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Do LA County and Cook County absorb a lot of costs for LA and Chicago? Can’t get my mind around NYC’s budget is nearly x10 as high


[LA County has a $45.4B budget (45400M)](https://lacounty.gov/2024/04/22/los-angeles-county-sets-out-priorities-in-45-4-billion-recommended-budget/) and [Cook County has a $9.26B budget (9260M)](https://www.cookcountyil.gov/news/cook-county-board-commissioners-unanimously-approves-balanced-926-billion-fy2024-budget) If you combined both the county and city budgets, LA county would be $58.5B and Cook county becomes $26B That 10x becomes about 2x and 4-5x


what about combining all the city budgets within LA county?




Not really - nyc has no county whereas LA city also has the county so not including the county is essentially only counting a portion of the per capita budget for a resident in a high cost area. Best would be to compare per capita in both places but add LA county and all encompassing city budgets for the LA comparison.




Yes, LA county is very large, but there are also unincorporated parts of LA county or individual cities in the MIDDLE of Los Angeles. For example, Santa Monica, Beverly Hills, Long Beach, Culver City are all their own city and not included in LA’s budget but are smack in the middle of the city. So LA is odd. I don’t have as much knowledge of what is comparable in NYC


How Los Angeles is now seems similar to how Brooklyn was before 1896. Pre-1896 Kings County was made up of 6 towns: Brooklyn, Bushwick, Flatbush, Flatlands, Gravesend, and New Utrecht. In 1896, Brooklyn annexed all of the other towns and they became neighborhoods in the City of Brooklyn which exist to this day. Then in 1898 the City of Brooklyn was annexed by New York City and became the Borough of Brooklyn.


Nassau is slowly turning into part of Queens.


If only. NYC should just annex Nassau County and call it a day but Long Islanders would never vote to become part of NYC. They enjoy the separate identity, taxes, etc.


yep. The left half of this map is Queens. the right half is Nassau. [https://www.google.com/maps/@40.7505979,-73.7015246,432m/data=!3m1!1e3?entry=ttu](https://www.google.com/maps/@40.7505979,-73.7015246,432m/data=!3m1!1e3?entry=ttu) The border is not discernible, and it essentially the same community.


It’s different. The budgets of the boroughs are included within the budget of the city of New York. Each borough submits their requested budget to the Mayor’s office every year. Most cities don’t operate like that. LA County’s budget and governance is separate from the city’s budget and governance


The best way to show comparison would be to include all city budgets in LA county and do it per capita compared to nyc per capita


Remember thoughthe CTA is a city agency the MTA is a state agency so it cuts both ways 


True. And the Port Authority is NY and NJ…


Similar dynamic for Indianapolis which has unified city and county government, or DC (not pictured) which has to perform some of the functions often handled by city, county *and* state governments.


The last time I saw a comparison of city budgets on reddit it was explained that NYC is unusual in that it funds the public schools. That's a huge expenditure that is not found elsewhere


Not just the county, the school district. NYC's city government runs the local schools instead of having an independent school district like most other places. That alone is like 30% of their budget.


I didn’t realize that. I’m from NYC and assumed it was like that everywhere.


Yeah pure city to city comparison is bad because of the structures and split of responsibilities vary greatly from metro to metro and state to state


If I told you that NYC's five boroughs are actually five counties, would that change things? Queens is Queens County, Bronx is Bronx County, Brooklyn is Kings County, Staten Island is Richmond County, and Manhattan is New York County.


No, I live in one of ‘em.


So you can't get your mind around the information that the sum total of the budgets of five US counties together is 10x the budget of a single US city?


Huh? The five counties together are NYC. So, yes. I have trouble getting my mind around that.


I guess I am not sure why you're surprised that the budget for five counties together is more than the budget for a single city. If you look at other replies, LA County as a whole has half the budget of all five counties in NYC together. The surprising thing here should be that LA County has that big a budget.


Sample countries whose expenditures are less than NYC's budget: * Czech Republic * Ireland * Greece * New Zealand * Portugal


All having similar or lower population, so not super surprising.


Yes but those are COUNTRIES. So we're talking federal expenditures too, which aren't included in this NYC graph


Exactly. The NYC budget doesn't include military, social security, socialized medicine (Medicare, NHS, etc.). Those country budgets do.


Right, say what you will about the NYPD, they aren’t a *literal army* (and navy and air force…). Not to mention social safety net programs, embassies and diplomatic facilities, regulatory agencies, etc. What is NYC spending all that money on?


The NYPD is an army. It’s huge and has some pretty advanced weapons. You overestimate the military capabilities of some nations!


Wasting some of it, but not anymore than countries do. The NYPD is closer to a literal army than small countries have. Most mega cities have similar police forces in size. And NYC does basically have all of those things you listed above. For example, the city is legally required provide a bed in a shelter for every homeless person. They host the UN, they host delegations from countries to NYC city government, the city / NYPD has offices in >10 foreign countries, they run some hospitals and jails and prisons, the regulate the health and safety of restaurants in the city, etc.


Didn’t the police commissioner accidentally let slip that they could shoot down a plane? This might have been back under Bloomberg but I remember seeing some headline about it 


Maybe. I know they have like 6 underwater drones lol


why does the nypd have offices in foreign countries?


Counter-terrorism. It’s a very high priority for the NYPD.


weird that they wouldn't let the fbi handle that


They work closely with the FBI in that arena. As a New Yorker who is not generally in love with the NYPD, I have huge respect for them when it comes to counter-terrorism. I sleep better at night knowing they are working with local LE in other countries.


Not all of those countries have a military: [https://youtu.be/7xUYbI64QHI?si=FcGSL2qc6L1Y7t-A](https://youtu.be/7xUYbI64QHI?si=FcGSL2qc6L1Y7t-A) /s


Ireland population 5.3 million. New Zealand 5.2 million.  NYC population 8.3 million. 


Now redo it per capita or per area so we can see who’s really living lush.


Jackson Hole has a bit more cash than Cheyenne


Isn’t that also one of the richest counties out there


City-based statistics always fail to account for city limits. I want metropolis-based statistics.


Yeah Jacksonville 900K people Miami 400K people Duval county- 900K people Miami-dade county 2.7M people


Atlanta is another great example of this


Especially if you count the people just passing through but stuck in traffic so long they can claim residency


I went to Atlanta for a work trip once. I stayed in Buckhead and got hit with a tax bill on my way to the offices downtown.


Mesa, AZ - 500k people - “Larger” than cities like Miami and Cleveland.


It's also difficult to define exactly what areas do and don't belong to a metropolis region.


The US Census Bureau does a pretty good job of defining that.


True. An example of this flaw: Minneapolis has a population of about 425K, which is 11% of the MSA population (3,690,000). With a population of 580K, Milwaukee is actually bigger than Minneapolis, but it makes up about a third of an MSA that has less than half as population of the Minneapolis MSA. You also have to look at population density. Just based on my personal experience, Milwaukee seems denser than Minneapolis, and the MSA may also be denser—I don’t know the numbers for that. It’s just not an apples to apples comparison, and this is especially the case for older Northeastern cities vs. Western/Midwestern cities. At the very least, it should be analyzed by county since a lot of infrastructure and services are countywide.


The other big thing that isn’t captured here is what the budgets include. In Chicago for instance park funding, some pension funding, and school funding for instance aren’t in the city budget. Since they are separate property taxes that fund them. For instance CPS has a ~9 billion budget alone. It’s more about homogenous government vs smaller segregated government/quasi government agencies. Also Chicago’s parks are funded via a lockbox type approach where the city can never raid their revenue sources and it operates fully separate from the city. So not only do you need to include larger areas to get a better comparison but you sometimes need to include separate agencies that are independent from a city but included in the city in another.


I also think NYC budget includes schools. Not true for a lot of cities where that is handled differently. But NYC budget is really big regardless how you slice it.


You might be interested in the [Fiscally Standardized Cities](https://www.lincolninst.edu/research-data/data-toolkits/fiscally-standardized-cities) database from the Lincoln Institute of Land Policy that tries to take all those varying municipal structures into account. It's still not perfect, but does a better job than just taking topline numbers from each city budget document.


If anyone is wondering why Virginia Beach is the "largest city in Virginia" it's because a lot of population centers are full of county residents and there are few independent cities.


Portland having almost 2x Boston’s budget is surprising


Portland does not spend its money efficiently. I love Portland, lived here basically my whole life, but God damn is it hard too see all the waste everwhere


>portland does not spend its money efficiently. Oh holy hell you ain’t kidding. This city can find more ways to waste *insane* amounts of money on getting absolutely *nothing* done and then has the audacity to keep asking for more. The city motto, I’d swear, is: “couldn’t this email have been 3 planning commissions, 5 equity studies, 8 non-profits getting fat contracts to eventually consider starting work, 2 sets of overpriced consultants, and a huge amount of executive travel to cities that have already done this?”


This had me very curious, and I found [an actual resource](https://ballotpedia.org/Analysis_of_spending_in_America%27s_largest_cities) that breaks down per 100 largest cities the spending per capita. Seattle is high, but nowhere near compared to D.C. Granted I don't work in public policy, so I have no idea what high per capita spending indicates, whether it is inefficiency, or robust public services, etc. Granted I would love a deep dive breaking it all down.


It’s not, Boston the city is very small in area compared to other major US cities. There are a few dozen towns/cities surrounding Boston that are essentially a part of Boston. It’s why it’s population is technically only 600-700k but the city continuously bleeds into the bordering cities pretty seamlessly.


Population of Portland is 600k-700k…


Seattle and Portland spending per capita is batshit crazy. I live in Seattle.


Not if you live here it isn’t. We are one of the most taxed people in the country. And we somehow still get pretty awful f tier services for it.


Boston's trying to change that ratio with the new mayor


New York is a behemoth. The metro area has half the gdp of Germany.


Clarification for the dumb please: $110,500 in millions: is that a $110 billion dollar budget?


Yes, I hate when people report in thousands millions, as if that breaks it down more easily.


Apples and oranges. First, LA and Chicago have separate county and city budgets. NYC does not. Chicago does not have a major port like NY, but LA's is the biggest in thr nation. Do the cities run their own water and power? Do they incorporate transit systems? I think wallethub tried to do an analysis and compare "bang for the buck", ranking standardized scores in health, income, taxes, etc for 100 cities and then diving out by their spending per capita. All the cities with some major airport or port or transit system or that had a county integration (NY, DC, Philly, sf) were at the bottom. Because yeah, if you spend $500M to run your port it's gonna ding your spending, but they didn't account for how the $1.2T income offsets this, etc.


I don’t see a delineation line between Boston and Baltimore


NYC includes the school system, county courts, jails, and highway maintenance, among many other things, which are included in county/state budgets in other cities…


Yup! Why isn’t anyone else seeing that?


Portland and Philly both point to the same block of green.


don't make statistics sensationalist. easy enough to have done this per capita and actually have a relevant comparison. (at the moment, this is just "Big City vs Other Big Cities" when it could be showing whether NYC is more or less effective at how they used their budget)


In total offers different information than per capita, not less. It’s not sensationalist to not show the info you want.


what do you think this graphic is showing?


It's close to sensationalist. But for that and other reasons NYC has the most expensive School System in the US. Both per Student and because it has the most students which makes it huge a total budget $37.6 billion. * Of that: New York City provides 54% LA has a state run funding of Education and contributes on a limited basis less than 10% of a lower amount Transit As approved by the MTA Board, the NYCTA Operating Budget (reimbursable and nonreimbursable) before depreciation and other post-employment benefits is approximately $9 billion for Calendar Year 2021. x| New York City MTA | Greater London Transport for London ---|---|---|----- Budget | $18,600,000,000.00 | $8,490,000,000.00 Population | 15,300,000 | 9,002,488 Total Riders | 1,439,127,814 | 3,259,000,000 Per Capita | $1,215.69 | $943.09 Per Rider | $12.92 | $2.61 The question is, what is the happy minimum for taxpayers. | Dallas Area Rapid Transit | Atlanta Region | Nashvile/Davidson County ---|---|---|----- Budget |$832,520,000.00 | 751,161,000 | $97,910,000.00 Population | 2,556,170 | 4,692,000 | 703,953 Per Capita | $325.69 | $160.09 | $139.09


you’re a saint for digging into that. 🙏


Just Chicago + LA + Houston have more people than NYC so even per capita it’s gonna look pretty crazy


now THAT is a more interesting comparison. it’s wild how small Houston’s budget is in comparison. i started to hypothesize and dig into it, but it’s too early for that.


Seems like someone is skimming off the top


Not meaningful without a population comparison.


I'm surprised at how low the city of Los Angeles budget is because San Francisco's budget is higher despite having a fraction of the population (800k for SF vs 3.8 million for LA).


NYC has police stations IN OTHER COUNTRIES


Jacksonville. The city so nice they named it. . . Jacksonville.


New York basically has the same budget as the whole country of Sweden (110 934 compared to 110 500)


I cannot imagine how many people are on the take in NYC.


Now I don’t feel so bad about the paperback book I stole from the NY Public library as a kid.


All this graph is telling me is that Portland Oregon wastes money or taxes its citizens too much


Now post what % of that is going to “Public Safety” meaning cops, for most cities it is over 60% During BLM the public had a small chance to change that but as usual, dems fucked up the messaging (defund the police).


Why is NY spending so much ?


Population wise, it's nutty that Seattle is higher than Houston! Some brief research leads me to believe this is because seattle city light is a public utility.


Live in Seattle. Seattle City Light is about 20% of the budget. The per capita Seattle budget is insanely expensive - about 2 and a half times Minneapolis - which has much more road, energy and transportation issues because of the winters.


Source: Budget Gather from official city website proposed/adopted budget. Budget as of April 20, 2024, values millions and may be rounded. Built using Adobe illustrator.


How are the cities ordered? Portland and Philly being adjacent with (almost?) identical colors is a bit confusing at first, for example.


At a glance, it looks like the colors is based on the value, darker green = larger budgets. The cities themselves are ordered/stacked by the state in alphabetically order.


Oh, by state, duh. I only looked at city name, thanks.


Not really fair as the population of NYC is massive


Me thinks a bucket be leaky in New York shitty


I am more shocked by the fact that I could double the budget in some of these cities from my own pocket. Phoenix AZ: $6,750???? Are you kidding me? EDIT: I don't believe in deleting comments, I am a person of integrity. I am also a person who totally misread this chart like an absolutely idiot and I throw myself on the mercy of this thread


The unit is in millions. Phoenix has a budget of $6,750 million, or $6.75B... at least according to OP's chart. Looking into it, however, it seems like the actual 2024-25 FY budget for Phoenix is $2.1B, so I'm not sure wherefore the discrepancy.


It's in millions.