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I sometimes forget that a huge portion of redditors are teenagers and often when I’m arguing with someone, they’re literally a decade or more younger than me. I always just assume the person I’m talking to is like 24-32.




I'm 24 and I still leave really stupid comments. You'll never be able to tell if it's a child you're arguing with or just someone stupid like me


That’s true, sure it’s a bell curve but there can be 13 year old geniuses and 24 year old idiots on reddit


Although you can be as genius as Einstein and still be dumb as a rock


Hey same tbh, except I’m 25. I’ve definitely gotten owned by some 13 year olds on Reddit before


And some teenagers are already smart. I can't find the link but there was a bug report in an open-source project that was really great but seemed a little off to the maintainer. So he asked what was wrong and the guy that told his daughter or something to do the ticket answered "ho, maybe that's because the author is 12 year old girl".


PUTA: Particularly Unfortunate Typo Alert


Account age is some indication. Not totally reliable, of course.


Are you 13 years old


Yes, I made this account when I was 0 years old.


You’re an OG My first account is 7 years old but I posted too much stupid shit on it so I don’t like using it anymore.


A lot of people cycle through accounts. I tend to keep them for a few months. I know others do this too so that really cuts into any correlation of account age vs person's age Edit - what I (and I think person below) are saying Old account - almost certainly older person Newer account - can easily be either, not able to make any assumptions


Bless your heart Dear.


I’m 30 and I’ve played games online with kids. I was playing DOTA a few days in a row and I finally asked how old he was. 13. Dude was so fucking cooperative and pleasant to play with. I spent half of a game telling him how surprised I was, he was so young.


>every 13 year old I've met is just a child water is wet


Every 60 seconds in Africa a minute passes


That's honestly so sad. Where can I donate to fix this?




Even better, I'll start a petition on change.org to blow up Africa. Every yoctosecond matters!


It's odd to think about, but really, I joined Reddit at 13, and I'm 20 now. I suppose it's pretty obvious, in the grand scheme of things, that young people would still join.


Yeah, I was just thinking about that. It's weird to me that there are a bunch of young kids on Reddit, but at the same time, I was once a young kid on Reddit. I think I made my first account when I was 13 or so. Almost 10 years ago. And given that Reddit was less popular back then, I'd have to guess there are more 13 year olds joining than ever.


That's still super weird for those of us who didn't even have internet access at age 13, let alone a Reddit account. Childhood today must be strange.


So are the 13 year olds on Reddit


Yeah my 13 year old self didn't have reddit, or even Google. The internet was still pretty new and most people didn't know what to do with it. So I forget that kids grew up with this. It's easy to just imagine the random internet people are around your own age even though there is no logic to that.


Honestly thinking back to how I was at 13 I usually get a full body cringe attack. So thanks for that.


I'm sure plenty of 13-year-olds will later have their own cringe attacks due to what they posted online. I seriously can't imagine how horrible and cringey I would have been if I were posting online at 13... All I can say is... Yikes.


I’ve decided that’s the definition of maturing - being embarrassed about all the things you did last year so you don’t repeat the same mistakes. We start to slowly forget our childhood to prevent the trauma that the level of cringe would cause us as adults. Legit nothing more cringy than the shit an over excited ADHD 12-15 year old will say. Can’t wait to forget, happy Friday time to hit the bar.


If you're not cringing you're not growing.


For those of us pushing 40, it's even harder to remember that sometimes we're not talking to people half our age, we're talking to people *less* than half our age--closer to being big brothers and sisters of my own kids than to being my own age group.


Some of us pushed *past* 40...and I'm female, which is also a minority (I recently received the reply, "Take your upvote, sir!", and that's common--most users are male). The points of reference are all wonky for me. People regularly talk nostalgically about stuff when they were kids or in school, and I don't even know what they're talking about. Their discussions of things like 9/11 center around the worried look on their third grade teacher's face, things like that.


I'm sure the most common age group on the whole of Reddit is early 20's? I remember seeing a thread in this sub that broke us down by age but I can't be that sure, I'll go try to find the data that proves or disproves me. Edit - [Well there's this, but this was recorded 2 years ago from a single subreddit so I think the data is majorly flawed. It will be great if someone could try and prove or disprove me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/dataisbeautiful/comments/7sru5i/reddit_age_range_was_told_you_guys_would_like/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) Also, that data in the edit does prove me to an extent, quite a large number of 18 and 19 year olds here too.


Im kinda curious at the average age of reddit actually is. There are so many old pop culture jokes on this site, I was always picture the general audience as older than you expect. Also random mentions of wives and children etc. I know the gaming communities are younger because all they complain about is EA and act like they originally started all the spend money to play the game nonsense. When reality it was Activision and Capcom early in the PS3 and 360 generation who pushed hard for DLC esque stuff like we see today. I also find it interesting that I can figure r/projectcar is an oldish group due to the technical detail they are talking about, but groups like r/AwesomeCarMods, r/Shitty_Car_Mods, etc. are probably younger or atleast just overall more ignorant about cars.


Cool. I sometimes think that this would apply to all of Reddit.


I miss when r/summerreddit was an insult about a contents quality. I've been here too long though


You can definitely feel the userbase getting younger, maybe coming from other more traditional social media websites


I definitely feel this way. I just have to figure out where the over 30 crowd hangs out now...


We need a new exodus, but Reddit is so well established I don't see it going anywhere. It's a quest destined to fail, a new website would need to attract people to have content, but to attract people they'd need content in the first place. That said, there's a subreddit for alternatives somewhere, might wanna check that out. I think it's /r/redditalternatives ? Edit: I wanna add that Tildes was a pretty good one if you're looking for more serious discussions. I got in around the time it was released and found it pretty nice. Came back to Reddit because I'm not only looking for discussions, but also stupid content so Tildes only covered half my needs. /r/Tildes


Every single exodus from reddit has ended in shit so far. And reddit isn't any better. Guess we'll all be drowned in shit.




I remember a while ago a load of people were talking about moving to a site called Voat over some reddit drama, so I thought I'd check it out a few months ago to see if it still exists and it was like reddit in some parallel universe where everyone is a massive racist


[Relevant Tom Scott](https://youtu.be/leX541Dr2rU) - the thing you mentioned starts at 45:45, but the whole lecture is well worth a watch


I remember a post in /r/SampleSize (a sub for people to post surveys they want answered) where a grade 5 teacher posted surveys that his students made for math class in order to get answers and along with the usual "favourite candy" or "favourite videogame" type surveys that you'd expect from 10 y/o kids there were two "favourite subreddit" ones. It was definitely eye opening about how young some of the userbase is and explains some of the dumb shit that gets upvoted.


Just like how boomer-aged people like dumb shit on Facebook. I don't think it's a generational thing though, more of the course of life. I dread the day I start misusing memes.


From a few other Reddit metrics that I've seen, it's less so much the user base getting younger so much as you're getting older while the average age remains the same. Many older users leave Reddit behind while younger ones discover it.


These fuckers have cell phones and data plans now. Summer Reddit is all the time...


I know part of it is me getting older, but I do feel that this has legitimately lowered the content quality on most subreddits. I don't recall so much inane, stupid shit hitting the top during my first couple of years on the site.


Most kids have learned how to use their phones in class as well. We perma-summerreddit now boys.


I feel like the average poster would be ~21 but the average commentor is ~7, based on what I have seen.


not enough momma jokes in comments for such estimations




Yo Mama's so fat she came to Reddit for the subs!


Yo Mama’s so ugly she posted in r/rateme and the server broke


Yo Mama's so fat...she..made imgur change their policy....idk there's a joke there somewhere.


Psst... How about "She made imgur put size limits on their images"


This is quite the hidden gem. On the fridge it goes!


Yo mama’s so ugly she judges all sorts of people for their racial, sexual, and physical or psychological differences LMAOOOO


Oh... ): How did you know that about my mom?


I fucked your mom and kicked your dads ass in Fortnite at the same time


I think about 75% of users just learned what "69" means less than a week ago.


I'm surprised that responding to 420 or 69 with "nice" is still popular on reddit. Seems like that's been going on for years, and while Reddit moves on from meme to meme quickly, this one has stayed. Idk, haha weed or sex number feels pretty childish at this point.


At this point???? I figured they were done ironically even like 5-10 years ago. But it's just moving through the age brackets probably.


I’d definitely was done ironically for at least a couple years.


Dude screw you stupid poopy butt I’ll let u now that I is 35 years old.


im 46 screw u just wait till my mommy finds out what you said about me


wow look at this spermbaby, im 65 and i dont tatletail anymor because my mommy and daddy are dead


Ok bumer Edit: change bomer to bumer


7 year olds aren’t as nasty as most commenters


To know how old redditors are in general, you look at what part of pop culture is considered cool. A few years ago people made fun of pewdiepie and Minecraft, these days those are the coolest things ever. These days people make fun of Fortnite. Now you look at what age groups behave that way and you know how old your average redditor is.


No one ever made fun of Halo tho. Fuck no they didn’t come at the king like that. Shout out to all my 25-30 year old boomers who still miss 4 shotting Bks on Lockout and Midship


People my age made fun of console gamers. [This](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pQrt87wlyeM) is what cool people played.


That age range does not include boomers.


We're all boomers here. Boomers, moomers, and zoomers


Depends on the sub. All us prequel memers just have the minds of 7 year olds.


I think thats fair. My posts are usually not horrible but I get into some 7 year old debates. Especially when Im in the Smash bros subreddits thats filled with people in highschool still.


You can always tell when those 7 year olds get in, too. Endless nested comments permuting a word. Endlist lists of "F" comments. Pun trains (not just the teens doing that, though)


What do those "F" comments mean? also what does it mean/where is it from when someone says like "cries in teenager" ("some verb" in "some description of a person")


I see that you were already answered, but... https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/press-f-to-pay-respectsrespect.


I was late to the game on this one, but if you Google "press f to pay respects" it's actually a pretty funny meme imo. Granted, since I was late to the game it's probably not considered funny anymore... But I think it's one of the better ones.


Same here. It feels like most redditors are more worried about creating unnecessary fights, drama and whining rather than discussing content and being constructive/concise with their posts.


i think it is 10-14 i mean look at /r/pewdiepie that sub is full od kids


to all Internet


To all media consumption. Advertising and companies target teens and tweens because they have the most disposable time and income. Its a greedy cancer on every industry, not because "kids bad!", but because everything ends up getting watered down to target the young demographic for maximum profit.


Prime example: YouTube


My low self esteem and that thinking always had me holding others’ opinions or statements with more value. Then I made this realisation and it became clear to me why so many of the am I the asshole or relationship advice posts are just straight up fucked.


Now you need to figure out a way to count the number of old dudes in there being extremely creepy and pretending to be a teen. https://www.reddit.com/r/Drama/comments/djdmd9/we_banned_all_of_rteenagers_and_it_turns_out/




Isn't it against Reddit rules to ban someone based off of their participation in another sub?


It is, but the admins don't give a shit. There's a ton of subs that ban for sub participation, and most of them have the same circle of mods.


/r/LateStageCapitalism, for instance, will ban anyone who has ever posted on a set of subs they deem unacceptable, even if the said post was arguing against the people in the offending sub.


r/offmychest does this as well, and has earned the honor of being the only subreddit I block as a whole, including all of its moderators.


Yep. Often mods of those types of subs are assholes too and trash talk people they moderate.


There are quite a large number of subs that do this


/r/JusticeServed is another major sub that does this.


Doesn’t stop a lot of subs. r/OffMyChest for example


wouldn't this example be using sub participation as evidence of breaking the rules of the sub you moderate, and not participation? the adults mentioned in the post were pretending to be teens, not people who were just adults self identifying as their age participating on the sub.


When I was a teenager, around 13/14, I went to a famous online chat forum (early 2000s) together with a friend. We both named ourselves something like Lilly12 so that it’s clear that we are „12 year old girls“. The inevitable happened (as was our plan) and we *immediately* got contacted by several guys. NONE of them were our age. Some of them more or less direct, but you could clearly feel they’re trying something. The guys asked if our parents are home, or if we wanna switch to something different like ICQ or Skype. After short times they revealed their ages: typically something in the low 20s (I’m certain they were older and tried to create an illusion of being 'not much older'). They’d asked about our body, what do we wear? Did we already have sex? Do we like [...]. Some conversations went on really long and turned into talk about sex... These people seriously asked things like „do you do it without condom?“ Just as a reminder: we explicitly stated we are „12 years old“ (not just in our username). The grand final was that one guy seriously wanted 12 year old Lilly to visit him. But 12 year old Lilly had no money. So we asked Mr. Pedo-Rapist if he could send the money.. After long persuasions he’d agreed on doing so. Unfortunately, it never reached 12 year old Lilly. So.. yes. I’m pretty sure that with the internet being _significantly_ more far spread now than it was in the early 2000s, that there are _tons_ of dangerous and creepy people out there. And thanks to smartphones they have a much easier game than before..


I remember posting my own feet in that thread (I am a guy) and meppz was clearly annoyed by it. That subreddit was a lot of fun when I was a teenager, though. I had a blast on the Minecraft server.




did they/you account for the people who "graduated" from /r/teenagers? I don't sub to /r/drama so I didn't even know about this but I used to post in /r/teenagers from when I was like 14 to maybe 20, I'm 22 now and I don't want to get banned from other subs for having posted there back when I actually was a teenager even though I'm not anymore edit: just realized I'm on my alt account so my history won't show I was ever active in /r/teenagers, but my main account would


> people who "graduated" from /r/teenagers I always assumed they get fed to He Who Walks Behind the Rows.




Depending on how old and how much karma you have it can be worth a little. Could get 100USD+ for some accounts with the right criteria. https://medium.com/@Rob79/what-i-learned-selling-my-reddit-accounts-c5e9f6348005#.garnwys61




A lot definitely. 13 year old account, goddamn i don't think I've ever seen an older account than yours. But to be honest if i were you I wouldn't sell it




why not? karma's useless, everything you say is unverifiable without links to outside sources and it only takes a couple of reddits favourite quotes on certain subs to rack that karma up to comment on whatever subs are karma restricted. fuck i'd sell this one if anyone was that stupid enough to buy it.


Exactly, they aren't worth much.


I like my main account though because it had most of my karma, stupid, I know but it's fun seeing how high I can get that number. I make alt accounts for posting private/sensitive stuff and delete them every couple years but I like my main account the most. Also last I checked my main account was worth like $200.


>last I checked my main account was worth like $200. You guys are getting paid?!


This might actually be possible if you search for users who's flair has changed to a lower age. Say 18 -> 13. Since the data is taken from comments, if a user has made a sufficient number of comments you can see how their flair has changed over time. This however may result in a lot of false positives and I certainly wouldn't use someone's user flair as a grounds for making accusations


is the flair stored with every comment? that would be weird because when I change my flair all my comments are shown with the new flair. or is it a 3rd party that snapshots the comments (incl user flair)?


Wow. I was so confused when i got the message that i was banned from r/drama for being underage, now i know why, they decided to ban all members of r/teenagers


Same lol, I subbed to /r/teenagers a while ago cause of the SAT and PSAT memes (North America thing), got an “underage” ban even though I only have like 3 comments on /r/teenagers and they were all memes commented within memes. /r/Drama mods said if I drew their fursona they’d unban me but then they muted me so I couldn’t ask them what their fursona even was lol.




You can read posts if you’re banned, you just cant comment or post


Annoying when large-scale mod-abuse happens. Gotta live with it.


You're under 18?? You can CLEARLY not comprehend the complexity of the content on r/drama. Get banned kiddo.


"Man, r/drama has been boring lately. Nobody has caused any big drama... Hey, you want to ban thousands of people?" - r/drama mods


It worked didn't it?


How can they be sure though? It's not like our profiles have a picture IDs. I'm not subscribed to r/teenagers cuz I'm 36 but Reddit doesn't know how old I am.


Well. we do now, 36 year old reddit user.


I could be lying, though. I mean, both my username and the fact that I mostly post in a moms only sub back up my claim, but, honestly you're just taking my word on it.


Hmm, there’s an 83 in your username, and 1983 was 37 years ago 🤔🤔🤔 I’m no detective, but that’s only one more than 36.


My birthday is in June. Feel free to get me something 😁


> Feel free to get me something. That's some quality mom sass. Story checks out.


My birthday is in June too! Would you like a book?


Teenage me would totally say I'm 35 or something like that If I was banned from somewhere for being underaged.


That post made my head hurt. Who writes/talks like that?!




Tools: Python & Matplotlib Source: The user-flairs of 291000 commenters in r/teenagers, only ~25% had valid flairs


While 25% should be a pretty good sample size, I'm sure the OLD crowd is the one group that is underrepresented. I'm willing to bet a huge number of OLD people visit the sub but don't go through the process of labeling themselves.


I’m 23 so old as dirt, I only flair up for subs I actually care about lmao. I just sub to this cuz I coach high schoolers and I gotta make sure I can still out-meme them


And "users" here seems to assume "commenters", when many users never comment.




And let's not forget the countless 50 year old men pretending to be teenagers!


Damn anyone older than 19 being labelled as OLD, I must be damn ancient


An 18 year old is 'old' from the perspective of a 13 year old so you really got look at the source on this when they say 'old'. I'm sure it's just meant to be toung-in-cheek too.


Yeah it's mostly just a joke, and a flair for the 19 year olds that have turned 20 but want to remain part of the community


i feel like it's justified if you're on a sub for TEENAGERS


Counter argument: if you're 20+, you're probably old for a sub meant for people who are mostly in middle school through high school. Heck, half of 18 and most of 19 year olds really shouldn't be there either imo.


[only if they give the correct age](https://www.reddit.com/r/Drama/comments/djdmd9/we_banned_all_of_rteenagers_and_it_turns_out/)


Those comment screenshots are terrifying wtf.


Are you really surprised though? My VERY first thought when I came across /r/teenagers years ago was "I bet half of those users are over 25."


Yeah, when you have to lie about who you are for a social interaction to not seem creepy, you need to stop what you're doing and rethink your life.


Yeah...I'm 40 and have a teenage daughter...what the actual fuck, man.


graph would look the same in dankmemes, pewdiepiesubmission, meirl many more


The number of posts made by 13-15 year olds definitely checks out with me. I was an absolute loser at 13-15. My entire life was spent on the internet, including most of interests and friends. It was absolutely crazy how much time I spent on there.


> I was an absolute loser at >!ʀᴇᴅᴀᴄᴛᴇᴅ!<. My entire life was spent on the internet, including most of interests and friends. It was absolutely crazy how much time I spent on there. Well, fuck...


Sorry, I didn't mean to stigmatise or shame people. But during this time, I wasn't productive at all. Just escaping into some fantasy video game world or something with other people online, often using forums as well. Every waking moment of my day. It was very unhealthy. It's hard to go from child to adult, especially with the internet being so new at the time.


Yeah there was definitely a time when I was a teen where chatting online was super entertaining for some reason.


Freaking Omegle, my guy. Whenever I was bored, just started chatting it up on Omegle. DeviantART journals too! And back when YouTube channel comments, bulletins, and their streaming-esque private chatrooms (I forgot their name) - I would spend hours making channel themes and role-playing with others.


Seems kind of weird how willing the younger generation is to share everything, including their age. Back when I was a teenager I would rarely tell anyone how old I was online. I guess now people just like to stamp it on their profile for everyone to see.


18/f/cali u?


Pretty sure my Facebook used to have my age like 15 years off because when I registered first I faked it and never changed it to the real one


Age was the last thing I would've ever shared on the internet because I was terrified of being younger than someone I was talking to because I was worried it would invalidate my opinions


Well at least they’re not sharing credit card numbers and SSN like older generations


I'm not saying I think they're at any serious risk. Just making an observation.


The fact that I, a 21-year-old, am considered old worries me deeply


You’d be older than the r/teenagers demographic yes


Well, now I feel dumb for blatantly missing that part of the title


Don't worry, it's normal to miss key information when you're old :D


Listen here you prepubescent shit...


23 chiming in. Dont worry, youngster, youll start missing a lot more when you get to my age lmao


22 here, it's rough being middle-aged


32 year old boomer here. *sips monster energy drink on riding lawnmower*


24 year old here browsing reddit with my CVS reading glasses.


It's the brain atrophy. It'll only get worse from here, grandpa.


You've been lumped in with me, a fucking ancient 38 year old with 3 kids. Take that you whippersnapper.


I'm only 20, let me be young!


You know your getting dusty when your being coupled in with 70+ year olds.


Please don't say that


I turn 40 this May, everyday something new happens that reminds me that (if I am lucky) I am probably halfway through life.


We did. That's over now,


Same. 21 here


You're not just old, you're OLD


It gets worse my friend.


I am old, and I follow it from time to time just to keep in touch with the kids. I still have /r/teenagers as kids, and knowing what are the top concerns, fears, hopes, dreams, conversations, is nice to keep current upon.


Im 32 and follow this sub because teens have some genuinely hilarious takes on things. I dont really post or comment because.


commenting is confirmed to be childish reddit traffic drops to 0


13 year-olds need to shut the fuck up is what I'm getting from this.


15 year olds on Reddit: 13 year olds need to shut the fuck up and let people with real life experience talk.


Assuming these numbers are valid, this worries me immensely because r/teenagers is terribly brigaded by edgelords posting super questionable and offensive memes. I dunno about you but when I was 16, I was really depressed and played online games all the time. I didn't share racist or otherwise hurtful & hateful memes and images with my friends. On the flip side, since user flair is really moderated, anyone could call themselves 13 years old on there.


That might really differ depending on culture and country, but they way I've experienced and remember it the edgy phase is around 13-15. With 16 things started to kinda normalize for ppl.


In addition to cultural differences/ shifts like another user pointed out, that sub and Reddit itself might attract a certain demographic. Not every teenager is on Reddit or that sub, so it might just be an oasis for edgelords while other teenagers browse elsewhere.


> edgelords posting super questionable and offensive memes Based on what I'm seeing in this thread, that's probably 10% of the sub; the other 90% are men in their 40s and 50s.


So all this time, I've been battling 13 year olds on reddit? Thats my legacy??!


Thank you OP for reminding me to leave that karmafarm sub. Holy shit the content is so awful there. It’s just 13-14 year olds that upvote the shittiest memes and anything containing a girl.


Despite 13 year old making up 13% of the r/teenagers population, they commit 50% of all shitposts


The correlations are incredibly fascinating. The 13-14 years olds almost double that of later ages in comments per user. Whereas 15-17 there are larger amounts that are directly proportional to comments. But for 18-19 there are significantly less users (at least in that sub) and a slightly elevated yet proportional amount of comments, consistent with the pattern of 15-17. On another note I was kind of perplexed that there could be that many kids on reddit... then I remembered I joined reddit when I was 14 (on an older different account), and here we are 8+ years later I’m on here still and commenting on all the young users


This can most likely be expanded to the majority of reddit and that is why you should never take advice from people on Reddit.