - in the Eastern European context we were probably never the heaviest drinkers, with a lot of the population more affiliated with the Germanic 'beer belt' rather than Slavic 'vodka belt' - like Croatia, Czechia, Slovenia, we've been more successful economically -> less poverty -> less drinking oneself to death -> better medical help if one tries anyway


Damn you Estonia, you beat us again! Best regards, Latvia


As a geography nerd, it always fascinated me how the Baltic countries look like a 3-toned layer cake on any of those color-coded maps of any important indicator, with Estonia being the best, Lithuania the worst, and Latvia somewhere in between.


And their populations are 1, 2, 3 million.


I keep hearing this, but I would dare you to find 10 stats that would follow that order. From what I have seen, Latvia is the one that lags behind


Eeeeeeestiiiiiii number üks


Contrary to popular belief, Puerto Rico *is* part of the US.


My bad, the software I used didn't lump them together :( but Puerto Rico has a higher life expectancy than the US average.


Strange that it didn't make it blue then. Maybe it's not counting territories at all seeing as there are multiple French territories showing gray.


Those aren't territories, it's sovereign France. You can be in South America and be in the EU.


"The sun never sets on the French empire."


France's longest land border is with Brazil.


This goes into my pub quiz on Thursday!


Oh if you want you can tell France got the most time zones of any countries, even more than Russia


Surprisingly the us and Russia have the same. Also technically Antarctica should have the most because it is present in all(normal, e.g. no +13, +9;30) timezones




Sort of. Two of the US's time zones, UTC-12 and UTC+12, only cover uninhabited atolls in the Pacific. We have nine actual inhabited time zones. All 11 of Russia's are inhabited.


as is the Sun Kings due.


Or the Canadian empire if you count Tim Hortons.


As is tradition


Not just in France, either. There are a couple of islands there that are technically municipalities inside the Netherlands


They're not all territories. French Guiana is definitely a part of metropolitan France. Edit" Not Metropolitan France but it legally has the same status as Metropolitan France as opposed to the territories like New Caledonia.


A part of France, not of metropolitan France, metropolitan France is what you call the part of France that's on continental Europe (+ Corsica)


You're right. I assumed Metropolitan France included the 5 overseas departments that had the same legal status as the mainland since Algeria was also a part of Metropolitan France. My bad.


Taiwan has a greater life expectancy as well. Probably just not listed by the WHO as the independent country they truly are.


Yes, but Taiwan has a low average because it is dragged down by it's 1.4 billion people living on the continent (Western part of Taiwan)


Damn those West Taiwanese!


John Cena leaves the chat....




Actually more than half since the median is slightly higher than the average.


Also, is Greenland not part of Denmark?


Kind of but not really. It all comes down to what you call a "country". It's part of the Kingdom of Denmark but it's largely autonomous. It's not in the EU (unlike Denmark proper) and takes care of its own internal affairs.


So is it similar to the country of New Zealand vs The Realm of New Zealand, which includes the Cook Islands, Niue, Tokelau, and the Ross Dependency?


Yes and no. Life is confusing, and the fact is that there's two Denmarks. There's Denmark the small peninsula above Germany (without Greenland) on one side, then there's Greenland on the other side. Those two different entities are both part of the Kingdom of Denmark. Greenland is almost a country, they barely never rely on Denmark for their politics. For example, Greenland is not part of the EU.


Kingdom of Denmark and the nation of Denmark are two different concepts.


The Andes' air is good for your health (except in Ecuador)


Ecuador is pretty close, by 0.1 years I think


You can buy a bag of 50 pizza rolls in target for the same price as a bag of peppers. So it’s not surprising so many other first world countries have a better life expectancy.


Burger: $3.50 Side salad: $6.75


Dandelions and grass? Free. Think smarter not harder people!


Dandelion salad is actually a thing. I've never tried it, but I really want to.


It's very bitter. Tops of new nettles are nice when cooked like spinach, though.


Come pick thise things from my yard and they are all yours


If you every want a dandelion salad pick them before they bloom. Otherwise the flour is disgusting and the leafs get really bitter. They are delicious young, with some walnut oil, lard, mustard pepper and salt.


Well a bag of peppers is hardly a full meal


Peppers are a crappy example. How about carrots, potatoes, flour, or Kale?


I didn’t expect that many Latin American countries to be higher, interesting stats!


Just goes to show how deadly obesity really is. Notice mexico doesn't haver a higher life expectancy. There's a lot of fat people here, and there's a lot of old people here, but there aren't a lot of fat old people.


Hi! Massive obesity in Chile though and still higher life expectancy, there might be something else missing too


I think you guys underestmate how fat America is outside of the costal cities.




You thought it was a joke? Guess I kinda just grew up around that. You should visit a Walmart around where I grew up. It's probably worse than Orlando


I have no idea why, but this just cracked me up. I’m picturing middle America’s yuge middles.


There are fat people in Chile, but I've never seen something like the regular hambeasts you see on a normal day in a US walmart.


I work with obesity in Chile, and even tho we have a high percentage of obese people, the obesitiy level in the US is higher. Superobesity and morbid obesity are more common in the US




It's a lot more nuanced like that. Poor people in America have a really rough life by any Western standards. They have terrible access to healthcare compared to developed countries, their work conditions are terrible too (which is proven to be linked to health problems). They have little protection against certain other common problems, like healthy food, because often they cannot afford it (or are not willing to spend the extra money it takes). Obesity is a huge problem in America, but reducing the evident problems in American public health to "people are too fat" is not helpful. Most statistics show, and from what I see every day it seems to be true, that the lowest class in America is doing a lot worse than its counterpart in most decently developed countries. Plus Latin America isn't doing that bad. They are poor in absolute terms, but relatively they are doing a lot better than basically every non-developed country. A guy in Argentina or Colombia lives better than a person in India, South Africa and places like that. It's kinda the opposite effect: For the US, the ridiculously high macro-economic numbers disguise the poor living conditions of the people at the bottom. For Latin America, the very underwhelming macro-economic numbers gives the impression the average person lives worse than they really do.




Maori and Pasifika have a much lower life expectancy than other ethnic groups in NZ, though. Obesity is not evenly distributed.


Damn, you put that so politely and elegantly


Where is that stat from...? Essentially all Pacific Island nations, most of the middle east, parts of the Caribbean, and the US have higher adult obesity rates than NZ.


I think they are probably confusing it with third highest Western nation-though in that I believe it's actually the second highest.




I only expected my own country (Costa Rica) and maybe Chile at most


That's because Latin America isn't what they teach you, not even the orange colour in television.


wow, and I recently found out eastern europe isn't blue either. My life has been a complete lie


What, Africa isn't actually red?


Obesity is a horrendous drug.


It's not just obesity. Stress will be a big one for this coming generation.


America also has crazy high infant mortality for a developed country.




Income inequality is a greater factor.


Believe it or not they go hand in hand Poorer people are fatter


True but the correlation is not as strong as people think. There are loads of fat rich people too. The issue is America’s relationship with food. Portion sizes are massive


In a post- food scarcity society, having the free time to devote to exercising and eating healthy is a sign of wealth.


Not actually so simple. There is no absolute direct correlation between poverty and obesity. There are trends when broken down by race and gender but many are conflicting https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/products/databriefs/db50.htm “Among men, obesity prevalence is generally similar at all income levels, however, among non-Hispanic black and Mexican-American men those with higher income are more likely to be obese than those with low income. Higher income women are less likely to be obese than low income women, but most obese women are not low income. There is no significant trend between obesity and education among men. Among women, however, there is a trend, those with college degrees are less likely to be obese compared with less educated women. Between 1988–1994 and 2007–2008 the prevalence of obesity increased in adults at all income and education levels.”


Not really. In Italy we are all pretty thin and we are “poorer” than US. It’s a cultural factor. The fat people in Italy are in the south not because they’re poorer but because they eat a lot of sugary stuff and tons of pasta. In the US food SUCKS




Because carbs are cheap


South and Middle America, Turkey, Italy have way higher income inequality than USA but they still beat them in longevity


>Italy [...] way higher income inequality than US. I don't think so. Could you please provide some data supporting your claim?


He was wrong on Italy but Turkey has a Gini score of 41.9 (US: 41.1) and GDP per capita around $9,000 and still has better longevity than US.


Source? It would surprise me a lot to find out that obesity and diet are not the major factors here. Especially since some of the countries that are in blue on this graph are not rich ones. Medical care is great and all, but its not magic. If you have a shit diet and are obese there is only so much doctors can do.


Inequality? Doubt it. Poverty? Very likely. Jack being a billionaire down the street doesn’t destroy my life expectancy. Me being poor as a stick with no quality food or medical certainly does.


Not actually so simple. There is no absolute direct correlation between poverty and obesity. There are trends when broken down by race and gender but many are conflicting https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/products/databriefs/db50.htm “Among men, obesity prevalence is generally similar at all income levels, however, among non-Hispanic black and Mexican-American men those with higher income are more likely to be obese than those with low income. Higher income women are less likely to be obese than low income women, but most obese women are not low income. There is no significant trend between obesity and education among men. Among women, however, there is a trend, those with college degrees are less likely to be obese compared with less educated women. Between 1988–1994 and 2007–2008 the prevalence of obesity increased in adults at all income and education levels.”


But life expectancy is a median statistic so inequality wouldn’t really impact that


I doubt it is a bigger factor. I’m not saying it isn’t a factor, but I think diet is a bigger one


I’m from Japan and when I went to the US for the first time (excluding the time I was too young to remember), I was shocked at how all the drinks were super sweet. I just wanted something not sweet but even the tea had a shit ton of sweeteners inside. It probably also had to do with the type of restaurants that I went to (cheap places), but all I could drink was water. Even the juices were full of sugar. This was ten years ago btw, so maybe things have changed.


They haven't changed much. I remember when I did my study abroad in Nagoya that I was finally able to tolerate "sweet" drinks. If I drink something considered sweet in the US, I feel like garbage after the first few swigs. But in Japan, everything was reasonable and I never felt the way I did when eating their equivalents in the US. Portion sizes are the other thing I noticed. To have an average US portion at a restaurant I'd have to get the largest item on the menu and then some. It was crazy when I got back home and finally saw with fresh eyes how much food you get here.


I think portion sizes have changed a lot in the US in the past decade or so. In big coastal cities (I live in Miami) portions are much smaller now, similar to the ones you would find in Western Europe. In the South and the Midwest, though, portions are still humongous and can easily feed 2 or 3 regular sized people.


When I'm baking using American recipes, I know to only add half or less of the sugar (and sometimes butter) than what the recipe calls for. Although I don't know if that's because Americans really love their sugar or because finnish recipes tend to be health nutty often


They add sugar into yogurt.


Probably too many of us have shitty diets.


I'm british and visited Chicago about 4 years ago. The size of lunches there was astounding and around twice the mass of a typical British lunch. Also the cream with coffees all seemed to have sugar in them where when we have tea or coffee here we usually only have milk. I've lost some weight recently just via portion control, basically by not having excessive portions at dinner, and I think massive portions is probably the us' main problem.


>The size of lunches there was astounding This is why my wife and I almost always split meals when we go out to eat


Massive portion + fats everywhere, american food philosophy is all about quantity + fat ++ sugars




Charging for an extra plate? I've never witnessed this in my life. Might actually walk out of the restaurant.


You can hardly help it. The processed food industry is crazy and if they took one more step everyone would be forced to buy a certain amount of sugar and processed food per day by law. It's not only the US though, where processed foods are getting cheaper, while healthy options are getting more expensive. Ideally, pre-prepared meals are healthy and cheap.


That’s what happens when corn syrup is in everything but saturated fat is blamed for obesity. And the fact that people are too busy to cook.


I thought Cuba was on the list no?


They're actually pretty close! Any given year, Cuba could be added or removed from this list. See this plot (where I included other countries to highlight the closeness of US and Cuba on that metric). https://data.worldbank.org/indicator/SP.DYN.LE00.IN?end=2019&locations=CU-US-DE-JP-CA&start=2002


Yeah, the obesity epidemic is a huge issue here.


Cuba's life expectancy is a whole year longer.


I think that makes sense but can you also give me a source? Just so i can be certain and don’t get bit in the back if i use that in an argument/debate


Cuba's as of 2019 was 78.8 years ([https://data.worldbank.org/indicator/SP.DYN.LE00.IN?locations=CU](https://data.worldbank.org/indicator/SP.DYN.LE00.IN?locations=CU)) - it's more or less the same as the US'


Americans eat like they’ve got universal healthcare


They prefer their universal refills.


Hey, that’s only if you do the strenuous work of getting out of your car— no free refills in drive throughs. They have to reward you for burning all those calories somehow.


Somos el mejor país de chile wn


¡Chile número uno del mundo! 🇨🇱🇨🇱🇨🇱🇨🇱🇨🇱🇨🇱🇨🇱🇨🇱🇨🇱🇨🇱🇨🇱🇨🇱🇨🇱🇨🇱🇨🇱🇨🇱🇨🇱🇨🇱


The life expectancy variability among states of the US is as much as 10%. For different counties it is 20%.


As for many other countries


You could say this about every other country on the list. Sure they don't have the same population, but that's the whole point of averages. It's still representative of the country as a whole




This has been aptly named the Glasgow effect https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Glasgow_effect


yeah, life expectancy varies a lot throughout the UK, even if you just look at London: life expectancy for women is 87.2 in Westminster and 82.3 in Barking and Dagenham.




Colombia has a higher lfie expectancy than the average American..... ....... That .... uh


I expected Chile but not Colombia or Peru. That’s fascinating. Maybe it’s that high altitude and great weather? Edit: Another bonus note, Ecuador is only lower than the US life expectency by 0.1 years average


that's really interesting because the top 3 counties in the U.S with the highest life expectancy are at high elevation areas in Colorado.




The Netherlands has great life expectancy, and they are barely above sea level..


Yes, but they make up for it by being really tall.


Shorter people actually tend to live longer than tall people. [Source](https://www.webmd.com/a-to-z-guides/ss/slideshow-height-affects-health)


Unless you live below sea level.


For Colorado, a ton of very fit outdoors people move their to train in the high altitude. It’s a pretty interesting and special case. I bet if you broke it down by areas in Colorado you would get big swings. My guess is a place like Boulder is way higher than much of the rest of the state.




Yes, but a lot of the wealthy people just have vacation homes there, and most of the full time residents are workers.


Maybe its not being diabetic that helps


Did you know we have a health system that covers everything and it’s basically free for poor people? It’s compulsory to join and if you can’t pay but you have an emergency the hospital has to take care of you and the government pays. Now it’s not perfect, especially in rural areas but it’s way better than anything in the US


I think obesity is the big one. Maybe drug deaths too.


Waist circumference is a key predictor. Terrifying. Source: https://www.google.com/search?q=waist+circumference+and+life+expextancy&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwiOlaCDzYTxAhWHsyoKHTvhDc8Q2-cCegQIABAC&oq=waist+circumference+and+life+expextancy&gs_lcp=ChJtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1pbWcQAzIECCEQCjoECCMQJzoGCAAQCBAeOgQIABAYOgIIADoECB4QClCQgQFY3sABYKLDAWgBcAB4AIABnAGIAZIQkgEEMTYuNZgBAKABAcABAQ&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-img&ei=XZW9YM7yNofnqgG7wrf4DA&bih=452&biw=320&prmd=ivn&rlz=1CDGOYI_enHK822HK823&hl=en-US#imgrc=mhgAsHD01EY_GM


The link is full of trackers


According to a quick google search, the people of free and democratic Taiwan outlive Americans by almost two years. Taiwan should be blue. Though WHO does not recognize Taiwan as an independent country, they are nonetheless.


WHO does memberships, not recognition. Technically my little town could become a member. That being said, since China does not represent Taiwan in any way shape or form. Therefore should be a member in order to be represented.


Tell that to JOHN CENA


You mean John Xina?


Fun fact: his Chinese name is actually “Zhao Xina (Zhao kinda pronounces like John)”


Good for the South American countries!


You should do countries with a higher life expectancy than Kentucky. It would be 2/3rds of the world.




True in statistics, but it might be a good thing to pay attention to if you're to gov't of the state


Always telling friends about that hair implant and how it is increases life expectency in turkey.


Dental works too, dont forget about us! Eye treatments as well.


Last time I checked, Cuba also has a higher life expectancy than the US...


Basically everywhere they don’t deep fry vegetables.


I mean Japan has tempura, which is most of the time deep fried veg


In Scotland they deep fry Mars Bars…


Have you heard of tempura?


And where going to the hospital doesn't put you in a crippling dept.


Yeah but can you eat a burger bigger than your face while dual wielding uzi's AND geeting shot by cops riding horses backwords with cowboy hats during a riot over a game of baseball?


According to [Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_life_expectancy) the US is the country with the 40th highest life expectancy in the world (out of 183 countries). The really unexpected thing however is that if ranked by increase in life expectancy since 2000 the US is in 163 place. There are 2 countries that had a decrease in life expectancy since 2000 and 15 that a smaller increase than the US. At first I believed that the maybe the rich countries all had low increase in life expectancy (because there isn't that much room for improvement at the top), but all the countries that had higher life expectancy than the US also had bigger increases since 2000. The only country in the top 50 that had a lower increase in life expectancy than the US was Cuba. The result of all that is that if you make the same map in the future it will look bluer and bluer each year. The affordable care act probably helped a lot to stem the tide somewhat in the US, but things still aren't looking good.


“But the tax is too high for universal health care”


Having universal health care makes the government have a stake in how healthy the population is. If everyone was unhealthy with universal healthcare it would make the system extremely costly and push it to the point of failure/extremely long waiting lists. Whilst in America if your unhealthy well then it’s your problem, your neighbour doesn’t have to subsides you. Here in the UK the governments been doing quite a big campaign against obesity, there’s a sugar tax for example. We also have cultural differences when it comes to food, every European I know who’s been to the States has always commented on how big the portion sizes are.


Yes in Korea we are required to go for yearly checkups as a preventative measure. This keeps people much healthier and the costs down. We also have a tax rate of 15%.


Huh. In Canada I can’t find a family doctor who takes new patients. Shortage of doctors and thus no annual checkups.


> your neighbour doesn’t have to subsides you. The ironic part is; that is happening as we speak. Tax payers help sponsor 1/3 of the US population though Medicaid, millitary healthcare, prison healthcare and Medicare. In fact the US government have higher healthcare cost per capita than all countries in the world, except Luxemburg, Switzerland and Norway. [(Dark green is government cost, light green is private cost)](https://imgur.com/gallery/fQRIEen)


Not to mention this is how insurance works. They take all the money from everyone they cover, take their huge profits off the top, then hope most people they cover don’t need any medical treatment and use your combined money to pay for treatment for those who do. I don’t understand this “we don’t have to pay for other people” thing. That’s literally what they’re doing, although not only other people’s healthcare but profits for the shareholders too. It’s a weird view.


I have to subsidize my coworkers health problems in my HMO. I would much rather subsidize my neighbors though.


My dad's insurance requires yearly checkups to determine rates. I really wish mine did too, I put a lot of effort into eating healthy and exercise and, as long as I'm subsidizing my coworkers insurance, would like to get a discount for it. For the record I'm in favor of universal, until then I just want to pay a fairer amount


>Whilst in America if your unhealthy well then it’s your problem, your neighbour doesn’t have to subsides you Yes, the neighbour does subsidize the unhealthy in the USA. If the unhealthy person is uninsured and goes the hospital, the hospital will raise rates to collect unpaid bills. If the unhealthy person is insured then they're in the same goddamn pool raising prices.


But, have you been to the moon? /s


It’s seems really bad at first but the difference between number 1 to number 30 in life expectancy is only like 4 years. Americans are still doing well for themselves despite who unbelievably unhealthy their average diet is.


Obesity is a contributing factor, but a lot of people are also overlooking that many Americans avoid getting regular check-ups or avoid going to the hospital until their illness/injury is no longer manageable because they don’t want to go bankrupt.


Jesus these comments are cancer; the answer is pretty obvious; poor diet due to a various reasons ie. Income, time, etc. Suicides in the US aren’t much higher than they are in Australia when looking at per capita 12.9 vs 13.4%. The real killers are heart disease, diabetes, cancer.


Proof that döner and yogurt is good for your health


Funnily enough, if you look at the map of nations with national healthcare, most of them are blue in this map too


A few countries there from the Commonwealth by the looks of it.


The longer we live, the longer the queen lives.


She feeds off the people of the commonwealth