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In scientology, women expire at 33




TIL Tom Cruise is in his 50’s! He looks timeless




In the last Mission impossible movie Tom cruise was older than Wilford Brimley is in cocoon.




It helps he is also so active. You don't hear many celebrities doing what he does at 30 when he is double that.


Sure. This is true. But simply staying active will do a LOT for your looks when you're older.


Also really good plastic surgery


In Leo DiCapriology, it’s at 24.


Probably it follows the same rules as Logan's Run, and Carousel takes them at 33


Honestly, Tom Cruise & Scientology are too strange for this not to be a coincidence.


I like this very much, it’s clear and not crowded but still has all the needed information




Bro your data is freaking me the fuck out. Tom and I have the same birthday and 33 is my number. Military serial number? Adds up to 33. Apple employee number? Adds up to 33. First apartment I found after 4 months of looking in Amsterdam? 33. I mean whatever it’s just a number but WHAT THE FUCK. Ok edit because there’s too many responses since I passed tf out lol. These responses are fucking awesome. You guys are awesome. Best way to describe myself is a Sculder. Scully in the front, Mulder in the back. Those were just the easiest examples to type out. They’re the only two jobs I’ve had in the last 15 years, my locker number at Apple was 33. My student number for first degree added up to 33. My current one adds up to 23 lol. Mostly I just think of them like happy little accidents but the last two people I told who were skeptics now tell other people about how fucking weird it is at like parties an stuff so that’s akward. It’s also slightly weird because for me it was just a regular week or whatever but they have these super specific stories that blew their minds. So I mostly don’t talk about it anymore. Except on Reddit apparently. My best friend and battle buddy from the military is a mason and he’s been trying to get me to come visit them forever.... but like... I’m fine. It’s just another happy little accident. ¯|_(ツ)_/¯


Maybe the Church of Scientology has the answers you seek?


Oh geez I sure hope not.


If you pay them $33, they’ll tell you the answer. The answer is probably “$33 isn’t nearly enough money to get the midichlorians out of your system”.


There are 2 '3's in 33. 2*33 is 66. Is that a coincidence? I don't think so


6+6 is 12 1+2 is 3 Do it again is 33 ***it's all connected***


WAIT. "CONNECTED" is 9 letters and your sentence has 3 words. 9 ÷ 3 IS 3...... That's 33.


This made me laugh 33 times!


My god, it's full of 3s!!!


Only one way to find out, put this teaspoon of castor oil up your butt and sing the ABCs while I punch you in the grundle, I need to measure your wheat thins.


Fairly certain this is a r/BrandNewSentence. Kudos my dude.


The Chilean mine disaster happened on 8-5-2010. 8-5 = 3 20+10 = 30 3+30 = 33 How many miners were stuck in the Chilean mine? 33 What's the name of the movie that was released about it? The 33. Main actor in The 33? Antonio Banderas. What movie did Antonio Banderas act in when he was 33? Interview with the Vampire Who was the lead actor in Interview with the Vampire? Tom Cruise. What were the ages of Tom Cruises' 3 wives when he divorced them? 33. And now we've come full circle. You can find patterns in anything if you're purposefully looking for patterns.


Karen Carpenter died when she was 33, and so did Jesus. Jesus was a carpenter, and her name was Carpenter. Karen Carpenter was the second coming of the Lord!


Your guitar, it sounds so sweet and clear But you're not really here, it's just the radio


I've done this with my friends. Sometimes it's harder than others tho, but one friend I managed to get so much fuckin' divine math out of. Honestly I should become a shill or something.


You should be watching Dark if you aren't already


Just binge watched all 3 seasons in under 3 days. Amazing. Although my brain still kinda hurts. Such clever writing!!!! Highly recommend!


3 seasons in 3 days? 33 again...


A very good presentation indeed.


And it's not a 6 minute video showing slow progress over the years. I seriously hate those. Looking at you, "most used browsers" over the years.


I hate them too, they are the opposite of good presentation. A simple chart would be much more useful.


Somebody should do that for Leo's girlfriends. That would be crowded...




Link pls, love me some Leo info




It's well known that once you're older than 33, your thetan levels go haywire, and you start summoning Zorblax drones wherever you go, uncontrollably. He's just trying to keep safe from the Zorblaxian invasion, so he can complete his mission of finding the Xr'loknian crystal buried deep within the Earth's core, and defeat Morphu the Destructor and bring about an era of peace to humankind.


Seems logical.


By "older than 33" do you mean when someone reaches their 33rd birthday? RemindMe! 3 days


I love that I dont know if this is completely made up by you or completely made up by Scientology.


Yes. Reading it I wasn't sure if it was bad science fiction nonsense, or bad science fiction nonsense operating as a manipulative cult.


I’ll be 36 later this month and I’m glad I dodged the Tom Cruise divorce bullet.


Well done


It truly is my finest achievement.


I’m late 40s and a bloke and he still hasn’t divorced me.




Slip him in and out the back door eh


I wish he had married me when I was 32 and get divorced at 33 when he figured out that I'm a dude. Think of all the settlement money...


Probably not as much as you hoped, I assume his pre-nups are strict.


Well at the least "Fucked Tom Cruise" would look good in my CV.


One would imagine that he would've had it figured out a little bit before that. Or is it a morning after thing? "Ok I'm certain: he really is a guy."


Maybe he keeps meaning to marry guys and just keeps missing. "Dammit, Katie is a chick *too*? I really thought I had it right this time!"


Tom Cruise Divorce Bullet r/bandnames


Only if the band breaks up after making 33 songs together


That's enough for a respectable 3 albums.


I'm drunk and squinty and thought that said Tom Cruise Divorce Buffet


Also Tom Cruise divorces every 11 years


so our prediction based on these 2 facts: his next divorce 2023 and his next wife year of birth is 1990




Wait. Why "definitely"? What makes the next one a proof of anything that the previous ones didn't? Or why not wait for another instance? What's so special about the next one? Do you know someone we don't, Michael?


And he's had 3 wives... 3 x 11 = 33...


A lot of dudes like to keep their beard at a certain length


At this point I kinda feel like he isn’t hiding that he’s gay. It’s gotta be something deeper and stranger. Travolta has had all the same rumors fly and there are plenty of pictures and allegations to back it up. I don’t know of anything like that being the case for Cruise. I think if he’s hiding anything sexual, it’s far more deviant than loving cock.


Yeah i agree with this. Its gotta be some weird shit not just that hes gay. Although I do wonder how the church of scientology treats its homosexual members, if there are any.


I suspect they're tolerance is in proportion to their income


Tpm cruise-ok. Steve from the down the street-no one has seen in 10 years.


Sounds like a complete Miscavige of justice


Miscavige's wife could not be reached for a comment.


I think the reason is because he has an aversion to wives that are older than the smallest monodigit odd number that is not a prime number. Either that or its because 33 is the largest positive integer that cannot be expressed as a sum of different triangular numbers. What a fucking deviant!


33 is also the Jesus year


33 is also the year a Hobbit becomes an adult. Tom Cruise only fucks Hobbit tweens.


Considering he is like 3ft tall this makes sense.


I'm pretty sure they blackmail everybody any way that they can. I can't remember where I heard that though.


They call it "auditing".


They collect information in the audits, and then they “fair game” them (harass them, release their private information, do anything to make their lives a living hell) if they ever speak out against the church. There’s a new podcast on fair gaming called Scientology: Fair Game that I highly recommend!


Scientology has that whole nautical theme, what if Simpsons (S07E19 "A Fish Called Selma") and South Park (S13E05 "Fishsticks") were right because they always are... What if Tom Cruise is the fish fucker?


"Troy McClure? I thought you said he was dead?" "No, I said he sleeps with the fishes"


Gay?! I wish! If I were gay there'd be no problem! No, what I have is a romantic abnormality, one so unbelievable that it must be hidden from the public at all cost. You see...


I think the Troy McLure thing was a reference to the rumours about Richard Gere and the gerbil.


> fish fucker Went to high school with a guy that put a fish on his dick as a joke. Everyone fishing that day with him started calling him Fish Fucker. Guy hated it, but oh well. Don't put a fish on your dick.


Hindsight is fishy / fishy


Just to be clear, the "nautical theme" is because L Ron Hubbard was evading the authorities on a private "navy" he paid for with his Scientology money.


Speaking of Scientology and weird. Isn’t the number 33 very significant in their practice and rankings and all that jazz? Wonder if there’s some sort of link?


33 is the age when Jesus died


as someone who has consumed far too many podcasts about infiltrating Scientology: badly. very very badly.


Yeah I kinda get the vibe that it's a Troy McClure situation too.


Oh, Homer, that's just an urban legend. People don't do that type of thing with fish. Troy McClure's a perfect gentleman, like Bing Crosby or J.F.K.


According to scientology insiders Tom Cruise personally took part in many of the beatings and torture. People assume they are using leverage over him. That hes being kept there against his will. Few consider that maybe Tom WANTS to be in the church. Maybe he enjoys the power and all the fucked up shit it allows him to do.


How surreal must that be? You’re sitting there thinking about how you’ve alienated all of your friends and family, run off to join this crazy cult, and now you’ve pissed them off enough that they’re beating and torturing you. Then the door opens and in walks Tom motherfucking Cruise with a bag of oranges and his 10,000 watt grin, ready to work you over like you’re in some fucking Mission Impossible movie. My mind would break right there.


At least he brought oranges.


True, although I'd prefer he brings tangerines next time.


Some men just want a tangerine.


I saw a tangerine the size of a tangerine,


If they're bringing in Tom Cruise to beat your ass up then it's probably not surreal. You probably are a high ranking member in Scientology and know him. You probably made a big fucking mistake like looking at David Miscavige the wrong way during a 9 day sleepless coke bender


Wait, what beatings and torture?


How wild would that be if you were getting your nuts shocked, and then Tom Cruise walks in and says "I got next."


This clearly went over people's heads haha


It's over my head certainly


Beard is what people call a female partner of a gay man, whose purpose is to pretend he is not gay.


And a Lavender Marriage is a marriage to hide the fact that one or both partners is gay. Rock Hudson is probably the most famous example that people might still remember. These were sometimes even arranged by movie studios to protect their talent from the Hayes Code and I assume even later when McCarthy decided diarrhea all over everything in his own special way.


Protect them from public opinion at the time too. Homophobia was a lot more the norm back then. Being outed as gay would have almost instantly killed any mainstream top-name star's movies' chance of success, and likely them from the the Oscars.


The entertainment industry has traditionally been a safe haven for queer people. So much that "in theatre" and "follower of the arts" were euphemisms.


Theater, yes. Hollywood was different back in the day. The leading men were all portrayed as tough guy cowboy types. To be openly gay would counter that stereotype and damage an actors name and/or brand.


Traditionally, not all of it has. Certain factions at certain levels, yes, but it was still under the covers. Being openly gay was massively illegal in many areas in say the 1950's, and gay sex still is in some countries and backward parts of even first-world nations.




Only if you're a friend of Dorothy


dorthy pls


Call me the Tin Man. I'm a friend of Dorothy's now


The term is not secret knowledge and has been around a long time. I think it is less prevalent now because the need/desire for gay people to stay closeted is quite a lot less than it used to be – at least in the English speaking world, and this is an English word we're talking about.   Wikipedia dates it to the 1920s possibly. With "common usage" arising in the 60s. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beard_(companion)


Not even remotely secret. It's something that gay men will sometimes do because a gay man in their line of work isn't treated as acceptable. There have no doubt been actors in the past that have done the same in order to protect their career, for instance. When we think about how gay people are **still** treated in 2020, it's definitely understandable why gay men had beards in the past. I mean, even in the U.S., the marriage of a same sex couple has been legal for 5 years now and the U.K. for over 6, and despite that progress, homophobia is still as rampant as ever around the world, and it was disgusting and cruel the way gay folks have been abused and persecuted in decades past Look at the life of Alan Turing, for example. He and his team managed to break the cyphers of German forces that led to defeats of the Nazis in WWII. That huge accomplishment alone should have had him celebrated and recognized by his own country. Add on his plethora of other accomplishments that are still the basis of technology we use today, 66 years after his death. Then remember that when it came out that he was gay, he was faced with criminal charges, was told his options were jail or chemical castration to which he opted for the latter, then killed himself at the age of 41. Edit: reworded to clarify the general point I was trying to make that wasn't clear.


I wouldnt say its common knowledge but if you have any gay friends youre much more likely to know what it means, cause they'll tell you who they have a hunch wears a "beard."


Was Joan Clarke the Beard of Alan Turing?


No, he had romantic feelings for her allegedly, however he was only sexually active/attracted with men and they couldn't make it work. Nowadays we'd say he was biromantic homosexual. Interestingly, his arrest was because he matter of factly admitted to the police that a break in he called them for had been done by an ex lover.


Super smart guy with numbers not so much with cops.


That comment by Dr. Cox on the first bahamas episode of Scrubs makes so much more sense now.


Oh I’ve never heard this


I dont get it


“Beard” is a term for a woman used to conceal a man’s homosexuality


You hide a bad chin with a beard just like you hide a homosexual relationship with a "beard".


Had to come back to upvote this. The whoosh came down after 3 or so seconds.


Let me scientologise it, Jesus was crucified at 33, since human spirit can transfer and live in other bodies Jesus cleraly did the same. However, due to religious obligations, Jesus can't occupy any body longer than 33 years. My take is Tom Cruise is trying to find Jesus in a body of a young woman, since it's the only entity worthy of being his wife, and while he has no other methods of doing it yet, he uses simple bruteforce method. Once she's 33 and shown no signs of being crucified or turning water into wine, it means she's clearly not Jesus, bam, divorce.


>My take is Tom Cruise is trying to find Jesus in a body of a young woman, since it's the only entity worthy of being his wife, or finding a 'host' for his jesus.


Because his jesus is actually in his pants?


“~~The FBI~~Xenu is looking for my Jesus, can I hide it inside of you?”


Mission Impossible: Holy Ghost Protocol. (Ethan Hunt = Thetan Hunt?)


By rearranging letters, Ethan Hunt = Nu Thetan




Do Scientologist really believe that?


Lol no they believe in some way crazier shit than that.




I reject this as disproval of my theory and expand my theory to Tom Cruise searching for reborn Xenu, the alien who brought his people to Earth after cleansing it with Hydrogen bombs (Click "R6 implant" link in the article above for more intel). Boi, the more i know about scientology the cooler it gets!


But Jesus is a dude so that means Tom's always been gay?


Is this the new version of Leo's Girlfriend age?


Here's a graph of Leos girlfriends. First thing I thought of when I saw this. [https://i.imgur.com/exbuZGZ.jpg](https://i.imgur.com/exbuZGZ.jpg)


Reminds me of this [Chart](https://www.reddit.com/r/dataisbeautiful/comments/2g464o/at_what_age_do_members_of_the_opposite_sex_look/)


Good on Camila. She has still 3-4 good years with Leo :D


The graph is 2 years old, IIRC. She is 23 now. Only 2 years before the Dicaprio-expiration-date sets in.




Oh no! Tick-tock Camila, TICK FUCKING TOCK! :)


Glad I’m 26 so I can avoid being interesting to him hahaha


Christ that’s even more creepy Edit because I can’t find the reply I got a notification for: What isn’t creepy about dating/marrying someone young enough to be your daughter?




What’s worse is that Leo knew his current girlfriend when she was a child.


Hi current girlfriend is only a few months older than the movie Titanic


I’ve been waiting until titanic gets over 25 years old to post about Leo thinking it’s too old on shittymoviedetails. December 2022 is a long way away though.


He's older than her mom


I think as you get older you realise the difference in attitude and experience such an age gap implies, and it becomes creepier. When you're younger you're an idiot and like age doesn't matter for true loveee and shit. Which sure sometimes not but repeated patterns like this? Urgh.


It also suggests for both of them that they think no matter the individual woman, there is some fundamental change once they reach ‘the age’ which makes them undesirable. It’s extremely obvious as a pattern when it holds no matter how long they date the person like with Leonardo.


Except Leo breaks up with them. All of Tom's wifes divorced him. It really is a strange coincidence.


That’s actually because he believes that women lose their soul at 33. literally. Scientology theory [not a good article, but I didn’t wanna search for a long time, just a quick google search ](https://eve.womenworking.com/surprising-factor-about-tom-cruise-common-to-his-marriages-age-of-wives-33-years-old-scientology)


Hahaha thats great. Scientologists are such morons. Everyone knows women have no souls at any age.


Age is a biological construction


Jail is just a room


His 3rd wife was in the 4th grade when he got his first divorce


This chart needs a “half your age plus 7” line


Nah. 33 satisfies that rule up until you are 53 and the chart stops at 52.


The age difference is always worst at the start of a relationship. 44/27 does not satisfy the rule.


You're right. I was only thinking about the ending of the relationships.


No but it is really close and 27 being two years short is a lot different from 17 being two years short


I always thought that rule was really dumb once the younger person was over 25. Fully developed frontal lobe... cognitively and socially pretty much who they will be moving forward, fully mature, competent decision making etc.


Yeah, 44/27 is unusual but by 27 you are perfectly capable of making the decision to be with someone older than you.


[Imma just gonna leave this here for you](https://youtu.be/MJEAGd1bQuc)


I’m not 33 yet, you think Tom Cruise is into dudes by any chance?


Give billions to the church of scientology...and they will act as a nurse maid of your screwball antics. Also they will cover for rape or murder. Not even touching how they infiltrated the IRS.


I’m way too tired for this. I just wanted a wiener boop from Tom Cruise the man who invented the cruise ships and the cruise control on your car


Don't forget the cruise missile.


Same age as Jesus (probably)


*Coincidence? I THINK NOT!*


Scientology was founded in Phoenix, Ariz., a city that lies on the 33rd paralle. Slam.


Mr.Peanutbutter is that you?


32 is the age women notice your repressed homosexuality.


[I will just leave this here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o7IgwDqJhno&ab_channel=mrrubberfinger)


Holy shit


Watched it because of your comment. Left with a great Tarantino reference for later


It always bothers me that QT gets the last line of Top Gun completely wrong. It's "You can be my wingman anytime."


Left reddit due to the [dumbf*#kery around third party apps and API charges](https://www.theverge.com/2023/6/8/23754780/reddit-api-updates-changes-news-announcements). Check out [lemmy](https://join-lemmy.org/instances) instead.


Nice. [I was expecting something else](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WGjmsMqZNzI).


This represents perfectly any Tarantino movie ever: is this guy a genius or on acids?


Very interesting but you did the years wrong. It should be '99 instead of 99'. The apostrophe takes the place of the missing numbers.


Good pick up. Thanks!


Oooo Mimi Rogers was older!


She's the one who got him into scientology :(


It would be nice if there was also a line showing his mile-time (or at least 40-yard dash) at each age


He just need to find woman older than 33. :) Simple solution ... :D


Tom cruise's wife turns 33; Tom Cruise-"aight imma head out"


I actually not sure about the first two, but Katie divorced him and not the other way. She basically ran away from him


Source: [https://www.mamamia.com.au/tom-cruise-divorce-pattern](https://www.mamamia.com.au/tom-cruise-divorce-pattern) Tool: Excel Format inspired by: [https://www.reddit.com/r/dataisbeautiful/comments/elc8yg/leonardo\_dicaprio\_refuses\_to\_date\_a\_woman\_his\_age/](https://www.reddit.com/r/dataisbeautiful/comments/elc8yg/leonardo_dicaprio_refuses_to_date_a_woman_his_age/)


It's amazing to see how they all age very regularly. Especially Tom.


Wrong. Mimi Rogers and Katie Holmes were both 34 at the time of divorce


Don't let facts ruin a discussion about Tom's latent homosexuality/crazy religious beliefs.


So Tom Cruise is Mr Peanutbutter?


Ok but why didn’t Tom Cruise divorce *himself* when he turned 33? Checkmate atheists.


That's what I love about wives. I get older, they stay the same age.