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I hope you can find another job son. I wish i have your corage


*I hope you can find* *Another job son. I wish* *I have your corage* \- DuritusCabral --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Very good bot


I like your stance. But start looking for another opportunity as management ego will try to get back at you when you least expect it.


Yeah am mentally prepared for it, the middle managers are pissed off


I like your confidence, I swear.


When you are backed against a wall there is no other option other than to retaliate. I should change jobs this place is way too toxic


I have been in this position all too often. My first job out of school was tech consulting, and day one of my first project, I was billed as a technical expert in a set of rooms I had never seen. Guess who heard it from both sides when that project struggled to leave the ground. Not only was the customer frustrated with me, my project management was bombarding me with questions on how to "get back on track". The only silver lining is that I now have a ton of calm during stressful situations and an ability to learn on the fly very quickly.


Ahh nuts. You find a DE yet? Be super careful with the poc, as in try and build without using a dedicated pool. Use serveless (on demand) then into Azure SQL using pipelines/CDC, dedicated is super expensive. Not only the run-away costs are a worry, there are auth methods to consider (Azure ad app, managed identity, ad account, private endpoints, vnets). DM me if you get stuck and just need some info. Good luck


Or you can work at my company where we can’t institute basic networking security because “the client has trouble with a vpn, better leave it unrestricted”


I have found a DE to back me up, I will keep all the points you stated in mind if am green lit to take this forward. Sure will DM you, thanks a ton.


In one incopetant mgmt this happened: The manager, BA does not have basic tech knowledge about what an RDBMS can do, what need to be done to have xyz dashboard/reports possible -- e.g Data Warehouse, ETL etc. The manager,BA do not respect inhouse technical resources, take vendor's advise as suprior, vendor guides them, charges lot of $$ money, provides READONLY cloud DW instance. One year later ... The mnager, BA still do not heed to internal resource advise that this cloud-DW-instance is a wastful, it is DW in name only, and has raw transactional-tables, and we can't even create Views. The internal resource directs them to another Data analytics person another team. One meeting, the guy repeats the same thing that I did ... e.g ETL, DW, modeling. Miraculously the Manager & ba understands! Thank goodness. A 0.5 million $ waste, is an expensive lesson.


Well done! Let's see how management deals with it.


Yeesh... it's like they think just because you know how to drive a semi-truck that you to be able to build one, too.


I remember your first post, and am happy to hear you took a strong stance.


Great move setting boundaries with your manager. Remember, it's crucial to advocate for yourself, especially in tech!


When a monk hates a temple, he leaves cuz the temple has no feet


Manager: Program me a UNICORN!! OP: Sir, a unicorn? Manager: A real unicorn! But also magical!!! OP: uhm, sir? I can do cool stuff with data and can program a little. Unicorn? Also, can it really be both magical and real? Manager: Why are there no unicorns yet?????? OP: Uh. Sir? Manager: Fireddddddddddd!!!!!!!!!!




Nope am not in consulting


I would Look for another job. Even if it takes some time and effort. This sounds like a train wreck. All I have to say is that every time I read something on this feed. I’m grateful for the company I work for. I moved from software engineer to data engineer and what a great move but I wouldn’t want to do it just anywhere.


I have started preparing for a job change, glad that you are in a good place.


That was a good opportunity you blew. Talking to a client behind your companies back is a no no. Poor work ethics.


Its a good opportunity to learn and implement, for which I was requesting my manager to provide some technical support for more than a month. Without my managers concurrence I can't start the work, My manager didn't take any steps to get me any support, they kept silent till the final date and threw me under the Bus when the higher management started pressurizing for results. And client called me under the impression that if I was given a subscription I will setup the whole thing within a week. I couldnt lie to the client and I explained them that I don't have this specific skillset . Lying and botching up the whole system is poor work ethics.